Glass Box - A Bondi Rescue Fa...

By chloe_spence_

1.2K 12 1

Everything we do, everything we see, and everything we think is glued in our brains. Although, sometimes we f... More

*important ♡
Chapter 1 ♡
Chapter 3 ♡

Chapter 2 ♡

308 2 1
By chloe_spence_

A/N : guys, I sound rlly dumb when i get so excited over something so tiny but i've got 13 reads already. I updated this yesterday lmao but yhhhh im so excited and thankq guys for being og readers lols

Harrison POV

"No, no, no, no, no," I said to myself as I pulled out my radio, calling for backup. I had absolutely no idea what to do. I hadn't been in a situation like this before. In no time, I had Reidy in the tower with me. I held her pulse as he ran to the phone and called an ambulance. Jesse came racing up too. When he came up, he looked shocked. But then he shook his head and came over to get her on oxygen that was on the back of the buggy.

As her small body lay in front of me, I was going through everything. Possible things that could go wrong flashed through my mind, such as her dying right in front of us. I didn't want anything like that to happen, so I brushed off the thought. In no time, the paramedics had arrived. We tried getting her to respond, and the ambos even gave her a shot of adrenaline, but nothing seemed to work. But then, one of the paramedics spoke up.

"She has barely any saliva in her mouth and she's not sweating, meaning she is low on bodily fluids. As of now, we need to call intensive care paramedics in order to give her fluids. After maybe 45 minutes or an hour of fluids, she should be good to go. But there's no need to take her to the hospital because it's not overly dramatic. Just a little rest and some fluids should help her get back on track," the paramedic said as Jesse, Yatesy, Reidy and I nodded. I looked at her; just looking at her gives me butterflies. This girl is different, but I'm not entirely sure how.

*Fast forward, currently 3:32pm*

Maxi POV

It was nearly the end of the day for us. The crowds were dying down, and it was only just passed 3:30. Then again, it's not quite holidays, and it's a Monday. People would still be working. Although, taking in Bondi's beautiful quiet moments was all I needed until silly season came around. You don't see much of the sand around that time of year.

My thoughts were interrupted by a loud, and very sudden noise.

"Oi, she's awake!!" Hoppo's voice rung through the room. All 9 of the lifeguards working today were gathered in or near the tower, as there were barely 1,000 people on the beach. I raced down from the top part of the tower, and saw her fragile body, lying there silently. I leaned on the first-aid bench and Harrison came hurrying in from outside the tower. I laughed to myself as I saw him bolt in, then act all calm when he got near the boys. Typical Harrison.

Millie POV

My eyes were weighed down. I was drowsy, unable to move. I had not one clue where I was, but it smelt like sunscreen and men's deodorant. "Oi, she's awake!!" A voice blared from complete silence. Footsteps raced towards me and weird noises came from left, right and centre. Not even a moment had passed, and I was surrounded by around 9 men; some were in blue shirts, but others had their shirts off. A familiar voice filled the room, "Hey, how are you feeling?" His piercing green eyes stared into mine. It felt like hours we were just there, not even 1 foot away from each other, but in reality, it wouldn't have been more than 5 seconds. "I'm fine, but what happened to me?" I looked up at him and he helped me sit up. "You passed out in front of the tower. We initially had no idea what happened to you until we got paramedics out here and told us you were extremely dehydrated."

I had not even a clue as to how long I was passed out for. "How long was I out for?" He shrugged and gave me some oxygen. "Maybe 2 hours." There was a long pause as I began to process what had just happened. "My names Harrison." He introduced himself, then pointed to each one of the other 8 men standing around. "This is Hoppo, Jesse, Maxi, Kerrbox, Singlets, Reidy, Deano and Yatesy. A lot of the old blokes here today." They all chuckled and looked back at me. Then, several other men, along with a girl emerged into the tower. "Oh, almost forgot. This is Whippet, Corey, Jake, Chappo, Matt Dee, Harries, H man, Azza, the other Azza, Gonzo, Bacon, Max Ayshford, Jethro, Bisho, Quinno, Mouse, Glick and the only female lifeguard, Nicola." He pointed to each one of the lifeguards as they entered.

