Rewriting History (Obito x Re...

By JillianJuneBug

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You had always thought that Obito deserved better. In fact, you would have done anything to change the outcom... More

Making Time
That Mission
No Expectations
How Could You?
The Limit
Hide and Seek
The Savior of This World
A Night Out
Swelling Fire
The Uchiha Clan
The Ultimate Test
Fire and Earth
Misguided Judgement
Something Extraordinary
Life Goes On
Love in Its Purest Form
The Meaning of Peace
A Shinobi's Resolve


10.2K 389 511
By JillianJuneBug

A/N: As of 5/5/2022, I also made significant changes to this chapter. I added a lot more action as well as major dialogue changes. Just like the last chapter, I also removed extra unneeded details to better capture the spirit of Naruto. I also added a surprise guest by the end of this chapter :} Please let me know what you think!

Also, this chapter's picture was drawn by k-axani on Tumblr! ^^


" have something extraordinary inside of you."

Seven words. Never before had seven words intruded upon you with such indestructible force behind their meaning. No. He couldn't possibly be referring to –

"S-something inside me...? You already said that I'm not much use to you, what's so special about my chakra inside me?"

"It is not your chakra I am interested in, dear girl," Orochimaru said with a sly grin. "Kabuto lured you here because of the presence of the Uchiha flowing within your chakra network. That is what has drawn in my fascination."

You exhaled discreetly in a mix of relief and morbid amusement over the legendary Sannin's humiliating misunderstanding. Obito's chakra was strong - so potent that after being within his presence your body was often soaked, pungent with copious amounts of it as it ebbed and flowed with your own. That was what Orochimaru must have been sensing inside of you.

"Orochimaru... I can't believe I have to tell you this, but you're wr –"

"Hush now. You really should not speak. Conserve your energy; it would appear that your body is severely malnourished, that is not a good thing to be when in the midst of incubation."

The young Tobi looked up at you while he clasped a frail yet firm hand around yours. "Incubation...?! What's that mean?"

"I..." You couldn't explain it out loud. The fact of the matter terrified you, so you lied, "I'm not sure what it means, Tobi..."

Finally, Orochimaru's repulsively delightful expression morphed into a perplexed and slightly annoyed one. "I'd hope the maternal side of my future vessel would be at least somewhat bright, but no matter. The unsurpassed strength of the paternal Uchiha portion is what is truly of importance."

It struck you then, like a slap of imposing thunder. You didn't want to admit it, but you knew. All this talk of a future vessel, incubation and maternal/paternal traits, suffering from ripples of erratic and unexplained nausea, and barely possessing enough energy to keep yourself from collapsing... Orochimaru was insinuating what you had suspected for weeks now, but have forcefully repressed out of fear and denial. But you couldn't hide it any longer.

You were going to be a mother.

The chakra inside you wasn't comprised of just yours and Obito's anymore – deep inside were hints of a tiny and frail individual, one whose chakra contained a blend of both yours and Obito's characteristics.

"Oh my god." The ghastly reality finally struck you, hard. Not only were you in imminent danger within the presence of the notorious Orochimaru, you now had the crushing responsibility of two other lives to protect from him.

"Th-that's why Kabuto let me follow him here? You want my b... my b-baby...?" Sheer astonishment from outwardly acknowledging your condition made it difficult to spit the words out. When you finally did, your own voice felt foreign to you. It wasn't necessary anyway. You knew all about Orochimaru's plan: his insatiable desire for a strong Uchiha body to transfer into and call his own. 

"No... you want them... for their body... for their eyes...!"

"Now I suppose I am guilty of such an ill-mannered accusation. This truly was unexpected, but a pleasant change in schedule, nonetheless. You appear to be about 28 years old, does that sound correct? What an ideal age for such a momentous occasion. There is no need to worry, I will keep you primed and properly fed until you are to give birth, then you won't have to worry about the prospect of unexpected parenthood any longer. We both get what we want, you see."

Orochimaru watched your face soften seemingly in interest, and he leaped at the opportunity. "Come along with me and I will see that you stay in a special facility away from any disease you may catch in this very room. As an added benefit, I will pardon whom you've labeled as, 'Tobi' and grant him special privileges around the base. Now doesn't that sound like a fair trade? Everybody wins in this scenario, lovely girl."

You recognized Orochimaru's manipulation tactics. He was simultaneously trying to coerce, persuade, and scare you into obeying his every command. There was one fatal flaw in Orochimaru's scheme, however; he was underestimating the extent to which it took for you to back down and surrender.

