By mintypop99

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I'm going to rewrite this book with more direction and structure. I'm going to leave this here, but the new v... More

Chapter 1 (Old Cars)
Chapter 2 (A Whole New Earth)
Chapter 3 (New Revelations)
Chapter 4 (Road Trip)
Chapter 5 (A Night to Remember)
Chapter 6 (Meeting Titans)
Chapter 8 (Family)
Chapter 9 (Chase)
Little update+oopsie
Chapter 10 (Long Haul)
Being Rewritten
New Version

Chapter 7 (The Hidden Letter)

188 4 0
By mintypop99

Author's Note: I SO WANTED TO ADD MORE TO THIS CHAPTER but it was getting to long! So you'll have to wait for Optimus's reaction. Don't worry though, I'm currently writing the next chapter RIGHT NOW!!! This chapter has hands down been the most fun to write so far! This chapter starts to give Terry a bit more character development. It's also a bit creepier and tenser than previous chapters, but I'm still keeping it as PG as I can. This is honestly my lightest story in terms of tone.

Without further ado, please enjoy!

"I guess that makes sense. I mean, about as much sense as last night," Maru said, sitting on the one chair she had in her room, Kahe sitting on Maru's desk.

"I know it's a lot to take in, but it's the truth. By the way, how're you feeling?" Kahe said.

"Still a little sore, but other than that, I'm fine. Only thanks to that-Optimus. Remind me to thank him later," Maru said, folding her arms.

"So, you're gonna help them, right? I mean, I'm pretty sure you will, but you know, this is kind of something we should get solid confirmation on. Helping alien robots and all, it's kind of serious business."

"Of course, I will. What am I gonna do, tell the giant robot that saved my life 'sorry, I don't really feel like going on an epic adventure, find some other squid to do it?' That's not really something you can just say no to," Maru said, half sarcastically.

Kahe laughed. "'Epic Adventure?' Well, I guess that's one way to put it!"

"Well, think about it! We're just two normal kids, living in the suburbs when suddenly we make an amazing discovery and our lives are turned upside down! If an epic adventure doesn't follow all of this, I will be severely disappointed in the universe," Maru said matter-of-factly, putting her hands on her hips.

"What makes you want to go on an 'epic adventure' anyway? Aren't they like, super dangerous and stuff? That's not really your style, Maru-no offense," Kahe asked.

"None taken. Look, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity! Nothing like this ever happens to squids like me! Kahe, this is what my day is like: Get up, go to school, come home, fix cars in a cramped and dirty autobody shop, call Terry and beg her to come home early, then go to sleep and repeat the cycle. My life isn't just mundane, it's boring! Sure, it's gonna be dangerous, but that's what makes it grand and epic! Just think, years from now, people are gonna remember me, not as the boring mechanic who fixed cars really well, but the colossal squid that worked with aliens!" Maru explained enthusiastically.

Maru was out of her seat, eyes wide with excitement. She was bouncing on her feet. Kahe had to shake Maru to calm her down. "Maru. Maru! Maru! Calm down, you're gonna break somethin'," she said.

"Sorry Kahe. Got carried away there-Hey, did you see Terry come in last night? She should be back by now," Maru asked.

"No. Did you try calling her? Maybe something came up?"

Maru sighed. "Yeah, I tried her cell a couple of times. Nothing."

"Do you have the number for one of her coworkers? Maybe they can answer for her?"

"She might have it in her old contact list. When I was younger, before she got me a cell phone, she had a list of phone numbers written for me to call on the garage phone in case of an emergency or something. I don't think she ever threw it away," Maru said.

"Well, let's talk to Ratchet and Optimus first, then we'll look for Terry's phone book," Maru said as she got down from her spot on Maru's desk.

The two cephalopods walked through Maru's door to see both Optimus and Ratchet in their alt-modes, silently parked next to Maru's shack. The sound of papers flying immediately told them why.

"Maru? Kahe? That you guys?" the voice of Hakaru said, halfway across the garage.

"Yeah, it's us. What're you doing here? I thought we closed on weekends," Maru yelled back.

Maru and Kahe walked out from behind Ratchet and Optimus to see the Inkling-Octoling hybrid Hakaru at his usual desk, frantically going through papers and files. "Oh, thank goodness, you guys are okay! I heard about what happened at the concert last night! The whole squad thought you two were goners!" He said, giving Kahe a big hug.

"We're fine, Hakaru! You can put me down now," Kahe said, Hakaru squeazing Kahe.

Hakaru put Kahe down. "Why're you going through Terry's filing cabinet?" Maru asked, pointing to the mess of papers on the desk.

"Oh, yeah. Well, I came to see if you guys are okay, and then I remembered Terry asked me to reorganize our records and receipts, so I figured while I was here, I'd do that," Hakaru explained, picking up a few papers off the floor.

"Hey, well, do you think you could finish up later? Maru and I kind of want some time to relax a little, after last night, you know?" Kahe asked.

"Oh, totally! We still on for 3 o'clock?" He asked, playfully pointing finger guns at Maru and Kahe.

"You know it, Hakaru! Oh, and if you see or hear from Terry, let us know. She was supposed to come home last night, but we haven't been able to get a hold of her," Kahe added.

"Will do!" Hakaru said as he ran out the front door with his keys in hand. Maru walked over to the front doors to the autobody shop. They were covered in windows, so Maru pulled down some blinds and double checked to make sure the doors were both locked, and the closed sign was displayed in the windows.

"Coast is clear," Kahe announced.

Immediately, Optimus and Ratchet transformed back into their bipedal modes. Upon seeing it for the first time, Maru's eyes widened. Optimus at first thought she was hurt somehow, but all those thoughts left his mind when she started giggling and a smile a mile wide grew on her face.

"Maru? Maru? Helloooo, Earth to Maru! Dang it, this is the second time this morning! She really is fangirling," Kahe said, waving a hand in front of Maru's face to no avail.

"What is 'fangirling'?" Optimus asked.

"It's like when you get really excited about something that you're super interested in, but when you see it in person, your body has trouble handling the excitement and this happens. She's fine, just way to happy for her own good. Give her a couple of minutes, and she'll calm down. I think," Kahe explained, still trying to get Maru back to reality.

Maru transformed into her large squid form, squealing through her muffled form. At her transformation, Optimus and Ratchet gasped. "Did she just melt?!" Ratchet yelled.

Kahe put her hands up. "Woah, she's fine. She just went into her squid form. Every cephalopod can do it. It's normal. See?" Kahe transformed into her little Octopus form, "Even I can do it." Both Maru and Kahe transformed back to their kid forms. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you guys!" Maru apologized, calming down from her episode.

"I-it is alright, Maru. We have just never seen an organic with the ability of transformation before. It is very foreign to us," Optimus said, kneeling down to get closer to eye level with Maru. "However, learning of this ability is good. The more we understand about eachother, the faster we will be able to complete our mission." Ratchet nodded in agreement.

