If Not Us, Then Who? If Not N...

By Yes_Your_Highness

445 17 1

One night at Yokozawa's appartment, after being rejected by Takano, Yokozawa feels he has no strength to move... More

Unknown Shooting Star

445 17 1
By Yes_Your_Highness

Walking home late as this day differentiates then all other days, Yokozawa was in a rush to get home and drown his sorrows as he just wanted to forget this day completely. He was not himself as he feels in his worse state of mind... and heart. Yokozawa got home and as he entered the apartment shut the entrance door, he was approached by a meowing black cat, Yokozawa frowned despite the cat's cute attractions. "Hey..Soreta," mumbling Yokozawa while petting the cat for a moment, then stands about sighing heavily at the outcome of Takano's words, already unsteady as it is, to his dismay, Yokozawa wouldn't admit it out aloud but he feels alone.

Taking off his coat and jacket, he loosened his tie and grabbed a beer out of the fridge. Hours went by as he silently and secretly cried within his heart, while drinking several cans, truly forgetting of the day. Soon he was carried away while putting forth his actions out uncontrollably. Even if he may not remember, other's certainly will. As the setting approached the latest early morning, still Yokozawa trembles and sobs. People see him as a "Wild Bear" but what people do not know is that Yokozawa is scary at first glance, it is like putting on a mask. He holds his pure heart and sensitivity of being friendly behind his scary looking figure.

As Yokozawa is deeply in sorrow, talking to himself, "If Takano is going to be my friend," he choked up a few magical words, "I wish to not focus so much on Takano ... ", he cries once more with unrealization a shooting star flies by granting his wish, Yokozawa blacks out, not knowing what tomorrow holds for him.

The next morning waking up to on of his day off. He gets up realizing it was noon. He gets up and dresses for the day, he smiles at Soreta while petting the cat knowing this day was better than yesterday. He tells the cat, "See ya later," and walks out closing the door behind him. Yokozawa inhales the fresh air and beam of the shining sun. Suddenly reminding himself, "Ah- right, I need to go grocery shopping," and walked to the supermarket.  When he got the store, he pulled a basket and carried for the things he needed to buy.

While being at the supermarket for thirty minutes or so looking at some of the supermarket's new brands and belongings, he heard a familiar voice in the aisle he was in. "T-Takano, give me that!" then looking at that direction at the end of the aisle and saw Takano and Ritsu. "This brand is better!" Takano implies to Ritsu. Yokozawa instantly had a stomach ache where his heart dropped down to his stomach, it was not a good feeling. Yokozawa couldn't face him. He put the item that was in his hand back and tried to sneak past secretly without them noticing. He walked to a different aisle hiding his eyes because he felt he was about to cry.

At this moment, he felt the closeness he had with Takano vanish and he would never feel close to anyone like that ever again. Even if he could, he wouldn't be sure he could allow such a thing once more and yet again, be crushed with a broken heart. That would pull Yokozawa down and he wouldn't be able to stand up, let alone to even try to stand up. He shook off his broken heart and tried to focus more so on the grocery shopping. However, memories of his previous love keep filling his head every so often. He felt he was completely on the verge of an after break down is is a worse break down of the first break down which he had last night.

He rushed getting what he needed and when he was rushing again to the check out, he bumped into someone. Holding his head he looked up at who stopped him from leaving urgently despite his eyes were filled with tears, "Hey!" he yelled at another person that worked in the same building, Marukawa. "Y-Yokozawa?" answered Kirishima. "What?!" Yokozawa firmly questioned glaring away to prevent him from seeing his eyes. It was Zen Kirishima. He held out his hand, "Sorry I bumped you," apologizing to him, he looked up to him with ease in a way momentarily, "It's my fault, Sorry." Yokozawa looked gloom knowing he let his affairs get in the way of his daily and work life. "It's alright," Kirishima replied. "Checking out?" he asked, "Y-yeah," stuttered Yokozawa.

"I'm heading there now, would you like to join me?" He sighed but took the opportunity since they both were checking out, "Sure..." replied Yokozawa, as Kirishima smiled back friendly, "You know, you look rather pale, you alright?" questioned Kirishima. He was trying to make small talk, so suggestively Yokozawa reassured him, "Huh? Oh- I'm fine, just a rough night.." Yokozawa felt this aura of awkwardness around him, "Ah-, well you should take better care of yourself," Yokozawa glared at him with irritation then bluntly replied, "Just worry about yourself, I'm fine!" when they got to the check out. Kirishima started scanning his things first, Yokozawa stood next to him waiting to be next when he saw Takano and Ritsu in the next check out beside him, he began to act frantic and put a magazine in front of his face, hopefully Takano and Ritsu won't notice.