At first, your face read as if his sly techniques were prevailing, but inside you were fuming. To even suggest that you would hand over any child to such a monstrous and demonic shinobi – especially your children. Harrowing guilt still consumed you over not being able to stop Orochimaru before he could experiment on the 60+ children years ago, resulting in their death. You couldn't help but feel every drop of their blood on your hands. 

You knew about it, (y/n). All this time. You could have prevented this.

You would be damned if you let another child fall victim to Orochimaru's 'pursuit of knowledge.' A powerful burst of possessiveness sprang forth, granting you the confidence to address the legendary Sannin without restraint or conviction.

"Forget it. You can't keep us here, and you won't control either one of these kids. I'm taking them and we are leaving, and if you even think of laying even your tongue on me or Tobi,"

Your back straightened upright, indicating the extent of your unfaltering audacity toward Orochimaru.

"I vow to the afterlife I will strike you down where you stand."

Orochimaru's grave stare warned that one more bold move and your guts would be splayed violently across the floor.

"The choice is not yours to make!" His sudden rise in tone startled you. "I see the Leaf Village is still lacking in teaching its citizens proper respect. Allow me to make an example of just who you are opposing, girl."

At that, Orochimaru's grotesque and pointed tongue snaked outward at blinding speed, coiling around Tobi in a slimy and constricting prison.

"NO! Don't hurt him!" Your legs feebly stumbled toward Tobi's writhing body. You had succeeded in provoking the legendary Sannin. He was prepared to show you that opposition of any kind will not be tolerated, and what better way to break your spirit than to annihilate someone you held dear?

Tobi had been nothing but a disappointment to Orochimaru. He was brought here for the sole purpose of becoming a promising candidate for Orochimaru's future vessel. Either he was snatched from the Hidden Leaf Village at a negligible age, or his mother was abducted with the understanding that Tobi harbored Uchiha blood, but even after years of torment, his Sharingan refused to activate. Orochimaru even went as far as to seize one of Tobi's eyes for further experimentation to obtain knowledge on a why such eyes were deficient, to no avail.

It was not unheard of where some Uchihas never awaken their Sharingan abilities, and Orochimaru deemed such pathetic individuals as 'defective,' and Tobi was no exception. At this point, Orochimaru kept Tobi solely for his own amusement, but he soon grew tired of such trivial nonsense. If he killed this worm now, he'd be ridding himself of a useless, defective vessel and mentally bludgeoning you to comply as a result. This way, he'd be killing two birds with one stone.

Orochimaru smirked at the idea, but it was soon replaced with an unexpected frown when he registered that his body had cemented into the floor up to his waist, courtesy of your jutsu.

"I won't ask again. Let. Him. Go."

Deciding against your mind telling you to comply with Orochimaru, you instead took a great chance to confront the irritated Sannin directly. All the while, Tobi was stunned at your bravery to attack Lord Orochimaru, for him.

His tongue unfurled from Tobi's gasping form and darted toward you at frightening speed. You concentrated on sending all your chakra to your feet, letting you jump backwards at great heights, legs dancing in the air, to dodge his assault. You quickly regained your balance and turned back to face your opponent. You moved again, taking flight towards the Sannin, this time, landing directly in front of him. He stood still, as you focused your chakra to your hands, gathering specs of gravel and stone. With all your might, you then slammed your fist against his stomach. The intense pain radiated from your hand and through his stomach. Your attack may have been risky, but the damage was fierce.

Blood seeped from the Sannin's jaw as you snatched Tobi and leaped back, skidding your feet before setting him down. Peering back at him, you offered him a gentle smile, brows upward warmly. "Are you okay?"

A twinkle in his eye caught your attention as Tobi's face morphed from astonishment to incomprehension. "Yeah, but... but why? Why are you doing this for me?"

At that, your lids lowered slightly, your gentle grin not faltering for even a second. "Because that's what being a ninja is about. Stay behind me. I will protect you with my life."

Turning back toward Orochimaru, you had a fraction of a second to pull out a kunai and deflect an oncoming snake, the hardened scales clashing with the medal and generating sparks. The powerful impact forced the wind to be knocked out of you, and you looked up at the snake as it lunged towards your face. With a grunt, you threw yourself to the side to avoid the strike as it collided with the ground where your feet stood, uprooting the earth below.

As you rolled to safety, you formed hand signs and manipulated the loosened ground to shift and harden around the snakes head, effectively trapping it in place before taking the kunai and slicing it at the base of its head, severing it in two. There was no time to celebrate, as Orochimaru lunged another snake at you, catching you off guard as it struck you full force, sending you flying toward Tobi, your limp body skidding to a halt beside him. As you felt the sharp pain of the impact, you were forced to come to terms that you were in no condition to hold off the legendary Sannin for much longer. With that recognition, your trembling body stood up, facing Tobi as he frantically scanned the cuts and scratches riddling your body.