"So, what's first on the agenda? Like, what're we gonna do first?" Kahe asked.

"Before anything else, we must find where any other Autobots are. Even if it's just a hint, it will be enough to begin our search," Optimus told Kahe.

"Well, I think I know where to start then. My dad keeps a ton of records and stuff on the stuff he sells from his finds at mining operations. I bet he has all the paperwork from when he sold the other Autobots and Decepticons. The paperwork probably has the names and addresses of who has the other Autobots," Kahe explained.

Optimus turned his attention to Kahe, "And where would these records be, Kahe?"

"Probably in my dad's office, back at our house. I can go get em right now, even," She replied.

"Well, then Ratchet-" Optimus began.

"Way ahead of you, Optimus," Ratchet interrupted, already in his alt-mode.

Kahe ran and hopped into Ratchet's cab. "You comin', Maru?"

"Nah. I've gotta make some phone calls. I need to figure out where Terry is," Maru replied.

"I will stay here as well," Optimus said to Ratchet.

"Alright, well I'll see you in a little bit, then. Bye Maru!" Kahe said as she shut Ratchet's door.

Maru waved back at Kahe as she opened the garage door for her. She put her hand down when the door shut again. She walked over to a corner of the garage where the remains of a latter were. "Ah carp. I forgot, the latter broke," she said, looking at the latter's remains. Broken bits of rusty metal were attached to the wall. Optimus walked over to where Maru was standing. "How did you get up there, then?" he said pointing to the hole in the ceiling that led to the garage's attic

"I've never been up there before, but Terry would always super jump up there, after the ladder broke," Maru replied. Upon seeing Optimus's look of confusion, she added, "Oh, super jumping is this thing Octolings and Inklings can do where we swell our squid or octopus forms with ink, and then shoot it on the ground really hard so that it sends us flying through the air. But super jumping isn't exactly an option right now, my muscles are still healing from yesterday." Maru kept her gaze on the latter's remains, trying to figure out a way up into her sister's room.

Knowing exactly what to do, Optimus kneeled and lowered his hand next to where Maru was standing. A second later, she noticed. "Uh-You sure?" She asked. Optimus nodded. "Okay. Uh, thanks!" She replied, climbing onto Optimus's hand. Maru crouched in the massive palm, not used to the sensation. Optimus raised his hand with Maru in it the 50 feet to the hatch into the attic. Maru grabbed onto the floor of the attic, and heaved herself up with a little help from Optimus.


Once Maru was on her feet, she took in her surroundings. She'd been in the attic maybe once 2 years ago. It was strange, having something so unknown to her right above her where she slept every night. The attic was slightly refurbished. It had carpeting and painted, smooth walls. In addition to its décor, the attic was also quite large, at least for one single squid. Terry had always been a modest squid, in terms of belongings, and her room was no different. A small futon bed lay on the floor in the furthest corner, neatly made and cleaned. Next to the low bed was a nightstand that had a simple, brown lamp on it. Maybe ten feet from the bed and nightstand, a dresser stood, with a tall body mirror on the wall, next to it. The dresser had several framed pictures and knickknacks on it.

Maru walked over to the dresser, to get a closer look at the pictures. Surprisingly, none of them had Terry's parents. One of them was a small picture of Terry next to Maru from 3 years ago, before she had learned to control her squid form, so she looked like a walking blob of ink with eyes, wearing clothes. The photo showed one of the rare times Terry genuinely showed her emotions on her face. She was smiling, next to Maru, who was smiling as well in a weird, blobby monster way.

The next picture was a long, old fashioned photo. It looked to be a historical picture of the original Squidbeak Splatoon from the Great Turf War. It confused Maru, but Terry had always been a history buff. Maybe she just really liked the photo. The next photo confused Maru the most. Terry was wearing her military uniform, next to 8 other cephalopods and the tortoise, Sheldon, from the ink weapon store. Maru recognized 5 of the cephalopods, although it took her a second to realize who was who due to the large amount of clothing on all of them. Most seemed to be holding a dangerous-looking ink weapons. Like, illegal to sell levels of dangerous.

The first two were none other than the Squid Sisters, wearing clothes typical in a turf war. The next two were also pop-idols. An inkling named Pearl and an Octoling named Marina who made up Off The Hook. They were wearing casual street clothes, and neither held ink weapons. The last one was the Captain Cuttlefish, leader of and last surviving member of the Squidbeak Splatoon way back during the Great Turf War. He had a beard, a cane and wore an old military captain's hat.

How Terry knew all these famous cephalopods, Maru couldn't figure out. It was obviously of Terry's Splatoon, considering all the military uniforms and the frame being labeled "My Splatoon". But as far as Maru knew, the Squid Sisters, Off The Hook, and Captain Cuttlefish weren't in the military, or they were retired in the Captain's case. Maru took out her phone and took a picture of the photographs. Somehow, Maru felt like they were important.

Maru walked over the Terry's desk, which had a small chair in front of it and a computer on top of it. A glance at the computer revealed it was locked, not that Maru wanted to see the strange files on Terry's personal computer. Leaning against the desk was a large, old roller. Not just any roller though, it was a classic Krak-on Splat Roller, in pristine condition too! Classic Krak-on Splat Rollers were unique and highly sought after due to the special power they came with, before they were banned after new laws and regulations deemed the its special ability, along with many other specials, too dangerous for ink battles. Most of the rolles were returned and destroyed, but a small handful were held onto by collectors. Terry must have been one of them!

Examining the weapon, Maru noticed a note attached to a plastic tag on the handle of the weapon. Upon closer inspection, Maru found the text on it.

Dear Maru,

If you're reading this, it means you finally managed to get up here while I'm gone. I knew you'd try to sneak up here eventually, you're too curious for your own good! So, as both a prize for your hard work and dedication and a punishment for sneaking into my room, here's a rare, one-of-a-kind Krak-on Splat Roller that you can't use in ink battles without getting a temporary ban from Judd. You can't use it anywhere that ink weapons are allowed, but it's still cooling to have, right?

P.S. Please take good care of it, its extremely rare and I will put you on car wash duty for a month if you break it!


Maru laughed. As long as Maru lived with her, Terry had always had trouble expressing her emotions. Over the years, she had gotten a little better, by pulling pranks of sorts on Maru and other employees at the garage. It definitely wasn't the best way to deal with her emotions, nor was it the best way to communicate, but she usually kept them relatively harmless. It was one of those things Maru had, in a weird way, enjoyed about living with Terry. Maru grabbed the roller, and set it next to the hatch, and continued her search.

She walked over to the nightstand and opened its drawer. Maru had to crouch down to reach it, since the stand was obviously meant for Terry, who was only 6 feet tall, rather than Maru's massive size.

