The Life You Gave Me

By PinkSeokjinmk

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"It's none of your business Jungkook!" "Look i'm sorry, I know it's none of my business but I just can't help... More

First Encounter
Strange Girl
I Got You
What Are You Doing To Me
Your Fault
Stop Caring
Seniors Trip (Part 1)
Seniors Trip (Part 2)
Seniors Trip (Part 3)
Real Family
From A Dream To A Nightmare
Hold Me Tight
Make The Most Of It
The Prom
The Life You Gave Me

What Really Matters

82 4 0
By PinkSeokjinmk

*Jungkook's pov*

Monday 8:00 am.

Today marks the beginning of the most stressful week in my life.


Honestly I shouldn't be this stressed because I've been to prom before, but this year is different, not only is it my last prom but this year I am going with the most important person in the world and I just want everything to be perfect. I still haven't asked Y/n to prom yet even though almost everyone in school has asked their dates, that's because she told me she has never been to prom and I want to ask her in a special way that she will remember, I just haven't figured it out yet, but my time was running out and I had to take drastic measures, I needed advice and I knew exactly who to ask.

Jk: Hey guys!

N: What's up Jungkook?

Jk: Uh, nothing much...

Jin: Did you ask Y/n to prom yet?

Jk: Uh... about that...

T: Are you serious Jk?!

J: I'm sorry to tell you bro, but you don't have much time!

Jk: I know, that's why I need your help.

H: What is it?

Jk: I don't know how to ask her...

Y: Just say "Will you go to prom with me".

Jk: You don't get it Yoongi, I want it to be special, so I thought who better to help me than her best friends!

N: Honestly Jk I think you should just ask her.

T: He can't just ask her Namjoon, this is Y/n's first prom!

J: It need's to be big and romantic, something that she will never forget!

Jin: We'll teach you!

Y: Yeah because you already got dates, oh wait, no you don't.

Everyone except for Tae, Jimin and Jin started laughing including myself, I quickly stopped when I spotted Y/n walking over to us with a smile on her face.

Y/n: Hey guys!

All: Hey Y/n!

Y/n: What are you talking about?

All the guys just looked at me along with Y/n and Namjoon gave me a sigh to just ask her to prom, but I couldn't do it so I lied.

Jk: We were talking about class...

Y/n: Oh really, you weren't talking about prom?

Jk: Whaaat... why would we talk about something as boring as prom, get it together Y/n!

Y/n's smile instantly faded and she looked at me with a saddened expression "I fucked up!"

Y/n: Ok then I guess I'll see you guys later...

I tried to speak to her but she just walked away from us joining the girls that were a little further from us, suddenly I felt someone hitting the back of my neck and I brought my hand up to that spot before turning around to find Yoongi looking at me with disappointment in his eyes.

Jk: What the heck?!

Y: You blew it.

The guys all shook their heads while looking at me and walked away while walking to class leaving me alone in the hallway "Guess they are not helping me". Y/n didn't talk to me for the rest of the day which made everything worse, I felt really bad but the only thing I could do was think of a great way to ask her so that I could make up for it "Tomorrow is a new day"

Tuesday 11:45 am

I was walking to the cafeteria with quick steps as I was in a rush, when I got in I began scanning the room with my eyes looking for the girls, I found them sitting on a table near the window and thankfully Y/n wasn't with them. I sat down and the girls just looked at me surprised.

Jk: I need your help.

L: What for?

Jk: I need ideas for how to ask Y/n to prom.

The girls looked at each other and then burst out in laughter making me furrow my eyebrows.

Jen: How are we suppose to help?

Jk: Because you are girls!

R: But you know her better than we do!

Jk: Yeah but I don't know what girls like!

Jis: It doesn't matter what girls like, it's what she likes that you should concern yourself with.

Jk: How do I use what she likes to ask her to prom?

R: You can get her a present and write a card asking her to prom.

L: You can write her a song.

Jis: You can make her a cute video.

Jen: Or you can just go up to her and ask her.

I was completely overwhelmed by their ideas, they were pretty good but which one should I pick? I thanked the girls and went back to sit with the guys, as I was thinking about the girls suggestions Y/n walked into the cafeteria, I waved at her but once she spotted me she averted her gaze and went over to sit with the girls that gave me a look of disapproval.                                      

 "I need to think of something fast!"

*Y/N pov*

Friday 11:00 am

This has been one of the worst week's in my life!

Jungkook has been extremely distant and the past couple of days he didn't even look at me, I mean I have been avoiding him as well but I was upset, why you ask? because it's been three fucking weeks since prom was announced, it's this Sunday and Jungkook hasn't even bothered to ask me. Honestly under normal circumstances I wouldn't really care but this is my last year of school and since my seniors trip was a bit of a bust I want to have at least one good high school experience, not to mention that after this Sunday things will be very different, everything is coming to an end and I don't want to leave any loose ends. The entire time I was in class I couldn't pay attention because I was lost in my thought's but the bell broke me out of it and I gathered my stuff to go to the cafeteria, the second I walked in I spotted the guys at our usual table, Jungkook was with them and I thought that this was his last chance so I went over there and sat between him and Taehyung.