"Tobi, listen to me very carefully," you instructed, creating a narrow hole in the ground. "I want you to crawl in this hole, and don't stop moving until you're out of the base. From there, keep following the trees. There will be ninja to help you. Okay?"

Tobi was about to speak, but the words lodged in his throat as you summoned a Mud Wall to block another oncoming attack.

"Tobi, go!"

He stammered, "B-but what about you?"

"I'll be fine," you lied. "Go, now!"

As Tobi hopped into the hole, his wellbeing distracted you as the snake shattered the wall, twisting tightly around you with it securing its glistening muscle around your neck and suspending you in midair. Your mouth gaped open, but no noise accompanied the action. The suffocating grip around your throat prevented any ability to show evidence of your imminent death.

It was as if an intense fire had ignited within Tobi at him witnessing the light fading from the eyes of the only person to regard him with unconditional kindness. With a distressed cry, Tobi leaped from his safe haven and lunged at the Sannin, blind to any plan or forethought; all he wanted to achieve was to stop Orochimaru from hurting you.

As Orochimaru turned to attack him, within Tobi's one eye was the unmistakable signature trait of the Uchiha – the Sharingan. After years of coaxing Tobi, only to label him as an irredeemable failure, he had unlocked the unique ocular ability from the distress of witnessing someone he cares deeply for in immediate danger.

Your eyes squeezed shut, lamenting that you never even had the chance to tell Obito that he now had a family on the way, and the poor soul in your stomach whose life was cut short before it could truly develop at the slimy hands of the despicable creature known as Orochimaru. Your eyes pinched shut as his grasp compressed harder... but you refused to give up – the adrenaline coursing through your body amplified your distressed struggles against his bind.

"Tobi, RUN!"

Hearing the urgent plea in your voice fueled Tobi's ever-expanding fire, and he chose to act instead of escaping. His fumbling hands lifted to converge together and, as if on instinct, imitated the hand seal you had shown him previously.




His crimson eye never left you as you looked at him in shock, the muffled sound of you begging for him to leave barely registering in his mind.



Tobi perceived a strange heat emanating from his torso before a short but intense fire burst from his mouth, setting Orochimaru ablaze while cloth at a nearby table caught its residual sparks, effectively starting what soon became an inextinguishable fire within the base. The heated burst distracted Orochimaru into releasing his hold on you in order to pound and bury his head into the soiled dirt in an earnest attempt to douse the scorching flame on his face as your limp body collapsed to the ground with an audible thud.

Immediately racing toward you, Tobi rocked your shoulder with as much force his frail body could muster, rousing you to half-consciousness. Fueled by rage, the flame spread farther, now beginning to reach adjacent chambers and labs, which finally caught Orochimaru's attention. Violently breaking free from your softening jutsu, Orochimaru couldn't contain his seething resentment for Tobi as he dug his grotesque fingernails into his dusty hair before thrusting him into the growing fire. The heat made contact full force with Tobi's exposed skin, severely scorching his right half.

Asif on instinct, your body collected any shred of chakra you had left to leap upand snatch Tobi out of the fire, holding him in your arms as your legs gave outand collapsed. All the while, Orochimaru rushed to leave the room, seeking to salvage his important lab work and valuable scrolls before they burned to oblivion by the growing inferno, leaving you and Tobi to fend for yourselves in the labyrinth hideout.

You had no idea when you blacked out, or how long you were unconscious, but a frantic voice followed by the unmistakable scent of smoke and ash harshly roused you back to reality. You never forgot your encounter with Kusuo Uchiha years ago, and how you were mere moments away from death by smoke asphyxiation. The memory still haunted you, and even to this day you suffered from traumatic dreams reliving the nightmarish experience. Waking up to your senses being flooded with that familiar heat and smoke sent waves emotionally charged with sheer terror all throughout your body, but a boyish voice snapped you out of your freezing episode. 

"(y-y/n)...?" Tobi called for you between coughing. He was unable to process the conflicting emotions of relief and confusion by your unusual reaction upon waking. The ashen atmosphere painted his once jet-black hair a dusty grey. Unable to see the hands in front of you from the excess amount of black smoke, you blindly molded your fingers together to create a bigger hole for your escape, when the sound of a ceiling cracking under pressure filled your ears.

Twisting your head upward, you were faced with the stark realization that the foundation above your head was moments from crashing down. Immediately pulling Tobi to your torso, you leaped through the exit into the hallway just as the ceiling collapsed the room you were just in get shrouded in dust and debris. The dimly lit hallway granted just enough visibility to scrutinize his dire condition.

