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By velveteren

52.6K 1.3K 718

๐–’๐–Š๐–’๐–Š๐–“๐–™๐–” ๐–’๐–”๐–—๐–Ž- "๐™ง๐™š๐™ข๐™š๐™ข๐™—๐™š๐™ง ๐™ฎ๐™ค๐™ช ๐™ข๐™ช๐™จ๐™ฉ ๐™™๐™ž๐™š" - dead by daylight reader short stories, o... More

๐™ฉ๐™๐™š ๐™ก๐™š๐™œ๐™ž๐™ค๐™ฃ - ๐™ข๐™–๐™จ๐™ 
๐™ฉ๐™๐™š ๐™ก๐™š๐™œ๐™ž๐™ค๐™ฃ - ๐™ข๐™–๐™จ๐™  (๐™ž๐™ž)
๐™ฉ๐™๐™š ๐™ก๐™š๐™œ๐™ž๐™ค๐™ฃ - ๐™ข๐™–๐™จ๐™  (๐™ž๐™ž๐™ž)
๐™ฉ๐™๐™š ๐™ก๐™š๐™œ๐™ž๐™ค๐™ฃ - ๐™ข๐™–๐™จ๐™  (๐™„๐™‘)
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quentin x david king
๐ฆ๐ข๐œ๐ก๐ž๐š๐ฅ ๐ฆ๐ฒ๐ž๐ซ๐ฌ - ๐ฌ๐ญ๐š๐ซ
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jake park x reader

๐™ฉ๐™๐™š ๐™ก๐™š๐™œ๐™ž๐™ค๐™ฃ - ๐™ข๐™–๐™จ๐™  (๐™‘๐™„)

3.1K 112 51
By velveteren

(Y/N)'s POV

Ever since I had made that blood deal with Frank, I couldn't shake off a particular feeling full of anxiety. I wasn't sure what it was or why I was feeling it but I speculated that it was a warning or something was telling me that the blood deal was wrong.

I was honestly just waiting for something extremely shitty to happen to me. I should've just let Frank torture me instead of agreeing to his terms. So basically, if something did happen it was 100% my fault.

In order to try to keep my mind off of it, I made Quentin help me figure out what the hell that box was that I found. I still hadn't told anybody about the cabin I found. I was too scared to go back. I didn't want to lay on the bed only for me to open my eyes and to Michael Myers stalking me. I wasn't sure if anybody worse knew about it. Killers in particular.

So Quentin and I decided to use one of the nearby ran down shacks as our little 'hide out place'.

I tried to pick up the litter that scattered the wood floor in order to try to make it nicer but the walls were still covered in splattered blood so it really had no effect what so ever.

Quentin brought a couple of flashlights so we could actually see the things I had found. He held one up, lighting up the dark space. He had on a beanie, a joy division shirt and jeans.

"So you're telling me you found this in the woods hidden inside a tree stump?" Quentin asked me in a questioning manner, obviously a little put off by my story. I nodded my head as I pulled out the books, the knife and the other little trinkets.

"So a little someone didn't happen to give you these?" Quentin questioned. I paused and slowly looked up at the teenager. Did Dwight-

"And by someone I mean that kid with the jock jacket on."

I said nothing for a few seconds. Dwight, that fake bitch. How could he tell them?

"Did Dwight tell you?" I asked, reverting my stare towards the random items in front of us. I didn't want Quentin to see my red checks.

"Yeah, he did by the way, also why didn't you tell me?" Quentin said glaring at me. I threw my hands up in my defense.

"I didn't want to tell Dwight, he found out about it himself!" I pouted. "Plus, I didn't think it was a big deal at first, but now the dude won't stop harassing me."

Quentin stared at me acknowledging my flustered state. He paused glanced down and then back up.

"Do you like him?" He asked and I immediately protested.

"God no! He's fucking a killer for fucks sake!" I shivered in disgust at the thought of having romantic feelings for the rough teenager. "Though, he is hot. I'll give him that. Like a bad boy rough kid type of look."