Y/n: Hey!

N: Hello Y/n!

Y/n: So... are you guys excited for prom?

The second I said that Jungkook glanced at me but quickly averted his gaze "What the heck?!", I decided to give him a hint hoping that he would get it.

Y/n: Have you guys asked your dates yet?

H: Yeah, except for Yoongi who didn't want to go with anyone and Tae and Jimin who are too scared to ask!


Y/n: What about you Jungkook?

He didn't even bother to look at me and just shrugged his shoulders, my blood began to boil and I wanted to punch him straight between the eyes, but I held it together and turned my attention over to Taehyung and Jimin.

Y/n: You two, who do you want to ask to prom?

J: Well I kinda wanted to ask Jennie, but I don't think she likes me that way and she probably already has a date...

T: And I was going to ask Rose but I saw someone else asking her so...

I face palmed myself at how stupid they both sounded.

Y/n: Are you guys serious, they have literally been waiting for you guys to ask them for weeks now!


Y/n: Seriously, get your butts over there and just ask!

They both made an attempt to get up but quickly sat back down with their heads low.

T: We can't...

Y/n: What's the matter?

J: We are too scared...

Y/n: For crying out loud!

I got up from my seat and went over to the table that was in the middle of the cafeteria and got on it apologizing to the people that were sitting there.

Y/n: Excuse me.

I looked over at the guys and gave them a smirk before cupping my mouth with my hands so that I would sound louder.


Tae's eyes immediately widened and he tried to get up to stop me but the other guys held him down.


Rose looked over at Taehyung in shock before smiling and giving him a thumbs up, Tae was so red that you would think he was going to pass out, Jimin was laughing at him but quickly stopped when I released my next sentence.


Jennie winked at Jimin before making a phone sign with her hands and mouthing "Call me" to him, he was so cute while covering his little chubby cheeks and the guys were once again laughing at them, but I wasn't done.

Y/n: Oh and one more thing...

I gave Jungkook a glare as he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and then spoke once again.

Y/n: To the twenty seven guys that have already asked me to prom, I am sorry I couldn't give you a direct answer, you will have to take it up with my so called boyfriend who still hasn't got the balls to ask me....

I was about to get off the table but turned back once again.

Y/n: And you might want to give him a few tips while you are at it, thank you for listening to my Ted talk.

Everyone in the cafeteria was speechless while looking at me and Jungkook who was also in complete shock, I went over to the table and picked up my stuff.

Jk: Y/n I-...

Y/n: Unless you are finally asking me to prom I don't want to hear it.

Jungkook just looked down since he couldn't find the words to speak, and that was it, I let it all out.

Y/n: You know I could have asked you myself because let's face it when do I ever follow the norms, but this prom is very important to me and I just wanted it to go right, I'm always the one taking initiative and doing thing's so I wanted to give you that chance, but you just sat there and did nothing, so if you are not planning on asking me to go with you don't bother speaking to me, and by the way I am still going to prom whether it's with you or not!

I gave him one last glare and walked out of the cafeteria trying to hold back my tears                       

"I guess I can't have anything normal in this world".

*Jungkook's pov*

Friday 5:00 pm


Honestly I have nothing to say, Y/n didn't talk to me for the rest of the day and who could blame her, I knew this prom meant a lot to her but obviously I didn't know it mean that much, I was so caught up in trying to find the perfect way to ask her that I didn't even end up doing it, prom is tomorrow and I have screwed up big time, I should have just asked her like Namjoon said but I didn't and now look at me sitting on my kitchen table drinking banana milk and feeling sorry for myself. I heard the sound of the door closing and I knew my mom was home but I felt way to depressed to care, she walked into the kitchen and stopped when she looked at me.

M: What happened to you?!

She took a seat right next to me and put her hand over my forehead.

M: Are you feeling sick?

Jk: No mom I'm not sick!

M: Both you and Y/n are acting weird today, what did you do to her?

Jk: I don't want to talk about it...

M: Well then you have to tell me!

I looked at her with a "Really?" look and she just smiled before caressing my shoulder.

M: I might be able to help.

Jk: Fine...

I took a deep breath before speaking.

Jk: So prom is tomorrow, and I was going to ask Y/n to go with me, it's her first prom and I wanted to ask her in a way that she would remember, but I couldn't think of anything and I didn't want to just ask her so I didn't and she got upset and I feel like an asshole...

My mom listened to me inventively and then gave me a warm smile before speaking.

M: I'm going to tell you a story.

Jk: Really mom a story, I'm not five!

M: Oh shush, now listen!

Since I didn't really have a choice I turned my body to face her and gave her a sign to begin.

M: Twenty years ago me and your father were sitting on the couch of our first home while watching TV, we didn't have much money then and it was quite late since we both worked long hours to be able to afford the house, while we were watching our favorite show you father pulled away from me and looked me in the eyes, the next thing he did was sit up from the couch get on one knee and propose to me with a ring made out of a bottle cap and of course I said yes.