"T-Tobi...! Hang in there!"

He nodded weakly, his one crimson Sharingan peering up at you.

You didn't know where to go. The ground was coated in a thick layer of fallen beams and other unnatural apparatuses. There was no way to escape through the ground now. You didn't dare try, anyway. There was no force on this Earth powerful enough to pry Tobi out of your quivering arms.

Dodging the falling debris, you sprinted through the labyrinth hallways while the flames spread through the hideout. The scent of musty dust and suffocating smog permeated your nostrils. The harrowing scent was almost enough to overpower another unfamiliar smell, one that smelled... noxious.

It wasn't until you hastily approached a mysterious doorway and observe various broken vials scattered on the ground did a concentrated blast of the fumes meet with your uncovered face. A thick cloud of poisonous gas surrounded each orifice – your eyes, nostrils, mouth, everywhere. Any remnants of saliva in your mouth immediately evaporated while your throat tightened and shriveled in response to being directly exposed to an unknown toxin – likely conjured by Orochimaru himself. Being unable to shield your face, you instead opted to sheathe Tobi's from the fumes with your hand without thinking.

Forcing your stinging eyes open, you spotted a glimmer of light at the end of the charred tunnel behind a thick wall of unyielding flames, prompting your dry eyes to snap open and your legs to wobble while your mind flashed with the traumatic experience from your previous lethal encounter with fire. Shutting your eyes and with gritted teeth, you dashed directly through the inferno, all while screaming in a mix of fear, adrenaline and determination, and impatiently proceeded through the flames. There was no time for self-preservation or interest. Tobi needed medical attention. Immediately.


The dark trail of smoke ascended into the evening air from a distance while your disheveled form collapsed in a nearby forest, with Tobi still heavily within your grasp. After a few shuddering gasps of air, you looked up to Tobi to find he was still awake. He suffered burns on at least 50% of his body, and you had been carrying him for so long now. The village was still hopelessly out of reach.

"Just hold on, Tobi. Once we get back to the village, they'll patch you up. There are more people just like you there. They're all so amazing and talented, and their eyes glow red just like you. Maybe we can even find your parents! You just... need to... hold... on..."

While listening to his increasingly labored and shallow gasps and the life fading from his eye, you had to face the truth – there was nothing you could do for Tobi.

"(y-y/n)..." Broken words managed to leak from his chafed lips upon seeing your pained expression. "Did I... do something bad...?"

With an open-mouthed awe, your dusty eyebrows contorted over the boy's calm demeanor.

"N-no, Tobi. You... you did something... g-good..."

One red eye, half-lidded from the weight of depleted energy, peered up at you, with his lid raising slightly, "Really...? I did...?"

Drops of warm tears pattered over your quivering hands, stammering between forcing back a sob, "But, why? Why couldn't you just run?"

Tobi grinned lightly. "Because that's what being a ninja is all about."

You gestured a forced nod while choking back tears, and the feverish movement prompted the tattered and chipped remnants of your village insignia band to loosen from its once-secure knot. "Th-that's right. Just like a ninja. You chose to save me. You're a hero, Tobi..."

You watched Tobi's eyelid drop at the same time his slight smirk did. At the same time, your headband slithered off, seemingly in slow motion, onto the ashy ground below with a gentle clunk.

"If only..."

The flickering life in his crimson eye faded, and Tobi succumbed to his injuries.

"I could have saved you..."


The night was still. Soil cracking and crumbling under the weight of your shoes and your labored breathing were the only noises to accompany you while trudging back to the village like a reanimated corpse - both physically and emotionally. Dragging and skidding your feet along the dirt only amplified the gritty noise and aided in distracting you from the overwhelming turmoil transpiring in your body and spirit. It took roughly 20 years, but the ninja world finally shattered you.

After what felt like endless walking, you finally retreated to the village. At this point, you had no desire to be anywhere – not at Ichiraku Ramen, not at the Hokage's office to report what you'd found; you didn't even want to go home to face Obito after what you had done. Eventually, you forced your head up to observe where your feet took you, where you ended up in your favorite spot in the village – at the pond where it all began.

How appropriate. It was as though your body knew how to cheer yourself up after such a harrowing depressive episode. It had been so long since that fateful night where you plunged into that water. Ever since then, you've taken trips to that park to refresh your mind of the overflowing sentimentality you finally expressed to your soulmate that night. Usually your reminiscing took place while sitting at the bench under the cherry blossom trees; however, that spot was reserved specifically for pleasant visits. Instead, your shattered spirit urged you toward the edge of the pond. 

