Preciously unwanted.

By nelia3241

164 24 4

Sara has her life planned out already: Get all a's in her SAT'S, get her degree in law, graduate from Prince... More



21 3 1
By nelia3241

I gasped in shock as I felt my cheek burn. Dad had never raised his hand to me before. I felt tears fill my eyes.

''You are a disgrace to our family! You worked so hard all these years just so you could throw it all away!'' he screamed in my face. My tears rolled down my cheeks. He glared at me with deep, angry eyes and my heart started racing.

Mom held dad's hand and whispered ''Baby, calm down.''

''Mom, I'm...'' I was telling her, but she held her hand in front of me, I could see disappointment and sadness in her eyes, instead of anger.

''I think it's better if you leave this house'' mom's voice was shaky but she was trying to sound strict. I nodded my head, as a tear left my face and dropped onto the floor.

''Aunt, no. Think about what you're saying, she needs your support, not your negligence. Please...'' Jenny was saying, but mom stopped her.

''No, my daughter... how could my daughter be pregnant? How could she be carrying a child in her womb? How could she do this to us? To herself? Why would she...'' mom broke down in tears and grandma rushed to her and held her.

''Your life could have been so beautiful, but noooo, you decided to take another path and be pregnant, for Jason? I always knew that boy was no good'' dad cried.

''Uncle, try and understand. Teenage pregnancy could happen to anyone, I mean, why don't you just let her stay here, give birth and then you take care of the baby and...'' 

''Tell me that this is all some sick prank, and that you're not really pregnant'' dad said, glaring at me. I was weeping so much,  I could barely speak. I tried to reply, but all that came out was

''D-dad, I'm sorry'' dad's eyes pierced my soul and more tears flowed down my cheeks.

''Why would you do this, Sara, dear? You're too young to have a child. Way too young, you're throwing the future you planned for yourself in the bin. That isn't very responsible'' grandma told me, in a calm manner.

''I know and I'm sorry. I don't want this child, but I can't have an abortion. I could die'' I said, almost in a whisper. Grandma was about to say something, but dad stopped her and glared at me. I will never forget that look he gave me for as long as I live.

''You are already dead. In my eyes.'' he said, in a slow cold manner that sent a dangerous chill down my spine and made me freeze in my spot. I felt my heart drop and my breath become shallow. My head felt heavy and my lungs  felt airless.


''You have lost the right to call me dad, you have lost the right to be called your mother and I's daughter. And you have lost the right to stay in this house'' dad said, in a tone I'd never heard before. With every ''you have lost the right'' I could feel my stomach churn slowly and my heart sink lower into it. 

''Dad, please. Please forgive me. I accept my mistake and I'm ready to accept any punishment but... but not this.'' I cried.

''You are not the daughter we raised and loved.Our daughter would never do this'' mom said to me.

''No, mom I AM the daughter you raised and loved, I just made a mistake. I was drunk that night and...

''Shut up! I can't believe you, Sara. You know nothing about raising a baby, we want nothing at all to do with you'' dad screamed, and glared at me.

''I will give it up the moment I give birth to him or her. Then I will go to College, become a lawyer and everything will be alright'' I said, with tears in my eyes. Even though I had said it to assure them, I didn't feel assured. I didn't feel like what I was saying would come true.  Grandma left us and came back, holding an envelope in her hand. She passed it to me. I slowly opened the envelope and took out the paper, then read it.

Dear Sara,

We have read your application and have given it much thought. You seem like a promising student with impressive SAT scores.

We at Princeton only select smart, prestigious, organized, productive and brilliant people to be our students, and you truly are smart, prestigious, organized, productive and brilliant. We believe that you are indeed  good enough to join Princeton University.

We know we won't regret our decision to accept you as a student. Please have a look at our website for more info on our tuition fees, dorm fees, etc, and we hope to see you this coming academic year!

