Big Time Love Story <3

By JessicaMaslow

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Jessica is Kendall's only little sister. When Jessica comes to visit and stay in the house Big Time Rush is s... More

Chapter 1: Visiting My Big Brother
Chapter 3: New Boyfriend?
Chapter 4: Going On Tour With Big Time Rush
Chapter 5: Worldwide Girl
Chapter 6: Lost
Chapter 7: Ex-Girlfriend, Rachel
Chapter 8: The Decision

Chapter 2: Meeting The Guys

929 9 1
By JessicaMaslow

Okay, so here is the second chapter. Hopefully you guys enjoy it. :) Thanks!

Chapter 2: Meeting The Guys

Jessica's POV:

 Kendall opens the door and lets me in first. I go in and immedietly start looking around. It was a huge house! I looked around some more when I heard laughing and... splashing... a pool?

"Do you have a pool big brother?" I ask.

"Yeah! Why wouldn't we? We love swimming and playing around in the water! Come on sis! It's summer!" Kendall grins.

"Jeez! I was just wondering. I heard laughing and splashing so I just asked." I roll my eyes.

"Calm down sis. It's probably just the guys playing in the pool." Kendall laughs.

"Kendall. Was I freaking out? No..... "I roll my eyes again.

"I'll get them." Kendall smiles. "Hey James! Carlos! Logan! Come inside! My sister is here!"

Soon I see 3 guys in swimsuits, soaking wet come into the house. They come over to me and smile.

"My sister, Jessica. Jessica, meet James, Carlos and Logan." Kendall says, gesturing to the guys.

"Hi." I smile shyly.

"Hi Jessie!" Carlos grins.

"Hi Jessica." Logan smiles.

"Hey. I'm James. You look cute." James smiles.

"Um. Thank you." I blush, looking away.

"Ooh... James... you made her blush!" Carlos smiles.

"Guys!" Kendall yells.

I look back find myself face to face with James. He smiles and I smile back. He looked so hot.

"James..." Kendall starts.

"Yeah yeah Kendall. I know I know." James rolls his eyes.

"James. You are exactly like my sister when you start rolling your eyes at me." Kendall says.

"Awesome!" James laughs.

"That wasn't a compliment..." Kendall replies, laughs.

"Well, now that you met, Jessica come on. I'll show you to your room." Kendall gestures for me to follow.

"Okay." I reply, walking towards Kendall when I slipped. It caused me to bump into James, sending him to the floor and me on top of him, our lips connecting. I was caught by surprise so I tried to get up off of James, but I just kept slipping and falling back on top of him. Finally James helped me get back on my feet.

"Omg! I'm so sorry. I slipped and...." I start.

"Jessica. It's fine. I know it was an accident." James replies, was he smiling?

"Jessica! James!" Kendall yells. "What the heck!"

"Kendall! It was an accident. You think I did it on purpose?" I yell.

"Dude. Calm down. Why would she fall on purpose? That doesn't make any sense!" James argues.

"Whoa! James! Trying to get the girl already?" Carlos jokes.

"What?! No!" I yell.

"James! I'm talking with you after!" Kendall yells. "Come on Jessica."

Kendall grabs my arm and drags me up the stairs. He lets my arm go when he takes me to a room.

"Ow! What the heck was that for?!" I yell at him, rubbing my wrist.

"Sorry. Jessica. You don't have feelings for James do you?" Kendall asks.

I froze. I thought quickly before answering. "Um... no... why you would think that?" I start lying.

"You sure?" Kendall asks.

"Yeah. I'm sure." I lie.

"Okay good. I don't want you going out with James." Kendall sighs in relief.

"What? Why?" I ask him, I guess I let my true colors show because Kendall started glaring at me.

"You DO like him, don't you?" Kendall looks at me.

"Um... no... I mean yes.. I mean.... why does it matter to you anyways?" I yell.

"Jessica. Just don't. I don't trust James with you." Kendall tells me.

"Urgh! Kendall! Why does it matter?! He probably won't like a girl like me anyways! He probably wants some rich and famous actor or singer!" I yell with tears in my eyes.

I start to run out of the room and found the bathroom and locked myself in it.

"Jessica! Please! I didn't mean it that way! Jessica?" Kendall calls out.

"Go away!" I yell, crying.

James's POV:

I watched Jessica be dragged off up the stairs by Kendall. Gosh. What did she do wrong? Then a thought entered my head. All I could think about was when we kissed, well, technically. I actually like it. I liked her, but Kendall will never let us date. Overprotective brother. Urgh! My thoughts broke when I saw Kendall come down the stairs. He didn't look too happy.

"Kendall. What's wrong and where is Jessica?" I ask him.

He automatically glares at me. I take a step back.

"Kendall?" I ask in concern.

"Shut up James! I am in no mood to talk to you!" Kendall yells at me.

I just stood there in shock. Kendall was never like this. It made me really concerned. I didn't know what in the world got to him, but this wasn't like him at all.

"Kendall... I..." I start talking.

Kendall cuts me off. "Shut up James!"

"Kendall! What is wrong with you?!" Logan asks.