Quentin let out a laugh, making me smile.

"Anyhow, let's not talk about that. What we need to do is figure what the hell is in there books." I said handing him a journal. I grabbed a different one and pried it open and flipped to the the first page.


The name wasn't familiar to me. Quentin also didn't recognize the name. My fingers brushed against the thick paper yellowing with age.

My eyes scanned the first page, and I began to read out loud so Quentin could also see what was in the journal. "I began my search in the summer of 1956 after hearing of the town of Weeks, a place that had an unusual number of missing persons reports. America is filled with such towns. But what made this one more odd than some, was that there had never been a report of a body found. Indeed, the number of open missing cases stood at a staggering 364, the last of which happened a mere ten weeks ago. Thus I embark on my journey."

"When was that written?" Quentin asked me as I scanned the page looking for the date. "September 12, 1956." Quentin nodded in response.

"Well since this journal is here in this realm then that means it probably belonged to a survivor." I told Quentin, running my fingers across the words printed in ink. "Probably one of the original survivors."

"What do you think happened to him?" Quentin asked me. I stayed quiet because I had not one clue to what happened but also because I didn't really want to say that he had probably died. "Who knows, maybe he escaped." Though, we both knew it was unlikely.

The next entry was dated September 24th. "It only took me a few hours upon my arrival to feel the malignant presence that lurked in the forgotten town of Weeks. Its buildings and structures in various stages of decay, all of them abandoned to the ravages of time. I visited the library in Wetherfield, a nearby town. It didn't take me long to find information about the region. Once a vast, prosperous and sprawling industrial area, Weeks, suddenly became a ghost town, not through the lack of iron ore, but on account of a series of terrible disasters. Once again, I had found a place touched by the darkest of evils, so powerful that it spread like a virus in the area, consuming the world around it, rotting the core from within. The locals of Wetherfield would not discuss or talk further of the town of Weeks. The locals acted like the sort of thing you would see in your weekly Penny Dreadful, their eyes wild with terror. What happened here?'' My voice filled the air as Quentin gave me a 'what the fuck look'.

"Honestly, though, why would this dude even try to look for the entity's realm?" Quentin asked out loud with a sort of weirded out tone. I shrugged as I my eyes scanned the page.

"The entry says he was actively looking for the realm. Maybe he somehow found it and was sucked in? Maybe there is an entrance, you know? I mean it does say the dude went to Weeks looking for the entity specifically." Quentin claimed as he slumped his body against the wall covered in dry blood. He pulled his beanie down a little bit more to cover his slightly curled hair.

"I mean, I guess that's possible. There has to be someway we can escape. Anything is possible." I set the book down and crawled to where Quentin was. I scooted next to the teenager until my body was next to his and I put my head on his shoulder, resting it. Quentin let out a sigh as he wrapped his arm around me. It was quiet. Not a uncomfortable silence nor a silence filled with stillness. A normal silence filled with content.

"Tell me about your life again." Quentin quietly asked me, his fingers played with my hair. Quentin and I would often lay together and talk about our lives and our hopes and everything anything. It was our way of comforting each other. Of coping this chaotic world.

I cleared my voice before speaking. "I wanted to be a baker when I grew up. My grandpa owns this cute little bakery and when I was little my mom would drop me off there and I would help my grandpa make cookies or help knead bread. I don't really remember much of it but I remember being so happy and so content."

Quentin pulled me closer to him and I melted into his warm body.

"My grandpa died soon after. Robbed in his home and shot to death. I was only 7 at the time but I remember the police showing up at our doorstep and my mom started crying. I think the worse thing about it all was I never got to say bye to him."

I began to feel sad talking about my life. So I decided to ask Quentin about his instead.

"Well, (Y/N) before the entity took me Freddy Kruger was already harassing and killing people. Years prior, my Dad and a bunch of other parents found out what he had been doing to us at our old preschool and they trapped him into a building and set it on fire." I could tell Quentin was visibly uncomfortable taking about Freddy. I didn't know the whole story but Quentin had told me a few things already.