Best regards,


I smiled as I read the letter. I had actually gotten admission into Princeton. In the middle of my small victory dance, dad came up to me, snatched the acceptance letter, and legit tore it into two. And he didn't stop there. He  tore it into pieces and threw the pieces right in my face. I watched as they scattered onto pieces onto the floor.

''Dad, I can always go next year, after giving birth and...''

''Keep your mouth shut. Shut it! You won't go to Princeton, not this year, not next year, no. At least, not using MY money as fees. I won't pay your tuition or any other fees'' dad cried. I felt the tears sting my eyes, I had just began to stop crying and then dad had ruined it all. Mom and dad had always supported me. They were reasonable and rationable people, so why were they being the opposite right now.

''Dad, I HAVE to go to Princeton, my whole life's riding on this. Dad, please...'' I begged, and dropped down to his feet, I touched them, and watched as my tears began to slowly fall on his green slippers.

''Leave me! Honey, go and grab Sara's clothes, and pack them in a luggage, make it quick'' he said. Mom started going upstairs, grandma tried to stop her but mom  was too strong, and still managed to leave and go upstairs.

''Dad, no.'' I cried, begging and wailing for him to forgive me, but he just left me there. I sat on the floor, digging my face into my hands.

''My baby'' grandma whispered and wrapped her arms around me. Jenny placed her hand on my shoulder and sat beside me.

''Don't worry, I'll talk to uncle and aunt'' she said, squeezing my arm.

''That won't be necessary. Take your suitcase, Sara'' mom walked down the stairs and put the suitcase quietly in front of me. She had just stuffed all my clothes in them, not neatly, just threw them inside.

''Mom, I...

''You'll have to learn your lesson, my child.'' mom said, and left me there, weeping like a little baby.

''Don't worry, we'll go to Jason's house. He will help you, he will support you. '' Jenny helped me get up.

''Take care, my children. Call me if anything'' grandma said, and walked to her room. Jenny held my hand and led me to her car. She carried my suitcase and put it in her trunk. I sat down and watched in silence as she came to the driver's seat.

''Jason is here for you. Maybe, you can even move in with him'' Jenny said to me, starting her car engine.

''Maybe'' I muttered in silence, wishing that I hadn't told mom and dad. I was silent during the car ride to Jason's house. Jenny knew his house already, since I had taken her there to meet him some time ago.

I couldn't believe it. How could mom and dad do that to me? How could the two people who had promised to love and support me no matter what, were the same people neglecting me? Were they really serious about everything they said? So I wasn't important to them? It wasn't my fault I was pregnant, I didn't ask for that thing inside my belly to exist. They were acting as if people don't make mistakes. Why?

Jenny's car came to a halt right in front of Jason's house, jolting me back to my senses. She switched off the engine and turned to me.

''Do you want me to come with you? Or, will you go alone?'' she asked me.

''I'll go alone'' I said, and she nodded. I got out of the car, and made their way to their door. I rang the doorbell and patiently waited outside for it to open.

Mrs. McBride opened the door and smiled at me. She was holding a curling iron when she had opened the door.

''Oh, Sara, my dear, come in. Come in. We were just about to have dinner'' she said, and I smiled to myself. Since all of them would be there, I could mention it. I nodded and stepped inside. Their blue colored furniture matched the blue tiles. Jason's home was always neat.

I walked to the dining room, where James and his father were already seated.

''Sara!'' Jason got up and gave me a tight hug, and kissed me. ''Why haven't you been picking up my calls?'' he asked. 


''It's good you're here. Come, sit right beside me'' Mr. McBride gestured to the seat on his left.

I thanked him and walked to the seat. Jason's mom dished out the food.

''Maya!'' she cried. Maya was Jason's older sister who was on break from College.

She walked down the stairs and gave me a high five, and sat down opposite me. Mrs.McBride served potato salad with a side of chili.There was no denying how tasty the food was, but I was too nervous to focus on it.