Opening the drawer, she found numerous papers stuffed into the small space. Most of it was paperwork for things like her motorcycle or things like a birth certificate. Maru almost gave up, when she found a small, beat up, old notebook shoved to the back of the drawer. Upon grabbing it, Maru was met with a pink and green cover, with the word 'Personal Notes' written on the front with a marker. Sure this was it, Maru opened to a random page.

Sure enough, a few phone numbers were written in it with names and addresses next to each number. She flipped a few more pages, trying to find anyone in the book that was in Terry's splatoon. She stopped at a page with different writing in it. Instead of lists of names and information, this page had a date written at the top, followed by a large paragraph of Terry's neat handwriting. Maru was about to skip the page, when a memory flashed in her mind.

"Maru! Listen, this car is extremely important!"

Terry had said that when she told Maru to fix Optimus. At the time, Maru thought it was just Terry being bad at communicating or something. But the events of the past few days definitely changed things. Maybe she'd get some clues about what Terry meant. She needed the book anyways.

Maru began reading. Most of it was just Terry venting about an annoying coworker, or Hakari complaining to much again. That was, until Maru got to a date from earlier that week.

Moe's company is finally processing my order on the red and blue semi truck they found. I was starting to think Moe lost the paperwork again! I got a delivery date this morning. Everything is finally coming together, and just in time, too. He's coming, I can feel it. TarTar's coming for me. I always knew he wasn't done with me. I can't outrun the past much longer. I don't know what he'll do to me, but whatever he does, I can take it. I've been through worse. My biggest worry is Maru. What'll happen to her, once he really comes for me? She needs family. She needs me. She's all I have. I know I can't protect her forever, and I'm doing a pretty crappy job protecting her from this. But even with all that TarTar did to make me stronger, I can't fight this. This is more than me. This is something beyond me, beyond Agent 8, beyond Agent 4, beyond the Splatoon! Ị̶͎͈̳͙̇̿͊͑͊͘ ̷̠̱̬͚̯̥͚̩͍͎̠͕̞͕̔̐̀̽͊̕̚͝ẅ̴̢̛̮̗́̽̔͊̈́̑̽̽̈́̚͠͝a̵͓̤͐̊̌̔̋͌̉̈́̂̉͛͗͝n̴̠͖̘̞̥͇̲̥̬͍̐ť̶̛͙̪̩̪̒̀̽͒̚͘ ̵̞̬̲́͌̽͂̂̔̆̌̓͘t̶̡̧̧̪̰̞̥̰̪͛̿̈́̃̃̚ỡ̴̖́̒͋͑̽ ̶̛͔̲̫̻̜͎͇͖͙͋̇̓̎̈́͐̎͋̈̿̆̑͘ş̷̠̺̤̱̹̙̝͙̼̩̮̽͝͠ͅt̵̡̙͚̩̪̞̖̦͓͖̗̩̜͉̭̿̍̌́̈́̀͌͐̒̄̇̀̀̕͠ơ̶̢̘̦̼͎̊̑̈́̎͊̐͐́̂͗͋̚p̴̧̨̛̺͎̹̱̣̃̈́̂̇ ̷̡̰̯̣̯͎̻͇̖̼̉̈́̀̈́͑̿̈́t̵̡̳̳͎̮̰̭̲̙͇̲̜͖͌̇ḥ̵̡̨̪͈̫̺̳͉̦̭͎̱̘̣̈́̒̈́͆̽é̶̢̖̫̩̩͇͈̬̞̦͎̭̹̬͐̀͌͆͌̀ͅ ̴̣͇͈̝̼̬̆̉́ͅp̶̛̖̣͎̭͇̟͍̻̰̅͗̏̈́͆̉̔̄̏̀͂̕̚͜a̵̡̬͉̣̗̪͑ị̴͔̹̦̮͎̣͚̳̬̐̔͜͠ņ̶̘̼͔͈̪̱͜͝ͅ.̶̨̡̡̛̛͕̼̯͔̯͈̙̫̻͙̺̯̽͗͊̃̃̈́͆͆͂͝ ̷̲̱̥̪̪̈́̽̀̓̾͗̂́͑͋ͅḨ̸̲͙͍̻̺͋̀e̵̛̺̱̤̮̗̥͂̐͂͊̄̌͛̐́͗͂̃͗̆'̷̛̛͙͉͈̲͛́̿̾͊̈́̑̎̌̈̓̚ś̵̥̮̪̭̿̑̾͘ ̴̛̳̤͖̫́̐̑̄̈́̾́̇̾ĭ̴̛͙̙̱̹͑͑̉̚ṅ̷̞̹͈̖͕͈̆̌́͝ ̵̼̥̩̘̺̯͊̏͐̎̂̓̍͒͝͠m̵̨̱͉͇͎̩͚͍̱̟͓̞͛͜͜ý̷̨̠̤̪̘͕̮̞̱͇͉̣̽̉̂̾͗͊͆͌͆͘͝ͅ ̸̢̝̤̺̞̌̈́̓͠ḧ̸̡́̏̍̀͒̎̑̒͗̑͘ě̴̘̳̠̻̺̻̦̯̜͙́̍̀̂̈́͑̃̚a̶̬͔̱̙̘̻͚͔͐͋̐ḑ̵̗̩̮̣͎̭̗̊̔̌̈́̓ͅ.̸̮̞̠̗͔̲̝̱̫́̍͌̌͂͆

Maru, if you're reading this, and I'm pretty sure you are,

I'm sorry.

