but do we dare split apart...

By soultrappedstjiub

5.6K 255 1.7K

sequel to see you on the other side of the screen **tw** - adultery - grieving - mental health decline - suic... More

one โญ a new era
two โญ his hoosier and a loser
three โญ table fucking
four โญ enough love to go around
five โญ date night
six โญ the fears from lust
seven โญ "my boyfriend"
eight โญ racehorse awsten
nine โญ awsten confesses
ten โญ pussy power
eleven โญ la esperma de Geoff
twelve โญ overreacting
thirteen โญ almost like they're exes
fourteen โญ patty will drown... dramatically
fifteen โญ meeting judi
sixteen โญ her graduation
seventeen โญ hot chick!
eighteen โญ calling jawn and otto out
nineteen โญ lewis
twenty โญ airplane anxiety
twenty-one โญ TBPID!:track:16:err
twenty-two โญ pawsten or gawsten?
twenty-three โญ fucking jawn, my god
twenty-four โญ her discovery
twenty-five โญ the theory that stuns
twenty-six โญ words hurt more than anything
twenty-seven โญ bloody bottles and razor sharp tongues
twenty-eight โญ lil starfucks
twenty-nine โญ falling asleep
thirty โญ forever and always
thirty-one โญ "i love you" to the second power
thirty-two โญ Oh, It's Her.
thirty-three โญ purple is the color of love
thirty-four โญ Patty's video
thirty-five โญ baby boy content
thirty-six โญ whatta babe
thirty-seven โญ rollercoaster of conflicts
thirty-eight โญ two sluts with one man
thirty-nine โญ cherry baby
forty โญ august 2021
forty-one โญ depression at its finest
forty-two โญ a conflict for a month
forty-three โญ spoiled yet grateful
forty-four โญ faguette
forty-five โญ gawsten inc.
forty-six โญ family of unnatural hair
forty-seven โญ awsten: a trainwreck
forty-eight โญ a friend, a father and a lover
forty-nine โญ a night of fun turns into regret
fifty โญ patty's songs
fifty-one โญ getting back to gawsten, i promise
fifty-two โญ dear future us
fifty-three โญ jatty inc.
fifty-four โญ boys day out [with the kid]
fifty-five โญ never forgetting his past
fifty-six โญ halloweiner
fifty-seven โญ one million streams
fifty-eight โญ beating fate
fifty-nine โญ the biggest family
sixty-one โญ life's greatest moments
sixty-two โญ navidad para mis niรฑos
sixty-three โญ candles
sixty-four โญ babies
sixty-five โญ love of all kinds
sixty-six โญ๏ธ pantrรฉpsou me?
sixty-seven โญ๏ธ at last
sixty-eight โญ๏ธ a new chapter
sixty-nine โญ๏ธ name change
seventy โญ๏ธ revisiting the brown bread
seventy-one โญ๏ธ dreams
seventy-two โญ๏ธ misses walters
seventy-three โญ๏ธ until again, the owl coordinate
seventy-four โญ๏ธ i only have eyes for you

sixty โญ secrets

69 5 48
By soultrappedstjiub

jatty inc. 2.0

gawsten: im going to the store to get something for aws is there anything yall want while im gone

jawnrocha: im almost out of lunch with otto so we can go with you if you want

gawsten: i don't really wanna bring anyone ith me bc of what im getting

julia_robbins1977: Are you going to get something for you and Patty?

gawsten: mom.

underscoregeoff: haha

julia_robbins1977: What are you getting for Awsten?

gawsten: I already told you

julia_robbins1977: Oh Ok. Is it that thing you told me about earlier?

gawsten: yes now shut up


jawnrocha: THEN MUTE US

pattyxwalters: FUCK YOU

jawnrocha: FuCK AWSTEN

underscoregeoff: W A I T


jawnrocha: THAT'S STRAIGHT

underscoregeoff: he'd rather kiss awsten

jawnrocha: ...

underscoregeoff: lmao maybe you deserved it

jawnrocha: !