"He killed a few of my friends. But Nancy and I were able to figure out what happened." Quentin looked down sadly as he though back to the girl. I know he misses her. After I arrived, I was the first one he told about his past.

Sitting up, I pulled the teen into my arms as he leaned his head down into me. My arms wrapped around his larger frame as I gave him a comforting embrace.

"I love you, (Y/N)." Quentin mumbled against the crook of my neck. "I love you too Quen."

We stayed like that for god knows long. Indulging in each others comfort and warmth, something that we rarely ever experienced in this dark realm.

I was eventually left to myself when Quentin was whisked away to a trial.

With nothing better to do, I decided to once again explore the contents from the box.

The glinting of a blade caught my attention. I reached for the blade that I had previously observed. The blade was sharp, so sharp that even a little contact could draw blood.

My fingers traced the iridescent handle that had the tiny phrase carved into it. Memento Mori. The words echoed my mind as I felt around the handle.

Without paying attention, the blade made contact with my finger, immediately drawing blood. The blood seeped out of the tiny gaze. It dropped down. I brought my finger to my mouth and began to suck on the wound. I looked down to see the journals page covered in a few blood drops. Oh no!

I attempted to wipe the blood off with my hand but it looked as if the blood began to seep into the page, turning the ink into a dark red. My eyebrows furrowed as the page began to morph, the red text changing and glowing in some sort of peculiar way. 

I tried to read the text but it was gone before the words could even form full sentences. The blade in my hand began to warm under my touch. I glanced down to see the iridescent handle glowing and the phrase on the handle began to radiate light. Was this because of my blood?

Maybe I should use more blood to figure what the book says. Before I could even try to draw more blood, a black mist surrounded me. Fuck.

When my vision returned, the first thing I saw were trees and the dark sky. I glanced around. The surroundings were familiar to me. Not through trials through. The woods around me looked like the woods surrounding the campfire. I stood up and began to look around. Where the hell was I?

It felt alarmingly colder than usual. A small amount of warmth filled my hand up. I glanced down to see the blade still resting in my hand. Well at least I'm armed. I tucked it into my jeans.

I decided to walk around a bit. Maybe if I moved around I'd figure where the hell I was.

I shivered as the cold air nipped at my skin. My breathe turned to white when I breathed out. Why  was it so cold?
After wondering around a bit it began to snow. The soft white snowflakes landed around me, lightly dusting the ground around me. It slowly began to get colder and colder as the minutes trickled by. I wasn't sure how long I walked or which direction I was going but then I heard hushed voices. Against my better judgement, I called out to the voices.

"Hey! Is anybody there?" My voice echoed through the cold air. The voices stopped. That's when my heart began to slowly race. Did I just screw myself over? My brain racked over all the horror movies I had seen. This was the exact line that almost every single dumb person in a horror says before they get murdered.

I slowly and carefully began to walk towards where the voices had come from. I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared. If I didn't have any sense of self control I would be shaking like a wet dog right now.

My heartbeat began to race as I nervously walked. I tried to be as quiet as I could. Avoiding twigs and leaves so I wouldn't make noise when I stepped on things.

A soft snap behind me made me freeze. The noise sent shivers down my spine and sent my heart into a frenzy. My head whipped around and I came face to face when a girl with pink hair. She had on a hoodie and a plaid skirt with leggings and converse on her feet.

"Hi?" I spoke to her, confused on who she was. Maybe she was a new survivor? The girl didn't react to me speaking. Her face stayed emotionless as she stared at me. "Do you know where we are?" I asked her once again.

She still didn't respond. I took a step closer to her and she momentarily glanced at the distance between us.

"My name is (Y/N). Do you wanna tell me yours?" I tried using a soft voice. I wasn't sure how she would react to certain things. I had no idea who she was. I wasn't sure if she was a survivor because of the weird situation I was in. Hopefully she was.

Her eyes ranked over me, making me slightly uncomfortable.