But for once,

I need you to help me. H̶̻̗̟͉̞͚̘̝̹͓̟̗̫̒͆ȩ̶̝̱͚͕̯͉̗͎̬̋̂̉̚̚'̴͚̼̥̘̺̍͛ͅs̸̰̼̠̠͚̮͓͊̾͂̉̅̏͌͆͋̀̄̓͜͝͠͝ ̶̨͍̻̠͙̪̮͎̞̣͎͖͍̳̉̋̀͑̆̈́̊͋ç̵̡̞͉̤̗̙̳͙̯͋̓̉̍̆͗͆͗̋ͅo̴̢̫͇̭̥̻͖̹͎̽̓͐̿̑͛͗̇̕͝͠m̸̨͚̤̘̃̀̽̔̍̃̾̂͗̅͘i̴̲̦̣̣̦̠͉̣̳̻̠͉͆̌̉̌̆̎̀̄̇͊͌͝ņ̴̭̣̖̱̺̜̌͂͌̄͊͒̈͂͘͠g̵̙̖͚͕͇̞̥͍͖͖̜̮̈́͛̓̍́̈́͗̅̃̈́̽̆͐̚͜.̷̮͕͔̙͔̠̩͖̮͍̰̻͍͑̍̆͒͜ͅ ̶̨̙͔͓̰̠̘̮́͂̌̕̚͜Ĥ̵̛̼̃̓̅́̓͋̆̚̚͝ę̵̰͇͈̣̦̪͇̰̜̪͍̙̺͙̆̽̽̄͌͛̅̽̆̽̀͘̚'̵̨̡̃̿̏̓͋̈́̂ŝ̵̗̥͍̗̥̫͓̘̟̳̯̥̐͛̂̉̊͊̐̇̽̇͐̄̕ͅ ̴̡͍͙̼͚̝͇͕͓̯̗͛̎͐̅̄̓̀̈̐̌̓s̵̥͍̙͇̫̪̑̎͑͆͂̉̓̉̽̊̈́͐̐͘t̵̻͎̺͓̲̩͉̮̪̘̪́͊͜r̸̨͈̙̞͙̘̩͕̮͗̒͊̾͂͌͛͂̇͠ͅo̴̙̩̘̅̄̆ņ̴͓̪̻͍͈̤̪͚͈̗̓͗̉͒̒ģ̶̫̮͇͖̖̜̽́̾ë̷̢͓͎͓͔͇͇͖͉͔́̓̀͜͜ȓ̶͇͙̤̦̩̤̳̱̺͈̫̝̿́̆̈̉͆̎͜ ̷̖̫̖̘͚̭̱̱̟̞̠̼̪́̓̿t̵̺́̉̉h̴̛̲̦͕̣͒͌͋̈́͋̈́̒͌̈́͛̓ǎ̸̢̟̩̜̲̱͙̟͎̠̠ͅņ̵̛͓̮͖̼̟͓͉̙̬̰́͌̈́͗̽̅̔͊̆̂̈̕͜͝ ̸͙̜̩̰͂͑́̈́̽̏͐́̿́́̉͘͜͝b̵̢̠̩̱̟̦́̈́̾́̉ȩ̴̥̗̙̮͕̔̿̏̊̓̈́̈͌̄̓̍̾̔͆͘f̶̧̹̹̺̝̯͙̥̄͑̉͛̓̈͛́̓̎͘͘͝ọ̴̘͉͓̣̥̹̖̭̝̫̩̪̱̗̊̇́͠͠͝ŗ̵̘͍͕̰̳̉̋͋́͝ͅę̵͔̮̪͙̻̺̗̓͂͗̀͑̋͐̽͆̕.̶̛̥̍̽́͒̏́̐͊̊̓́̕͝͝ ̸͇͓̦͍̙͚̲̪̂̒̓̏̒̊͑̅̒͝C̴̫͉̥̮͚̻̪̘̜̀ơ̵̢̪̻̯̯͙̔̽̇̓̇͑̓̒̚ͅͅm̸̢̈́̇͌͐̊́̅͜͠ͅm̸͈̺̙̫̭̘̗̜̎̄̓͝ą̶̩͓͕͋̔̿͛̃̅̈͋͌̚ǹ̷̟͓̺̮̝̲̹̓̈́͗̋d̶̡̠͙̬͓͉̤̻͉̹̑̿̔̽͗̊̍̈́̀̊e̸̛̛̮̩͓̙̟͐̏̄r̴̬͇̮͕̺̾̈͋́̆͘ͅ ̷̯̱̙̳̖͔̔̐̐̀́̆͛̈́̽̀͌Ṣ̷̨̰̝͔̪̦̃͂͑̈́̌o̴̤͚͙͑̐̐̂̏̐͐̑̈̈͝ͅu̸͚̻̟̭͋͂͒̔̏̚͠͠n̵̡̬̺̲͚͔̈́̓̇͊̉͛́͋̑͋̈̏̔̚͝d̸̪͓͔͙͉͉̦͎̘̳̰̝̯͎͌̀̽̌͋̈̇̅̈́w̶̭̯͕̪̘͖̰̳̩͙̯̳̿a̴̧̡̨͚̞̱̦̺̲̫͓͖͉͂͆̓̆̾̀͋̿̀͗̉̀̕͝v̶̡̛̻̝͖̲̠̍͌̈́̄̇̄̒́̂͌̍̀̾͜ͅè̵̛̛͙̤̤̠͙̯̜̰̖̿͂͆̓͋̏̀͘͠ ̵̠͓̗̲͇͇̖̻̫̀ͅc̴͇̗̘̟̻̞͇̹͚̳͕̪̺̀̎̊̏̆͜ͅa̴̡̡̠͕̬̠̬̟̹͈̙̺̬̱̿̈̑́̓͠ͅn̵͉̬̹̓̔̄͐͛̓̾̎̍̓̈́̚̚͝ͅ'̸̙͍̈̈́t̶̢̢̨͚̥͉̤̪͚̪̹̹̦͙̟̊̽̾̚ ̸̡̣̝̯̗̻̥̹͎͎̦̪̔̔̓̚̚͝͝b̶̘̩̣͓̈́̈́̍́̅̀̓̔͘̕e̷̡̢̡̛͓̜͓̳͋ ̴͓̓̌̎̉̒̀̽͗͋͝s̸̩͙̱̊̽̽͗́́͘̕ţ̴̻̠̜̹͇̖̹͕̯̙͓͉̜̻̇̽͆͂̓̕̕ǫ̵̠͇̠̠̘̞̠̹̥̾̋͛̅̊̀͊̄p̸̨͚͚̹͍̮̫̀͒p̶̫̩̗͚̖͍̄̇è̸̡̬̘̘̜̙̮͚̻̜̉̒́̑͒͂̉͂͜͜d̴͉͇͈̘͘.̸̫͉̪̞͓͓͖̖̲͉̖͈̗̯̊̐͌̎́ͅ

