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"Hey" I responded to Maria's greeting as I passed by her on my way to the washroom. Yup, I needed to pee. Then I saw a familiar face coming from the men's washroom... Ishmael. My first instinct was to turn around and pretend I hadn't seen him but he had already seen me.Shoot.

"Kayla, are you avoiding me?" He asked standing in front of me.
"What? No, of course not. Why would I?" I asked nervously.

"Well...I don't know" he rubbed his moustache slowly.

"Umm..I'm gonna use to washroom..I kinda have to pee" I told him.

"Oh yeah.." he said stepping out of my way. I began walking towards the ladies when he called after me..

"Could we talk after?"

"Umm...I have some papers to look at" I replied.

"Kayla, it's lunch break, at least lie better. I'll be waiting for you in my office " he said and walked away.
I let out a sigh and shook my head. After finishing my business, I contemplated actually going to see him...he had already caught me lying, the least I could do to save my dignity was to go.

I made my way up the elevator to his office. I opened the door slowly after being told to come in when I knocked. Ishmael was sitting behind his huge designer mahogany table typing something on his computer.

"So...." I started.

"Did you get the flowers?" He asked looking up at me.

"Yeah I did. I liked them ...thanks Ishmael, it was sweet thing to do" I admitted.

"I'm glad I could make you happy" he smiled."I wanted to know if you'd like to go to the hospital fundraiser ball as my date?" He asked. I hadn't even given much thought about it, honestly. It was this fundraiser the hospital was having towards the construction of a new ward. It was going to be huge and all sorts of important people were going to be there. It was a pretty important deal.

"I haven't really thought about it " I admitted nervously.

"It's next week Kayla..it's a huge event..you know that" he looked worried.

"Yeah...don't worry ok? I'll be there, amd I'll love to be your date...just have to get a dress and stuff" I mumbled the last part.

"That's great news" he beamed and then his smile changed to a  frown when his phone started to ring.
"We'll talk about this another time right?" He said eyeing his phone.

"Sure..I'll head back to my office now." I told him. He nodded and I left.

Soon enough, the day had come to an end and I headed home.I met mom making dinner in the kitchen.

"Hey honey!" She said once I walked in.

"Hey mom...I've told you not to stress yourself cooking for us" I scolded lightly setting my stuff down on the counter.

"Making dinner for my children is no stress at all" she dismissed.

"If you say so" I shrugged and headed upstairs to freshen up.

Next day
My nervousness was heightened by the sharp knock on my door. I was trying to  organise my desk but my hands were too shaky.
"Come in" I managed to let out.

"Hey Doc!" JaKory yelled running in with his father behind him. I swear, that boy just takes away my nervousness.

"Hello JaKory, look at you looking all healthy, nice to see you...both" I replied looking up to Andre when I said the latter part.

"Always better to see you Kayla" he replied.

"Have a seat" I said and quickly turned directing JaKory to the examining area to avoid Andre seeing me blush. I started with all the necessities. Andre looked awfully busy on his phone and said nothing the whole time. I just brushed it off and concentrated on JaKory who wad telling me all sorts of stuff like I was his new best friend. This boy is just cute.

I informed Andre that I was done and he just nodded and stood up getting JaKory's stuff.

"Hey, is everything alright?" I asked worried about how quiet he was being.

"Yeah" he replied. He quickly shoved his phone in his pocket and took JaKory's hand.

"You ready to go buddy?" He asked and JaKory just nodded sadly. I opened the door for them and then I remembered...

"Wait! JaKory you forgot your lollipop" I quickly said rushing back to get it from my drawer.

"Thanks" JaKory beamed once I gave it to him.

"That's for being a very good boy today" I told him.

I looked up at Andre when I heard him call my name. "Thanks for making my son happy. You really are a beautiful person" he said taking my hand gently. He caressed it as he spoke and my heart began to beat faster. I felt my cheeks heating up and I quickly diverted my eyes looking for the  courage to say something when someone cleared their throat. ...annndddd the moment was ruined.

"Ishmael? Umm... do you need something?" I asked. He was about to reply when Andre spoke..

"We'll leave now,see you later Kayla" he said and JaKory waved.

I diverted my eyes back to him
"Okay, be safe...both of you" I waved them.

"What was that about?" Ishmael asked coldly. Well excusssseee you😒

"What was what?" I asked slightly annoyed.

"What just went on...I'm just asking" He pressed.

"Which part? Me doing my job or you interrupting my conversation? "I asked him

"Oh ..sorry about that" he rubbed his neck nervously."It's just ...you too were getting a little thdcjtfnk" he mumbled.

"Huh?" I said because he was very inaudible.

"You guys seemed to be getting a little cozy" he said a little louder .

"And YOU determine that cos what ..you're my boss?" I tried to calm down...he was just being childish.

"I'm sorry ok? Guess I just got a little jealous" he mumbled shyly.
Oh the great Ishmael Jones was shy?😂

"Why?" I questioned getting amused.

"Kayla, I know you know my love life history but I promise...I'm really serious about you...about us" he said cupping my face with his hands.

I don't know but I felt sincerity in his voice.

"What are you doing here anyways" I said changing the topic while diverting my eyes.
He sighed and dropped his hands when he realised I wasn't going to address his confession.

"Wanted to walk you to your car...is that ok?" He asked

"Yeah it is . I'll just get my stuff." I replied walking to my desk. After unplugging my charging phone, and picking my bag,I started walking towards a waiting Ishmael when a piece of paper on the sofa caught my eye. It was on the same couch Andre was sitting on. They've got to be related.But I hadn't even noticed him writing anything.

I put the paper in my bag because Ishmael surely would have asked about it if I had read it there. I'll just read it later.
I thought as I locked up.

"Drive safe" Ishmael said leaning in for a hug after we reached my car.

"You too..thanks for walking me to my car" I replied as I hugged him.
I smiled at him as I watched him wait till I was all buckled up before walking to his own flashy car.

Two men, one day, is my life really turning into a love triangle? 😩😩🤔

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