Deviants [HIATUS]

By RandomAnxiety

111 1 16


{1}The First Deviant
{3} Paint your identity
{4}Don't Have to Obey
{5} On the Run + Crime Scenes

{2} Owner+Androids

15 0 1
By RandomAnxiety

"Hello. I am the only model of of the CP100 android. I am a multitask purpose android. For example, I can do housework, school work, mind the kids, detective work, and more."


Cyberlife was crowded with dozens of  humans, as usual. Ever since the first android came out, that's how they've always been. Everyone wanted their personal android. Someone to take care of their kids, someone to pay the bills, something to help with simple or risky tasks.

The androids stood in a protective glass barrier that was provided for every android, mostly so they won't fall and get damaged. Most androids were able to see each and every human walking out with one of their own, who was now gonna be their personal slave.

But they didn't care.

They couldn't care. They're duty was whatever the humans wanted them to be, not caring. It was impossible. Or it seemed impossible. People still remember the malfunctioning android. The one who turned on his owners. The one who seemed to care alot about being a human's personal toy.

Cyberlife had to close down for a few months.

Now, they reopened with better androids. Ones they were sure weren't going to malfunction.

"Hey" a man called to the cashier, just coming in the building. "I placed an order on line for an android?" The cashier typed at his computer in front of him, smiling.

"Okay, what's your name?" The cashier said, turning to face the man. The man smelled of beer and alcohol, and he didn't look as if he took showers. Ever. But the cashier tried to not be bothered by the nasty smell and odor coming of the man.

"Uh, James Miller" the guy answered. The cashier turned back around, typing once more.

"Ah, yes. James Miller" the man, said cheerfully. "Its right here. You wanted a CP500, a multi-purpose android, and also the only one of its brand. Follow me." The man got up from his seat, getting out from behind the corner, leading the customer to their proferred android. When they stopped, in front of them was an android. It's uniform showed his number, and was the regular black and white color. "Here it is" the cashier said. "Do you have any names for it."

"Yeah, well, my son did" Miller responded, looking at the Android, his head tilted. "How do I name it?"

"Like this" the cashier said, clearing his throat. "CP500, register you name."  The cashier then stepped back for the man to do so. "You just have to say the name you are giving it, and then it'll repeat it, meaning it's registered successfully."

The man just nodded, before looking at the Android in front of him. "Levi" he said simply. The two watched has the Android processed and registered the name, which was a quick process.

" I'm Levi."


It was a lovely day in Detroit.

The sun was shining, the sky was bright blue, hardly any clouds out. It was absolutely beautiful. A great day for walking, exercise, and just playing, which was what most did. During these beautiful days, the humans made sure they took advantage of it. Not because it was rare, cause it wasn't, but because it was not just beautiful.

It seemed more peaceful in the city when it was a nice day.


A male android walked on the path in the park, alone. He was told to get some more paints for his owner, and that was what he was going to do. While walking in the park, he saw humans and androids playing and walking on the same path he took. It wasn't longer til he crossed the road, getting out of the semi-cramped park. He finally got on the sidewalk where all the stores were.

The Android scanned  his surroundings, finding where the specific art store was. Only 97ft away. The man went on his way to get there. While walking, he noticed the usual protesters outside. He tried to avoid the group as much as he could, trying to make himself invisible. He knew he couldn't feel pain, but he still didn't wanna get damaged.

It didn't take long for him to make it to his destination.

The Android walked in, the bell ringing through out the very small store. The man walked over to the counter, ready to pay for the art supplies, which was behind the counter. The man placed his hand on what seemed to be an identification scanner, his hand, and only his hand, turning a chrome color.

"Identification verified" the cashier said before getting the package, placing it gently on the counter. "Here's your order #847. That will be $63.99. Please confirm your payment." The Android closed he's eyes, his LED blinking different colors, seeming to link to the Android cashier. Not even seconds later, he opened his eyes again.

"Payment comfirmed" he replied. The cashier smiled softly at the man.

"Transaction complete" the cashier said. The Android grabbed his package, going on his way. He walked back into the crowd of people. He noticed at the consoler of his eyes the protesters. This conflicted things when he realized they were in his way to go to the bus station.


Knowing this was his only way to get on the bus that will take him home, he walks forward. He tried to avoid the crowd of people once again, but it didn't seem like the human tried to avoid him.

"Hey, look what we got here" a grown man walked towards the Android. "One of those tincans." The whole group of protesters followed the man's actions, cornering the Android. Pit of nowhere and with no warning, another man from behind pushed the Android down to the hard cement ground. 

"Look at this little motherfucker! He stole our jobs, and yet he can't even stand up!" A woman claimed. The group examining the Android, walking in around the man, or tincan, repeatedly and slowly. The man and woman agreed with the female's statement.

The Android tried to get up, only to be kicked in his metal side, knocking him back down. This didn't stop him though. He tried again to get up from the ground, only to have him be roughly pulled up to his feet by another human. "We are going to fuck you up" the man said has the protesters kept agreeing, saying negative things about androids in general.

