The Better Infatuation | ✓

By starry-venus

531K 17.8K 15.9K

Living in a manor with eight other sisters, -most whom seem to hate you- a father wanting to force you into m... More

[EDITED] Chapter ♔ 1: Odd Encounter
[EDITED] Chapter ♔ 2: Embarrassing Encounter (1)
[EDITED] Chapter ♔ 3: Embarrassing Encounter (2)
[EDITED] Chapter ♔ 4: Frightening Encounter (1)
[EDITED] Chapter ♔ 5: Frightening Encounter (2)
[EDITED] Chapter ♔ 6: Frightening Encounter (3)
[EDITED] Chapter ♔ 7: Hateful Encounter (1)
[EDITED] Chapter ♔ 8: Hateful Encounter (2)
[EDITED] Chapter ♔ 9: Now The Real Hell Begins...
[EDITED] Chapter ♔ 10: Vulnerable
[EDITED] Chapter ♔ 11: Forgiveness... and Surprising Strangers
[EDITED] Chapter ♔ 12: Mysterious Butler...
[EDITED] Chapter ♔ 13: Death Calls...
[EDITED] Chapter ♔ 14: Life Awaits...
[EDITED] Chapter ♔ 15: I See Sutcliff's Underpants (1)
[EDITED] Chapter ♔ 16: I See Sutcliff's Underpants (2)
[EDITED] Chapter ♔ 17: I See Sutcliff's Underpants (3)
[EDITED] Chapter ♔ 18: A Dirty Butler And Reunions
[EDITED] Chapter ♔ 20: Ciel's Closet Closeness
[EDITED] Chapter ♔ 21: Regrets
[EDITED] Chapter ♔ 22: Mr. Faustus
[EDITED] Chapter ♔ 23: Spaces
[EDITING] Ciel's Ending
[EDITED] Sebastian's Ending
[EDITED] Alois' Ending
[EDITED] Claude's Ending
The End

[EDITED] Chapter ♔ 19: Lottie's Fiance

11.7K 549 150
By starry-venus

"Je t'aime..." Olivier murmured to Lottie before he pecked her lips, then took a sip of his tea.

"Je t'aime à." She replied before sitting back comfortable in her chair.

You weren't sure whether your should cringe or feel happy for the couple. You had no idea what the hell they were saying. You may have known a little bit a french, but these two talked in full blown conversations.

"I'm done with supper..." You mumbled before attempting to excuse yourself. You just didn't want things to get odd, and you thought the couple should have a few hours to themselves.

Since it wasn't even near being late, you decided a nice stroll through France would be decent. Not to far from the estate though. You knew that going alone wouldn't be a good idea, from past experiences, but you didn't want to take Lottie away from her fiance either.

Was it bad that you forgot his name?

"Y/N, I can accompany you to your room!"

"N-no, it's fine! I can entertain myself, you know. I'm not a kid..." You laughed at the end, to attempt and relieve some of the tension.


"Lottie, enjoy the company of your fiance. I promise we can go sight-seeing tomorrow. I just need a breath of fresh air is all..."

No wanting to protest, and possibly ruined the bond you two just mended, Lottie hesitantly agreed. Her fiance gently placed his hand atop hers and held it.

Walking out of the dining room made a weight disappear. You weren't nervous, just determined. Determined not to screw things up for once, you wanted Lottie's husband to actually like you as a possible sister-in-law. You didn't want to be seen as a nuisance.

There were no sights of his brothers yet, which was good for you.

Finding the main doors were easier than you expected, you look around you and only saw one or two servants, and managed to slip out.

The air cooled your face and blew through your hair and gave a sense of familiarity.

Sitting on the steps casually, you looked at the sunset that was spilling over the tops of the buildings that were in front of you. Her fiance was a well off man financially, and that put your mind at ease a bit. At least she would be taken well care of.

Your mind wondered over to the two men who were aboard her ship early and you cringed. They were weird and didn't know about personal space. How did they not realize that he bunk was obviously taken? You didn't remember seeing them get on either, but to be fair, you felt sicker than usually and couldn't see anything clearly.

Life was crazy lately and everything made you feel sick.

"You!" You heard a voice shout.

You looked up and could feel your eye sight getting hazy again. Your breathing got rapid and you felt as if you were going to topple down at any moment.

A flash a red went through your eyes, when you saw a familiar face.

"You stay away from my kitten, Sebastian, you ug-"

Composing yourself, you tried your hardest to focus on the person in front of you. Grell was his name, right? You were straining your eyes so hard, you could feel a headache coming.

"Are you even listening?! I wil-" His words stopped with an abrupt ending when he was suddenly went falling to the ground, and a fresh shoe mark was on his cheek.

A black silhouette had just kicked him down.


"That's enough out of you, Grell. I swear... how did you know I would be here?"

"Sebby-chan! I've missed my late night rendezvous with you! How is that master of yours, Ciel, doing?"

With everything going back to normal you focused on the scene in front of you.

How do they even know each other?

"Answer, or I won't hesitate to kill you." Sebastian ordered. He had an evil spark in his eyes that made you feel uneasy.

"I did expect to see my lover here, either. I just have some business with that girl over there!" Grell remarked as he stood up and rubbed his cheek.

"What could you possible need with Y/N L/N?" Sebastian inquired before checking his watch, something you never noticed he did.

"Protecting you Sebby~"

"I don't have time for this, Grell."

"What the hell are you two doing here?!" You yelled, more confused that ever.

"Young Master and I have some business here in France. This is just by chance..."

"Then where is your Master? I-I mean Ciel..." You hadn't seen either of then in quite awhile, that you started to refer to them in formal ways.

"Why are you concerned of my Master's whereabouts? I can assure you he is safe, but you must take my word for it." Sebastian stated confidently.

"Don't ignore me!" Grell shouted as he sauntered into Sebastian's line of sight.

Sebastian's P.O.V.

It's going to happen in mere seconds. This whole conversation is pointless.

Y/N is looking at me as if she is confused, and I don't understand why she is so worried about Ciel.

"If it's okay with the Master if this house, may I go inside?" I ask Y/N politely as I side-stepped Grell. He's been extra annoying lately.

"W-why?-" She was cut off as an explosion went from the front door. Not hesitating for a moment, I went to catch Y/N as she nearly fell off from the grand front steps. She was already unconscious in my arms, and was mumbling in her terrible state. Even from afar I could sense that something was off about her.

And it was all because of this man. Her sister's supposed fiance.

"If you don't mind, I will have to take you to Ciel's suite, so you can rest comfortable there. I can't guarantee your sister's safe return but I will make sure you're safe." I asked her.

Not expecting a reply I was off to take her to the nearby hotel.

I wasn't happy that she was in the middle of this business, but it can't be helped.

I will do whatever is in my power to ensure that she is happy at all times.

But... even I don't know why I have this desire.

A/N That's new, a P.O.V. from Sebby's perspective.

@Animehell, why the hell was your name Jack? xD ha

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