Unknown ~Larry Stylinson✔️

By PierceWithKellic

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Harry was just looking for an adventure when he booked a last minute trip to Sweden, what he didn't expect wa... More

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By PierceWithKellic

"Run!" Louis says and grabs a hold of Harry's hand to pull him towards the door they came in through. Running from the guard is a first for Harry and the adrenaline is pumping out in his system. He have never been in trouble before and this is exciting, running from the law.

"This way." Louis says and opens a door to a supply room, he is aware that they won't be able to get out of this place without Lottie so he is opting for the second best which is hiding. He look behind him before closing the door, making sure that the guard didn't see where they went.

When the door is closed behind them he can finally catch his breathe a little, and actually realize how close he and Harry happen to be in the small room. Their hands still intertwined with each other.

Neither of them wants to be the one that let's go, so they just stand there holding hands until they hear the guard passing by.

"I need to text Lottie." Louis whispers, hoping that the guard isn't standing right outside because then it wouldn't matter how quiet he whispered it.

Letting go of Harry's hand leaves his hand feeling empty.

He sends a text with the details of their whereabouts to Lottie, not really explaining why they're in a supply room. She knows already because of the guard working putting it on the work radio so she heard him call it in.

After almost five minutes of waiting in the tiny little space the door opens, Harry holds his breathe scared that it might be the guard from earlier. But when he sees the blonde girl he lets it out.

"I thought I told you not to be caught!" She yell whispers, you know that kind where you whisper but you can hear that if it would have been in a normal conversation the person would be yelling at you.

"Well did we? I don't think it really counts." Louis uses the same tone backs at her, without another word the two men follows her through the corridor until they reach the door they came in from.

Lottie unlocks the door and let them out in to the cold air.

"Don't think about coming back here anytime soon." She says before closing the door behind her.

Just like that they're back at the almost empty street.

"You were right, that defiantly was an adventure." Harry says in an amazed tone. He still can't believe that it really happened, it all feels so unreal. Things like this don't happen in real life? People can't just walk in to closed places?

He can't really get his mind straight after what just happened, he don't know if he ever will.

"Oh it's not over yet, this is only the beginning darling." His words are almost calming to Harry, he don't think that he is ready to go back to the hotel room yet.

"Where to now?" Harry asks looking around him, his eyes landing on the big Ferris wheel that everyone always talk about when they mention London... The London Eye. He have seen it from this position every time he was to London, but only actually been on it once.

"I know a place." Louis says with a big smile, moving around the city that he knows so well. He almost feels more at home in London than he does back in Doncaster.

They walk beside each other and move towards the bridge that leads either to or from Palace of Westminster. The Big Ben is different at night when there isn't as many people standing trying to take great pictures of it. Everything feels different at night.

Instead of walking to it Louis leads them away from it, making his way to Waterloo Station.

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