N̴̡͙̯̪͙͔͈̯̫̈́́̀̌̔́͋̔͆̉̚Ǒ̴̧̨̢̖̳̪͚̭͉̖̹͇̻͙͓̙̤͇̳̳̒̕!̶̛̠̠̖̭̖͓͚̘̩̍̌̏́̅̆͐͑̑̈́̈́̿̂͊͌̇̑͆̍͘͝ͅ ̴̨͎͔̑̓̽̓̋̎̔̋̆́̅̌̀́̕͘͠Ț̷̡̡̥̬̣͖̖͇̗͔̪͔̯̙̞̔̀̔̄̂̿̿̆̀͌̑̉́̾́͌͝͝ḩ̸̢̧̳͚͔͚̭̻̬͔̜̠̩͉̩̦̦͕̝͉̮̝̤̑̈́̽́̔͗͗̑̐̑̍̅̑̑͜͠e̵̦͕̲̩͕͗̍̾̈y̵̡̨̳̮̫̙̳̪̬͎̰̠̥̝̼̺̰̭̻̌͒̎͒̍̐͗͒̓̓̇̄̒̍͑̉̌͊͛͘̕̕͠'̸̡̧̡̛̺̲̬̣̻̜͉̮̪̗̺̠̙̤̞̊͋̂́̌̊̾̃̎́̉̉͛͒͂̈́́͒͒̏̇̾͝l̶̛̛͕͚̖͚̙̰̦̖̥̬̤̿͆̔́͑͊͆̈́̊̊̏̓̂͛̇̅̈̇̐͗̕͝l̴̹͈̰̎̾̈́̓́̌͐̍̚̕͠ ̸̢̘̲̖͙̟̤̳͚̱̭̺̗̑̎̉d̵̙͚̭̘͖̥̔̒́̎é̶̟̦͚̝̹̘̯̤̖̟̖͛̃͆͜͝͝s̸̩͙̲̰̤̣̀̈́̔͊̅̐͌͌͐͑̽̈́̑̊͠͝ṱ̸̖͚͎̭̙̻͙̹̥̰̗̻̾́̈́̀̏̽̀̄̈́̈́̈̿̋͂̎̽͐̀͘͜͝͝ͅṟ̶̛͔̜͇̆̉ö̵̧̧̜̦̯̙̦̬̟̤̼̼̼̻͖̣̗̤̤̹̮͔̱́̏̔͊̈́̄̃̿͛̂́̋͐͝͠y̵̢̢̧̛̳̦͔̰̲̱̖̰͓͉̞͎̰̪̐̊̓̄̈́̀̆̅͂́̈́̎̕͜͝ͅ ̷͓͇̱̦̟̠̄͒́̇̏́̐͆̊͑̈́̀͐͊ÿ̷̧̨͎͖̟̜̬̗̭̥̹͕́͂̎̆̀̊́̓̈́̊̀̅̉̄̂̓͘͝͝ǫ̸̛̭̜̙͈̟̯̠͚̬̤̒͊̌̈́̾̓̍̿̿͋̈́̈́͐̓̏̇͌̿̓̀̀͌̕͜ù̵̖͉͕͈̞̥̔̇̾̈́́̋̏͋͗,̶̛̲́̿̿̂̇͗̐̍́̈́͑͌̽̈̋̈͛̋́̊̕͝͝ ̶͕͕̤͆̇͊̀̅̽̊̎̀̿͒͛͛́̀̒͂̆̇̀͘y̵̨̨̢̨̯̻͙̣̙̙̭̺̖̗̮̝͖̳͚̑̈́̆̃̅̋̆͜͝ͅͅo̴̠̳̺͔͌̇͐͂̊͝͝u̵͓͈̭̺͔͈̳̦͑͒̂̎̈̿̈́̅̂̎̒̊̿͊͌͗͊̊͘̚͘̕͝ ̸̧̨̫̘͓̲̠̼̠͎̍̆́̏͆̈́̓͋̓͗̏̋̓̕͘͠m̸̧͎͎̜̥̲̠̞̳̘͎͍͈͈̥͚̣̜̬̝͐̀͑̕ǒ̷͍̲͔̗͔̤͖̦̥̦͇͚̥̤̭͓̘̦̑̀̽̂̍̾́͊̈́̈́̾̀̊͌̌́́́̕̕͜͠n̶̨̨͉̰̦̖̙͕̱̗̰̬̰̬͓͇̈́͐̏̓͊̏̆̔͆̾̓͐̈́̅͂̌́͐̂̕͠͝͠ͅş̸̢̛̬̼̤͇͓̲̫̞͚̻̟̟̘̥̹͉̣̊́͊̈́̊̉͑͗͗̈́̇̀̈́̈̅͂̆͋̊́̚̕ͅṱ̵̨̨̢̱̲̫͈͎̭̩͒̂̄̋́̀̍͠͝ḛ̸̡̡̨͖̬͖̯̔̿͑̔̂́͒̉́̈̀̃́̓͑̇̊̄͂̆̓̍ŗ̴̡̢̤̩̠̞̯̪̓̓̽̔̅͒̏͂͋̋̀̎̌̉̚̚͝!̵̧͍̺̱̻͉͉̋͒̂̍͊̇͌́̑͒̾͒̚͘͝ͅ

Call the number labeled 'Four' from this book. He'll help you from here. He'll know what to do.

