Won't Give Up On Us

By inkkedd

601 63 49

The story follows Kayla Darwin and her life...her friendships.. her relationships..her family and her job. Ha... More



14 1 0
By inkkedd

I had literally no idea about dresses for balls and stuff. I had never even been to one before, but as usual, Lynn had me covered. Shopping like it was my wedding. Honestly, the dress was over-priced , but it was definitely worth it. Ishmael even had a hair and nail appointment booked for me even though I protested. Guess he really wanted me to look extra standing next to him. Can't complain ,can I? The program was just a day away now.

Anyways, Ishmael had become extra nice to me...sending me flowers at my office and stuff😊. I didn't even know what to think. Maybe he had finally turned over a new leaf🤔. I was admiring the flowers Ishmael brought in this morning when my phone rang. Andre's name flashed on my screen and I reached over to grab my phone. Yupp...still no word about the poem.

"Hey Andre"

"Hey beautiful. What's up?"he asked.

"Uuh..just at work...nothing extra..what about you?" I asked.

"I'm at a bake shop right now" he answered.

"A bakeshop? Why?" I pried.

"Pre-ordering a cake" he said.

"Who's cake..if I may know" I said.

"JaKory "he answered.

"Oh..it's his birthday? When?" I was interested.

"Umm...it's kinda short notice but I actually..err.. wanted to invite you to his birthday party but I was contemplating whether to do so since you know...Trinity" he said nervously.

"If I'm gonna be there, imma be there for JaKory, not her" I told him.

"So...are you saying you'll come? " he asked

"Yeah...when is it?" I asked looking at the little calender on my desk.

"Saturday" he answered.

Saturday was the day of the ball...I could I really do both.?? He pulled me out of my thoughts...

"Thanks...JaKory's gonna be so excited when he that you're gonna be there" he said.

"Uhh..Andre I..." I started.

"I'm gonna be a bit busy planning for the party and stuff so in case I don't pick up , you know why...oh shoot..the caterer just walked in...call you later" he said hurriedly and ended the call.

I just sat there staring at the phone...I wasn't able to tell him about the ball...I didn't want to let him or JaKory down, but I also couldn't afford to let Ishmael or the hospital down either.

I decided to grab some snacks at a shop on my way home. I had never shopped here before..but my regular shop was closed since it was a little late. After I was done, I exited the shop ..and then it all happened like a trance. A man run up to me with a knife and demanded for my purse. I was so scared at the sight of the weapon..one wrong move and he could hurt me badly. I just decided to give it to him without struggling or screaming and he took off like the flash...probably to hide or to find another victim. I gathered the stuff I had bought which had fallen to the ground during the ordeal and took my car keys out of my pocket with shaky hands . I ran to my car and managed to calm down. I was just a crying mess, I wondered home I drove home but soon enough, I was at my door.

Nathan was in the living room watching tv when I entered.
"Hey sis..took you long enough, I'm starving" he said still looking at the tv. When he didn't get an answer he turned to look at me.
"Wooah! Kay, are you okay?" He asked rushing to my side full ok concern. I couldn't even talk, I was still emotional.

"What happened to you? Are you hurt? Who did this? Kay, talk to me...please" he rambled.

I shut my eyes tightly and started shaking my head lightly when I remembered what happened. I ended up narrating what happened after he helped me calm down.

"I'm just happy he didn't hurt you Kay" he said hugging me.

"Me too..he just took my purse..it had some cash and...shoot! My phone!" Ughh! I hadn't even realised he took it too!

"We'll get you another one ok? You can have my old one in the mean time" I just nodded.

Great! Just great..how was I supposed to get all my information back? I don't remember backing up or any of that stuff. The numbers! How was I supposed to tell Andre I couldn't make it.

I eventually drifted off to sleep after tossing and turning.

Next day

I couldn't remember Andre's number from memory so I tried texting him on Insta but he never answered...he did mention he was going to be busy....

Ishmael walked me to my car today too. After I told him about what happened yesterday, he had been fussing unnecessarily over me. "Wanting me to be safe" and stuff. Don't get me wrong, I did appreciate it...a lot..but it was a bit extra.
He also reminded me that he would pick me up at 6.30pm tomorrow. We engaged in a short conversation and then  parted ways.

Huh! I had mixed feelings about tomorrow. Ishmael managed to convince me that the ball would be ok..fun even. But what about Andre? I had no way of reaching him to explain that I couldn't make it. Would he understand? How would JaKory feel that I missed his party? I felt so confused at this point😩. Lord please help meeeee.😣😕

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