Find The Will

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All was not well at the Royal Palace. Despite four new legendary warriors coming to be, the odds were not in their favor. For starters, they were still new to their abilities, to say nothing of the oncoming horde of undead skeletons coming out of the woodwork. Granted, the girls were learning fairly quickly, they were still at a disadvantage. And so, there seemed to be only one logical solution...

Without a moment's hesitation, the mighty astromancer, Zorlon, jumped right of Dreadbane, who was advancing toward his opponents. "Halt Dreadbane!" He demanded.

Dreadbane chuckled, yet another warrior to be crushed beneath his foot. "You really think you have a chance, mere starmage?"

"This is your only warning, leave now while I still allow it." Zorlon said, his tone cold.

"My Queen would never back down... and neither will I!" With that, Dreadbane swung his sword at Zorlon, to which the starmage narrowly blocks.

Being more agile, Zorlon was able to dodge most of Dreadbanes attacks until he jumped away a reasonable distance, to which he fired strong blue aura at him. Zorlon was so sure that got him... he was wrong. Out of the smoke, Dreadbane walked out, seemingly unscathed.

"H-how can that be?" Zorlon asked with shock.

"There is so much about me you don't know mage." With a swipe of his sword, Dreadbane unleashed a shockwave that effortlessly knocked Zorlon back.

"Zorlon!" Malveron called out. The young mage tried to reach his master, only to be blocked off by more skeletons.

Groaning, Zorlon tried to get back on his feet. Before he could, Dreadbane picked him up by his coat, and positioned his sword to deliver the fatal blow.

"So long, Astromancer."

Just in the nick of time, the girls fired at Dreadbane, causing him to release Zorlon. Using a brief moment of teamwork, they made short work of the skeleton army and managed to overwhelm Dreadbane. Zorlon was impressed with how quickly the girls have learned.

Outnumbered and outmatched, Dreadbane retreated. It seemed like all was good... until Zarya and Piper made off with the Dragon Disk.


Storm clouds formed around the Royal Palace. This was a tragic day, for there stood the king and queen, completely formed into bone statues. Poor Arkayna, all she could do was look on helplessly at her petrified mother, with tears no less.

"I'm sorry, Mom. I failed you." Just like that, the distraught princess completely broke down, sinking to her knees, her tears flowing like waterfalls. Em, her tender hearted best friend, was quick to move in and comfort her.

"Don't blame yourself, Arkayna" Em said, her tone disheartened yet caring. "There was nothing you could have done."

"That's not true, Em!" Arkayna declared. "I could have trained more and have been more ready, otherwise this wouldn't have happened." Arkayna did her best to wipe her tears away. Her teeth then gritted at one thought. "I could have stopped those thieves." Quickly, forgotten was her anger, and sadness and remorse took over.

"Don't worry, Arkayna." Em said, her tone much more determined. "If it's the last thing we do, we will save your parents!"

"She's right." Said a mature male voice. As both Em and Arkayna turned around, there was Zorlon walking in, his ward Malveron following suit. "We can still save your parents. You can still your parents."

"But how?" Arkayna questioned as she stood up. "Those thieves took the disk, they could be anywhere by now."

"Where there's a will, there's always a way." Zorlon said. As the older mage got a little closer, Arkayna couldn't help but be a little intimidated, for he was much taller up close. What little fear she had was brushed away as he softly placed a hand on her shoulder. "The real question is, do you have the will to find the way?"

Arkayna wasn't sure how to answer at first. Am I really up to the task? She then took another look at her bone statue parents, followed by a quick look at her new found powers, as her hand started glowing green bright green. A new resolve then filled her eyes.

"I do have the will." Arkayna said firmly.

"That's all we need to know." Zorlon said with a smile. "Malveron, if you please."

"Got it, Z-man." Malveron replied. With that, a magical  sphere appeared in his hand, revealing the location of the thieves, much to Arkayna's surprise.

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