De aiigreanleaf

19K 653 278

When they thought everything in the right place. After Nuri came to their life, Jimin back like himself and o... Mais

The 1st Story
Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 4

1K 38 17
De aiigreanleaf

*No. I'm not abandoning any stories at all, just lost the draft... but slowly but surely I write it all over again. This one too!

Jimin scrunched up his nose as he felt something tickling his chest. "What—?," He mumbled. Was he imagining this or was he awake?

"Time to get up, Sleeping Beauty," He heard a familiar voice murmuring in his ear; as Jungkook's hot breath caressed the lobe, he shivered as his eyes slowly fluttered open. Jungkook was lying on his side, leaning on his elbow as he stared down into his eyes intensely.

"Jungkook," Jimin whispered in amusement. "What are you up to?,"

"Funny how that word always seems to work its way into our vocabulary," The Alpha quipped as he smiled back at his mate. He slowly, teasingly ran one long finger lightly over Jimin's chest as he watched the slender muscles quivering under his touch. He leaned down to kiss the soft, plump pink lips he knew so well, his tongue darting out temptingly to ask for entrance.

Jimin smiled as his mouth opened willingly to the other man's probing quest and they proceeded to engage in a heated round of tongue twisting for the next several minutes. Jimin broke off their kiss as he slowly became aware of something, however; by the bright sunlight streaming in through the large picture windows set below in their bedroom, and the two skylights constructed over their bed, he knew it was getting late.

"J—Jungkook!," He cried out, pushing the other man off him as the alpha grunted in displeasure. "What time is it? what about Haneul and Nuri?,"

Jungkook shook his head in amusement, seeing his omega looks distraught about that. "Don't worry about that, Haneul already went to school, and Nuri in daycare. and for your first question it's time for our body to make tangos," He huskily responded, as he swooped in again with the intention of doing a lot more than just some heavy kissing.

Jimin, however, was not to be deterred. "Nuri in daycare?! and why aren't you at work? You told me yesterday you had an important case this morning—it's got to be late, Jungkook! Did you forget?," He tried to push the other man away but Jungkook simply fell on top on him, pinning his arms to his sides.

Jungkook smirked. "No, sweetheart, I didn't forget, but if I didn't know better, I'd say someone else did."

Jimin frowned as he appeared to be considering that question; what the hell was Jungkook talking about it? He knew what day it was; let's see, it was Tuesday, that was a start. And it was June something—What about today?. As Jungkook continued to caress his body all over with his long, lean hands, it was definitely making his concentration on his task even harder, though.

"I know what day it is, Jungkook," He said defensively when he could catch his breath. He could feel Jungkook's erection pressing against his stomach as the Alpha continued to stroke his body to perfection.

"Uh. It's June—June 8th," He finally gasped out.

"Uh, huh," Jungkook murmured, his lips now beginning their trek downward to his intended target.

"That's very good start, Jimin," He whispered against the omega's stomach, the vibration of his lips causing Jimin to flinch at the ticklish sensation. "And?," He flicked his tongue into Jimin's belly button, swirling the tip around and around as Jimin gasped.

"Oh, yeah!," Jimin exclaimed finally as Jungkook's mouth moved on to explore the soft ring of his pubic hair 'down under'.

"I almost forgot! The new episode of Dr.Sexy season 2 is coming out today! Thanks for reminding me, Jungkook! I have to remind Jin Hyung too!. Ow!—What was that for?," He cried out as he felt a sharp smack on his thigh. He saw a distinctive emotion of disappointment and loss cross the alpha's eyes as Jungkook raised himself up on his elbows to stare back at him in indignant disbelief.

"You really did forget, didn't you?," Jungkook accused him, his eyes flashing with incredulity.

"I fucking can't believe this! Why did I bother? I can't believe this!," He repeated in irritation, inexplicably feeling sorry for himself. How could Jimin have forgotten something so important? Or was it just more important to him?

