Nentarli [COMPLETE]

By EscapeInFiction

3K 378 40

What if you were suddenly told that everything you'd ever known about yourself was a lie? What if you also fo... More

~ One ~
~ Two ~
~ Three ~
~ Four ~
~ Five ~
~ Six ~
~ Seven ~
~ Eight ~
~ Nine ~
~ Ten ~
~ Eleven ~
~ Twelve ~
~ Thirteen ~
~ Fourteen ~
~ Fifteen ~
~ Sixteen ~
~ Seventeen ~
~ Eighteen ~
~ Nineteen ~
~ Twenty ~
~ Twenty-one ~
~ Twenty-two ~
~ Twenty-three ~
~ Twenty-four ~
~ Twenty-five ~
~ Twenty-six ~
~ Twenty-seven ~
~ Twenty-eight ~
~ Thirty ~
~ Thirty-one ~
~ Thirty-two ~
~ Thirty-three ~
~ Thirty-four ~
~ Thirty-five ~
~ Thirty-six ~
~ Thirty-seven ~
~ Thirty-eight ~
~ Thirty-nine ~
~ Forty ~
~ Forty-one ~
~ Forty-two ~
~ Forty-three ~
~ Forty-four ~
~ Forty-five ~
~ Forty-six ~
~ Forty-seven ~
~ Forty-eight ~
~ Forty-nine ~
~ Fifty ~
~ Fifty-One ~

~ Twenty-nine ~

38 6 0
By EscapeInFiction

I settled into the ride from there on out, making small talk with Emy and Kayle but otherwise staying quiet and letting my thoughts wander.

Our lives had changed so drastically in such a short time, I was surprised that Emy or myself hadn't had a meltdown already. I liked how eventful and strange it was though, as with everything it had its annoyances and worries but I wasn't missing my old life one little bit. Maybe I was finding the bond I had always meant to have with this world, maybe it was growing on me day by day, as it would have if we had grown up here. 

I must have lost track of the time and the journey because the parents came to an unscheduled stop. The landscape was starting to change and I could see a ridge up ahead. They turned and pulled the horses in so we were all in a tight huddle, as close as we could get on horses anyway. 

"Eribourne's protection is up ahead, we have to enter singly so they can scan each of us." Alacor explained quietly and I got the feeling that the parents had been here before, more than once. 

"Kind of like airport security?" Emy asked.

I smiled as the parents nodded, the escorts and Blaike and Kaleb, just looked puzzled. 

"Yes, Emily. Like airport security but with magic instead of electronic scanners," Alacor continued to explain. "Once we are inside, we must wait for our Host to greet us and lead us to our accommodations, then onto the Capital building."

I crinkled my nose at the formalities, everyone had said that the dinner would be easy and we would be fine with what we knew already. But we hadn't even arrived inside yet and it was already more formal than anything I'd ever experienced. 

"Once we are inside the wall, be careful who you talk to and where you go. Eribourne is a vast city and there are a great many people here, we do not know if there are Scavengers lurking nearby, which should not be possible but it has been known to happen. Expect everything and nothing can surprise you. That being said, I do not want anyone to go anywhere alone, is that clear?" 

My mum's voice was stern and I was surprised at her words, I figured those restrictions would only apply to Emy and I. However, everyone else nodded without protest and the parents turned their horses around after a quick glance at Emy and I. They proceeded to ride over the ridge and we followed closely behind. The formation was a little tighter than it had been for most of the journey. The path we were on had a few bushes dotted here and there, a scarce number of trees with fruits growing on them that I didn't recognise.

There was nowhere to be ambushed by hidden attackers, and yet the atmosphere grew more tense the further we went. I wanted to ask why the capital of the Sector would make them react this way but we reached the ridge and I got my first glimpse of Eribourne- I lost my whole train of thought. 

The landscape laid out in front of us was like something from an alien planet, albeit a beautiful one. Surrounding the city were lush green fields for miles around, willowy trees spread out as far as the eye could see and they were blowing in the wind. A hillside led into one side of the city and disappeared through a huge waterfall, which fed a shimmering, blue river.