After they left shortly, Kirishima laughed, "I didn't know you were into those types of magazines~" Yokozawa looked at him in confusion, "Huh?" then looked at the magazine cover, "10 ways to cook delicious snack for kids" Yokozawa was flustered in embarrassment and put the magazine down instantly, "I-It's not what it looks like!" he tried reasoning with Kirishima but he teasingly said, "Then what?~". "Forget it!" Yokozawa demanded then when he went to check out his items, they were already bagged, "I didn't buy them yet-," he looked to see his stuff in the bags, Kirishima bluntly replied, "I paid for you, " Yokozawa was shocked, "What?, hey! I could have bought them myself!," They both walked out together, "You seemed into the magazine so I paid for you, you're welcome~" Kirishima smiled at Yokozawa and patted his back. Yokozawa now feeling in debt to Kirishima gave him the worse feeling. "Thanks but I should repay you back for paying for my stuff," suggested Yokozawa. Kirishima turn around briefly, "I'll let you know when I think of something."

Yokozawa nodded, "Alright then," and kept walking with Kirishima until they went there separate directions, Kirishima stopped suddenly and turned fast to feel Yokozawa's forehead, Yokozawa felt flustered and embarrassed, "We're in public!" he ranted, "I'm just feeling you're forehead. You have a fever," Kirishima commented, "I'm fine!" Yokozawa blurt out loud. Yokozawa walked ahead of Kirishima but shortly after he got this feeling of being sick. "Yokozawa..." Kirishima mumbled, then grabbed his wrist holding tightly and walked to his place, "Hey! I'm f-.." before he could finish he instantly felt sick to his stomach. "Come in, I can't allow you to go home like that, besides you owe me, " responded Kirishima while pulling him in the house, Yokozawa couldn't deny him. "I'm back!" yelled Kirishima, "Welcome home father!" said a young female voice, Yokozawa was speechless, "F-Father?!" Kirishima turned around with his daughter by his side, "This is my daughter, Hiyori," looking to Hiyo, "He is not that old, he is still young," Hiyo nodded as she understood, "Nice to meet you, may I call you 'Onii chan'?" it was all a blur but he quickly tried to get back to reality, "Huh, Y-yeah." She smiled and walked off.

Kirishima came back and pulled Yokozawa further into the apartment. Leading me to the bedroom, "Lay down for a while, you don't look good at all," despite the awkwardness, Yokozawa was too sick to oppose, he layed down and soon blacked out feeling weak. When morning came, Kirishima came in with a breakfast tray, setting it to the side momentarily, a bright smile came to his face and thought he should save the cute moment by taking a picture, *snap* then quickly put his phone away so Yokozawa doesn't tell him to delete the image later. Kirishima bent over Yokozawa knowing he didn't want to wake him but he must, he leaned closer to him feeling his fever. "He still has a slight fever," Kirishima was concerned, he tried waking Yokozawa up now that the food was cooled off. "Yokozawa...hey, wake up," Yokozawa grunted and tossed to the other side, he just wanted to sleep.

Kirishima saw he was being difficult so he thought about waking him up with other ways. "Yokozawa Hiyo is in trouble!" yelling in a frantic tone, Yokozawa suddenly raised up quickly from the bed sprouting up and dashing to the living room, he looked around the room to see Hiyo not in sight, "Where is she?!" Yokozawa yelled in a panic, Kirshima walked out casually, "..At school," Yokozawa was played into Kirishima's hands, "What?! Seriously?!" Yokozawa was irritated and it was only the morning, he sighed knowing today was going to be a long day. "Why did you tell me that, if she was at school!?" he questions Kirishima's actions with intolerance in a firm voice. "You weren't waking up, I was getting worrried," Yokozawa looked back at Kirishima, and felt upset for his actions, "Sorry...I was just too tired and weak to get up," Kirishima crossed his arms and sighed, "Next time, I'll use force if you scare me like that again," he demanded.

Yokozawa replied with shock, "Huh?!", "You heard me," Kirishima walked up to Yokozawa holding his face up, gazing into Yokozawa, he turned away and blushed, as silence filled the room with Kirishima's bold action, applying a sweet tender kiss to Yokozawa forehead. Kirishima still giving Yokozawa his attention, he closes his eyes, blushing in fluster as Kirishima whispers in his ear hoping it will be sweet nothings, "Now, go get in bed~" Yokozawa opened his eyes with irritation from his playful words, "Don't tell me what to do!" yelled Yokozawa, Kirishima smirked, "You minds well~," as he pulls out his phone waving it side to side, "W-what?!" to Yokozawa's bad luck, Kirishima owns more pictures of him, "Don't tell me..." he cut off, "Pic-tures~", Yokozawa's eye twitched and he walked obediently to the bedroom and sat up, "Here," placing the breakfast tray in front of him, "Thanks," he kindly told Kirishima, eating everything he made for him for breakfast.