"Jungkook, calm down," Jimin said, laughing, as he watched the normally self-assured man 'macho alpha' queening out. "Did you really think I'd forget our 'first meeting' anniversary?," Jimin looked up at his husband impishly, his light brown eyes sparkling playfully as lifted his eyebrows in challenge.

"Why, you little gorgeous creature!," Jungkook snarled at him as he pounced on the lithe body and began to mercilessly torment the omega with nonstop tickling on both sides of his ribcage, right where Jungkook knew he was the most ticklish. After all, after last night, it was only fair he get his revenge.

"Stop it!," Jimin cried out, giggling hysterically. "No fair! Stop that, you big oaf!," as Jimin writhed in exquisite torment.

His mate did stop briefly to reply, "Ah~, you can dish it out but not take it, Omega Jeon?," He laughed just before he resumed his tickling regimen to Jimin's consternation.

"Jung—Jungkook," Jimin managed to gasp out in between giggles; he was laughing so hard now he was actually snorting to Jungkook's distinct amusement as the alpha began to laugh along with him.

"Stop it! Don't you have a job to go to?," He asked hopefully. He tried to push Jungkook off to end his torture but the alpha was too strong for him.

"It's okay. I know the boss personally—,"

"No sex!," He heard all of a sudden.

That at least got Jungkook's attention long enough to stop what he was doing to say, "Huh?,"

Jimin grinned. "You heard me!,"

Jungkook stared down at him, his body lying on top of the slender one; he could feel Jimin's hard-on pressed against his stomach as he said, "I know I couldn't have possibly heard that right. I could have sworn you just said something like no sex."

"You heard right," Jimin retorted impertinently, his hands falling limp at his sides as if he were immobilised; well, at least part of him was immobilised; one certain part was definitely animated at the moment and felt hard as a rock...

Jungkook continued to stare at him for a few seconds, his lips curled under in a futile attempt to look serious, before he burst out laughing again. "Right, Mr. Horny," He snickered as Jimin finally smiled in surrender. "Looks like we'll just have to take care of your little problem right now,"

As his body arched up in pleasure at Jungkook's resumed assault, Jimin decided perhaps that would be best; if he halted his Alpha's work for a while. Suddenly the phone on their desk beside the bed rang, halting the couple movement. Pushing the alpha's body softly, Jimin urging the alpha to pick up the phone.

"Officer Jeon—, Yoongi Hyung," Jungkook greeted and remained quiet for the next few moments. Jimin giggle as he can hear Yoongi's voice at the end of the line as the older Alpha screaming few words to his mate. "YES SIR! I'll be there shortly," Jungkook replied as he sprint to the bathroom leaving his now laughing omega on their bed.


"Hi, Jiminie!," Seokjin walked toward his dear friend who was seated at a booth and, leaning down to give him a kiss on the cheek, he took a seat on the opposite side.

Jimin smiled. "Hey, Hyung."

The older omega flashed his friend a wide smile in return. "I sold the house!," He exclaimed triumphantly as his eyes lit up. Not a long time ago Jin got an offer if he can sold his friend house, he'll get a big part from it and who gonna deny that request right.

"You don't mean that old, rickety, about-to-fall-down mansion on the outskirts of town?,"

He nodded, beaming. "That's the one! I am so glad to get rid of, um, sell that house! You know how long had that thing listed?," Jin asked as he request his meal to the waiters on the end their table.

"Oh, let's sew—18 months, two days, and about, uh," He looked over at the clock above the counter, "2 hours and 14 minutes?," Jin chuckled. "I guess I have been a little desperate to sell it, haven't I?," He verified. "But that old "rickety" mansion as you call it will also come with a ₩9,000,000 commission!,"

Jimin grinned. "I'm proud of you, Hyung," He told him. "Looks like you'll be buying me lunch today, then." The older omega looked at his friend fondly as Jimin smiled back at him. "Well, I guess I could have my arm twisted."

"Big plans for your anniversary then? Having Haneul and Nuri playing at our home?," Jin asked as He took a sip of water. There had been so many roadblocks before Jimin and Jungkook could get married that the date was firmly engrained in his memory now, and of course the so called first meeting, such a silly anniversary. As he was curious just what Jungkook and Namjoon, Jungkook in particular, had in mind to commemorate it; he knew while he had softened somewhat over the years even though they don't know where their little sister right now.