*Flashback - Millie wakes up*

Harrison POV

She hadn't woken up for hours, and I was starting to get worried. I was surprised when the paramedics left with drip and didn't take her to hospital for further observation. But I guess it's their job, they know what they're doing. I looked up at the water, as I was just outside the tower on the porch, when all of a sudden, a call came from inside the tower, making me jump. I quickly ran inside to see her, confused and disoriented. I hadn't felt anything like it. Rather than seeming like an overly worried mother, I took the calm approach.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" I asked her, trying to keep not only myself, but her as calm as possible. I found myself standing extremely close to her while the other lifeguards looked on. It felt like hours we were just there, not even 1 foot away from each other, but in reality, it wouldn't have been more than 5 seconds. She looked exhausted, and being surrounded by 9 buff-built men wouldn't be helping her nerves. But after all, she didn't seem to mind. She replied, but it was delayed. So far, I was going well with my responses, and not going to lie, at this point I'm proud of myself (as cheesy as it sounds). She looked even more confused. So, I decided to get her some oxygen.

"How long was I out for?" I tried to pretend like I wasn't focusing on how long she was gone for, but I knew all too well. I shrugged as I pulled the mask over her face and gave her some space to breathe.

"Maybe 2 hours," I replied. There was a long pause as the lifeguards looked back and forth from me and her. I was thinking about breaking the silence, so I did.

"My names Harrison." I quickly introduced myself before introducing the other 8 lifeguards. She opened her mouth to say something, but then all the other lifeguards burst in the door to start the surfing competition. I introduced all the other lifeguards that came through the door, including Nicola. I almost felt bad for cutting her off, but I didn't want to leave her wondering who all these people were.

*Back to present time*

Millie POV

"I'm Millie Grace," I said shyly. Before I knew it, 27 people were swarming the tower all around me. "It's your lucky day, the lifeguards are all celebrating the first day of summer with a surfing competition. You'll have a front row seat!" He looked at me and smiled. He pulled the oxygen off my face and began saying something else, but this time, we were even closer as the noise was overloading the space of the tiny room.

"Keep rooting for me," he said, whispering in my ear. Shivers crawled down my spine. "I know you'll do good," I replied as he winked at me with a gorgeous smile. I was in a trance and suddenly, another lifeguard spoke to me. "Hey, it's nice to meet you!" He had a huge smile and light blonde hair. "Nice to meet you too... uh..." I was terrible with names. We both chuckled as we looked at the ground. "I'm Maxi." It finally hit me. "Ohhh, right. I remember now," I said while smiling at him. He was the only one that came up to me. What was it about me that made me so different?

Jesse POV

If Harrison wasn't already being shady enough about this girl, he was definitely being shady now. They looked as though they knew each other, but spoke in a way that showed they hadn't even seen each other once. I couldn't put my finger on it, but he looked back at me with a look that screamed 'snap out of your thoughts and do something helpful for me' or 'I don't know what to do'. I flashed him one back, signalling that this was his moment. He walked back down to Millie and began to make more conversation. I had to admit, she was beautiful, and if she didn't look like she had an interest in Harrison, I maybe would've done something. But Harrison's one of my best mates, I wasn't going to make him feel that way. I looked over at him, and they started to make general conversation. Harrison was a great guy, but maybe they're rushing to things too quick. I don't know, just my personal opinion; but I can't judge, I don't even have a girlfriend. I laughed to myself at the thoughts that were rushing through my head.