This is where it all began. We were so young back then. Even after all these years, I still can't believe Obito chose me. Even when I'm such a screw-up.

A negligible and weary smile strained against your lips at the thought.

All because I decided to take a walk that night.

Some things never change. You remembered how you would always take late night strolls whenever you felt troubled or burdened back home.

Home... exactly where is home for me now?

Thoughts of your life before transporting to this world popped into your mind every now and then. You have long been accustomed to the ninja world by now, but sometimes you wondered if you would ever see the people from your old life – your old house, your old neighborhood, it had been so long.

Your body finally halted at the water's edge when a subtle, mysterious twinkling in the water caught your eye.

That spark... it... it looks...

Your weary eyes squinted as you leaned closer toward the object, before they widened in shock. 


It was a shiny object, identical to the one that first lured you into the water all those years ago.

It looked so... inviting.

Guilt and shame overrode any other emotion and inhibition. You had only seen this light one other time - perhaps this instance had a specific purpose.

Bending at the knees, you crouched toward the murky pool; the urge to reach into the water obstructed all other thoughts. Before you could think about what you were doing, you watched your arm stretch toward the object in the water, entranced by its sparkle, reflecting how you were unable to resist it years ago. Time ceased to flow as your fingertips gradually advanced forward, closer to grazing the pond's marshy surface.

Maybe... this is for the best...


Almost there...


Right as your skin was about to make fateful contact with its dreary depths, you paused.

If I touch this... will I... go back to my world?

Do I want to return to my world?

Your lids lowered wistfully at the thought, the pressure in your chest overwhelming all other emotions.

Maybe... it's time to go back. Clearly I'm no longer needed here. I did all I could for this world. Everyone will be fine without me.

You thought about how transitioning into this world forced you into giving up on your past life. You never truly had a choice in the matter, but it would appear that a second chance has been gifted to you. However, you knew that choosing to live in your previous world... meant abandoning this one.

I would be leaving my friends behind...

An image of Kakashi, Rin, and Minato turning around to gleam warmly at you flashed through your mind.

And all those years training and perfecting my skills... that would disappear, too.

Your mind then conjured a sequence of restless, sweat-induced nights spent at the training grounds practicing various shinobi techniques.

And of course, I would be deserting... him.

Your thoughts finally fixated on the entire reason, your compelling resolve for becoming a ninja: your boyfriend, your partner, your lover – Obito Uchiha, and the adoring glint in his eyes and smile whenever you graced his presence. Your thoughts ended with a warm image of him clutching his child tight with loving eyes.

Your hand froze, hovering directly above the liquid barrier – the one that defined the universe's boundaries, the one that divided you from your two worlds. After further contemplation and stilted hesitance, your hand steadily retracted from the pond, and you reclined to your knees.

I... I can't. I can't do it! I can't abandon them.

Eventually, you managed to struggle to your feet. Your head hung low and with pronounced bags under your eyes, heart-rending depression began to settle in further as your lips began to tremble uncontrollably. Suddenly, a sound in the distance interrupted your own, but you remained standing, unfazed. You were too numb to turn around or even lift your head. That was, until a swirling noise reduced your sniveling to a stop.

That swirling... you hadn't heard that since...

Strong arms urgently enveloped your trembling body from behind and pressed it to their chest assertively before there was even a chance to turn around. The next sensation came in the form of labored breathing against your neck, indicating that they had been moving, rushing – as if searching desperately for something.

"(y-y/n)...!" Obito mewed between heavy pants, struggling hopelessly to maintain any shred of his composure. "Wh-where were you...? I thought you'd be... I thought I..." he mumbled sheepishly while hiding his face into the back of your neck. All night he searched – in and outside the village, but he found you. Obito was so scared. He was relieved; frustrated, overwhelmed with powerful and conflicting emotions as he clutched you tight from behind with his body trembling, chest heaving.

You couldn't speak. Any words that'd leave your mouth would trigger a cascade of tears to fall.

Obito couldn't tolerate the silence. He struggled with quivering arms to place them on your shoulders, and firmly he began to twist you around.


"Don't look at me!" you demanded while jerking away. Full to the brim with shame, you refused to allow Obito the privilege of facing you after being separated for so long. You didn't deserve the sweet reunion. Not after everything that happened because of you.

His motion ceased, but only for a moment. Slowly, he twirled you around to face him once more, with your head positioned stubbornly to the ground.

"(y/n). Look at me." He deliberately addressed you by your full first name, something he did onlyduring unimaginably intimate moments. His voice was unfocused and hoarse while trying hard to conceal the tremor overwhelming his body.