The river wound across the scenery and through the city ahead of us. The cold of the season made it look crisp and magical. The leaves on the trees closest to us had all but left the branches, and yet they weren't littering the ground as they should in autumn. I had barely even taken in the beautiful sights when my attention was brought to the city itself. We were still quite a distance away but I could easily make out the buildings, they were huge, oddly shaped structures. 

Some looked like mini castles, with turrets and ramparts, while others looked like manor houses similar to the one we lived in. Each building was a different colour or shade of a colour, I had never seen anything like it, not in my books or on television. It felt like everywhere we went in this world, we were faced with a new surprise and very often it was something as basic as buildings. I couldn't wait to see how different the people were. I watched my parents and Emy's place their hands against what I assumed was the invisible wall of protection around Eribourne. 

Seconds later the parents took their hands away and lined us all up in single file, making sure Emy and I were in the very middle of the line. I arched a brow at Emy and nudged Ulric forward; he didn't panic or fluster like the other horses and soon we were through the wall. I felt a sigh and a gasp bubbling up inside me as I looked up at the city again, from this side of the wall it seemed to be brighter and more welcoming.

We got back into formation and waited for our Host to arrive. I remembered from one of our lessons that they were like butlers, they fetched people and property for their employer. I didn't know why I felt better about it when they worded it like that, maybe it was the stigma attached to the word 'servant'. I would have to address that with my parents at some point but for now, I was focusing on a figure that was half jogging down the path in front of us.

A small man, barely reaching five feet, was making his way towards us, his glasses were bouncing on his nose. As he neared us I could see that he was sweating a little and he pulled out a hankie to wipe his brow, tucking it away by the time he stood in front of the group. He was slight but his face was round, he had long hair that was tied back in a ponytail and his clothes were unusual even for this place.

A long, black cloak-like jacket without sleeves, a red tunic type shirt and dark blue, pirate-esque trousers. I could see Emy staring wide-eyed at him and I knew she would blurt something out soon, I was just glad that he spoke first. 

"My Lords and Ladies, welcome to Eribourne! I apologise substantially for my tardiness. I have no excuses. My name is Pal and I shall be your Host during your stay. Should you need anything, call for me. If you are ready, I will lead you to your accommodations. You can refresh yourselves before you arrive at dinner." 

I looked at Emy and we shared a silent giggle as she mouthed the word 'Pal'. But nobody else seemed to find it funny, they all bowed their heads to our Host. 

"Thank you, Pal. Your apology is unnecessary, we have just arrived." Alacor explained to him graciously and it seemed to calm the little guy down. 

He pushed his round glasses up his nose and gestured behind him, "You are most kind, now if you would please follow me."

He turned and began walking down the path he had just come from. We were still a little way out of the city and apparently he planned to walk himself while we were on horses.

I turned to my dad who was closest to me, "Dad, how come he's walking and not on a horse or something? If it's as big as you say here, doesn't he need some mode of transportation? I bet he's exhausted." 

My dad turned to me and smiled softly, "He would not be able to navigate as well on a horse and getting on and off all the time, it would take too long. He must have picked this job for a reason, he would have known what it entailed before he started." 

I frowned, looking ahead at Pal, he must get to be the Host for any number of important people who visited Eribourne. He would know all kinds of things, I wondered if he was paid well to keep those things to himself. We continued to follow Pal at a slow walk, down the path and finally into the city. Now that we were closer I could see that there were smaller buildings too. Some looked like regular stone houses, others were smaller manor houses in various styles.

I was thinking about how many people might live here when the hairs on the back of my neck rose, I looked around quickly to see people up ahead, staring at us. They watched as we rode through and I knew they were focusing on Emy and I the most; it unnerved me and I willed Pal to move faster. The people were all ages and sizes, some even looked to be the same age as us, young adults and I noticed every one of them was finely dressed.

I had yet to see a poor person in Nentarli, there had been none back in Dumair or in Hawksend for that matter, even Elandi had been well fed and well dressed. I was starting to think that poverty didn't exist here, another positive to add to the ever growing list of pros and cons for this world. 

Pal took us deep into the centre of the capital, the sun was beginning to set now and the magic gas lamps turned themselves on of their own accord. I knew now that they were light sensitive and smiled at how nicely they lit the streets, I wouldn't have wanted to wander these streets in the dark.