"Make sure you get well soon, there are places I want to take you," He said as walked walked out of the room with the breakfast tray and empty plates and dishes. "Y-yeah," Yokozawa assured Kirishima that he heard him. He instantly felt his eyelids heavy, his vision blurred, and soon after, he slept some more. Kirishima checked on him often. When Yokozawa awoke to the next day, Kirishima took his temperature, "Your fever is gone, do you feel better?" he questioned Yokozawa as he sat up, he replied with sincere graditude while letting out his morning stretch, "Yeah, thanks" "Take a shower and get dressed, we're going out today," Kirishima told him before walking out.

When Yokozawa was ready, he walked to the door, slipping his shoes on and saw Kirishima outside having a smoke. "So, where are we going?" asked Yokozawa with curiosity. "It's a surprise," Kirishima eased him although, he was not eased, more like worried. After walking a while they met there destination, "We're here~," Kirishima walked up to the building then turned around for Yokozawa, "I need to buy Hiyo some new clothes and I could use some help~" Yokozawa was bothered seeing it was a clothing store for girls. "A-Alright..." walking into the store. Hours later, they walk out with bags of girl clothes. Just across the street, Yokozawa heard familar voices, "T-Takano, we will get there when we get there! stop rushing me!" Yokozawa looked to see Takano and Rtisu. A frown suddenly appeared onto his face. "Hey Yokozawa, let's go," Kirishima grabbed his wrist and pulled him to a near by bar, "Thanks, for doing that," Yokozawa felt saved, he gazed at his upset face, "Say it while being cuter," Kirishima demanded, Yokozawa got flustered, "No!" he arrogantly yelled back, he laughed, "Glad to see you're back~" Yokozawa put a slight smile on his face.

Going to a few more places, the day then came to an end, Yokozawa dropped off Hiyo's clothes and walked to his place, "Thanks for today," Kirishima implied, Yokozawa looked back, "Y-yeah, sure.." then walked out to his place. When he got home, he took off his coat and jacket greeting Soreta. "Hey Soreta," a small smile was placed on his face. Yokozawa got ready for bed and the next day came around. Yokozawa attented to his work on a daily bases, even though he knows he should move on, he felt in a way that he couldn't, he was constantly distracted by Ritsu and Takano. He sighed heavily. Kirishima then approaches and gives him a pat on the back, "Want to go out today?" he whispered to Yokozawa, "Say yes~," there was a mere silence then Yokozawa replied, "Yeah, sure," Kirishima had a big smile, "Great, see you later~" he walked off, as Yokozawa still felt bothered.

 Later after work, Kirishima waited for Yokozawa and took him to different places. Distracting his mind from his previous lover and friend, Takano. Yokozawa began to feel more aggitated with Kirishima knowing it was not every other day but every single day, taking him out to places, but he started feeling a weird feeling in his chest, causing him to blush slightly. He realized when Kirishima is away, he thinks about him often. He knew he was in love with Kirishima just...held it off thinking unsurely, "Come to my place?" asked Kirishima, Yokozawa snapped back into reality, "Huh? Oh-, sure". When they arrived Yokozawa walked towards the belcony,"I could use some air," said Yokozawa, "I'll be there shortly," Kirishima then grabbed two cans and headed out after him, handing him a can, "Here~" Yokozawa took the can and began drinking it, Kirishima got closer and suddenly placed a kiss on his cheek, "H-hey! don't just kiss a person," Yokozawa's face was red, "Is there somewhere else you want me to kiss?~" Kirishima teased Yokozawa as he looked away, "N-not in particular," "Is there anyone on your mind...Yokozawa?" Kirishima asked along with a pause of silence, Yokozawa looked away, "...yeah...", Kirishima then said, "That person is lucky..., I wish I was on your mind~" he stated with honesty, Yokozawa blushed even more then blurted out, "Idiot, you are on my mind!" Kirishima looked at him in shock of his blunt honesty then smirked, Yokozawa felt embarrassed, "I'm going inside..." as he started to walk to the side door to the inside, Kirishima stopped him, "I can't let you leave while you're being cute~," "I'm not cute, there is something wrong with your eyes!" he explained, "Maybe~" Kirishima reasoned with him.