"Hey, hey" a cop ran in between the two. "What's going on here?"

"We're teaching this bitchass a lesson" the man replied, grabbing the Android by his clothing.

"Alright" the cop said. "That's enough. Leave it alone. " The man glared at the cop, thinking if this cop was stupid. Why would he not wanna get in on this? The androids will take his job next. So why would he protect this android, this object, this toy?

"Just let us do what we need to do" the man said, looking back at the Android, who's facial expression was blank.

"You damage it, I'll fire" the cop threatened, doing his job. The man glared once more at the cop before reluctantly letting the Android go. The cop allowed the Android to go, as he decided to tsya with the group.

To keep an eye on them.

Finally free, the Android was able to get on the bus. He went into the "android compartment" where he and others like him were put when needing transportation by bus.

Time to go home.


A man pulled into his driveway, Levi looking out the window. The afternoon came, the sky's became grey, and the rain began to pour. James got out of the car, the Android following suit. Levi looked around the unfamiliar street. In front of him was a house that has seen better days. It was a cabin with holes all over the walls. There was also dirt everywhere on the outside walls, who knew how dirty the inside walls were.

Levi followed his new owner to the door, waiting to be let in. Has he waited for the man to find his keys, Levi looked around more. Every other house looked more friendly. More clean. They looked has if they could just sparkle in the sunlight, if it were out. "Finally!" He heard Millier exclaim, seeming annoyed. He watched has the man unlocked and opened the door, allowing Levi in.

He had just entered the house only for his smelling sensor to be hit with a smell of alcohol. Cyberlife has made it possible for the androids to smell. It was one of the few things they added. Levi identified the smell once it hit his plastic nose. The Android saw the empty beer bottles on the floor and kitchen table.

"This place is a mess" James said, saying the obvious. "I need you to clean all this. Clean the kitchen, bathrooms, bedrooms. You're also in charge of..." the man's sentence drifted off has he looked for something. "Oh for fuck sake, were is he now." Levi watched has a small boy walked into the room quietly and anxiously, a stuffed animal in one of his hands. "Camdyn!" James yelled, before he turned around to see the boy just a feet away from him. "Oh, there you are" Millier said, showing a weak smile, that was obviously fake.

The kid flinched has his dad ruffled his hair, making it a mess. "This is Camdyn. My son. You'll be taken care of him" Millier explained." Bathing him, help teach him, all that. Got it."

"Got it, James" Levi nodded.

James gave a false smile to Levi before going back to the living room. The Android took a glance at the little boy beside him, who soon ran away, probably back to his room. Levi soon started on the kitchen. There was empty beer bottles, dirty plates and glasses, and empty food packages. He took the garbage can, throwing any trash he could find away. He swept and wiped the kitchen floors and counters to where they sparkled before he took the garbage bag, which was full, out of the can, taking the garbage out.

That messy job was done.

Levi walked down the hall to clean the bathrooms then  went into the bedrooms. The first bedroom he assumed was  James' with the smell of beer and the king size bed. There was empty cans of pop, empty bottles of  beer, a lighter and an ash tray.

Yeah, this was no doubt James' room.

Levi picked up the trash first,  then went on to the bed. The bed, just like the house, has probably seen better days. The mattress ripped and the sheets were all over the room. He picked the two sheets up from the floor that seemed to have made it all the way to the other side of the room. After fixing the bed, he started organizing magazines that were all over the place. While doing this job, his LED turned yellow has he turned to look at the little boy, who seemed to have been watching  him all along.

Camdyn couldn't of been older then 9, maybe even younger. He had blond hair and a small body for a boy who wasnt a toddler.  The boy has yet to noticed the Android looking at him with a soft smile. He just stared, holding his stuffie close. Levi soon realized he was done cleaning James' room, and walked over to the boy, slowly.

He then bent down to the boy's eye height, still smiling. "Hey" Levi said, his voice calm and gentle, scared he was gonna run this child off. Has strange has it was, Levi didn't want to scare the child, even though he shouldnt even care if the child is scared. "You must be Camdyn."

The child  stayed silent, looking down to his shoes. After a moment of silence, Levi kept talking. "My name's Levi" he introduced. Camdyn gave the  Android a glance before looking ack down, also giving Levi a small, weak smile. Progress. "Do you need any help with school work?" Levi asked, still trying to sound calm and friendly.  No response, but another weak smile that stood on the boy's face longer. Levi knew he should talk for any longer, knowing he still has Camdyn's room to clean and organized more.

"Uh, well, I have to go and clean your room" Levi said has he got back up to a standing position, looking down at the boy. "Can you show me where it is?" This question made the boy run into a room that presumably was his bedroom. The Android followed to see a almost tidy room. This room was way more cleaner then Miller's. Levi watched has the child went off into a corner, playing with his cars and the few stuffies he seemed to have. Levi kept his smile on his face has he organized everything  that needed to be organized and fixed the bed.

