
By jjmcquivey

78K 2.7K 867

When the rescue center known as Voltron rescues Keith from an aquarium that could care less about him, he fin... More

Chapter 1: The Aquarium
Chapter 2: The Rescue
Chapter 3: The Surprise
Chapter 4: What?
Chapter 5: How?
Chapter 6: Who?
Chapter 7: Twilight
Chapter 8: Midnight
Chapter 9: Dawn
Chapter 10: Acquaintances
Chapter 11: Companions
Chapter 12: Friends
Chapter 13: Records
Chapter 14: Evidence
Chapter 15: Finally
Chapter 16: Signs
Chapter 17: Vigilant
Chapter 18: Awakened
Chapter 19: Revived
Chapter 21: Message
Chapter 22: I Can't
Chapter 23: Live Without
Chapter 24: You
Sneak Peek!

Chapter 20: Information

1.6K 61 13
By jjmcquivey

      A thunderous slap echoed around the room. Each person either shouted or growled in protest. And somehow, Shiro's neutral expression didn't falter by the unexpected (and uncalled for) blow. Even as his cheek now sported an angry red welt the shape of a hand. 

      Lotor's grin was more of a baring of his teeth. "So stoic." He paused and lifted his eyes to the ceiling; as if he were thinking. "I don't know why I haven't collected something form you yet." Confusion rippled through the Voltron clans faces as if it were the plague. Each person's face contracted the confusion. Each person with the exception of Keith, who's face drained of color and became painfully aware of his missing scale. 

      "He likes to collect things form us. We're his trophies."

      The merman blinked at the memory that was his, but--anothers. Him, but with a completely different life. He found himself inching away form the platinum haired man. Keith's dry scales scraped against the rough cement making a faint scratching noise. The noises continued until a soft thump halted the merman's movement's. He'd reached the wall.

We're his trophies.

      Lotor switched his attention to Lance, who's mind was still reeling from his awakening. The tan man's eyes flicked around the room; sometimes gazing at his friends and others nothing at all. Lance's sapphire orbs assessed everything they landed on, giving his mind a lengthy report. He had just finished examining Keith when he felt a demanding gaze crushing him with it's weightful presence. 

      Lance's eyes met Lotor's and despite every bone in his body telling him to run and never look back, he sneered at the man holding them captive.

We're his trophies.

      "Speaking of collecting," Lotor purred. "I still need something from you." Keith low growl cut across the room as the demon leaned in close and grabbed Lance's chin. He tried to yank his face out of the others grasp, but Lotor's grip tightened until Lance could taste his own metallic blood. "I must say, this newest form of yours is quite boring."

"Get you hands off him."

      To everyone's surprise it was Hunk who spoke up. . . Shit.

      "Excuse me?" Lotor practically threw Lance's chin from his grasp and prowled closer to Hunk; a wicked glint in his eye.

      As the demon drew closer, Hunk sat as tall and straight as he could and repeated, "Don't. Touch. Him." 

      Their captor grabbed Hunk's collar and wound up for a strike. 

      Everyone moved to stop Lotor, but it was Pidge who stopped him dead. "If you so much as lay a finger on him, you'll find your face shoved so far up your ass you'll have to eat your stomach." His fingers slowly and deliberately released the fabric of the shirt until his hand was empty and chuckled darkly. "I like you."

      "The feeling isn't mutual."

We're his trophies.

      Lotor just huffed and addressed Lance, "Now, I must ask you; have you had any. . ." he paused and flicked a piece of his hair from his face. "--visions lately?" Lance's eyes widened slightly before they slid to the merman across the room from him. Keith gave a barely perceptible shake of his head. He didn't know why he did it; but a gut churning feeling told him to keep the knowledge of Lance's awakening under lock and key. 

      The small action from the merman was enough for Lance to lie until his teeth were rotting. His mouth was open a fraction longer than necessary before he spoke. "No." 

      Despite trying his best to seam confident, a small waver contaminated his voice. He just prayed too all he gods he knew that Lotor didn't notice. 

      The demon's eyes narrowed, but he said, "Very well. I look forward to my next visit." He turned on his heel, hair whipping around and sashayed back toward the eerie door. As Lotor walked, he eyed the merman against the wall and smirked, before exiting the cell.