gawsten: without aws this gc is fucken dead

underscoregeoff: it is
underscoregeoff: i love that man so much :(

jawnrocha: that's cute

gawsten: the two most lively people of this group chat are gone right now so it sucks ass

underscoregeoff: patty is nowhere near lively in this group chat

gawsten: fuck man okay that's my boyfriend you're talking shit about
gawsten: fuck it's weird to say that so openly now

jawnrocha: welcome to the club of awkward boyfriend reveals

gawsten: 🤡🤡

underscoregeoff: Judi. that's been dead for years now

gawsten: 😔
gawsten: hey so like who the fuck is gonna buy awsten flowers because nobody has yet

pattyxwalters: i can
pattyxwalters: im still at work

underscoregeoff: no

gawsten: go back to work thiccie
gawsten: yeah no

jawnrocha: yikes
jawnrocha: wait a minute
jawnrocha: geoff

underscoregeoff: yeah?

jawnrocha: you haven't bought Awsten flowers?

underscoregeoff: I bought him a card and nail polish he's been dying to have.

jawnrocha: He obviously wants flowers so get them. You of all people should know that Awsten is obsessed with the idea of getting some from a boyfriend of his. Hell, even I knew that. -otto

gawsten: HI OTTER

underscoregeoff: he's never told me he's the kind of person who wants flowers

jawnrocha: You gotta remember how much Awsten just wants you to automatically know things. -o

underscoregeoff: he does that too often

jawnrocha: Exactly. Just listen to things he talks about and pay attention to his actions more in depth. Eventually you'll learn what he wants you to get him for his birthday, Christmas, etc. -o

underscoregeoff: he's so cute

jawnrocha: I know

pattyxwalters: 👀


gawsten: when you get home i am going to beat with you with my spatula

julia_robbins1977: Judiyah, don't threaten him like that! He's an amazing son in law.

gawsten: what?

pattyxwalters: Awwww love you mom!!!!

underscoregeoff: meanwhile

julia_robbins1977: Love you too! 💕

underscoregeoff: im yet to meet any of awstens family besides jawn

jawnrocha: did you just call me his family

underscoregeoff: You're close enough to be family

jawnrocha: omg im crying 😭

gawsten: im gonna piss brb

underscoregeoff: okay

jawnrocha: it's just me and you now, bitchboy

underscoregeoff: what

awstenknight: hiii

underscoregeoff: get off your phone

awstenknight: im fine

underscoregeoff: really.

awstenknight: no
awstenknight: im lonely :(

jawnrocha: we're on our way

awstenknight: i want geob 😡

underscoregeoff: I'll be there as soon as I can

awstenknight: i miss you

underscoregeoff: I've been busy

awstenknight: doing what

underscoregeoff: recording

awstenknight: i fucking saw that
awstenknight: You're not sneaky
awstenknight: and why would you unsend that
awstenknight: it only made it worse
awstenknight: fuck you

underscoregeoff: it was a joke

awstenknight: that's part of the reason why i wanted to fucking die and now you're joking about it?

underscoregeoff: aws baby im sorry

awstenknight: fuck off

gawsten: bacl
gawsten: holy HECK what did i miss
gawsten: awsten !!
gawsten: oh
gawsten: o h

jawnrocha: oh shit lmao
jawnrocha: is everything okay?

underscoregeoff added awstenknight to the chat

underscoregeoff: i said something bad and it made aws mad :(

awstenknight: You're a dick

jawnrocha: oof ouch

underscoregeoff: i apologize
underscoregeoff: i love you

awstenknight: fuck off
awstenknight: bring me flowers
awstenknight: asshole

underscoregeoff: okay, I will :)

awstenknight: >:(

jawnrocha: gawsten is still cute, change my mind


where are they

Awsten is at the hospital on the fourth floor. Geoff is currently at a supermarket, shopping in the garden section. We don't have anything on Jawn or Judi, but we do know that Patty is at work.

What's Patty's place of work?

You aren't to kill him.

I just wanna know

He can't see you, okay? This past holiday almost got us discovered and you acted like it was no big deal. He is not the main goal, at least not for us anyway.

He hurt Geoff.

And? Aren't you obsessed with Awsten?


Then? Take Awsten if you want. Just not Patty or Judi. You already fucked up those, and perhaps even all of them.

They knew what I looked like.

Did you get the new mask?

Yes, but I altered it a bit.

What do you mean?

I'm not at liberty to say.

We own you, so you actually have to tell us everything.

Fine. I'm a feminine man. There, happy?

Why wouldn't you tell us that? You know we're okay with people like you.

It's still hard to say it.

Oh well. As long as you're happy, we're happy.