Lifting your head took a strenuous amount of effort, but your debilitated eyes eventually met with your boyfriend's. He did not look happy. His Sharingan burned an intense red, to reflect the anger, confusion and exasperation that dominated him over putting yourself in danger again.

You could see past the sheen of displeasure on his face. Hidden behind the surface of irritation, Obito was overjoyed to see you safe. Still, you had left him to panic, as if what he felt didn't matter to you. The two of you exchanged looks for a brief moment – yours was worn out and defeated while his peered slightly downward, wordlessly scolding you while reflecting his intense aggravation. The act soon faded; his stern look eased before averting to the ground while sighing in a mix of relief and frustration.

"Please. Just tell me what-"

Before he could muster another word, distraught arms darted out to clench Obito back as you finally allowed your emotions to take over and explode with inconsolable tears. The unexpected reaction startled him, but loving arms descended to your back and waist, embracing you and letting you cry it all out. Your body collapsed harshly to the muddy ground, with Obito following your movement without hesitation and dropping to his knees, where you inhaled a slow, agonizing breath, and released a shaken wail of torment and sorrow as a constant stream of tears finally evacuated your eyes. It was a raw howl unlike any sound he'd ever had the displeasure of hearing.

Every moment that day was pure, unadulterated, anguish, your cry told him. A deep and sultry inhale unleashed the shame of being fooled by Kabuto, another strangled howl escaped your lips from almost starting a war, with a raging, scolding ache in your chest from letting Tobi sacrifice himself to save you.

You and Obito clasped each other for what felt like hours.

Eventually your wails lessened to distressed whimpers, but the raging tears never ceased. Obito welcomed your nuzzle into his neck, the warmth of your tears against the goosebumps coating his skin diminished his fears that you were gone for good. Obito couldn't fathom what you had gone through, at least not in this timeline. What he did know, however, was the sensations transpiring in his own body – the overwhelming panic of learning you were missing, the anticipated exaltation of spotting signs of your chakra nearby, and the utter disconcertment of your uncharacteristic and unfitting reaction of reuniting with him after being separated for so long.

The clashing emotions of what he had to go through that day overpowered Obito, and he began to cry as well. His head dipped into the crook of your shoulder and pressed you harder against him until you two were one mass of erratic, billowing emotion.

After countless moments, you were the first to break the uncomfortable silence with crushing words mumbled into his shoulder.

"I'm such an embarrassment."

Obito snapped his head upward to look at you, but you only pressed your face harder into his neck in response. He knew being pushy wouldn't work in this instance. With his breathing regulating, he cupped your cheek into his palm, his fingers becoming damp as he brushed the tears away with his thumb. Gently, he coaxed you out of the comfort of his embrace to connect with his eyes.

A thin sheen of sweat coated his exhausted expression, and the darkened intensity of the bags under his eyes matched yours. Despite the negative inference in his face, Obito's dark eyes pulsed with love and captivation for the defeated woman slumping before him. Catching that special spark in his eyes even after all these years never failed in swelling your heart with an enthralling tenderness for the Uchiha, and he inadvertently succeeded in alleviating your troubled expression into a softer, more lax one.

The sudden calming of your mind allowed your senses to perceive the unusual sensation left on your neck – a liquid of sorts, but thicker than tears. Brushing your fingertips across your neck then back to inspect them, your eyes widened slightly over the rich crimson-colored fluid coating them: blood. You used any remaining strength to raise your head to meet with Obito once more, this time noticing thick trails of blood oozing down his cheeks and dripping into the mud below, with it originating from both of his Sharingan. 

"O-Obito... have you been...?"

He shushed you gently. "I had to. I wanted... needed... to find you..." he trailed off while breaking eye contact. "No matter what it took."

You both knew the use of Obito's Mangekyou Sharingan was strictly forbidden – without the Hashirama cells he possessed in the original show, Obito was prone to the affliction that plagued all Uchiha's who were blessed – or cursed – enough to awaken the forbidden Uchiha ocular ability of the Mangekyou. Blindness.

Using your thumb to stroke the blood smearing his unscarred cheeks, you replied sternly, your gritty voice full of remorse, "You know why you can't keep using Kamui, Obito...! H-how many times did you..." your voice lowered, only then noticing a faint and dull paleness developing deep within Obito's eyes.

He pressed you insistently against him once more while closing his eyes and combing his fingers tenderly through your matted hair. The forceful action signified Obito's feelings of being overwrought with a confusing blend of frustration and gratitude. It didn't matter to him how many times he had to use Kamui. He would happily endure the searing pain and welcome the consequences of blindness if it meant keeping you safe.

"Why did you go...?" he asked soflty, pressing his lips tenderly to your forehead. 