Jk: That's a great story mom but how does that help me?

M: Jungkook your father proposed to me with a bottle cap ring in our crappy old apartment and I said yes, not because we were in the most beautiful place on earth and he gave me an expensive ring but because we he was the man I loved and was willing to spend the rest of my life with, it doesn't matter how you ask her to go to prom with you, all that matters to her is that it's coming from you.

"Is that woman a witch or something how does she do that?"

Jk: How do you always know what to say?

M: I don't know!

I chuckled at her words and that's when it hit me.

Jk: Is Y/n still at the dance studio?!

M: I think so.

Jk: I gotta go!

I was about to walk out of the kitchen but I stopped myself and went back giving my mother a kiss on the cheek.

Jk: Thanks mom!

M: Go Jungkook!

I dashed out of the house and got in my car making my way to the dance studio hoping that she was still there practicing. 

*Y/N pov*

I was finally done with dance practice and had gathered my things to go home since I had nothing else to do, Sarah did notice I was a bit off today and comforted me a bit but I was still upset. As I walked out of the studio my eyes widened at the sight of a familiar figure leaning against their car.

Y/n: Jungkook?!

He made his way over to me with an apologetic smile.

Jk: Hey...

Y/n: I told you not to talk to me.

Jk: I want to take you somewhere.

Y/n: How about no!

I tried to walk away from him but he grabbed hold of my arm making me turn around to face him.

Jk: I am really sorry, please let me make it up to you.

I could see it in his eyes that he was sorry but the fact that he still wasn't asking me to prom made me a bit confused, I decided to give him a chance anyways and nodded watching his eyes light up, he helped me get in the car and started driving immediately, the drive was pretty silent and honestly I wasn't really in the mood to talk, I was looking out the window and the scenery looked pretty familiar to me, the second Jungkook parked the car I realized exactly where we were and turned to look at him with furrowed eyebrows, he didn't say anything and got out of the car helping me as well, we got down the rocks and finally reached the pier, the same pier I took him to after his anxiety attack, the first time we connected.

Jk: Give me your phone.

Y/n: What?

Jk: Just give it to me.

I did as he said and gave him my phone a bit confused, then he started taking selfies while making the weirdest faces and I started laughing until I realized what he was doing.

Y/n: Are you copying me?

Jk: I don't know what you are talking about...

Y/n: Give me back my phone!

He did as I said and the second I took hold of my phone I opened my camera roll to find that my suspicions were correct all of the pictures that he took were actually of me smiling and laughing at him, that kind of made my heart flutter and I looked at him once again.

Y/n: What are you doing?

Jk: I want to explain myself...

Y/n: Go on then.

Jk: I am really sorry I didn't ask you to prom, it wasn't because I din't want to go with you, but because I couldn't find the right way to ask you, I wanted it to be something that you would never forget and I ended up overthinking it so much that I didn't even ask you so...

He stepped closer to me and gave me a soft smile.

Jk: I have a present for you...

He did something on his phone and then handed it over to me, making me furrow my eyebrows, I looked at him questioning and he let out a nervous chuckle.

Jk: Press play...

I did as he said and soon a soft melody started to play prom the small device, soon after jungkook began to sing.

He's voice was mesmerizing as always and I could feel the emotions poring out of him with every word, it was like the song was made for me, and then I realized, I've never heard that song before.

"Did he actually write this song for me?!"

The song came to an end and I felt a few tears welling up in my eyes, Jungkook looked at me a bit nervous and we stayed in silence looking at each other before I decided to break it.

Y/n: Did you write that...?

Jk: Uh... yeah... I wrote it for you...

Y/n: Is that really how you feel about me?

Jk: I wouldn't write otherwise.

He finally regained his confidence and walked closer to me placing his hands softly on my shoulders and looking straight into my eyes.

Jk: I meant every single word that I just sang for you, and there is no doubt in my mind that this is how I feel about you so if it's not too late...

He looked away for a moment taking a deep breath before looking back at me.

Jk: Y/f/n will you do me the honor of going to prom with me, a total asshole who is madly in love with you?

The tears that I've been holding back the entire time started to trickle down my face and I immediately jumped in his arms hugging him tighter than ever.

Y/n: I thought you'd never ask!

He laughed at my comment and broke the hug to look into my eyes.

Jk: So is that a yes...?

Y/n: Of course it's a yes you idiot!

I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him into a kiss, he quickly responded and our lips began moving in sync, I suddenly got an idea and broke the kiss while Jungkook looked at me confused.

Jk: What is it?

Y/n: I want to take a picture with you!

I took my phone out and pulled Jungkook closer to me while turning on the camera.

Jk: I thought you didn't like taking pictures...

Y/n: I don't...

We both smiled and I took a quick picture of us. 

Jk: Then how come did you want to take a picture with me?

I looked into his eyes before giving him a genuine smile and answering his question.


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