Yokozawa turned around standing still as he looked away blushing, Kirishima stepped closer, holding him close kissing softly on the lips, Yokozawa felt he wanted a comforting hug so he aids Yokozawa mind and says, "I love you~" Yokozawa blushes, "I know..". Kirishima then insists, "One more kiss~" Yokozawa is flustered but secretly allows to kiss again. Kirishima held him close once more and this time kisses him passionately. A wind russles by in the moment capturing the scene. The side door flies open, "I'm home Father, Onii-...san~?" Hiyo is surprised by the action she sees and giggles, Yokozawa pushed him away instantly as Kirishima says, "Great timing~", "What?!" glaring irritated at Kirishima then looking to Hiyo, "H-Hiyo, it's not what it looks like," defending himself, Kirishima implies, "I was showing Yokozawa how to kiss a girl properly~," Yokozawa's eye twitches with irritation, Hiyo giggles some more, "Onii-san, you don't know how to kiss a girl?~" she smiles and asks, "Uh- well, I know how, it's just, your father was just showing me some tips," Yokozawa explained. "Father, did you and Onii-san eat?" Kirishima smiles at his daughter, "Yes, Ma'am~" then pats her head. "Good, I'm going to get ready for bed, night~" As she trails off.

Yokozawa felt too embarrassed to look at Hiyo again, giving Kirishima an bothered glare. "You should have told me she was coming back tonight!" yelling at him, "I didn't think she would rush home.." Kirishima replied. Yokozawa let out a sigh, "I'm going home," then grabbed his belongings, "After you said you would stay the night?" questioned Kirishima, "Well, I was going to stay until Hiyo saw us!" telling Kirishima in a low tone.. Kirishima sighed, "Come over tomorrow, okay?" Yokozawa slipped his shoes on and before he walked out the door he responded back to him, "Sure". The next morning was another day at work, everything was the same. Except for tonight. When work ended, Yokozawa walked out of the building looking gloomy, seeing Ritsu and Takano to the side. "Hey!" Takano stops Yokozawa momentarily, "H-hey!" Yokozawa responds. "How are you?" "I'm good, are you eating well?" he questions back to Takano, "Yeah," "How is Soreta?" "Same as usual, eating me out of the house."

Yokozawa felt bothered a little bit every time he sees them but just pushes it off. Takano than says, "You look like you been hanging out with Kirishima alot," Yokozawa sighs, "Yeah, it just happened." Takano suggests, "Would you like to hang out with Ritsu and me, you could bring Kirishima?" thinking he means like a double date? Yokozawa wants to hang out with Takano just not Ritsu, it would make things awkward, even though he accepts Takano as a friend and to move on, he just doesn't know he could actually pull it off. He didn't want to decline his friend yet make things difficult, he didn't know what to do. Ritsu came out a few minutes later, Takano than asks, "You ready?" Ritsu nods. Takano walked off a little but waited for Ritsu as he added, "U-Uh, Yokozawa-san, y-you're more than welcome to hang out with us," leaving the air dense between him and Ritsu.

Before Yokozawa was about to speak a car pulled up fast and hit the breaks hard screaching the street. Kirishima came out and rushed towards Yokozawa, he was shocked at Kirishima's driving, "I told you to come over," Yokozawa didn't look into Kirishima's face, "Sorry, I was held up at the office.." Kirishima looked to the side seeing Takano and Ritsu, "Hey," Takano and Ritsu were speechless but Takano got the voice to respond, "Hey," Kirishima took a long glance at them with a smile than at Yokozawa, seeing he was a bit down he grabbed his wrist and rush toward the car, pulling him away from the awkwardness, Yokozawa was in a huff, "H-Hey, W-wait, what are doing? Hey!" he was secretly grateful.

Kirishima shoving him in the car fast and shutting the door, he got into the driver seat and took off, when they got down a different street, Yokozawa got out and jumped into the passenger seat. "T-Thanks," Yokozawa felt appreciative towards everything Kirishima has done for him. "Yeah," replied Kirishima and still driving off to a private destination just the two of them, Kirishima parked the car suddenly, "What are you do-," before Yokozawa could finish Kirishima kissed him on the lip, "Just so you know, even if Takano is a friend, you only make plans with me~" Kirishima stated, Yokozawa blushed and looked away. He smiled at Yokozawa's stubborness. Kirishima then drives to Kirishima's place and to make memories of sweet nothings. "Yokozawa tell me you love me..." Kirishima firmly told Yokozawa," he felt irritated and flustered even more, "If I tell you, will you stop annoying me?!" he bluntly replied to Kirishima, "Yes~," Yokozawa yelled in a bothered tone, "I LOVE YOU!" Kirishima look unamused, "Say it sweetly~," Yokozawa sighed and said it once more lowly, "..I love you," Kirishima thought he shoud add a comment to tease him, "Your so adorable," Yokozawa was aggitated, "Shut up!," Kirishima then told him to undress, Yokozawa felt in a rush, "R-right now?" he questioned Kirishima, but he knew that he loved him, "You just confessed your love, did you not?~" Yokozawa said nothing cause Kirishima was correct. Kirishima held Yokozawa's face while piercing his eyes into his, "If not us, who?" then paused shortly to peck a kiss on Yokozawa's lips, "If not now, when?" asking him. "F-fine..". The moon lit up the night, stars twinkled as they were bright. Seconds later, a shooting star flies by.

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