''I'm glad you decided to come, Sara. You haven't come for a casual visit in a while'' Jason's mom said, taking a bite out of her potato salad. I took a deep breath.

''Um, actually, I didn't just come  for a casual visit. There's actually something really important I need to tell you all.'' I blurted out in one breath.

''Really? What is it? It must be extremely important if you want to tell my whole family'' Jason said to me, and I nodded. I wanted to tell Jason's whole family, so in case Jason wouldn't be able to accept this, at least I would have his family on my side.

''I'm, I'm pregnant for Jason. My family has neglected me and now I have no where to go. I came here, hoping to get your support'' I said, closing my eyes in nervousness. Jason chocked on his chili.

''What? Jason, what is your girl friend saying?'' his dad turned to him, and Jason shrugged.

''I found out a week ago, and...''

''How can you be pregnant for me, when we've never even been intimate before? Why are you trying to ruin my life?'' Jason said, in the same manner my dad had spoken to me.

''What do you mean? Milly's party...''

''Mom, dad, I have absolutely no idea what she's talking about.'' he said, and his parents exchanged glances and turned to me.

''Sara, even if you and Jason were intimate, and you got pregnant, why do you think we'll support you? Our son has worked so hard to reach where he is, he can't just throw it away for a baby'' his mom said to me, and his dad nodded.

''You can take care of the baby and Jason and I could go to College'' I said.

''What nonsense? Why should we take care of an unwanted grand child? We don't have the time or money for that.'' Jason's dad said.

''But then, where will I go?'' I asked.

''We don't know. But, we don't want to have anything to do with this. '' Jason's mom said.

''BUT, IT'S HIS CHILD!'' I screamed, before I could stop myself.

''Our reputation is at stake here, Sara. My brother's life is much more important than a baby he doesn't even want'' Maya spoke up. I couldn't believe this.

''I'll talk to her'' he said, getting up and leading me to the balcony.

''What was the meaning of that, Sara? Do you WANT to ruin my life and reputation?'' Jason yelled, once we were outside.

''No, I don't. But, Jason, MY reputation is at stake too. Can I just stay with you guys, once I give birth, I'll give the baby up for adoption, if you want. If you want to raise the baby, I will''. I said to Jason. 

''Do whatever you want. I want none of it. Sara, I've worked too hard for this. I can't give this up'' Jason said.


''Yes, I agree I must've made you pregnant, but it doesn't mean I have to give up my life and everything I've worked hard for, for this! Sara, I'm sorry. I can't support you. We have to break up'' Jason said, and those were the most painful words he had ever said to me. I felt tears in my eyes again. Thunder struck and lightening flashed outside, and it slowly started to drizzle.

''But, you promised nothing would tear us apart. So, why this?'' I cried, as the tears flowed down my cheeks.

''Sara, try and understand, I don't WANT to be a father. At least not now. Please just leave'' he said.

''But, Jason, that night, you didn't leave me to sleep, you started kissing me and..''

''SARA ENOUGH! PLEASE! I don't know why you keep forcing me to take care of a kid I don't want. Stay here, I'll just go inside'' Jason walked inside, slamming the door behind him. Now, the serious rain had began, I sat on their doorstep and cried my heart out. 

I had never felt so broken before. My parents and boyfriend had rejected me,  and I had no idea what I would do. All my hope was gone, I wanted to die, I just wanted to. 

''So, Jason was a jerk and rejected you?'' Jenny's voice made me lift my head. I nodded. She pulled me up and embraced me.

I cried like a baby.

''Don't worry. I managed to get a new house opposite town, my parents helped me get it. I also used my savings to purchase a new car. You can move in with me, and the moment I get a job, I'll buy you baby stuff and when your kid is born, we'll also take good care of him or her'' she said, and the hope that I had just lost came back to me in a glimmer of light.

SO sorry I didn't keep my word. I'll publish the remaining three chapters tomorrow. I had computer problems so I couldn't type the chapters. Thanks for understanding!

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