Kendall just stomps out off, out of the house.

"What's gotten into him?" Carlos asks, watching Kendall leave.

"I have no clue! He nevered snapped at me before. I don't know what's gotten into him all of a sudden. I mean he was so happy this morning about Jessica coming over. Something must have happened. I'm going to check on Jessica. You guys should see if you can get Kendall to calm down and come back in the house." I tell them.

Carlos and Logan nod their head and walk out the door. While they went to get Kendall, I went upstairs to check up on Jessica. I opened the door to the guest room where Kendall said that Jessica was staying (which was right next to mine) , but no one was in there. I shrugged. She was proabably in the bathroom or something. I started to walk down the hallway to the stairs when I heard crying. Well, at least I thought it was crying. I slowly backed up and put my ears to Logan's room at the end of the hall. Silence. I go over to Carlos's room. Silence. I walk over to Kendall's room. Silence. Then I started walking to my own room when I heard crying. I turned around and faced the bathroom. I pressed my ears up against the door and listened. Yup. Someone was crying. Jessica. I gently knocked on the door.

"Go away Kendall!" Jessica yells in frustration.

"Um. Jessica. It's me James. Are you okay?" I ask her.

"Oh. Um. Yeah. I'm fine." I hear her reply.

Suddenly the door opens and her eyes were red and swollen from crying. She gives me a small little smile.

"Jessica. Are you sure you're okay? What were you crying about?" I ask her in concern.

"I'm fine. Who said I was crying?" she asks, trying to hide if from me.

"Um... well... first of all I heard you crying. And second, your eyes are red and swollen so you can't hide from me about crying." I tell her.

She sighs and looks at the ground. Then I see something fall to the ground. It was a tear.

"Jessica? Are you okay? Did Kendall say something to you?" I ask.

Her head continues to stay down. I gently lift her chin and face me and we meet each others' gaze. Tears keep running down her cheek as I look at her.

Jessica's POV:

I felt James lift my chin to meet his gaze. It was so embarassing, crying in front of James, but I just couldn't hold it in. Kendall just broke my heart. So much for an older brother. Then James did something I never expected. He pulled me in and hugged me. The embrace felt so good. I felt protected, I felt safe, I felt... loved. That's when I let it out. I wrapped my arms around James and started crying into his shoulder. He didn't let go, instead he held on and started to comfort me. If only, if only I had a chance with him. Why couldn't Kendall understand? Then I shook the thought away. How I would I get a chance with the rich and famous James Maslow. Why would he fall for an average teen rusher when he could choose anyone in the world? Suddenly I felt weaker and weaker until I lost my consciousness.

James's POV:

I held Jessica close to me until I felt her legs give out and her whole body started to fall to the ground. I caught her and sat down next to her.

"Jessica?" I ask, gently shaking her.

No response. I carry her bridal style and take her to the closest room, mine. I lay her on my bed. I felt her forehead and it was hot. The crying must have caused her to get a fever. I walk to my own bathroom and grab a towel. I get it wet and walk back to Jessica. I lay it on her forehead.

Kendall's POV:

I started to walk around the block to clear my head. Everything just made me frustrated. My sister liked James Maslow. I should've known! Then I got the thought about James liking my sister! Urgh! I grunt in frustration and kick a rock backwards. Suddenly I hear an 'OW' from behind me. I turn around and see Carlos and Logan. Carlos was rubbing his shin.

"What are you guys doing following me?" I snap.

"Kendall. You need to come back." Carlos says.

"Yeah bro. Why are you so pissed off? You were so excited this morning about your sister coming over to hang out with you and us the whole summer. What made you so mad all of a sudden?" Logan asks.

I sigh. "It's Jessica. She has feelings for James. I can tell when I told her not to go out with James after that 'incident'."

"She has feeling for JAMES?!" they both yell at the same time.

"Yeah. Why?" I ask in suspision. "Don't tell me you guys have a crush on my sister...."

"What?.... no..." Logan laughs.

"She's cute! But no!" Carlos smiles.

Then I thought of something and smiled. "Aww. That's too bad. I was going to let one of you guys go out with her."

"Really?" their faces lit up.

"No. But I know you guys like her!" I laugh.

"KENDALL!" they both yell, tackling me to the ground.

I laugh and we wrestle around. "Where's James? Is he waiting to scare me like last time?"

"Um... well... you see... he's with Jessica." Logan admits.

Then I go into pure rage. "YOU LEFT HIM ALONE WITH JESSICA?!?!"

"Well.... yeah... we just came out to get you...." Carlos says.

I get up and run towards the house.

James's POV:

I took the towel off of Jessica's forehead and felt her head. Her fever was gone, but she was still out. I saw her breathing steady, she was probably sleeping now. She looked so cute. I went next to her and laid down. I put my arm underneath her head and I closed my eyes. I was falling asleep when I heard the voice of someone I really didn't want to hear. Kendall.

Okay. So how do like my story so far? I will work on Chapter 3 and post it up soon. :) Please leave some comments if you can about if you liked something or something that you thought wasn't as good. :) Thanks. :)

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