Maxi POV

I went over to Millie, she seemed cool and I wanted to get to know her. "Hey, it's nice to meet you!" I said with a huge smile on my face. She laughed and began to speak. "Nice to meet you too... uh..." she trailed off as she'd already forgotten my name. She had 27 people's names to remember, I don't blame her for it. I introduced myself as she clicked on. I laughed and realised that all the other lifeguards almost didn't realise she was there. They just barged on in ready for the competition. My thoughts were interrupted by noticing Jesse and Harrison having a stare off with different expressions. I observed closer and then realised that this was Harrisons time to impress. I walked over to Jesse and started whisper in conversation.

"D'you reckon someone's got a little crush," I said to Jesse jokingly, referring to Harrison. He just laughed and started nudging me.

"Well, I guess he's got an interest in her and she's got an interest in him. It's their time, and we just gotta help the bloke out." He seemed as though he was a little jealous, but he couldn't have been. He wouldn't do that to Hutz.

"Bruv, what's going on?" I asked him as he looked over at me. He tried to get rid of the envy that was casing his face, but Jesse's a terrible liar.

"I'm fine bruv. Why?" he asked in return. I just shook my head with a grin and looked back to Harrison and Millie.

Millie POV

With no warning, Harrison came up beside me and helped me put a jumper on. It smelt exactly like him. He sat beside me on the first-aid bed. "Are you feeling ok? Do you need anything else?" He was so comforting, and if I had ever wanted anyone to help me, it would be him. "I'm ok, I promise. But... let's get this competition started." I laughed while all the lifeguards cheered as they began to race down to the starting line.

There was no rush as Harrison walked me out of the tower and began running in front of me, doing flips on the sand. I laughed at his cuteness and found myself having the best day so far. He came back up to me and laughed with me. We were standing face-to-face, and nothing could've been more perfect. "Was that supposed to impress me?" He put a sarcastic look on his face. "You're not?" Then, I stupidly didn't think before I said something else. "I guess you're just too good to impress." The laughs went away. By this time, I'd forgotten my feeling of confusion and worry. All I could think about was him, his soft skin caressing mine in the gentle ocean breeze. It was the most perfect feeling I'd ever experienced.

Jake POV

A beautiful, sunny afternoon on Bondi; too perfect to describe. I walked into the tower at around 3:30 for the surfing competition to celebrate the first day of summer and the first thing I see is this stunner of a girl. She looked around 18, with long blonde hair and sparkling ocean eyes. I smiled at her as I walked in, but she didn't seem to notice. Skip a few minutes, and I'd gotten to the starting line at the comp while Harrison and the girl, who I believed was named Millie, were taking their time walking down here. Jesse started complaining to me about how he thought they were going too fast, but I didn't mind. It was cute, and you couldn't say it wasn't romantic. Yes, it IS only the first day, but it's their decision, not ours, and we can't possibly force them not to date.

"I don't think that I shouldn't get to know her. Hell, I'd love to get to know her. It's just don't you think it's a bit weird that they're going straight in?" he asked me, with a tinge of confusion in his tone. I just shrugged; it wasn't my place to butt in on a conversation like that, especially if it ended up being all behind Harrison and Millie's back. Although, if Jesse thought it was bad, I couldn't imagine what Hoppo (who was standing right next to me) was thinking at this point.

Millie POV

"Oh, c'mon you two! You've known each other for like 5 seconds and you're already getting all 'lovey-dovey' with each other," Hoppo interrupted. We pulled back and there was an awkward silence. It wasn't the typical awkward silence, it was a good one as we embraced each other's presence. He was still in his Waverly Council Lifeguard long-sleeve shirt, so as we reached the waters edge, he peeled it off while revealing his beautiful body. He came back up close to me and began to speak. "I'm not the best surfer on the block; I'm a bit nervous." He shivered in the cold dusk air. "You may not be the best surfer, but you can definitely make a girl feel hella special." I pulled his jumper around me even tighter as the chilling breeze gusted through my hair. He came closer and whispered, "Do you think you'd let me take you out tonight?" He held my hands in desperation. "Well, depends." He groaned. "On what?" We stood there once again, holding each other's hands in silence. "Whether or not you beat me to the water!"

