Fell In Love With Potter's Tw...

By sunami01

393K 7.6K 10.5K

!There is quite a few mistakes, please don't correct them this book was written so long ago when i was just a... More

Here I come Hogwarts
First Year
First year- Day 1
First year- Day 1 continuation
Christmas- Part 1
Christmas- Part 2
Hehehe hi
Trap Door
The Stone
The Locket
😱😱 (A/N Kinda)
Year 2 Out now!

First year- Part 2

25K 521 494
By sunami01

It was the next morning and like per usual I got up early, had my shower, did my hair and makeup like usual, got dressed and waited till it was time to head out for breakfast.

I was now sitting on my bed reading a book when Hermione came and sat across from me, I knew she was going to talk about last night so I put my book aside and spoke first. "Hermione I know last night was hectic especially knowing the boys they will try figure out what's under that trapdoor, as for us we can try not to get involved so why don't we go to the library to study a bit, and get your mind off of it" I smiled at her "oh my, (Y/n) you sure know me well" we both laughed "of course I do, what do you think best friends are for." We got up and left for the library.

We were now in charms class I was sitting next to Hermione, in between Ron and Hermione to be exact, my attention was drawn back to the Professor. "One of a wizards most rudimentary skills is levitation or the ability to make objects fly.. uh do you have your feathers? good" Hermione hold up her feather.

"Now don't forget the nice wrist movement we've been practicing. Swish and flick. Everyone" we all grabbed our wands and did exactly what he asked.

" the swish and flick. Good. Oh and don't forget enunciate. Wingardium Leviosa. Off you go, then" and with that everyone try's. I hear a lot of people saying it wrong then I see a wand inches from my face I grabbed the wand so it wouldn't hit me, I looked next to me to see Ron smiling shyly the 'hehe sorry' smile to be exact.

"Careful Ron remember the smooth swish and flick motion" Ron smiles at me more normally now "besides your saying it wrong. It's 'Leviōsa' not 'Leviosar'" Hermione butts in and I nodded in agreement while giving Ron a sorry smile.

"You do it then. If your so clever. Go on, go on" with that me and Hermione looked at each other then nodded, and together we chanted "Wingardiun Leviōsa" And our feathers started to rise up high and we started twirling them around each other.

"Well done! See here, everyone, Miss Granger and Miss Potter's done it" while he is still praising us something then exploded we all gasp and turn to see who had done it, only to see Seamus covered in ash "I think we're going to need another feather over here" Harry says to the professor.

Hermione and I saw the boys walking in the courtyard and we ran to catch up to them only to hear Ron saying 'it's Leviōsa not Leviosar, she's a nightmare. Honestly no wonder she hasn't got any friends.' And with that Hermione was officially hurt she ran past them, bumping Ron at it, I on the other hand stop in front of then "I think she heard you" Harry said I then snapped "Of course she heard you! You were speaking loud enough for everyone to hear! She's a lovely girl not a nightmare Ronald!" When I said his full name not his nickname they knew I was beyond mad.

"Your the nightmare Ronald! She does have friends matter of fact one is standing in front of you now!" And with that I turned and ran after Hermione. I was searching everywhere it was dinner time, that's when it hit me the abandoned girls bathroom.

I ran there as fast as I could and found a closed bathroom stall I knocked on it "Hermione I know your there please open up" and as fast at lightning it opened up then I was attacked by a lot of hair she was hugging me, we stood there hugging each other for a while "come on let's go eat" just as we were walking to leave a big trill walks into the toilets we both immediately ran into the stall, but the troll smashed the stalls Hermione and I screamed then fell to the floor we then heard Harry and Ron yelling for us to crawl out and so we did.

We crawled out I pushed Hermione first but soon the trolls attention was on me I quickly stood up to run for cover but was too late the trolls club hit my back sending me flying to the wall I screamed so loud that it hurt my own two ears I also noticed the trolls ears was hurting that he lifted his club to hit me while I was laying on the floor but Harry leaped towards it and got hold of it sending him in the trolls neck and magically Harry's wand found it's way up the trolls nose. It then grabbed Harry by the leg and started swinging at him but Harry would just miss it.

"Do something" Harry called out "do what" Ron replied, "your a wizard, Ron you idiot" I yelled as loud as I could but then regretted it after I yelled it my body began to ache I knew a few bones where broken and I was bleeding inside, "swish and flick" Hermione pulled me out of my own trance, I look towards Ron to see him casting the levitation spell.

The trolls club is lifted out of his hands then dropped on his head Harry gets out of his grip and quickly runs away before he could get squashed. Hermione helps me up then asked if the trolls dead "he's only knocked out" Harry replies. Then McGonagall, Snaps And Quirrell. McGonagall then speaks "oh my goodness. Explain yourselves, both of you!" Harry, Ron and I try to explain ourselves until Hermione interrupted us "it's my fault Professor McGonagall"

"Miss Granger?" McGonagall questions her. "I went looking for the troll. I've read about them and thought I could handle it. But I was wrong? If Harry, Ron and (Y/n) hadn't come and found me, I'd probably be dead."

