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"I do the clean work while Kookie does the dirty one." Top-kook Bottom-Tae More

Pretty 1
Pretty 2
pretty 3
Pretty 4
Pretty 5 (M)
Pretty 6
Pretty 7
Pretty 8
Pretty 9
pretty 10
Pretty 11
Pretty 12
Pretty 13
Pretty 14
Pretty 15
Pretty 16
Pretty 17
Pretty 18

Chapter 19-END

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How they finally look 💕

"It's your fault they're like this! If you didn't give in so easily to their needs then maybe they would do what it's right!"

Taehyung scoffs at that and glares at his angered husband, "How dare you blame me for this?! You are the one who gives them money as though it were toilet paper!"

The couple kept on bickering in front of their three kids who sat on the couch in front of them. The reason of their argument being the fact that the three stubborn kids had ditched school to hang out with friends and go shopping. The action certainly didn't sit well with the couple.

"Irene, what's your reason?"

The 18-year-old girl who is dressed in oversized black clothes and black painted nails rolls her eyes and answers, "I needed a new pair of black boots. The math teacher was talking too much, you should make the district fire him," she responds nonchalantly.

"We aren't firing anyone and you have tons of black boots. Young lady, I dare you to do this kind of shit again and I'll make you clean the basement," grits Taehyung, making the young girl to shrink back on her sit as she nods furiously and shuddering at the thought of going down to their basement, "And you're grounded. You'll have to work in the company until I say so."

Jungkook takes a deep breath, counting numbers in different languages to control his anger, "Yeonjun!"

The 16-years-old boy flinches at the loud voice of his father, cheeks red in embarrassment, "I-I just got distracted with the ti-timing, I swear—"

"Yeah, I bet talking with your boyfriend was very distracting, wonder what else he does that keeps you busy," Yeonjun blushes at that and looks away, " Grounded, if your boyfriend wants to see you then let him come here."

Yeonju pales at those words. He knows that his family is dark and aggressive in some aspects; most of the time sweet and loving. Bringing his boyfriend didn't really sound like a good idea.

Then lastly, the couple turns to their youngest son, Taehyun. A 12-years-old brunette that took their resemblances very well, having Jungkook's big eyes and Taehyung's thin features.

"Sweetheart, you can't insult the teacher just because she disagrees with you about letting you express your freedom in art."

"School is an oppressing system which chains our brains into only one purpose, I'm not going to fall into the path of teenager oblivion."

Everyone in the room stared at him, none of them speaking for long 5 seconds until Taehyung smiles lovingly at him and pecks his cheeks.

"Awww, you're going to be the cutest activist ever, baby."

"You're also grounded," adds Jungkook.  He sighs.  He sits back on the sofa in front of his kids and his eyes soften a bit.  "Do we need to go through the murder learning skill talk again?"


Both Irene and Yeonjun glare at Taehyun.  The younger one gives them a look and turns back to his father.

"Alright.  Irene, go get ready, I'll text Rosé to come pick you up so that you can help her at the company. Yeonjun tell your boyfriend to come for dinner tonight—no excuses.  And Taehyun, come here."

Irene whines at her father's words and stomps upstairs to her room. Yeonjun's face pales and he stays frozen for a couple of seconds before letting out a cry and begging Taehyung to change his father's mind.  And Taehyun, he happily skips to sit beside his father to hear more about killing tactics and murder cases.


Everyone in the house had gotten ready for the dinner where they'll be finally meeting Yeonjun's boyfriend. Their families are also coming to witness the drama that will unfold tonight at the family table.

"Appa, please I beg you to cancel this dinner and pretend it's just a normal family reunion," the boy begs again only to have Taehyung smirk mockingly at him as he ruffles his son's hair, "But where's the fun in that? We all want to meet the one who caught our baby's heart."

Yeonjun rolls his eyes and just sighs, finally accepting his fate. He just hopes his boyfriend doesn't break up with him after this. I mean, anyone would. They're like the fucking Adams family with the deaths and all. Except they don't kill each other. Well, Irene stabbed Yeonjun once because he broke her favorite toy, Yeonjun stabbed her back, and Taehyun as a baby killed 10 baby chickens by squeezing them too hard.

"Taehyun, darling, stop chasing our bunny with a knife. You're scaring the poor thing."

'Shouldn't you be asking where he got he knife from?' Wonders Yeonjun and sometimes he feels as though he's the only normal one.

