Untold Tales

By Strife667

1.4K 37 49

The Tales of the heroic Mysticons were nothing short of legendary. Yet, not all tales were told, some even un... More

A Close Call
Find The Will
Strife and Resolve
What I Could Have Been
Kids These Days
Kindred Spirits
Tested Trust
Dire Circumstances
Zorlon's Struggle
Unhappy Reunion
Evil Metamorphosis
My Little Weapon
Unfinished Business
Too Far Gone?
The Return

Growing Pains

67 1 0
By Strife667

Midnight in Drake City. At this time, all of the Mysticons were getting some much needed sleep after a hard day of training. That is, except for Zarya, who was always a late night stroller. Back in the day, she would take late night strolls with Piper all the time. Things were slightly different since they became heroes of legend, with little opportunities to just be herself.

After a particularly relaxing stroll, Zarya simply walked into the stronghold without a care in the entire realm. Going to the fridge, she pulled out a carton of milk and went straight for the couch. She kicked her feet on the table, and played games on her phone, likely to get a high score.

Well, that moment of relaxation wouldn't last. As it just so happened, Zorlon just finished up his nightly reading and was about to call it a night. That was, until he saw Zarya kicking her filthy boots up on the table and drinking straight from the carton. This would not stand.

Clearing his throat, the mage firmly tapped his staff on the ground, trying to get her attention. No response, as if she was ignoring him. Irritated, he cleared his throat even louder and tapped his staff on the floor more loudly.

"Yeah, what?" Zarya finally responded nonchalantly.

"Feet, off the table... now." Zorlon sternly said.

"And what if I don't?" Zarya challenged, crossing her arms and raising an eye brow.

Zorlon couldn't help but roll his eyes. This wasn't the first time he had to deal with rebellious youth. Tazma was one such person, being quite a handful back in the day.

Zorlon then levitated Zarya's feet off the table, much to the young former street rat's annoyance. "Not cool, dude!" She said, raising her fist a little.

"You're not on the streets, Zarya; there are rules here."

"I don't live life by 'rules', I just do what I know I need to do." Zarya once again crosses her arms.

"I'm sure what you had to in the past was necessary for your survival." Zorlon said more calmly, trying to be more understanding. "However, things are different now. You can't just do as you please. For instance, you can't just kick your feet on the table, people eat off of that. The same principle applies with drinking straight from the carton which, need I remind you, is shared by everyone else. Not to mention being out this late can hinder your training for tomorrow."

"Yeah, yeah." As if trying to avoid the conversation, Zarya went back to her app game, wearing a "whatever" expression. His patience wearing thin, Zorlon levitated the phone out of her hands and into his own. "Hey!" She shouted.

"You'll get this back after I'm done talking with you." Zorlon said firmly.

"Dude, will ya get off me about this already?" Zarya demanded, standing up to face him "I don't know why you're even lecturing me in the first place; just because you're my solon, or whatever, that doesn't make you my dad!"

Right then and there, Zorlon froze. He was at a loss for words, his face full of shock. It was as if the whole realm itself stood still. "N-no" he said rather weakly. "I guess I'm not..." he then placed Zarya's phone on the side of the couch. "Good night, Zarya." He then proceeded out of the living room, with out another word.

Zarya raised an eyebrow. She had to admit that was weird. Not that it mattered that much, she was still glad he was off her case... for now at least. She was starting to get tired of all these rules. Why can't these people just see things from my view? She wondered.

That was when Zarya had a fun idea. She decided that the next night, she and piper would take Arkayna and Em to the one place she knew she could call home... The Undercity.


Zorlon was just in the middle of the hallway when he stopped. He couldn't help but think about what Zarya said to him. It was not so much her attitude or bluntness, that he was use to. It was just that one word she said, the word that he could have been at one point... dad.

All he could do was look at his locket, staring at the pic of his late wife and baby. The baby in particular was what he focused on. Yet another harsh reminder of what he lost and what he could have been.

After a few moments of staring, Zorlon shrugged it off. He knew he had to remain firm and strong, the kind of example he would set for all his students. He then proceeded to walk to his quarters. He then gave a big sigh, knowing that Zarya would be a headache to work the following day.

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