The stark reminder of all the events that transpired that day sent a chilling wave of pain and guilt through your body, causing your heartrate to speed up, which Obito discreetly took notice of.

"I... I had to..."

Obito's aching and throbbing eyes narrowed slightly in incomprehension. Why couldn't you understand?

"(y/n)... when you leave... you tell me."

He sought for dominance between the two of you in an attempt to indicate the extent of his frustration and grief of almost losing you again, but the crack in his voice instead pleaded to you. He merely wanted you to understand what you meant to him.

"Why should I even bother?" you snapped, teeth clenched. "Because of what I did, people are... gone. And now you're starting to lose your eyesight, all because of me. I've made so many mistakes as a ninja. No matter what I know, no matter how hard I try, I keep making mistakes. I can't follow what's going on anymore. Everything's too different now. What's the point, Obito? I was never even supposed to be here!"

"Here?" Obito's eyes furrowed in confusion. "You mean-"

"I mean that I'm from another world!" you admitted, no longer having the capacity to care that Obito knew the truth. "When we first met, when I told you that I'm not from around here, I really meant it. I'm from a place where there are no ninjas. There's no chakra. No jutsu. The only thing our worlds have that is similar is war. That's still the same. And I may have just caused one."

Obito was speechless. Concern was all he felt for the love of his life slouching before him. You couldn't possibly be telling the truth. Could you?

"You want me to believe that you're from some other dimension that nobody else knows about?"

"It's the truth, Obito. Would I lie to you?"

Obito hesitated, his expression blank. "Yes. You have before."

You knew all these years of keeping secrets would come back to bite you one day.

"Look... you're right. You really have no reason to believe me, but I'm sick of keeping things from you. I'm sick... of everything. I don't know why the universe decided to throw me into this place with you. But I truly believe that I was meant to protect you, to guide you, and to... love you."

At that, Obito's spent eyes lit up, his chest swelling in warmth. Perhaps you were telling the truth.

"But it's alright. I got you to where you need to be, Obito. That's been my goal since the very beginning... making sure that you're safe. You can still become Hokage. But with me around..."

Your mind wandered to a scenario where villagers constantly harass the two of you after your interception of the Chunin Exams. You were terrified that your presence here will negatively influence his chances of being nominated for the next Hokage. What was even more terrifying was the prospect of Obito becoming blind because of his Sharingan.

"Maybe it wasn't right for me to interfere with what was supposed to happen here. What if I was never supposed to come here? What if you'll be happier.... maybe... you'll be better off if I-"

Your sight began gravitating toward that inviting sparkle.

"You're wrong," Obito managed through gritted teeth. "I don't know anything about some other world out there, but I know that you are supposed to be here. I don't care where you're from. All I know is that I'm certain I was supposed to run into you that day. Are you comfortable with standing here and telling me that you don't think we were meant to meet? That you don't belong here... with me?"

"Obito... no..." you responded dejectedly. "That's... not how I feel... at all..."

He could tell that you doubted yourself still, and his hands instinctively wandered to your waist and gripped it tight.

"It doesn't matter where you're from," he explained calmly, his fingertips stroking your waist lovingly. "Where you are right now, it's meant to be. Even if it feels like you don't belong. You're always determined to improve yourself every day. I know you, and I know you would never give up on me, or on yourself. Listen, (y/n),"

His grasp squeezed tighter as he pulled you close against his chest.

"I'm just... thankful that I got to share this world with you. You're the one I look up to the most. Everything you do matters to me. All this talk about how I'm 'better off...' it scares me, (y/n). It's not like you. Whatever happened today, I need you to tell me." His eyes darted to the ground in thought for a moment before reconnecting with your eyes. 

"And while you're at it... tell me everything."

Obito needed to understand. You had kept the truth hidden for all these years. Losing the inhibition to withhold it from him felt elating in a way. Obito was handling it better than you could ever have imagined. He was inviting you to have no more secrets. Maybe then he would understand your choices. You were inclined to try, desperate to apprehend Orochimaru. A task that, despite your best efforts, ended in abhorrent failure. The weight of guilt on your shoulders prompted a nauseating wave to wash over you.

Th-that's right...! I'm sick because... I need to tell him that I'm...!

"O-Obito..." Your throat was scratchy and raw from inhaling toxic fumes combined with screaming out your misery and distress.

"I'll start with this. I need a hospital."


It had been years since your last stay in the Hidden Leaf Hospital, but you didn't miss the prison-like interior and anxiety-inducing noises produced by medical machinery, but this time you readily ignored it. The erratic pounding in your chest over what you must say overtook every other perception. You had to tell him.