"Be that as it may, it was an extremely foolish thing to do. I expected more rational behavior and am very disappointed in you. Five points will be taken from Gryffindor.. got your serious lack of judgement." we all are sad we lost house points.

"As for you two gentleman and lady. I just hope you realize how fortunate you are.. not many first-year students could take in a troll and live to tell the tale.. five points.. will be awarded to you each.. for sheer dumb luck" we all started to smile we then get told to leave but before we could even make it that far my body is in crucial pain and the everything is black.

I awake in the hospital wing with... gifts surrounding me "they're get better gifts from your friends and all the Gryffindors that won't leave" Madam Pomfrey sounded a bit annoyed when mentioning all the people that came to see me. "It has only a day since you passed out and your already fully recovered hmm well very well you can get ready then be off for breakfast."

I got ready in my robes and headed for the great hall breakfast must have already started cause no body is out in the corridors, as I enter the great hall everyone stops and stares at me then the Gryffindor table starts cheering and clapping that's when I'm tackled into a big group hug with Harry, Ron and Hermione I laugh and follow them to there seats, I immediately started eating.

"Harry why aren't you eating"

"I'm not hungry"

"It's cause you two are playing quidditch today" Ron butted in

"He's nervous and it's making him not hungry" Hermione then joined in

"Harry you must eat" Harry just looked down and played with his food, I then loaded my fork with food, grabbed Harry's faces and shoved the food in his mouth. "You will eat even if I have to force you" He then started to chew and I would give him more food once he finished the one in his mouth.

We were telling him how he will need strength today then Snape comes up to us "good luck today, Potter. You've proven yourself against a troll. A gams of quidditch should be easy work. Even if it is against slytherin. Miss Potter." I looked at Snape oh no did I do something wrong.

"You've got it in your blood and even grew up with learning everything about quidditch, this should be easy, have fun." Snape smiled a bit at me so I smiled back and with that he left.

"Did Snape just smile? and at a Potter!" Ron said a bit to loud and soon the whole table was interested in this topic I could hear a lot of 'wait you mean the scary Snape' or 'what Potter' and 'definitely not Harry Snape hates him' I just continued to eat my food.

I then hear Harry saying "that explains the blood" Hermione turned back around to look at Harry "blood?" She questioned him. "Listen, last night, I'm guessing Snape let the troll in as a diversion. So he could try get past the three headed dog. But he got bit, that's why he's limping."

"But why would anyone go near that dog." Hermione says a bit confused "the day I was at Gringnotts, Hagrid got something out of one of the vaults. Said it was hogwarts business, very secret." With the last part he looked at Ron and I. "So your saying-" Hermione was interrupted by Harry "that's what the dogs guarding. That's what Snape wants."

We all then heard owls but it was too early for mail I look up to see hedwig and Redina both carrying a package.. that looks the same they drop them above Harry and I, might I say we caught it nicely.

"Bit early for mail isn't it" Hermione states.

"But I don't get mail" Harry said shocked.

"Let's open it" Ron sounds more excited then any of us, so we started opening them. Hermione's helping me open mine and Ron's helping Harry. We get the wrapping off to reveal... two Nimbus 2000!

"It's a broom stick" Harry says clearly not knowing wha it is, both Ron and I say in unison "that's not just any broomstick, it's a Nimbus 2000!" I was so happy to even realize who got it for me I just assumed it was mother and father.

It was now time for quidditch our time was walking to line up so we can take off, we are now waiting at the doors Harry and Wood are in front me I could hear their conversation Harry's a bit scared Wood is telling Harry he also felt the same way before his first game. And Harry had to ask what happened Wood couldn't remember he only remembered  a bludger hitting his head then waking up in the hospital wing a week later, yep Harry's scared now. The doors are opening and I'm so ready, we all mount our brooms and take off.

"Hello, welcome to hogwarts first Quidditch game of the season, today's game Slytherin versus Gryffindor!" Both houses erupted in cheers while we kept circling around. We then get in place, I'm in the small circle while Harry is above us cause he's the seeker and in front of him is slytherins seeker.

"The players take their positions.." Lee says quite happy "as Madam Hooch steps into the field to begin the game!"

"Now, I want a nice, clean game.. from all of you" she looks towards the slytherin side. Madam Hooch kicks the box open the buldger come flying out and so does the snitch.

"The bluffers are up, followed by the golden snitch. Remember the snitch is worth 150 points. The seeker who catches the snitch ends the game."Lee announces.

Madam Hooch grabs the Quaffle and throws it up in the air Lee announces it "the Quaffle is released and the game begins!"

I immediately caught the Quaffle and went straight to the Slytherin's goal. "(Y/n) Potter has caught the Quaffle and heading straight to their goal!" Lee announces.

Two of their chasers were charging towards me ready to take the Quaffle but I didn't think so I took a risky dive straight to the ground "oh no looks like there's two Slytherin chaser on (Y/n), she's taking a risky dive to get rid of them!"

soon they pulled up so they wouldn't fly straight into the ground "the slytherin chaser gave up but what's this (Y/n) hasn't pulled up!", I pulled up just before I hit the ground and flew straight back up to the goals. "(Y/n) successfully made it out alive, and off she goes!"

