Her Royal Badass|✔

By Ari_Winning

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Sequel To Royal Maid Of Honour ______________ Prince Ian Northridge had just about had it to the neck wi... More

Not an Update


5.5K 337 10
By Ari_Winning

Snow Carr Northridge

     I woke up to an empty bed, I sat up and called out his name but silence greeted me. I stood up and I stopped in track, I took a minute to stare at the crimson stain on my sheet, an evidence that I lost my innocence.

      I walked out and searched the entire house but Ian was obviously not in, I checked the fridge and the walls, no notes to indicate. It was so obvious he regretted what happened and he bolted to avoid facing me.

      My chest tightened and I curled on the sofa, just staring at the emptiness. Once again, I played myself for a fool. I stupidly gave everything I had to him and made him my first in every area. First man I ever loved, first man to own my body and the first to shatter my heart. I gave him everything and the more I give, the more he runs.

      He left!. He freaking left!, how dare he do that to me?, how dare he embarrass me like that?, how dare he take advantage of me. He probably ran out early and would stay out till he is sure I would have gone out. Well, I'll give him what he wants.

      I walked back into the room and brought out one of travelling boxes, I'll come for the rest of my stuff when the divorce is over and done with. I was about to call Carrie and ask if I could crash with her when I remembered the apartment Royalty gave me. I walked to the drawer, pulled it open and brought out my small box, I sighed in relief when I saw the key amongst other things.

    I packed all the stuff I could need for the next four weeks and picked up the keys. I  wanted to leave a note but then, I wouldn't do what he didn't even have the decency to do for me. So without a note, I put the travelling box into the car and drove to my old apartment. I'll text Royalty later.

     I was grateful that the house was still the same as ever, it remained the exact same except it was dirty and needed thorough cleaning and I was very very glad for that, I need something to keep my hands and mind busy before I go insane.

     I was halfway through cleaning the sitting room when my phone rang, when I saw the caller ID my heart jumped but I wouldn't give him that satisfaction, why would he call me?. To laugh in my face and gloat about how he won the trophy and drove me away?, to ask me to come and get the rest of my stuff?, to ask if I didn't mistakenly take anything that belonged to him?. Well, whatever he had to say would have to wait till forever cause I will not pick up.

Prince Ian Northridge

      "What do you mean you don't know where she is?. If you have too search every nook and cranny in the world, I don't care. Just find her!" I yelled and threw the phone on the nearest sofa.

      That girl!, that crazy girl!. Why would she do this?, why would she make me feel this way and then leave me without even saying a word. Last night was the best night of my life, it was the best thing in the world being her first. I felt like the luckiest man in the world and the feeling of  waking up next to her was synonymous to bliss. I wanted to stay that way forever but when Roland called me in the early hours of the morning and told me Royalty had gone into labour earlier than planned, I bolted.

      I couldn't think of anything than getting to that hospital and when I did. I was glad I didn't remember to wake Snow up. Royalty was a mess, she had to be sedated, the baby didn't cry when she was born and everyone went to hysteria but luckily, the doctors were able to get her crying and she's under  close monitoring but according to the doctors, she'll live. Princess Adrianna was still the most beautiful sight in the world and it brought back memories, I was envious. Seeing Roland and Royalty hold their living baby made my eyes sting. The thought of the baby and snow sent me back home, I wanted to be the first to tell her the good news, I wanted to be the first to tell her the baby she adored had finally graced the earth with her presence and at the same time, I wanted to tell her how much I was in love with her and how much I wanted to try again with her, how I wanted her to carry my baby, part of her and part of me. I wanted to tell her I wanted her for real this time but she wasn't anywhere. She left me.

      She finally did what I wished for all those years, she finally did what I always pushed her to do but this time, I didn't want it anymore. This time I wanted her to stay, I wanted her by my side, in my arms, around me but like always, no one ever sticks around. At least, this time she left me alive and that, I was grateful for.

     My phone rang and I walked to the sofa to retrieve the poor thing I angrily tossed away. It was the PI and hope rose in my heart, maybe if I can find her, maybe she'll hear me out.

    "Yes?. What's the news?" I asked with a heart full of hope, so full it was almost at bursting point.

     "Your Highness. She's at the former house she stayed before moving to your place. The apartment that belonged to princess Royalty" he said and I sat down with relief.

     "Thank you James. You've done well" I said and hung up. I wanted to dash into the room, get dressed and go get her back but suddenly, like the coward in love that I am, I chickened out. I cleaned up and got dressed quite alright but rather than take the route to where my heart was, I followed the path to the hospital.

     "Hey beautiful" I greeted as I walked into Royalty's room. Everyone was around, even Seven who's now Leanne's boyfriend. It made Snow jump for hours.

     "Where's Snow?" Royalty, Leanne, Savannah and mum asked at the exact same time. It is indeed the creepiest thing in the universe!.

     "Wow. Glad to know y'all are happy to see me" I replied sarcastically, how do I even tell them what the answer to their question is?.

      "Whatever bro. Where's she?" Royalty asked with a lazy grin. I sighed and decided to come out clean

       "She left" I asked and the atmosphere tensed immediately. It was like all the bubbly and jumpy excitement developed legs and put Bolt and Flash to shame.

      "I don't understand?" Mum asked, the light in her eyes dimming with every passing second.

      "I don't understand too mum. One minute she was right beside me and I left her asleep when I rushed down here, on getting home, she was gone." I said and it hurt even more. Why does love always find a way to mess me up every time I try to give it a chance.

    "Maybe... Maybe she went out to the grocery store.... Or she went for a run or......" Savannah said, trying to come up with excuses but we all knew she really left.

    "One of her boxes is gone baby girl and the PI said she moved to Royalty's apartment this morning" I said and her jaw dropped.

     "Come here son" dad said and we both walked out of the room full of women who looked like they were a second from shedding bucket worth of tears. Roland and Seven will have to deal with that.

     "What happened son?" Dad asked as we walked down the hallway of the VIP section in the hospital. It was less irky and not crowded with doctors and patients. Offered me the privacy I needed in case I wanted to show my dad the broken man that I am.

     "I don't know dad. I.. I thought things would be better now, tonight was perfect dad. She finally stopped being mad at me and, for the first time ever I knew what being her husband felt like. The feeling was amazing you know, it felt nothing less than perfect and I wanted to tell her how much I love her, how much I wanted more of this. Not just the sex but everything that came with being her man. I was going to tell her when I reached home but she was already gone. Maybe I am just not cut out for love" I said and he smiled.

       "Everyone's cut out for love son. For months you've done nothing but try to push this girl away, she's not crazy to walk away you know. I thought it would even happen earlier" he said and I chuckled. Me too

      "Have you ever told her you love her?" He asked and the fact that I have never ever ever uttered those words to her made me feel like a jerk.

      "See?. You can't expect her to suddenly deduce how you feel about her from one amazing night of passion. It doesn't work like that, you have to be willing to face your fears and come clean. Be real with her and if she stays, then she's yours to keep. If she doesn't, you learn from this and next time, you'll never waste time letting a girl know you want a life with her" he said, patted my shoulder and left me in the hallway, thinking.

      I think it's right about Snow hears the words she deserves to hear from me. Even if it ends up making no difference, she deserves to know that this man, as stupid and hard-headed as he may be, is absolutely in love with her.



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