Ÿ̸̧̘̰͖̳̋͗̈́̃͋̈́̈́̂͜ỡ̷̞̓͒̈́͗̒̓̾͆̒̎͘͝ȗ̴̧̢̦̹͔͎͔̫̼͓͙͍͓̰̯͓͉̭͈̰̘̽͗̇̓́͛ ̸̧̨̛͎̰̘̞̟̬̻̟̜̬̲̳͇͉͔̩͙̀͗̈̊̂̏̄̈́̍͜͝ͅh̴̞͕̳̘͎̖̪̖̞̫͎̰̯̟̭̹̍̇̀̋̓̿̈́̄̓̃̈́̏͐̄͋̿̂̑͘̕̕͜͠ͅa̵̢̡̢̰͎̜̩̺̜̺̖̾̽̊͆̈́͋͋͋̐̂̿̐͂̅̿̌͘͘̕v̶̢̨͖͓̜̳͚̻̩̝̥̝̤̻̬̱̘̣̱͔͊͐̀̈̓̅̄̊̆̍̌͐͘͜͠ͅẽ̶̛̜͇̩̬͔̠̬͕͎̣̈́̒͌̍̈́̓̽̊̈́͒͒̓͝͠ ̶̡̢͇̼̜̱̲̲̻̳̯̫̍̀̾͆͐̓̈́̚ͅt̴̢̫͎͈̹̦̤̫̥̻̗̠̪̩̹̻̔̌̉̄̿̀̐̒̆̈́̍͒͘ǫ̵̢̧̛̼͉̼̰̘̱̖̯̭͙̦͕̠͈̦͖͒̔̔̿̈͐̽͒̐̎̅͗̆̓̀̚͘͜͝͝ͅͅ ̸̳̤͕̰͎̱̥͉̝̣̤̽̈́̊͌̄͛̎͑̓͋̈̉͂̿̚͘̚͠͝͠͝ͅd̷̡̡̛͓̳̣͉̭͚̱͖̲̻͖̩͛̂̏̉ͅͅę̷̡̛̼͙̖̗̦̣̮̙̻̳̥̖͓̞͉͍͕̝͈̅̃̽̇̓̇͆͑̿̿̑̊͠ͅs̸̟̗̭͖̮͎̖̳͙̰̣̱̗͔͈̅͑̋̈̄̆̑̾͐̒̆̃̊̊̀̿́̅̀̚̕t̷̰̺̼͇͎͎̙͓̭̖̖̻̭͕̲̞̅͜r̷̡̧̢͓̠̠̰̮̣͈͍͔̮͍͖̭̂̓͑̐̀̂̈̃̈̉̓̍̕̚͘ͅo̶̢̩͚̙͍͆̎̏̾̀̓͆̆̀̄̂̍̄̋̆̀̀̕̕͝͝y̸͍̝̝͓̦͉̭̩̓̓̔̇͐̉̉̓̔̅ ̴̡͇̹͈͙̳̤̾͌h̷͕̞̪̖͋̿͑̿̈́̎̓̐͆́̊̂̒̎́̍͂͘͝͠i̸̛͔̖͙͂́̔̏̎̐̀͛̄̎͂̎̋̀̐͝͝m̴͈͍̻̈́̀̄̍̽͛̆̋̑̆̿̅̐̽̈̍̈́͠͠͝͝͝.̴̨̦̭̠̟̠̤̗̗͍͎͓̻̗̳̮͔̳̪͗̅̑͂̅̓́̆́̾̿̂̈̉̾͂͘̕͠͝ ̷̰̱͇͕̯͛͜Į̸̧̨̡̡͕͕͓͇͙̠̩͈̾̽͜t̶̢̞͇̀̌̔͜͠ͅͅ'̶̨̡̡̡͙̳̪̰̲̯̬̣̼̳̿̐̀̇̐̌͂̊́͆̐̏̈́̒̏̕͜͝͝͠͝s̸̛͎͈̻͓̗̙͈̬̩̖̜̗͗͆̓́̍͐̓̓̃̔͜ ̶̧̧̛̜̘̪̺̜̹̦̫͔͔̙̺̪̺̟͑̋̍̍͗͆̈͑̓̆̓͌́̽̒͜͠t̸̡̢̢͈̟͈̥̬̥͕͆̌̈́̀͋͗̓̄̃̈́́͌̋̏̏̔̕̚͝͠h̴̛̪͍̥͙̙̭̹̪̗̳̫̳̓̓͐͊̂́̊̑́͋̔̕ͅe̷̛͙͍̳͔̍̔͋͗̐̀͒͛̍̈̑̎̎͛̋̓̊́͜͠ͅͅ ̷̨̰̱̟̱͓̖͓͉̘̍̈́̇̐̂̐̾̒͛̒̎͂̿͆̽́̍̓̑̕͜͠ͅǒ̴̟̗̱͔̯̯̼͖̞͕͕̮̞̼͓̌̉͗͒̅̎͂̿̐͂͛̔̍̍͘̕̕ͅn̴̛̟̹̱̦̤̗̗͉̗͙̫̺̪͎͍̪̙͓̲̘̙̳̔̊̌̄̽̎̆̒̋͌̉͋̑̅̎͑̿͝͝͝ļ̴̡̘͈̹̱̮̬̗̲̰͇̯̤̦̳̼͇͔́̄͋̑͛̈́̀̓̔̆̈͒̈́͘̕͠͝͝y̵͕̜̼̺̥͍̝͍̜̬̤̦̬̩̌̐͂̒̉̓̓̾̓̈̂̋̇͛͜͠ͅ ̶̳̫̯͈̀̄̂́̌̐̾͗̓̔͂͑̈̈͒̀͘̚͝͠ͅw̶̧͖̖͊̉ͅą̶̢̨̦͚̙̻̼̩̫͂ͅͅy̴̡̠̲̟̖͛͒̓̚͝ͅ.̶̧̨͔̺̖̳̟̖̳̪̘̙̜̮̟̞̪̇̈́͋͑͆̎̆͊͂̎̐͗̾̐͘̚͠͝ͅͅ

I'm so sorry, Maru. I really am.