Then out the corner of my eye I saw a bludger coming for me "The slytherin beater has hit a bludger at (Y/n) she's not dodging!? she is going to die" Lee then got yelled at my Professor McGonagall. I waited last minute then one of slytherin's chaser comes up next to me and I quickly spun on my broom dodging the bludger and it hitting him. "Looks like (Y/n) has brains she waited for the slytherin chaser to try take the Quaffle then spun out the way so the bludger would hit him, what a smart girl!"

I can hear a lot of cheering it feels great I love Quidditch, I flew straight to the goals and was greeted by Miles Bletchley Slytherin's keeper, I pretended to throw it to the left and he quickly moved there and I quickly threw the Quaffle in the right hand sides goal. "(Y/n) Potter scores! Ten points for Gryffindor!" I dove down and caught the Quaffle. I hear everyone except slytherin cheering and it's definitely helping me play better.

I threw the ball to one of my fellow chasers and they took off for the goals, I took a sharp turn and followed after them just slightly in front just in case anything happens, two slytherin chasers has crushed my teammate in between them "hey! throw it! I got it!" I yelled out to them and they did just as I told them I grabbed the Quaffle and one of the other chasers slammed into me almost knocking me off my broom so with all my strength and anger I pushed him back sending him flying in circles.

I fly straight to the goals and score Gryffindor another 10 points more cheers erupts, I score more and more points "(Y/n) Potter scores again! She's on fire!" I smirk hearing everyone chanting 'Potter' when I look back I see wood get him in the stomach by a bludger and then I see Marcus Flints smirking he will pay for that.

Slytherin scores a point their whole house screams in excitement. Slytherin is catching up to us but not for long I take possession of the Quaffle dodging and spinning out of everyone's way and I score Gryffindor another 10 points we are now in the lead again, the Slytherin's booed while everyone else cheered.

When I look up I saw Harry's broom spazzing out I quickly noticed it's a jinx I look around and see Snape not breaking eye contact with Harry's broom. Hermione noticed Harry as well she then looked at me and I pointed to where Snape was she clicked on and ran to where he was seated when I looked back I also noticed Professor Quirrell was looking at Harry's broom not blinking, I don't know who's jinxing Harry now.

Luckily Hermione lit Snape's cape On fire when he jumped up Professor Quirrell git knocked over and both their eye contact was broken Harry then got back in his broom and I saw the Quaffle being thrown to a slytherin but I quickly interjected and caught the Quaffle.

I scored a few more points until my attention was taken off the game when I heard a massive thud. I looked to the ground to see Harry sitting there looking like he is going to be sick then he spits out the golden snitch. "He's got the snitch!" Lee announces "Harry Potter receives 150 points for catching the snitch!" Madam Hooch blows her whistle and announces "Gryffindor wins!"

We all burst into cheers I fly straight down to Harry and jump off my broom into Harry's arms "You did it Harry! You did it! We won!" I hugged him so tight. "I did nothing. Just caught the snitch, your the one getting us all the points. We both just laughed, the whole Gryffindor come around us cheering, everyone is chanting 'Go, Go Gryffindor' me and Harry smile and he holds up the snitch while he's still hugging me.

We are walking back from the game with Hagrid Hermione, Ron and Harry are telling him that Snape was jinxing Harry's broom. "Nonsense! Why would Snape put a curse on Harry's broom" Hagrid said In disbelief "who knows? Why was he trying-" "to get past the three-headed dog on Halloween?" I finished off Harry's sentence.

"Who told you about Fluffy?" Hagrid asked us all. "Fluffy?" Ron repeated. Clearly that's his name and I think it's adorable. "That thing has a name" Hermione interjected. "Of course he has a name. He's mine. I brought him off an Irish fellow. I lent him to Dumbledore to guard the-" Hagrid looked down "yes" me and Harry said in unison so make Hagrid continue but all he said was "shouldn't have said that. No more questions! That's top-secret."

"But Hagrid whatever Fluffy's guarding, Snape's trying to steal it." Hagrid stopped which made ya all stop then he spoke "Codswallop. Professor Snape is a hogwarts teacher."

"Hogwarts teacher or not, (Y/n) and I know I spell when we see in, Ive read all about them. (Y/n) adoptive parents taught her what they are and how to know them." Hermione butted in

"You've got to keep eye contact, and Snape wasn't blinking, he had his eyes locked onto Harry's broomstick you could also see him mattering the spell." I finished Hermione's sentence then Harry said "Exactly!"

"Now, you listen to me, all four of you. Your meddling in things that ought not to be meddled in. It's dangerous. What that dog is guarding is strictly between Professor Dumbledore and Nicholas Flamel."

"Nicholas Flamel?" Harry asked confused, does he not know who- wait he was brought up with muggles oops I forget.

"I shouldn't have said that. I should not have said that." Hagrid walked away saying that over and over.

"Nicholas Flamel. Who's Nicholas Flamel?" Harry was confused.

"Harry Nich-" I tried to tell him who he was but Hermione interjected once again "I don't know" they then began to walk back, I guess I'll make them find out for them selves.

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