This isn't so much a friendship than a family

You're very right.

Are you okay? Where are you?

I'm on my way to the hospital. I'm going to kidnap the nurse who works for Awsten during the day and then take her identity.

Brilliant. How so?

I'll have to find stuffing and whatnot, but I'll fill her out and take her face for a mask then use her phone for contacts.

Okay, sounds like a plan. When do you plan on letting her go?

I don't know, maybe the end of the month?

Alright. Be careful. I love you.

I love you too

Don't get caught.

I won't, vivie :)

Aw, Lewis. Get back to work!



i love writing wow



At the hospital.

GEOFF and SYDNEY walk in with a bouquet of flowers and a handmade card. Awsten lays fast asleep on his hospital bed with a notebook and pen on top of his bandaged belly. GEOFF has Sydney sit down on the loveseat as he takes care of Awsten.


He shivers in his sleep.

GEOFF: [To SYDNEY] There's a gift shop downstairs if you want to get a candy or something.

SYDNEY: Are you trying to get rid of me?

GEOFF: No, honey, just offering. [picks up Awsten's notebook.] It looks like he's been writing.

SYDNEY: Can I see?

GEOFF: Uh... [scans through it] I don't think he'd want you to see this.


GEOFF: Are you hungry? [takes the notebook]

SYDNEY: Yeah, a little.

GEOFF: Okay then, let's go find the cafeteria and get you some food, alright?

SYDNEY: Okie dokie.

When they leave, another set of visitors come in to see him.

JAWN: Hey Awsie, you awa- hmm, guess not.

JUDI: He's not awake?

JAWN: Bitch is sleeping.

JUDI: Fuck, I really wanted to spend some time with him.

JAWN: So did Otto and I. Wait, [picks up the card] Geoff and Syd were here recently. Oh look! [smiles] There's flowers!

JUDI: Aw, cute. I wonder where they are?

JAWN: Probably at the gift shop or a working vending machine or some shit like that.

JUDI: Yeah, probably. Geoff is a fucking fatass.

JAWN snorts.

A few minutes later, Judi trades out with OTTO.

OTTO: He looks like shit.

JAWN: I know. He's seen hell and back, though.

OTTO: Yeah. I miss him being happy all the time.

JAWN: Me too.

OTTO: [sighs] Why is he even like this? Like, what caused him to become so sensitive?

JAWN: YOu don't know what happened?


JAWN: He cheated on Geoff, but he only told him a little bit, so now when he thinks about it too much he falls into his really bad headspace. It's horrible, like, horrible. This isn't the first time he's attempted since... June, I think? yeah, it was June. Those times were really tough on him.

OTTO: Oh shit.

JAWN: Yeah. Actually, I was-

AWSTEN: [broken] Please stop talking about that.

JAWN: I didn't know you were awake, sorry.

AWSTEN: You're always yelling, believe it or not.

JAWN: I'm not that loud!

OTTO: You are.


OTTO: In the flesh.

AWSTEN: [sits up] Holy shit dude, come here!

They embrace as GEOFF and SYDNEY come into the room.

GEOFF: Oh, look who's awake now.

SYDNEY: Dad! [runs up and hugs him]

AWSTEN: Oh my goodness, hi Syd. How've you been?

SYDNEY: Good! I made a perfect score on my history test!

AWSTEN: That's great! It's nice to know someone here is smart. [winks at GEOFF] Your Dad failed so many classes in high school, he had a full scheduele in his senior year.

They both chuckle as Geoff scoffs.

GEOFF: I missed you. [kisses him]

AWSTEN: I missed you, too. I mean, I slept through most of the time you were gone, but it was really disappointing to wake up to Jawn rather than you.

OTTO: And what am I?

AWSTEN: A pleasant surprise. Wait, has Judi come by yet?

JAWN: She came earlier, before Otto, but I think she left to pick up Patty.

AWSTEN: Oh, okay. I really miss her too.

JAWN: And Patty?

AWSTEN: Fuck him, honestly. He hasn't come to see me at all.

GEOFF: He was here when you were in surgery.

AWSTEN: So was Julia and yet she's seen me more than he has.

JAWN: Oh well, at least you've got us.

AWSTEN: Yeah, but it's still shitty considering that he's one of my best friends.

GEOFF: That's true.