I was trying to ignore the prickling sensation I could still feel and I was beyond grateful when Pal stopped in front of a large manor house. It had a sign on the outside that read 'Guest House - Occupied'. I hoped that meant we were the occupiers and stopped Ulric just short of my parents, who were listening intently to Pal. 

"These will be your quarters while you stay here. Make yourselves at home. Call if you need anything at all. I will return to take you to the Capital building when you are ready." 

He bowed and then left quite hurriedly, I was surprised at how little interest he seemed to take in our group and it made me suspicious. I put it down to the fact that I'd been around the guys too long though. I shook it off and dismounted when everyone else did. 

The parents turned to give their reins to the escorts.

"Please take them to the stables around the back, make sure they are fed and watered, and then come inside for something yourselves." My dad ordered, though not unkindly.

The escorts shared a respectful nod with him before taking the rest of the reins from us and walking off with the horses. Ulric didn't seem happy about it but I gave him a reassuring pat on the flank before he walked off.

We grouped together as we entered the house, it was rather impersonal and uncomfortably clean but at least it was empty. I was happy we wouldn't have to share with anyone else, it would be hard enough to meet new people in this city without having to share a bathroom with them. I sighed, slumping down into one of the armchairs in the living room and everyone else wandered around. 

Emy was too busy questioning the parents, "You seem to know where things are here and so much about this place. How many times have you visited?" 

Colensa was setting her cloak on a hook near the door, "A few times, but it was many years ago and for very different reasons." 

I arched a brow at the way she said it and Emy caught on too. "What kind of reasons?" 

Colensa looked a little flustered, "It was a long time ago, it does not matter but trust us when we say, you must be careful while you are here." 

"So why are we here then?" Emy asked as she plonked down on the arm of my chair.

The guys had walked back in now and they were hovering near the chair as well. 

"And why is this even the capital if it's so dangerous?" I asked when the silence lingered on a bit too long. 

My dad finally answered though his voice had lowered, "Because anywhere can be dangerous if the wrong people get in. It is the capital because a lot of strong and official people live here, there is a capital in each of the Sectors as you know. Each one has its own special advantage but this one is the furthest away from the North, geographically speaking." 

His mention of the Northern Sector sent a chill around the room, I looked down at my hands and picked at my nails. I hoped we never had to go anywhere near the North, if we had to fight Riltresik then let it be in the fields outside of Eribourne or the meadows near Hawksend. I sighed loudly and Emy turned to look at me, I leaned against her and looked up at the parents. 

"Okay, well how long do we have to get ready for this dinner?" 

My words had the desired effect, everyone roused from their thoughts about the North and my mum and Colensa began fussing over everyone. We would have just over an hour to get ready and then we had to be at the Capital building, which Emy did not like the sound of. She rushed off the minute we were excused and I heard her complaining about not having enough time.

We managed to find a bathroom and locked ourselves inside, I took off my cloak and looked down at the sword hanging by my side. Even though I wasn't any good with it, it made me feel safer somehow. After the start to our visit here, I got the impression I might actually need to use it. I got changed into my outfit and admired it in the mirror while holding a part of Emy's dress for her until she was done adjusting it.

I loved the outfit even more now that I could see it on, Emy had done an amazing job; the blouse was cream with embroidered purple curlicues sprawling over the body. There were sparkles along the collar which was a little low cut but not enough for my mum to blush over. The sleeves were long and flowing, like a cartoon wizard but more feminine in a way.

The trousers were black, baggy and cuffed at the ankle, which went well with the dainty, purple, doll-like shoes I had been given by her as well. I felt so comfortable and myself in them, I didn't need or want a dress to wear. Emy, on the other hand, had finally got into her dress and I smiled widely at how beautiful she looked. 

The torso of the dress was a little tight fitting but not enough that she had to learn not to breathe. It frilled out a little from hip to ankle and shimmered like water but in four different shades of green. It was a little low cut like my blouse but nothing her mum would fuss over, and there were sparkles on the wide strap sleeves over her shoulders.