"Appa, how long will it take for cookie to die? I want to use his fur."

Taehyung picks up the shaking bunny that was cornered against the stairs by his young son and starts tenderly rubbing its body, "Cookie is an old bunny that is showing signs of illness. It'll probably take a year or a few month before our second baby leaves us."

"Good," responds Taehyun throwing his knife to Irene who caught it skillfully before glaring at her brother and making stabbing sign. Taehyun runs towards Jungkook.

Taehyung chuckles at the gesture, reminiscing to when his kids were still young

•••••[TEN YEARS BEFORE]•••••

Taehyung sat peacefully in the couch reading and supervising his one year old baby Taehyun. The house was silent except for the faint bickering of his other kids. The cozy feeling of his home made him a bit sleepy and he would've fallen asleep if it weren't for the shrilling scream of Yeonjun.

Taehyung immediately snapped awake but rather than standing up he just scrunched his eyebrows in confusion and stared at where the kids were. He then saw Irene's small body running with something in her hands and his curiosity grew more.

"Irene, what do you have there?"

"A Knife!!" The little girl giggles loudly as she runs by him showing him a bloodied knife.

Taehyung gasps and hurriedly stands up, "NO!" He then runs to where they were, finding the bleeding body of Yeonjun in the middle of the kitchen as the boy wept.

"Oh my baby, I thought I told you both to play with needles not knives!" Taehyung scolds as he picks his son up and onto his arms.

Jungkook who happened to be unbothered by all, walked into the kitchen to get some tea. Shaking his head in disappointment when he looked at Yeonjun as he took a sip from the cup and starts walking out of the kitchen as if nothing happened, "Disappointing."

With Yeonjun on his arms, Taehyung walks towards one of their medical rooms to attend Yeonjun.

"Ah, Irene can be quite cold sometimes. Don't worry, my boy, now you're allowed to stab her as a pay back."

That was one the little rules they implied on their kids. If one of them did something brash the other would be allowed to do the same as pay back, to make them understand to always resolve unfinished business.

Days later, Irene was now in Yeonjun's position but rather than weeping she was sulking angrily as Taehyung cleaned her wound.

Jungkook laughs at it as it if were pure comedy as he carries Yeonjun, throws him up into the air and catching him again while yelling praises.

      •••••[BACK TO PRESENT]•••••

The competition between them began since little due to Jungkook always pushing them against each other to see which one was the most ruthless. As time went one Irene won the position as the cruelest one in the family. She barely carried any emotion within her, got the job done, and she also practices dark witchcraft. When she didn't want to touch someone personally she would do it through her magic and damn right it worked each time. Each one worse than the last.

As they were fixing the last touches, the doorbell rings.

"Okay, everyone sit down. Yeonjun open the door."

The oldest boy went and opened the door, Jungkook rolling his eyes at the loud ruckus his family and Taehyung's were making as they entered.

Taehyung's parents along with Jungkook's parents enter the place, greeting their children that were already at the table.

"We're ready for some piping hot tea tonight!" Chimes in Seokjin, walking to his favorite seat on the table. He was dressed like your typical annoying rich aunt. Namjoon follows behind him and sits beside him. 

Behind them follow the yoonminseok, Yoongi too immersed scolding his daughters for god knows what, Jimin hugging his two sons lovingly, and Hoseok's walking as though he were alone.

The threesome decided that it was enough and boring seeing each other's faces all the time so they decided to add new family members.

Wooyoung, the eldest.  Really charismatic and smart.  Also, he carried the same traits in personality likewise in looks as Jimin.  Really agile and can get things done before you know it.  Looks scary when mad.

The second oldest, Jihyo.  She is a dancer like Hoseok, has a sultry look and mysterious personality, she's considered as a role model to all her siblings. She is also said to have the same personality as Yoongi.

The following, Wendy.  Laughs a lot, makes tons of jokes, is very good with technology, works as a Dj in one of her parents clubs, really close friend with Irene and probably share the same dark interests. Becomes like Yoongi when mad.

And their youngest one, Hueningkai.  His bright personality took after Hoseok, loves to sing and it's actually an idol, really attached to his three parents since being the youngest meant he got to spend more time with them, and loves surprises.

"Jin, I'm surprised you didn't bring a new kid today," taunts Hoseok as he takes a sit beside the latter.

