Unknown Shooting Star

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Walking home late as this day differentiates then all other days, Yokozawa was in a rush to get home and drown his sorrows as he just wanted to forget this day completely. He was not himself as he feels in his worse state of mind... and heart. Yokozawa got home and as he entered the apartment shut the entrance door, he was approached by a meowing black cat, Yokozawa frowned despite the cat's cute attractions. "Hey..Soreta," mumbling Yokozawa while petting the cat for a moment, then stands about sighing heavily at the outcome of Takano's words, already unsteady as it is, to his dismay, Yokozawa wouldn't admit it out aloud but he feels alone.

Taking off his coat and jacket, he loosened his tie and grabbed a beer out of the fridge. Hours went by as he silently and secretly cried within his heart, while drinking several cans, truly forgetting of the day. Soon he was carried away while putting forth his actions out uncontrollably. Even if he may not remember, other's certainly will. As the setting approached the latest early morning, still Yokozawa trembles and sobs. People see him as a "Wild Bear" but what people do not know is that Yokozawa is scary at first glance, it is like putting on a mask. He holds his pure heart and sensitivity of being friendly behind his scary looking figure.

As Yokozawa is deeply in sorrow, talking to himself, "If Takano is going to be my friend," he choked up a few magical words, "I wish to not focus so much on Takano ... ", he cries once more with unrealization a shooting star flies by granting his wish, Yokozawa blacks out, not knowing what tomorrow holds for him.

The next morning waking up to on of his day off. He gets up realizing it was noon. He gets up and dresses for the day, he smiles at Soreta while petting the cat knowing this day was better than yesterday. He tells the cat, "See ya later," and walks out closing the door behind him. Yokozawa inhales the fresh air and beam of the shining sun. Suddenly reminding himself, "Ah- right, I need to go grocery shopping," and walked to the supermarket.  When he got the store, he pulled a basket and carried for the things he needed to buy.

While being at the supermarket for thirty minutes or so looking at some of the supermarket's new brands and belongings, he heard a familiar voice in the aisle he was in. "T-Takano, give me that!" then looking at that direction at the end of the aisle and saw Takano and Ritsu. "This brand is better!" Takano implies to Ritsu. Yokozawa instantly had a stomach ache where his heart dropped down to his stomach, it was not a good feeling. Yokozawa couldn't face him. He put the item that was in his hand back and tried to sneak past secretly without them noticing. He walked to a different aisle hiding his eyes because he felt he was about to cry.

At this moment, he felt the closeness he had with Takano vanish and he would never feel close to anyone like that ever again. Even if he could, he wouldn't be sure he could allow such a thing once more and yet again, be crushed with a broken heart. That would pull Yokozawa down and he wouldn't be able to stand up, let alone to even try to stand up. He shook off his broken heart and tried to focus more so on the grocery shopping. However, memories of his previous love keep filling his head every so often. He felt he was completely on the verge of an after break down is is a worse break down of the first break down which he had last night.

He rushed getting what he needed and when he was rushing again to the check out, he bumped into someone. Holding his head he looked up at who stopped him from leaving urgently despite his eyes were filled with tears, "Hey!" he yelled at another person that worked in the same building, Marukawa. "Y-Yokozawa?" answered Kirishima. "What?!" Yokozawa firmly questioned glaring away to prevent him from seeing his eyes. It was Zen Kirishima. He held out his hand, "Sorry I bumped you," apologizing to him, he looked up to him with ease in a way momentarily, "It's my fault, Sorry." Yokozawa looked gloom knowing he let his affairs get in the way of his daily and work life. "It's alright," Kirishima replied. "Checking out?" he asked, "Y-yeah," stuttered Yokozawa.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2014 ⏰

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