      As soon as the door slammed shut, everyone's voices burst out. Each person asking if the others were alright.

Lance's was the loudest. 

      By the end of their crazed checkup session, they'd concluded that everyone was fine. Despite Shiro's cheek the size of a small peach and Hunk mentally shaken up.

      It was then when Keith suddenly felt as if every drop of energy had been sapped from him. How long had it been since he'd had a decent night's rest? Almost immediately, the merman's eyes felt impossibly heavy.

He tried to conceal a yawn.

     His vision blurred from sleepy tears that popped up. Somehow, the sounds of his friends speaking became dull murmurs. It was so quiet and despite the hard floor and impossibly bright light, the merman couldn't help but melt. He almost felt as if his limbs were made of lead. 

     The last thing he remembered before losing consciousness, was looking at the Voltron clan's silhouettes against the blinding white. 

      His rest was not peaceful. His dreams were filled with memories. And disturbing ones at that. But, he couldn't stop it. So, he slept; and he dreamed. 


      Ominous screeches and animals calls echoed through the vine filled swamp. Gnats and mosquito's flew around them and devoured every inch of the pair. Sometimes they heard rustling in the bushes and shrubbery around them; each time they nearly jumped out of their skin in anticipation. 

      It had taken them nearly four days to find the witches hovel. Trekking through mud, roots, and polluted water, they had long waited getting the information only someone with supernatural powers could obtain. 

      And finally, finally they spotted the wood hut covered in absurd decorations. The pair looked to one another before approaching the front door. The shorter one hesitantly knocked on the rotting wood twice and waited. 

      The hovel was so run down, with every breath of wind, the wood creaked and groaned against it. Vines crawled up the left side, and moss covered the roof. The short one was about to knock a third time when the door flashed open. 

      There, standing in the door was a hunched-over figure, draped in a deep purple-brown robe that kissed the wood planks below. Long ivory white hair draped past her chin, where red ritual marks graced her features.  Her chin came to a point sharp enough to cut and it almost seemed as if her eyes glowed a yellow. 

      The brown haired figure cleared his throat and asked, "Are- are you Haggar?" 

      In a nasally and raspy voice she replied, "Three shillings for service." 

      Almsot immediately the short one handed over the payment. The witch smiled. "Come." She turned and walked into her lair, not bothering to look behind her. Within, morbid wind chimes and other increments hung from the ceiling. Jar's of eyes cluttered shelfs as well as lizard tails and fur of many animals. 

      She floated over the the back, where a large clear orb sat on a table. She sat. "What do you wish to know?"

      The short one requested, "How does Lotor stay young?" 

      The witch chuckled and said, "Straight to the point, Ah?" Both customers nodded; not bothering to reply. She cleared her throat. "He absorbs quintessence, the source of all our life, or souls if you will. It flows through our bodies and the earth and connecting everything together. Galra, or quintessence stealers, can only steal the quintessence from temporary things."

      The tall figure interrupted, "So he steals our quintessence to stay alive? But, why does he only go after us? Why not animals?"

      Haggar smiled, "Human's and humanoid creatures carry the most quintessence. More quintessence, longer life. And as for only you two; Galra can only steal from the very first quintessence holder they've ever stolen from. They may only take one soul. It was only by luck that he chose soul mates." 

      "What do you mean?"

"Soul mates share the same soul. Haven't you ever heard of it?" she sneered. "The first quintessence holder the Galra steals the soul from reincarnates every few centuries or so, for either the Galra to steal again or be defeated. Lotor just happened to kill you, Larkin, who just happened to have a soul mate, Kabir. A pair to be together forever and always....."

We're his trophies.


Chapter 20!!!!!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! This was a really fun one to write. I would like to thank you for 15k reads!! AHHHH you guys are seriously the best. I just want to say I have a valid excuse for not posting a chapter in well over two weeks. School has started and I have been going non-stop with vball practice, school, and homework. It's been really stressful and crazy! I hope all y'all who have started school had a great first day or week! Don't forget to vote, comment and share!

Stay Sweet!

Word Count: 1473

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