Seokjin only rolls his eyes as he replies, "I'm too old to have kids.  I prefer to sit down and enjoy the drama," he then looks to the side and gasps when he sees the big black bunny by the stairs.

"Is that cookie? Oh god, I thought you were gonna cook him not make him your pet," Taehyung pouts at that and picks cookie up, squeezing the animal against his cheek, "how dare you say such thing to my baby! He reminds me of Kook, I can't just kill it for no reason."

"I still want its fur," says Taehyun, eyeing the animal with a dark look.

"And I want the legs.  I could make pretty good luck charms with them," adds Irene as she eyes the two kicking back legs of the animal.

"No! No one is killing Cookie because killing him it's like killing your father."

"Not like you haven't tried to stab me before, fucking psycho," grumbles Jungkook as he downs another cup of wine.  Taehyung only chuckles and winks at him.  He finally sets Cookie down, letting the bunny hop around and then disappear from their sight.

The table falls silent for a minute before being interrupted by Jungkook who slams his hands on the table after finishing his third cup of wine, which by the way isn't his drinking preference.

"Now, is your sweet boyfriend coming here or do I have to go get him myself? Oh, and can someone get me beer this time, the wine isn't working much."

Taehyung glares at Jungkook and speaks to him through gritted words,"honey, you'd want to meet your son-in-law sober."

"Why would I want to kill him sober?"

"Dad! You're not killing him, I just—I just may or may not have texted him the wrong time—"

"You did what?"

"But he's coming, I promise—" and before he could finish his sentence the doorbell rang, making the table go silent again and the malicious faces of the family were now on display.

Yeonjun immediately stands up, getting dizzy at the sudden movement, "I'll go—" Taehyung and Jungkook beat him to it, both standing up with wide smiles on their faces.

"Why, no, darling. How about you take a sit?" Taehyung asks, or more like commands. Jungkook holds his hand and drags his husband towards the door. They stop by the door, Taehyung beaming at Jungkook before they open the door. The sight before them was unexpected.

The tall boy stood by the door with two bouquets of flowers on both hands, black suit, hair well done, and a familiar face that they didn't expect to encounter.

"Soobin?" The couple say at the same time staring at the son of one of their good friends. They had met the boy several times during company celebrations and such.

"Oh, Mr. Jeons? You're Yeonjun's parents?" Soobin speaks politely as he gently gives one of the bouquets to Taehyung, the latter thanking him. Jungkook's smiles suddenly widens.

"Son, come in, we were expecting you!" The bunny man says with sudden excitement as he grabs the boy by the shoulders and drags him to the living room.

"Yeonjun, darling, why didn't you tell us you were dating the Choi Soobin! We could even get you an arranged marriage right this moment!"

Yeonjun stares at his parents with a confused look, not knowing where exactly they had met each other and why they were so happy around his boyfriend. He definitely did not expect this.

Soobin was sat down beside Yeonjun, the latter looking at him questioningly as to where the sudden bright atmosphere came from.

"...why are you two so happy?" He finally asks his parents, gettin annoyed by their overjoyed looks.

"Well, how could we not be?! Our son is dating the son of the second strongest empire out there, look at you making a name for the family already," answers Taehyung and then clapping when the food finally arrives at the table.

Yeonjun and Soobin look at each other, they definitely needed to talk after this.


"Hmm, age still doesn't seem to catch up with you," mumbles Taehyung as he lays on top of Jungkook's naked chest.  They both are looking at the view of the city through their glass wall on their room.

Jungkook who is combing the younger's hair hums, adjusting his position so that he could be comfortable.  As they grew up together they have grown more attached than before, days mean nothing without each other and the sweet presence of one another is like the fresh feeling of air running through their lungs.

Their kids could look after themselves and had already started running things on their own, convincing their parents to finally live their remaining life amongst each other.  The couple didn't disagree.

For the cozy moments they spend wrapped around each other could never be replaced with the humane pleasure.  There was nothing greater than the feeling of blissful peace as they lay together.

"Taehyung, I love you."

The younger looks up, a smile forming on his thin smooth lips.

"I love you, too."


This book is over :((((

I love you guys sooo much don't forget it! I know times are hard right now so if you need someone to vent to, I'm here :))

I took longer to finish because I wanted to add another chapter before the end but I just kept getting stuck and delaying it so I just decided to just end it.

If you want a chapter with a character's main story then I'll happily write extra chapters for you guys, if you have any questions please don't be afraid to ask. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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