"It's been a while since you got cooped up in here," Obito joked while shutting his eyes casually in an attempt to calm his wired nerves. The nurses had since taken your vitals and inspected your injuries intently, but there was one final test you were waiting on.

"H-hey... listen... Obito..." Your words succeeded in snapping his eyes back open at you in confusion and concern. "R-remember how I've been mysteriously sick and... I guess moody on some days...?"

"Heh, you don't have to remind me," he replied while reaching to rub the back of his neck. "The crater you left in the yard back home is all it takes to refresh my memory."

You exhaled a brief and forced chuckle. "Y-yeah, well... I used some of that 'womanly intuition' I've told you about and did some searching and... well... I..."

Say it, (y/n)!

"It's just that-" Your words caught in your throat when your nervous eyes connected with his. Throughout the years, Obito was always the source of your bravery and confidence, but in this instance, your boyfriend was ironically the one who was sapping away your boldness.

"What's with the shyness, huh? Don't trust your own boyfriend, (y/n)?" he teased, trying to coax the words out of you with the unintentional use of good old-fashioned reverse psychology.

You pursed your lips and stared in playful opposition. You could say it if you wanted to.

So go ahead, (y/n). If you think you're so tough then just spit it out!

"Um... I..."

Somebody please save me from this unbearable silence!

Just then, the mechanisms of your door unlocked and a rather eccentric nurse scurried inside your room while scrolls and other documents spilled out of her arms.

"Hi! I'm from the Nursery Department, and we're back with your test results."

"Great!" Obito abruptly stood, startling the young nurse. "Is she going to be alright? When can she leave?"

"O-oh! O-Obito Uchiha... I w-wasn't expecting to see you here. I assumed that you would be swamped with missions and paperwork right about now."

The nurse's anxious demeanor perplexed Obito, but his name as a formidable ninja as well as a skilled Uchiha was quickly starting to spread across the village. Unbeknownst to the both of you, the strength and impressive capabilities of your boyfriend that had been developing over the years was beginning to grant him power of authority and leadership, which was catching the attention of villages across the nations, as well as the elders of the Hidden Leaf.

The nurse then straightened her back, adjusting her glasses. "In just a moment, the head nurse will be in to walk you through the procedural steps of the department and congratulate you on your expectancy. I've brought various articles that you may find useful to help you prepare for the new arrival."

Obito blinked heavily, brows raised in confusion. "New arrival?"

"And to answer your first question, everything appears to be in order as of now, but your wife's exposure to unknown toxins can have unanticipated aftereffects that may disrupt their development."


"We ask that she return to the Nursery Unit on a weekly basis so we can keep a close watch on your little one until we can confirm their health and development as stable."

"H-huh?!" Obito backed away nervously and lifted his hand to cover his mouth while whispering in your ear, "Either this nurse has the wrong room or she's completely crazy! She's talking about nurseries and 'little ones' and other weird things."

He then perceived the warmth of your hand wrapping around his fingers that pushed his hand away from your ear as you grasped at the other and gingerly brought both of his hands to your chest.

"She's in the right room."

Obito's eyes glazed over yours, beads of sweat forming on his brow. "Then what is she-"

"Oh! Right on time!" she exclaimed, her voice overshadowing Obito's as she gestured to the doorway before taking her leave. "Our head nurse is here. Rin, please take it from here."

Your attention shot toward the doorway at the mention of her name. Wearing a professional uniform, Rin walked in the room, clutching her clipboard tightly. She offered both of you a quiet smile, but something in her eyes told that more had to be said.

"Rin!" Obito beamed. "It's great to see you! What's going on? Is everything... okay?" His voice diminished upon watching as Rin passed you a quick glance, her brows furrowed.

"Hi (y/n), Obito," she voiced softly, almost cautiously as she shut the door behind her and approached you with a gentle patter in her steps. She leaned over and held your hand, a clear display of understanding in her eyes. "Have you been having any problems? How do you feel?"

Your head hung low at her inquiry, the knowing tone in her voice making you realize... she knew. "I... I could be better."

Rin pursed her lips and nodded before standing back up. She scanned the document in her hand before peeking back up to Obito, then to you.

"(y/n), I've known Obito almost my whole life. He wouldn't be this calm if he knew. Do you... need more time?"

"Knew?!" Obito exclaimed and stood up, unable to take it anymore. "Knew what? Tell me what's going on! What's wrong with (y/n)?!"

Rin passed you a look, and you nodded silently. Her dark eyes travelled back to Obito, and remaining as professional as she could, she spoke.

"The tests confirm it. Obito, you and (y/n) are expecting a baby." 

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