I̴̢̨̞̠̤̰̭̬͍̰̩̖͎̱̥͇̺̝̟̪̞̬̲̰͔͇̎̐͒͜ͅ'̷̡̡̛̞͈̼̱̺̜̣̮̪̫̻̫̯̋̐̅̒̉͆̓͑̀̇̓̀̂̿̽͂̐̐͗͘͘͜͠m̴̛̪̹̺̠̪̣̠̤̤̝̫̬̠̩̜̖̰̮͆̾̈̈̓͌̆̎̈́̈́̎͗̃̈́͝ ̶̨̧̛͚̱̦̝͕̞̳̠͔͚̮̫̥̠͔̻̯͈͎̹̜̰̭̖̹͈̮͚͔̣̥̼̽͑̀̔̂̿̅͂̀̊̓̎̈́̃̈́̄̓̆̌͋̓̇̎̊͛̎̀́͗̂͆͗̿̈́̐͘͘͘͘̚͝͠n̶̢̛̮͉͕͖͚̱̙̲͎̯͓̗̋̏̊͐́̈̆͊͌̾̀͋̉̿̐̅͛̾̽̔͐͑̿͆̀͌̈́͐͑̑̆̐̄̈̈́̏̚̕̕̚͠͝͠͝͠o̸̢̧̡̤̜̯̹͇͈͙̣̤̘̰͓̺͚͇̮̣̺̹̹̜̮̙̻̳̗̦̼̫̲͓̯̲͇̊̆̑̀͌̆̕̚͜͜t̷̛̛͙̦͎̳̄̓̊̓͂͑̊͐͆̂̏͂͒͒͗͊̏̿̀̽̆̊̑́͌̈́͊̔́̉̈́̓̄̀́͂͠͝͠͝͝͠ ̸̧̧̨̧̨̛͖̭̺̭͔̩̣̭̜̬͍̬̰̺͇̦͔̩͔̯͉͇͔̼͙̘̹̹̝̯͚͙̠̮̂̈́̑̀̌̈̌̀̃͘ͅc̶̨̘͖̘̠͖̥̲̝̾͋͋̋͑̄̄͊̋͊̚ŗ̷̧̧̨̣̥̣͓̮̟̞̼̻̠͎͔̟͓͖̜̳̭̹̲̪̗̭̬̭́͋͊͛̔̈́͋̇̉̚͜͝͝a̷̢̢̨̨͎̭͎̝̮̘̠̩̻̬̙͙̝̻̖̰̤͙̝̠̟̙̺̭̙͕̤̳͍͗͗̋̔͛̂̂̐͋͂̊͊̀̃͊̎͐͌̿̐̆̒͐͗̃̀͆̊̐̿̒͆̓̄͒̆̓̈̋͋̍̐͋͘͠͠ͅͅz̷̧̧̧̛͖̘͎͍̯̯͍̫͉̯̫͉̽́̓̿̈́̏̊̓̆̐͌̑͐̆y̵̢̛͍̤̘̦̳͖̤̫͉̥̺̼͚̩͎̺͕̏̓̑̒̍͋͐͂̅̓͐̄͜.̸̢̛̛͚̘̜͇͕̮̞̯͍͓̱̯̪͇͉͙͎͉̟̻̳̳̮̭̘͈̮͉̱̞̻͙̮͖̦̙̗̈́̇̈́́͗̔͗̍͑̈̽̌̇̓̊̅͐́̈́́̐̆͌̓̽̀͋̌̈́͒̀́͌̓̓͋̿͛͋̚̚̚͜͝͝ ̶̛̠͙͖̜͊͆̓͛̒̏̀͑͋̋̈̐̐̉̈́̈́̒͑͌̾́̏͌́̇͗̄̉̾̐̐̏̚͠͠T̶̹̣̥̣̥̤͉͖͙̻́̃͂̑̆̐̾̀̈́̉̏̎̾̂͘͘a̸͚̫̺͉̞͇̘̫͗̒͂̃͆̌͑̀̾̑̑̀̍̕͝ŗ̷̢̧̢̛͓͚̱̬͕͇͍̻͈̦͇̜͉͙̰̖͍̮͈̯̓̅̈̎̒̉̄̑̂̔̎̓͗͋̍̏́͗͑̏͐̈́͛͗̃́̍̎̾̌͂̀̚͝ͅT̶͓̣̞̼̻͖̳̮͂̔̓̊͋̍̎̏͛͐̉̃͊̈́͂͒̇͆͘̚͠͠á̶̦͒́́̎̂̓̒̑r̴̛̠͖̼̜̫̟̲̠͎̩̘̅̈̆̂͂̃͑̋͌̈̇͌̏̊̿̽̃͐̽̓̽͛́̂̔̂̏̒͐̆͒̍̋̽͐͛̔̕͘̚̚̕̕͠'̶̹͇̝͔̂̎͐̈́͐͂̎͐̓̏̿̎̄̾́́̈́̀͗̽̉͆̽̿̑͒̿̓̒̆͌͘͘̚͝͠s̶̯̺̻̤̩͕̾̐̀͐́̆͛̆̃̑̿̀̋͆͒̐͊͛̈̚̚͝ ̷̨̨̡̢̯̟͇̘̲̩̮̙̜̞̖̟̞̱͉͎̩̼͚̤̫̬͔͖̫̪͓̀̃̌̍̍͋̀̃̿̍̈́͠ͅc̶̡̡̨̺͚͉͔͓̘͔̗̹̲̼̤͓̬̘͈͖̗̭͇͇̲̖̯̼̲̭͓̜̗̘̻̹̯̘̄͑̌͂́͊͗̈́̋͐́̔̋̉̕͘͘͜͜͜ͅơ̴̲̭͖̮̰̥̟̲̠̬̥̟̭̼̲͇͔̟̭͚̰̝̦͓̲̠̜̮̏͊̔͊̆̔̓͛͑́̆͋͑̈́̇̓̄̉́̈́͛̋̀̀̊̄͛̄̏͛̓̏̂̄́͛́́͗̆͆͘͘͘͘n̴̢̨̢͚̝̭͇͈̙͖͇̘̭͈̮̯̫̬̺̦̜͙̘̥͎͎͓͓͖̖̬̠͈̬̮̰̻͉͙̯̼̻͍͔̝̂͐̍̀̔̉̄̓͐̽͐͌̂͑͗̄͋̌̊͑̈́̏̒̽̕͘ͅt̸̨̧̡̢̡̛͕̪̣̠͖̫͓͉̥̬̞̪͈͔͔͕̱̜̣̰͎̦̰̥̫̣͔̪̱̹͕̰̼̼̫̘͛͌͊̉̽͒̍̓̅͗̄̇̈́r̴̨̢̛͔̰͕̰̜͖̩̠̭̩̥̩̟̲͉̬̜̞̩͚̹̃̏̌̉̔́̀͋͊̑͂̀͊́́́͑̈̽͗͐̏̍̓͑̆̎̃͘͜͝͝ͅo̵̢̨̨̨̺̲̤̮̼̱̭͇̟̹͉͍̩̤̱̖̭̣̠͚̻̻͈͓̺̱̝̠̠̘̻̪̗͎̥̰͓̟̠̼̜͗̒̈́̌́̆̀̎̈̄͗̋̌̈̀̂̏̂͋͌̚̕͝ͅͅͅḷ̶̨̨̢̨̧̛̛̠̬͕̘̼͖̙̗̣̯̞̱̘͙̫̭̣̝̗̪̩̩͕̩̹̞̪̖͙̜̹͈͂͗̿̍̇̓̋̀͋̒̅̉͊̓̃̽̽̑̃͆͐̊̃͑̾̇͑̈́̀̓̈̐̓̑̋̔͘̕͘̚͜͠͠l̵̨̨̢̡̠̞͍͉͍̭̲̺̭̜̹͇͔̩̲̺̳̥̩̜̦͖̺̬̜̱̟̯͇͔͔̼͋͂̇̃ͅͅi̵̟̳͈̲̘̹̞̫̲͑̒̏̓͌̒̄̋̈́̽̉́͊̋̒̈̓̑͗̈́̾̋̈́̋͗͊̊̚͘̕͜͝͝͠n̴̤̮̹͋̎̈́̆̍̍̊͆̂̅̿̂͑̾̇̇̈́̃̑̈́̀̾̚͝g̶̨̧̧̡̙͚̤̱̬͙̥̟͍͙̳̥͔̫̦̜͚̖̙̻͍͙̳̮͚̱̪̠̬͖̟͔̔͂̐̐͜ ̴̨̛̝̯̦̩̠̣͓͎̙̻̗͍̗̟̪͖̣́̈̌̆̒̂̈̈̈́̈̿͊̓̔͂́̈́͌̃̍̽̆̋̊̚͘͝ͅm̸̨̢̧̛̪̬͍̫̳̬̼̬̥͙̘͚̝̣͚̪̣̼̗̟̪̞͕̳͕̥͇̩͔̭͕͕̦̳̜̳̲̦̺̦̭͒̃͋̂̈͗͛̍̒̄̈̊̿̒̓̕͜͜͜͝͝ͅę̸̛̗̭͚͚̏͋̾̿͋̑͊͜͠͠.̷̯͉̱͓͕̦͈̫̣̹̜̘̖̘͊̂͂̀͑̾̅̉̾̀͐͗̂̆̄̑͗͐̾̚̕̚̚͜͜͜͠͝͝

But I'm not strong enough to fight this on my own.

I love you, Maru!