"Susie." She spoke quietly. She looked me in the eyes before speaking once again. "My name is Susie." She gave me a tiny smile. I smiled back. At least I wasn't alone here. Where ever here is. There was also some reassurance that the girl standing in front of me wasnt a psychotic murderer. There was no way someone this soft looking could be evil.

"Do you know if there's others here?" I asked her, taking another step forward. She purses her lips, her green eyes pausing before glancing at me once again. She bit her lip and hesitated to speak.

"I have a few friends at a small campsite. Do you want to come meet them?" She shyly tucked her hair behind her ear. Against my better judgement, I agreed and we began to walk. I followed Susie, a few feet behind her. Even though she seemed innocent, I wasn't 100% sure she actually was. Her clothes were rugged and covered in dirt. Susie's hands were also caked in dirt and dried blood. If she was a survivor, why hadn't I met her yet?

"I got the one with pink hair!" The voice of Jake filled my head as I froze. Fuck me. Susie was apart of the Legion! And she was leading me right to them.

"Uh, I-I, Um I gotta go!" The words rushed out of me as I stood still. Chuckling awkwardly as Susie turned around and gave me a questioning look.

"Where?" Susie asked me, her pink hair swayed in the slight breeze. I opened my mouth to speak but I was cut off by a voice behind me.

"Why are you leaving so soon, (Y/N)?" The familiar voice of Frank filled my ears. I shivered as he whispered my name into my ear. I went rigid. Frank moved behind me and I stared forward. He pressed a cold blade into my back, slowly pressing it under my shirt. He began to caress the blade against my spine. I froze, partly in shock and partly because I was scared.

I didn't dare attempt to run- he would just stab me in the spine, immediately crippling me in the process. I could only stare forward at Susie whom was smirking. What a good actress.

From the left side of my vision, I could see the familiar face of Julie and another unfamiliar male standing off to the side. What the hell was going on?

"Why do you look so scared, (Y/N)? We promise we won't hurt you." Julie mocked, giving me a false smile.

"I don't know, maybe it's because I'm about to get fucking cesared?" I spit at her, glancing at her and than at the last member of the legion who stood next to her. His name was unknown to me.

Why was I in this situation? And how the fuck do I get out of this?

"(Y/N), I want you meet Joey and Susie. They've heard so much about you." Frank's voice tickled my exposed neck, making me squirm. I looked towards Susie and gave her a glare. Her green eyes stared back into my eyes. I glanced towards Joey whom was already watching me. He gave me an agitating smirk.

"God, if you're going to kill me might as well get on with it. I have things to do." The words flowed out of my mouth as I stood there. Or maybe the entity will summon me to a trial. I'd rather die on a meat hook then what ever the hell is about to happen right now.

Wait. The knife! I still had the blade from earlier tucked into my jeans. Maybe I do have a chance after all. I just have to wait until the right moment.

"Who said we're gonna kill you?" Frank said, his voice projecting around us. His voice was loud and filled the crisp air.

"You see, my sweet little (Y/N). I promised my friends that they could meet you. I promised a good show. And you're here to fulfill it." Frank exclaimed in glee, his voice slowly filling with euphoria as he spoke. "You're the one killed me, remember? 'Cause I have."

"Fuck you." I whipped my body around and attempted to push him away. But his large hands easily held on to my wrists. I struggled against his grip but he just squeezed my wrists tighter, making me tear up at the absurd amount of pressure. I let out a squeak of pain. Frank laughed.

I angrily spit at his face and he froze. The smile dropped from his face. I felt my heart drop.

Frank's large fist came pounding down at my delicate cheek. My vision spun around as I felt my back hit the cold ground, the dead grass and leaves crunching underneath me. My ears rung as I moved my hand to my cheek. Warm blood covered my fingers.

Through my blurry vision, I looked upwards to look at Frank who stood in front of me staring down at me. His face showed no emotion. He stared into my watery eyes.

"Julie, she's yours." Frank interrupted the silent atmosphere. He backed up and leaned his slender build against a tree.

I glanced towards Julie to see her smiling, a blade in hand as she walked towards me.