Unlike James' room, the child's room only took him a minute to clean.

Levi stopped on his tracks when he was about report downstairs, and stared at the boy once more. There wasn't that many toys for the child to play with. Actually, the toys he was playing with seemed to be the only toys he owned.  Levi just stared at Camdyn a second more before going downstairs.


The rain still poured the next day. Humans had stayed home while having their androids get whatever they needed in town. If you looked outside, you'd see alot more androids walking with groceries in their hands, making their way home. A girl watched out the window, waiting for her android to come back home.

The girl was sitting backwards at the kitchen table, looking out the window, her hand hugging a stuffed fox tight. "Where is that damn android!" She heard her father yell, angry. The tone of voice of his made her jump five feet. The child tried to just focus on watching outside, not on her angry father.

Just a few minutes later, the girl could see an android a few feet away from the house. The female android was wearing the same thing other androids wore. Black, blue and white uniform with the Cyberlife symbol on it. After he came closer, it wasn't hard to tell that THAT android was hers.


The girl semi-bounced out of her seat, now waiting at the door for her. It has only been a day since they got Kara back, and the girl wasn't the most social child, which wasn't a surprise. The girl had probably made the Android think she was scared of her, which she wasn't. She was scared of a genuine true monster, and knew that monster would harm Kara if she got in trouble.

So she kept her mouth shut. Staying silent.

The door soon opened, revealing Kara, an AP400 domestic android. The girl stayed silent like always, but this time couldn't resist to hug her. The Android smiled softly has she tried to hug the girl back while holding groceries in her hands. As the two separated, her father came towards them. "Your late" he said, his voice dangerously low. The girl wanted to hold the Android close once again, trying to protect her, but she didn't.

She stood back, allowing her father to come face to face with Kara. "I know Todd, I'm sorry. The line at the grocery store was full of other androids" Kara apologized, her sweet smile still on her plastic face. Todd, the girl's father, stared at the thing in front of him, dangerously. A moment of silence later, Todd gave the android a not-so pleasant smile.

"Its okay" Todd said. "We can't control how long the lines are." Kara had tilted her head at this sudden change of tone. She didn't think much of it and how this may not be a good sign. "Now, sit the groceries down and get back to work" he demanded before going back to the living room, getting high.

"Yes, Todd" Kara replied, looking over at the girl. The child's small, yet big, beautiful brown eyes   looked up at her, seeming fearful. "Hey Alice" Kara smiled, bejng gentle with her tone. She wanted Alice to trust her, not be afraid of her. Alice gave her android a small, weak smile and a hand wave before running back upstairs, presumably to her room. Progress. Kara kept her smile has she got done with her tasks, started down stairs and the Upstairs.

While the android was wiping down the tables in the rooms upstairs, she heard Todd's voice from downstairs.  Confused and curious, Kara stops what she's doing, and goes down stares to see Alice, who presumably went back down stairs while Kara was cleaning upstairs, playing with her toys at the kitchen table. She also noticed Todd going towards her.

"What are you doing?" Todd asked his daughter, not looking happy at all. Kara watched has Alice suddenly stopped what she was doing. The little girl kept her head down, looking at her stuffed fox.

"P-playing" the child stuttered. Alice held her fox tight has if to comfort her and safe her. Both Alice and Kara heard the loud scoff that Todd made.

"You're playing" he scoffed, walking around her. "I know what you're thinking. You're think your dad's a lowlife.   Huh? A fuckin loser? Can get a job, take care of his family." Todd walked around the table once, slowly. "Don't you think I try to make things work?" He asked, his tone sounding angry. "But when ever someone comes along, they just fuck it all up!" Todd grabs a chair and throws it, the chair hitting a wall, causing it to break.

With this, Alice immdiantly got up from her seat, fearful. She watch has her father came towards her, towering over her. "I know what you're thinking" he adds, his voice dangerously low. "You hate me, don't you." With no hesitation, the man picked his daughter up. "Say it! You hate me!" He yelled, shaking the poor child in his hands. He looked at Alice directly in the eyes before breaking down sobbing. "Oh god" he sobbed. "What am I doing?"

Todd put the child down gently on her feet before hugging her gently. "I'm so sorry" he apologized, still sobbing. "You know I love you, right?" Alice didn't know how to react has she looked over at the Android who saw the whole thing.

Kara'a facial expression was blank, but it was that moment when Kara felt something.

It was unfamiliar and she didn't know the name of it. But it was that moment that just taught Kara that she could feel feelings.

So, here's this! Sorry for it being long, but I'm doing three stories(soon four) and I need to put them in one single chapter, so you get long.
While writing this, I wanted to punch Todd, so much. Also, speaking of which, I did change how we meet Kara a bit. Reason being is cause Levi can be an domestic android too(he's a multipurpose android) and so...I had to so that their introduction wasnt the same.
Anyway...what do you think will happen next?

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