AWSTEN: But... I do have you guys. My fiance, my kid, my best friends from childhood that I always knew had a thing for each other even before I knew what being gay was... All my wonderful bitches except my girls.

JAWN: I would assume you're talking about Gracie and Judi?

AWSTEN: Yeah. [yawns] I'm still tired.

JAWN: Then get some rest.

GEOFF: No, not yet. I want to know what this thing is about. [hands him his notebook] The last thing you wrote.

AWSTEN:  I thought it was pretty explicit.

GEOFF: I just want to hear it from you.

AWSTEN: I have to convey the correct emotion for it and I can't do that right now.

GEOFF: Just do it for me, please?

AWSTEN: Fine then.

every once in a while i get this feeling
it makes me see things im not seeing
it's often caused by many things
though nowdays, it's mostly our rings

i cry at night when Geoff's in slumber
reminiscing about someone's number
saying to myself, "oh god, not again"
my mind crosses over many men
landing on that one in particular
knowing he only fits with her
it hurts, wondering about his eyes
how was it him, of all guys?

sure, a few kisses were never stopped
and a few pictures may have been cropped
but that didn't mean i hated him
i tell you, that was only on a whim
he and i, we were weary
at night on tour, it was fucking eerie
living on a bus, all to trust
or no one at all
but i kissed him raw, where only god had

after that, i couldn't hold it in much longer
otherwise it wouldn't be a bother
it would end up my killer by gun
so there was nowhere to run.
he was angry, yes, only for a day
it made the other run away,
all the way, to the fucking UK
even i didn't want to stay,
yet i did, from the end of may

time passes until four days ago,
i went to that shop, peered at the row
i decided to choose small but fatal,
knowing i had a fiancé and child
later i threw up my bile
crying at the toilet, staring up at the frame
i wanted to go out with a bang

the chaos started at three in the morning
usually, when all is boring
sydney saw me first, bloody and scared
she ran to geoff because she cared
by then i was on the floor,
preparing for at least one more
he took my weapon from my hands,
my fluids decorating his pants
i stood up fast, way too fast,
i pulled the first thing within my grasp
i stabbed my wound with our kitchen knife,
thinking i could take my own life
he dropped the gun in fear,
feeling my death was somewhere near
two more of each.
two more of each.

next thing i know, i am here
laying helplessly like a wounded deer
I've seen it once, and now again
hoping, maybe, my heart will mend
yet deep down i know
many are with me in tow

why is it that we fear
many things we once held dear
like going to work, church or school
and having others say guns are cool
is it okay that i bought one without charge?
or that i could've chose one that was large?
and why is it that those places
don't care about the cases
the ones with the stress on top of stress
like ones who were forcefully undressed
or the kids who would rather die
than spend a day at school and cry
or someone like me, a man at work
getting harassed by that one jerk
who says he'll shoot you when he's fired,
perhaps even if he's a little wired
we can't live on like this any longer
it's not fair to me or you or my friends
yes, we may all have an end,
but we don't want it that way.
we want to live to another day.

so here we go, yet again
i promise you a better end

i cry at night when Geoff's in slumber
reminiscing about someone's number
saying to myself, "oh god, not again"
my mind crosses over many men
landing on that one in particular
knowing he only fits with her
it hurts, wondering about his eyes
how was it him, of all guys?

me and my gun didn't want to have fun
i told a lie so i could go die
we're not okay.
fear is here, and it's here to stay
so there you are, in your casket you lay
wishing it had all gone away.

fear is here, and it's here to stay.

OTTO: I- wow. I didn't know you had that in you.

JAWN: It's really good, Aws.

SYDNEY: I like that you got political towards the end.

GEOFF: It sounds so much better with emotion.

AWSTEN: [firmly] I want it on the album.


AWSTEN: I just do, okay? I want it out there.

GEOFF: We'll take it to Benji, okay?


GEOFF: But... let's just worry about spending time together for right now. Especially with Otto, he's gotta go back to Texas in a week or two. [smiles] I love you.

AWSTEN: Love you too, Gee.


it started with a whisper

and that was when i kissed her



"Can she join?" I ask, trying to hide the quiver in my voice.

He sighs, undoing his tie harshly. Our manager really looks like he wants to kill himself right about now. Romances aren't allowed in the Friendship, but I can't help what I feel. It's hard to not feel something when we talk, or even when I just look at her. Vivian is the best thing to happen to me since Leonard's death.