She looked incredible but she didn't give me anymore time to admire her, she made me sit down so she could do my make up. I didn't know she had brought any with her and after protesting for five minutes I gave in. I didn't mind make up but I just felt like it was unnecessary, even on nights out I barely wore any, what I wore was for my benefit and nobody else's.

When she finally finished mine and hers, I reattached my sword to the belt and hid it down the inside of my trouser leg. The scabbard felt cold but I didn't mind if it saved my life. I hid the pommel and hilt under the edge of my blouse and made sure it couldn't be seen. Emy smiled enigmatically as she took her sword in scabbard and proceeded to lift her dress up. She tied the sword belt around her waist under the dress and let it drop. She reached a hand down, I heard a ripping noise and she produced the pommel of the sword. I raised my brow when she let it drop again and fluffed the dress, it was like nothing had happened. 

"Told you I knew what to do with it." 

I was still laughing when we headed back to the living room, reattaching our cloaks around our necks. I grinned at the looks on the parents' faces when they saw us. Tears brimmed in my mum's eyes and Colensa didn't hold back, she pulled Emy into a sobbing hug, I could see the pride and loss in all of their faces. They had missed out on so much, if we had grown up under the right circumstances, they wouldn't have had to wait this long to see us at our first formal dinner event.

I hugged both my parents tightly, my mum began fussing over my hair and insisted she styled it for me while we waited for the others. I had felt so disconnected from my old life that I didn't protest, I sat in the chair for my mum like I had when I was little and she played with my hair. I didn't know what she was doing with it but I trusted her. Emy's hair fell into a style naturally, all she had to do was brush it and I felt envious of her for that. She smiled back at me however, still holding onto her mum while they stood near the doorway.

My mum finished pretty quickly and handed me a silver hand mirror she had produced from who knew where. I looked into it and was shocked that it was me staring back, she had styled my hair into an up-do, complete with curls. I looked like an Elizabethan lady, somehow she had managed it without a curling appliance and I smiled when she stood above me awaiting a verdict. 

"It looks... gorgeous! I don't know how you did it, my hair doesn't do what it's told most of the time." I chuckled and she grinned from ear to eat, reaching down to hug me. 

"I will show you sometime, but we must be going. Orion, will you please call for Pal while I go and hurry those boys."

She emphasised the word boys and I grinned at Emy as they both disappeared in different directions. 

It took a few more minutes but my mum finally came back with Blaike, Kaleb and Kayle in tow. It looked like they'd been told off and I got the feeling they'd been messing around, probably not even getting ready. They were wearing shirts similar to every other day but each had a pattern on and were bright white, I guessed to make them more formal. The legging-like trousers had been switched to pirate-like trousers, similar to what Pal had been wearing, only brown instead of blue.

Their heads were bowed until they entered the living room and looked around, all three focused on Emy and I saw their jaws drop. I couldn't help but laugh when Emy turned bright red. Then they focused on me and I knew I had turned into a tomato, my heart was racing and I narrowed my eyes to deflect. 

"Okay, it's not that much of a transformation, get a grip!" 

Kayle shook out of it first and chuckled, walking over to me.

"It is actually, but a good one, you're a Lady of Dumair and now you actually look like one."

I swatted his hand away as he tried to mess with my hair, Blaike and Kaleb were only just shaking themselves out of it and I wanted to swat at them, too. 

"Yes, we have two very impeccable ladies, and three young men who thought themselves too confident, to get ready in time. Now we must be going, I do not want us to be late." My mum scolded and I realised I had been right about the guys taking their time. 

The next minute we were being ushered out of the house, I caught Blaike looking back through the group at me with a strange expression, my self confidence was taking a hit. I tried to ignore him as we bustled out and saw that the escorts were waiting. They had all changed into more formal wear but I knew they had their armour on underneath. I was glad that Emy's outfit allowed me to wear mine underneath too, I had grown used to it throughout the journey here.

We were met by Pal a moment later, he was huffing just like he had been before and his glasses were askew. 

He fixed them and took a deep breath, "We will walk on foot to the Capital building. The other guests are only just arriving, you made good time." 

He smiled this time and I noticed how white his teeth were even in the darkness, he bowed to us and began walking without waiting for us. We followed hurriedly, keeping to our formation, two escorts at the front and two at the back. 

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