"I'll give you a 10 second head start." Julie announced, obviously delighted with the situation.
"Ready, buttercup?" She cracked a wicked smile.



My head spun as I forced myself to stand up. I stumbled as I attempted to catch my balance.




My shoes pounded against the ground as I pushed my self to go faster and faster.





My legs burned and my eyes let out fresh tears.


"Go help her Susie."

I could slightly hear the noise of the two behind me over my exhausted breaths. Lucky for me, I was kind of used to running from people who want to kill me.

My legs ached and my lungs burned.

Minutes passed and I was starting to break a sweat but I hadn't slowed down at all. Julie was pretty close behind me. And I could tell she was getting annoyed at the angry grunts and frustrated noises coming from her.

The chase continued for another few minutes before my foot got caught on a log and I flew into the ground. Fan fucking tastic.

My head spun as I tried to get back up but Julies body rammed into mine, knocking my head into the log. I let a whine of pain as my head shook. My eyes pooled with tears. I tried to fight Julie off of me but I was too weak and tired. She was too strong. She eventually managed to dig her knees into my arms, trapping me against the cold floor.

She straddled me and pressed her elbow into my throat. She held her elbow there and began to add pressure. With my chest burning and my eyes watering, I clawed at her legs, trying to get them off of me. She smiled down at me.

As my vision began to flicker away, I wiggled my wrist out of her grip. My nails swiped her face, the long nails dragging across the her face, breaking skin. I could feel her underneath my nails.

She let out a high pitched yell and fell off of me. I began to cough and splutter. Blood began to pool in the scratches on her face and across her eyes.

I scrambled up but was immediately pushed down by the pink haired girl. She pressed me down into the dirt. I attempted to reach for the knife but Susie was holding my arm down.

"Holy shit Julie! Are you okay?" Susie quickly tried to help Julie up but the girl angrily pushed her away.

"I'm fucking fine!" Julie screamed and bashed her foot into my stomach, making me let out a pained scream. I began to taste blood. I slumped into the floor as I withered in pain.

"God you're such a fucking dumb slut." Julie hissed at me as she leaned down and yanked me up my hair. I winched in pain as I was forced onto my knees. The sharp twigs dug into my knees and my skin, cutting it.

"I'd rather be a slut than a pyschotic bitch like you." I spoke, blood in my mouth and my head spinning.

Julie obviously didn't like what I said because a second later she punched me. My head whipped to the side as blood poured out of my nose. I was covered in blood and my own tears.

I let out a weak laugh. Blood pooled into my month.

"Hold her down Susie." Julie demanded as the pink hair girl forcibly grabbed my wrist. I let out a grunt and tried to wiggle out of her grip.

Julie leaned down and plunged her knife into my leg. A scream ripped throughout my raw throat. She pushed the knife deeper and I started to cry. Tears pouring out of eyes and the metallic taste of blood consuming me, I tried to fight her.

She yanked the knife out, making me scream louder. I wanted to puke. The agonizing burning in my thigh made me want to take her knife and slit my own throat to stop the pain. I could feel the blood gushing out.

Through my blurred vision, I managed to glance up at the two females in front of me. And then the large frame of someone else coming up from behind them. The yellow apron gave it away.


He raised his chainsaw and with a scream, he startled the girls who quickly turned around and spotted the crazed man. He swung his hammer at Susie and knocked her in the head, sending her flying into a tree. Julie let out a scream and dashed away from him towards where Susie laid, injured.

Bubba turned towards me and let out a strangled noise. He dropped his chainsaw and walked towards me, yanking me up and gently tossing me up onto his shoulder. I let a small cry as my leg pressed into his chest. Bubba whined in response.

I hung loosely on his back, my head spinning as I stared behind us. I stared at the hunched over figure of Julie as she tried to shake Susie awake. Her pink hair was covered in dark red. Then two more figures appeared, darting to the two girls.

Through my flickering vision, I stared at them. One of the figures stood up and turned towards Bubba and I's retreating bodies.

The last thing I saw was Frank's piercing eyes burning holes into me. And then I passed out.

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