A Living Hell ✔︎ {editing}

By ChokesOnTea24

194K 3.7K 976

When Bree moves to a new school, the last thing she expects is to bump into an old friend. But her friend has... More

Author's Note
Meet The Characters
1- New School, Familiar Faces
2- Just A Quickie!
3- don't bother
4- I wish I could
5- I'm sorry B
6- Road trip
7- open up to me
8- Marshmallow
9- Lets make a deal
10- The Lake
11- The Texts
12- Georgia...
~Character Aesthetics~
13- Teddybear
14- all grown up
15- You're the difference.
16- get you off my mind
17- Beautiful
18- Fruitloops
19- Help...
21- Where are you?
22- I love you
23- It's Perfect
24- You make me complete
Bonus chapter- Graduation
please read.

20- I'm fine

4.4K 101 25
By ChokesOnTea24

I wake up, attached to a bunch of wires, lying in a hospital bed. Ok, I can move my fingers at least.

When I try to sit up, my body erupts in pain and I just give up, staring at the blank ceiling. The last thing I remember is being drugged, beat up by Trevor and Georgia, then...shit. Where's Hunter? What if they killed him, what if he's dead in the front yard?

I manage to lift my head up and realise that I am no longer in my party outfit, but a cloth gown with nothing underneath. Who the fuck dressed me? That is not the point, I gotta save Hunter. My mind whirs and I still feel dizzy. That's either strong painkillers or that the drugs are in still in my system.

I clear my throat but it aches and is dry as hell. How long have I been out? I notice a glass of water on the side table to my left and I try to reach for it, but fail miserably. I bump it and it crashes to the ground, shattering into tiny pieces. Well now how am I meant to get out of this bed?

Someone obviously hears the commotion and a nurse comes rushing through the swinging doors. The lady is middle aged and her hair is pulled into a tight bun.

"Oh... she's awake." She says into some kind of walkie talkie thing.

"Hey..." I try to say but it comes out as a rough squeak. I need water. She furrows her eyebrows before looking at the mess of glass I made. Then she sweeps it all up super quickly with a dustpan at the door, and says, "now, I'm sure you're super thirsty so I'll be right back." No shit. At least she understands.

In no time at all, she comes back into the room with a bottle of water.

"Here you go sweetie." I eagerly skull the whole fucking bottle. Then I re-clear my throat and say,

"Thanks for that." She smiles. "I want to know where a guy named Hunter is."
"Hmm, Hunter you say?" I nod. "There has been a guy sitting here with you everyday. He should be here, he hasn't left your side. But I don't know where he's gone." So he's ok at least. Thank fuck. And he obviously really cares.

"Do you have my phone by any chance?" I ask. She smiles and picks up the small sling bag that I brought to the party. "Do you mind?" She gestures to the bag, asking if she can go through it to find my phone.

"Go ahead."

"Ah here it is." She says, passing it to me. My arms feel so heavy and my body aches like a bitch, that I can't help but ask, "what are my injuries?"

"Oh sweetie, you had a bad concussion and damage to your facial tissue and muscle. Your stomach also has a lot of deep bruising." I frown, this seems pretty bad. "Your body has indeed, suffered a trauma, but I am very surprised it isn't worse. You are very strong and obviously kind of used to this." I nod, letting the tears spill down my face.

"It's happened so much in the past. Yeah I might be physically strong but I'm so done with it emotionally. I thought I was safe, but now what am I going to believe? I will always have to relive this same abuse, this same cycle of shit. Excuse my language."

"Sweetie I know it's hard, but Trevor is back in jail for life, no parol. Turns out he murdered 3 people in his life, he's gone Brianna." Trevor has commited murder...murder. I had been living with this murderous monster for so long!

"What about Georgia?"

"Oh honey, she's getting the help she needs. Research has concluded that she is mentally ill."
"Ok...now I'm gonna call Hunter. Thank you... ma'am?"
"Lauren." She smiles, her blue eyes shining.

"Thanks Lauren." She then turns on her heel and leaves the room. I wipe my eyes, wincing at the pain of touching the bruising. I probably look like a piece of dog shit that someone stepped on and then wiped off their shoe.

I call Hunter straight away, and he picks up on the first ring.

"Bree?" He says weakly, almost as a quiet exhale.

"Yeah it's me." I say, relieved to hear his voice again.

"Thank fuck you're okay." He breathes out.

"Of course I am. I was more worried about you."

"I thought-I thought Trevor hurt you."
"No bree, I'm fine." he sighs. "I was worried sick about you and your health. It killed me to see you attached to a bunch of wires for days..." He trails off, his voice cracking.

"Hunter I'm fine. Honestly. And thanks for staying with me."
"Least I can do."
"What's wrong now?" I frown.

"Nothing. Get some rest ok?"
"Ok...where are you?"
"I just needed a break."

"Alright. Bye." He hangs up just like that. Does he not want to see me? What did I do? Tears threaten to leave my eyes, but I hold them in. He's probably just busy, it'll be okay, we will be okay. That is, whatever we have.

A knock on the door of the hospital room echoes around me, and I say, "come in," while wiping my eyes with what strength I can muster.
"Oh sweetie, I heard you're awake, that's good." My mum walks in, Bryan trailing behind her. Bryan winces at my appearance. I am so not looking forward to seeing my reflection.

"Yeah I'm alright I guess."
"Sure don't look it." Bryan says and my mum nudges him in the ribs.

"How long do I have to stay here?" I groan, gesturing at the wires and room. There's literally a fucking needle in my arm. No thanks.

"Hopefully only a week or so. But we'll see." Mum says sadly. "I'm really sorry about what happened, I'm going to cut down on work."
"No don't. I mean-it's okay, Trevor's dealt with."

"You have a concussion sweetie, it's not ok."
"Really, it's fine. I don't want to be looked at like a sick puppy, I'm still me."

"Ok...I'll leave you to rest now, do you need some painkillers?"
"Yeah please." Mum walks out of the room, leaving me with Bryan.
"Hey, how are you?" I ask.

"I'm alright, but look at you! If I went to the party, this wouldn't have happened."
"It still would've, but it's not your fault. God, It's not anyone's fucking fault." I start to get angry, "everyone is blaming themselves but it's fine! It was fucking Trevor and Georgia not you, not mum, not anyone."

"Bree calm down."
"I'm sorry, I just feel so weak and pitied, I don't want that again." I sigh, resting my head back on my pillow.

"It's alright, I've been there too." He says softly and I understand what he's saying. And that's when I realise once again that I am so lucky to have Bryan and have these people. Whatever happens and whatever changes, I'll always have my family. 

early update!! 

This chapter was to kind of explain what's up, what's happened ya know. 

imma say this yet again but...i love it when I get a comment on my story, it makes me so happy and it helps me to know that people care, that people enjoy what I'm writing. so thankq to everyone who comments.

ok thats it <3


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