Harrison POV

She may have been too beautiful and that moment may have been perfect, but there was no way in hell I was letting her beat me to the water. The others didn't mind her joining in, so she continued being her gorgeous, outgoing self and raced as fast as her legs could take her to the surf. There could definitely be something out of this.

Millie POV

He stumbled in the sand as I peeled off his jumper and I was left in only my one piece. I grabbed one of the spare boards and started to race the other lifeguards into the water. They had no warning of me joining in, but they didn't seem to care. I was first in the water, closely followed by Jesse and then Maxi. Jesse was stuck in the impact zone and I was out past the break to be able to see waves coming. The surf had gotten relatively bigger since the last shine of the midday sun, the only surf that of which I remember seeing. It was now 8ft surf, meaning the best waves would either result in nose dives after catching a shore break or a whopper of a ride by catching one out the back of the break. Finally, a decent wave was looming out the back, and both Jesse and I were set on it. I glared at him jokingly, and he poked his tongue out and chuckled. I was seeming to make friends with the lifeguards, even after knowing them for no longer than half an hour. Harrison cheered me on and yelled at Jesse to watch out because I was a 'feisty' one. I laughed and felt the wave behind me.

Jesse POV

Millie was at the base of the wave, and so was I. I paddled as hard as a could while begging that she couldn't beat me. By the time I was on the wave, I saw her raise to her knees on her board and I couldn't back down, but I glanced back in front and saw the nasty shallow reef that the waters of south Bondi seal. This end of the wave was bound to break on the reef, and I don't want to take another risk. After surfing at Ours for years, and even breaking my back there one time, I know the dangers of rocks and reefs. If your wave breaks on them, they own you.

Just to be safe and not fracture my spine yet again, I went further back on the board to slow me down, sat up to bring myself to a halt and pulled the front of my board off the wave. I let her have the wave, and watched as she aced it.

*Flashback - before Jesse bails on the wave*

Millie POV

I paddled for dear god and was at the tip of the wave. I looked over to where I last saw Jesse and he was gone. I saw his board out the back of the wave and I cheered to myself. I was getting closer and closer to the impact zone, and when the surf was 8ft, all waves caught in there resulted in 'shoreys'. I had just stood up when I heard all the lifeguards cheering like drunken party-goers. I braced myself, knowing that this could've ended horribly if I wasn't careful. I'd cut into a barrel and before I knew it, I began nose riding before cutting back into a 360 carve and a vertical carve before cutting of the back of the wave. When I came up, the boys were shocked. No expression in most of their faces, they were speechless. I caught the next wave in and all the boys were already on the shore. Jesse came up to me and said, "That was amazing!! You've definitely earned yourself a place in my good books." Some others including Jake, Deano and Kerrbox congratulated me. The only thing bothering me is that this wasn't my race to win. I told them all to get back in there and let someone win. Well, someone that was actually taking part in the race. Harrison came up to me before he went back in the water. "You're amazing!! I can't believe that set; it was the biggest and best I've seen in a long time." He smiled at me and while I returned the smile I looked down at the ground. "Thank you but do good and I'll let you know the time and place you'll be picking me up from."

He chuckled and raced into the water. I looked him up and down and he caught his first wave. I couldn't believe this was really happening. A Bondi lifeguard is interested in me and I'm interested in him. This day couldn't get any better.

A/N : this was the longest yet most boring chapter I've ever written. It's rlly just a fill chapter and introducing another lot of characters. Over 3000 words later and I'm going to scream if I end up deleting it. Just a heads up, but this is completely unrealistic so like, so judge lmao. Nothing rlly juicy but the good stuff is coming, I promise. Buttt yh another update coming soon x - Chloe ♡♡♡

Also is anyone actually enjoying this ??

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