"Well, I'm hoping so at least," Jimin replied vaguely. "I really have no idea what he's got planned, but I can tell he's got something up his sleeve." His phone buzzed just then, signifying a text was coming in as he reached for the cell phone on the table. As he read the message, his face flushed and he smiled softly before hurriedly typing in a quick response and shutting it closed again.

As he looked back at Jin, he noticed the puzzled expression on his face and he blushed even further. "What was that all about?," He asked him, unable to keep his curiosity at bay.

"Just a text message from Jungkook," Jimin told Jin vaguely.

"A text message? Why doesn't he just call you to talk?," "Hyung...."


"It's personal."

"What, a two-second text? How personal can it be?,"

Jimin diverted his gaze at the ceiling momentarily in awkwardness. "It's just something Jungkook came up with make sure everything's okay. He just gets a little paranoid sometimes and wants to make sure I'm all right—we all alright. It's quicker than an actual phone call but accomplishes the same purpose."

Jin didn't have to ask what Jungkook's need to be careful rose from; he and Jimin had endured so horrible moments hat he didn't blame Jungkook one bit for maybe being super cautious when it came to his family. In fact, he found it actually endearing.

As He continued to stare at Jimin pointedly until the younger omega finally sighed in defeat. "It just says 4-5-9," He answered, a shy smile on his lips.

He shook his head. "4-5-9? What, is that some new type of sexual position or something?,"

"Hyung!," Jimin laughed. "No, it's not! Hyung!," He answered in embarrassment. "Do you really think that's all we ever think about?," Jin simply raised one eyebrow.

"Never mind," Jimin answered hastily, realizing what a stupid question that was. Even after being mate and married for a years now, his and Jungkook's passion showed no signs of slowing, nor did their sex life—if possible Jungkook become a know. Not that he necessarily had a problem with that...

Jin continued to stare at him intently until Jimin finally explained, "It's from the keys on the old phone pad."

"The phone pad?,"

Jimin took a breath and clarified, "4 is for the letter I, 5 is for the letter L, and 9 is for the letter Y."

Jin couldn't believe his ears as the meaning sunk in. "No way—You guys are so cringe! Oh god. Please tell that can't mean what I think it means..."

"The code system was Jungkook's idea—I actually thought up the three letters we use." "That sounds more like it," He replied, nodding. "But you guys really still goes along with it?"

Jimin beamed, nodding. "Yeah, That's just our ways of telling for each ither." He smiled as his heart warmed at the thought of his Alpha's idea. "But it's good enough for me."


Wang Jackson glanced down at his cell phone as it chimed, his heart beginning to beat rapidly as he opened it and read the text message:

3:00 p.m. Stick to the Plan. Understand?

He swallowed the nervous lump in his throat, wondering for perhaps the hundredth time how he had ever allowed himself to be talked into helping this "friend of a friend" that he know nothing about, he doesn't even know who is that. He realized, though, what type of tremendous favor he owed his own friend for obtaining this prestigious job he presently had with Jungkook as his coworker.

Of course, he wasn't naïve enough to think favors didn't come without a price; his friend had recently contacted him and asked if he would set up his boss with a lunch meeting; saying he need Jungkooks favour for the politicians cases. All he had to do was arrange on the online business calendar for Jungkook to meet a 'potential lucrative client' at a private room downtown at the Seoul Gentlemen's Club.

Basically, it was a simple enough task; as an officer, part of his job was to help netizens—but the choices for his senior officer want to accept the bribing or not is not his business at all. What concerned him the most, however, was what might happen to his job if the meeting turned out to be a disaster. He had no idea if this person was actually a legitimate or not; for all he knew, he could just be some criminal.

He heard his cell chime again as he realized he hadn't answered the previous text. This text this time merely said:

I'm waiting.

Sighing, he quickly punched in the words, I understand, as he prayed he wasn't making a huge mistake.

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