A̸̛̲͕̳̖̎̂́̓̅́̅͑͝t̴̡̙̱͚͈̮̘͕͙̹̹̎̌͊͋̓ ̶̤̃̉̊͒͐͂ĺ̶̩͈̄̽́̓͆͒͑̒̈́̈́̓̊͘e̷̻̭̼̬̰̙̭̓̋̂̊̑͗̔̔̀͌͛̕͜͝͝ͅa̴̢͕̜̯̦͙̻̳̳̟̳̹̤͎̠͌͋̎̈́̊̿̒̈́̓̋͂̈ś̶̟̙͉̜̻̣̜̗̜͙͎̫̈́̏̄̋͗̿̐̈͋̚͜ţ̷̠̤̥̟̝̝̟͋̽̌̎͌̾͂̕͘ ̴̞̬͎̓̔̓̀͂̉̀͗͝ẏ̶̨̢̡̠͔̪̥̼̱̱̹̮̌̿̒͛̔̐͌̔̊̌̉̃̚͠ơ̶̧̟̤͉̳̬̼͇̝̒͊̒͐̑̇̎ǘ̶̯̗̖̞̰͉̜͈̫'̸͔͔̳̳́͋̈̈̒̅̕̕͝l̷̨͇̞̲̞̻̥̠͒̓l̵̨̬̣̻̩̾̒͌̊̋͛̌̓̀̍̐͘̚ ̷̞̋̎̈́̿h̶̹̦̙̦͕͔̐̊̉͌̆͂̆̆͛̚̚͘̕͝ͅa̴̢̯̳̟̺̘̓v̴̠̝̜̺̫̮̟͖͓̼͚͔͈̳̙̄̏͌͒̃̈́̆̈́͒̏͐́̄̈̉ę̴̱͈̯̜̜̭͔̹͘ ̸̻̪͔͐̽͂̈́̈́̍̈́̆̚̚͝͝͝͠O̸͖̖̥͕̬͓͐͝p̶̛̝̺̮̖̥̼̒̓̍͂̀̃̃͛͝t̴̡̨̨̨̝̜̙͇͖͚̯̤̅í̴̝̍̿̔͋̆̉̋̒̚m̷̮̮̰̥͍͓̗̟̖̝̩̈́͒͊̀̔͊̾͑̈́͆͗̑͑́͊ü̵̱͂͗̋̿̑͌̄̅͂̀̓̚s̸̨̧̛̰͔̹͕̜̯̙̓̂̈́̂͐̇̾̀̒̓͐̿̕͜͝.̷̡̮̱̜̮̞̳̦̍͜ ̴̢͔̳̜͖̮͚͓͉͎͕̭̋́̽̿͐͐̈́̀̓͜͝ͅḐ̶̡̡̙̝̫̩̦̹̖͎̤͖͚̀̎͊ͅo̶̱̝̅̏̑̅n̴̞̺͉͌͐̃͘̚'̴̡̢̭̘̮̩̗̬̎́̈́͊̔̈́͂͌̒̄̒̏̏̚͜͝t̴̨̺̯̫̝̟̪̂ ̵̢̛̠͍̫̣̼̯̥͓̞͉̬̝̲̩͌͋̇̊̒̏̌͂̇̽͝l̴̡̬̲̼͛̇̾̅͒͑͆̃͝e̷̪̥̗̟̲̭̗̾͋̉̄̒̒̍́̽̂̈́̚̚͠͝á̶̠̫̮̥͈͋̂̇̃͑̍̀͘͜ṽ̶̨̛̖̜̲̯̟̯̹̗̽͋̍͂͊͗͘ͅë̵̙̠̜̣͉͖̖̥́̿̎͊̕ ̷̰̠͓͇͌̚͠h̵̢̛̖̞̦̪̪͓̝̪̝̊̾͑̏̌̏́̍̑͗̂̕i̶͉̺̪̗͔̺̲̓͋̽̆m̶̤͕͎͕̘͙̻͓͓̦̉̐̀͗̈́̉͒̊̃̍͒͠͠.̵̧̧͍͕̙̞̣͊̽̄̚͝ ̸͎̹̘̇͐̆̀͛Ȳ̴͓͚̤̲̤̖̤̩̼͛̓͑̏͗̈́̉ō̴͕͔̜̘̜̊̆̈́ͅü̶̜̋́͒ ̸̖̲̊̀́͐̔͛͒͗̏͝͠n̶̛̯̠̫̭͈͂̇͊̄̀̔̓͆̊͘͝͠͠͠e̸̡͇̜̳̝̭͚͉̗̜̰͕͔͆͆͋̚ͅḛ̸̪̼̱̮͓̲͉͍͘ḋ̸̡̤̪͈̱̼̩͇͖̦̣͎̞̤͆́͗͒̋͒͆͌͜ ̷̨̡̩̩̥͙͎̭͈̝͔̬̫̲̥̋̒h̶̢̠̖̳̯̥̰̙̙͔̖͍̓̽i̶̧͔̹͎̟̯̽̕m̸̧̞͉̽̓͆̀̿̏͐̾̕ͅͅ ̵̠̽̊̋̈́̓͌̑̃͝ǎ̴̧̨̢̧̭̳͚̯͙̼̲̰̖͘s̶͎̳̔̈́̂̾̐̀̉̿́͑̆ ̶͇̈́̈́̌̃͗͛̑́̈́m̷̢̛̖̘͌͗̄̑̔̓͒͋͑̐ữ̶̲̘͈̪͉͚̼̉̀̏̅̃̄̒͐͗̚͘͝ͅc̵̟̹̹̘̒̓̓̎̔̈́͂̀͒͠ͅh̶̨̞͕̩͈͉̝̺͚͆̐̋͊͛̀̅̈́͌͘͝ ̶̠͙̟̮͉̯͓̰̥͓̓͜͠ä̵̧̛̦̯͍̗̙̹̺̜͓́͒̃̊s̸̢̠̤̎̾͂̆̀̄̚̕͜ ̵̧͉̙̬͔̣̦̹͎̯̤̜͙̞̈́̅̓̍̑̌̈́̄̇̉̿̉̋̚͝h̶̗͎̊́̅̾́͂͛̐͆̀̎̆̌̈́͝e̵̢͕͚̠̙̮̯̫̋̈́͛͒̓̾͑͛̚͝͝ ̸̨̢̛͇̘̜̥̗̞̠̹̽̌̽̉͋̑̆̉͆͊́̊͝ñ̸̡̦̺̼̙̭̑̂̀͂̿̌͘̚ę̷͓̤͖̠̟̹̥͍̟͠ȩ̴̜͚̳͓̖̱̰̹̎͑̈́̅͌̉͑̑̊̿̉̋̚͝͝d̵̨̮̣̱̯͙͉̘̱̋̈́͆̏͆̄̿̾̀̈́̎̚̚̚s̷̮͉̹͍͕͙̥͉͎̬͚̮͂̓͘͜͜͜͝ ̴͔͎̥͙̼͖͉̰̙͂ÿ̶̗́̃͌̎̔̆̍̉̌̅̈́̓̀̚o̷̧̧̧͖̪̖͔̦̱̩̠͈̮̮̽͒̐͑͋̆͛̓͒̂̀͜͠ų̵̠̩̗̳̠̘̼̠̿͊͐̓͝͝.̷̨̬̮̩̆̾͐͛́̏̂̈̃̀̾̀̑̅ͅͅ

A good portion had been scratched out or had been stained by tears in Terry's unique ink color to the point that they were beyond legible.

Maru wasn't sure how to take the entry. None of the other entries were this emotional, or this all over the place. But it definitely wasn't fake. Terry was no liar, and the tears were her unique ink color, that she never changed. It could only have been Terry.

But what is she talking about? Who's TarTar?

And what did she scratch out?

One thing was clear to Maru, though.

Terry was in serious trouble.

And Maru wasn't sure she could help.

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