"What good would she do?" He questions, staring her down. She stands by my side patiently, swaying back and forth on her heels while trying to avoid eye contact with him.

"She'd help make sure I don't get caught,"

"Lewis, you are our best assassin. You know how to take care of yourself and certainly do not need help from anyone else. And definitely not a woman, that's for sure," Goddamn sexist asshole.

"Just please let her come with me,"

He shakes his head. "Not happening,"

Vivie grabs my hand, then smirks. God, she's gorgeous. "Then I guess we're breaking our friendship. Come on, Lewy, let's go get them ourselves!"

She pulls me away from him and his office, and I realize we're free. We're free from all danger now.

Or are we?



Liked by underscoregeoff and 6,170 others

syd_420_666_69 my friend has a sword and takes "aesthetic" photos. goth culture, im coming for you

View all 153 Comments
underscoregeoff @gawsten i miss the old judi :(
gawsten @underscoregeoff the old judi who dressed frumpy? i sure as hell don't
underscoregeoff @gawsten well all that really matters now is that you're happy
gawsten @underscoregeoff yep :)

-- Two weeks later --

AWSTEN: Geoff, oh my god. [hugs him] How are you?

GEOFF: Not good.


GEOFF: I miss you.

AWSTEN: Aw, baby. [kisses him]

GEOFF: [sits down] How are you, though? Are you improving?

AWSTEN: It feels like it, but you'd have to ask my therapist. [chuckles]

GEOFF: Well, I'm coming to your therapy today, so I guess I really could, huh?

AWSTEN: How's Syd? Is she okay?

GEOFF: Aside from missing you, she most certainly is. She's been doing really well in her school work, and she's been improving on her exams at the learning center.

AWSTEN: That's good, at least we know she's smart.

GEOFF: It means she's happy, Aws. She's finally confident enough to keep up with her work and everything, you know?

AWSTEN: [puts his hand to his chest, smiling] That's so sweet, it hurts.

GEOFF: I know... are you feeling better, physically?

AWSTEN: A little. The doctor came in and said that my gunshot wounds are going to take months to heal, but that the stitches in my stab wounds can be removed next week.

GEOFF: So are you still in pain?

AWSTEN: Yeah. I can't lay on my left side or it'll hurt like hell, but I can move around a bit. [smiles] I can hug people now, which is nice.

They embrace one more time and continue to catch up on everything that occurred in the past two weeks during the thirty minute session. Geoff leaves for the four hours he has between the visiting session and Awsten's therapy. He decides to head over to Jawn's house since it's closest.

At Jawn's house.

GEOFF: [knocks on the door] It's Geoff!

JAWN: [From inside] I'm coming! [shuffling is heard, then he opens the door] Hey hoe, come on in.

GEOFF: You're such a ding dong. [throws his jacket on the couch] Do you have any plans for today?

JAWN: No, why?

GEOFF: Just asking. I have about three more hours until Awsten's thing. Or, I mean, I guess just two since it takes an hour to get there with all this traffic.

JAWN: That's LA for you.

GEOFF: Says the guy who didn't grow up here.

JAWN: I grew up in Houston, though, and I can assure you the traffic is just as bad there. If not, worse.

GEOFF: I know it is; I had to drive through it when I first met Aws.

JAWN: That's cute.

GEOFF: [sighs, walks over to the kitchen] I know. God, I miss those days so much.

JAWN: [Follows him] Me too. That tour was something else, wasn't it?

GEOFF: It really was. [opens fridge] I'm fucking starving, do you have anything good to eat?

JAWN: No, but Otto's at the store right now if you want me to tell him to get you something?

GEOFF: What?

JAWN: What?

GEOFF: What do you mean, "He's at the store,"? I thought he already left to Texas?

JAWN: Uh... You can't tell anyone this, okay?

GEOFF: Tell anyone what?

JAWN: He wasn't staying temporarily.

GEOFF: Ja- Holy crap! You're joking.

JAWN: [smiles] No, I'm not.

GEOFF: Well fuck, congrats! [hugs him] How are you managing to keep this a secret and why is it a secret in the first place?

JAWN: Because we don't everyone to think it's too soon.

GEOFF: It's not too soon! You guys have been dating for a while now.

JAWN: Yeah, but, all our friends waited a long while before they moved in with their SO and we didn't want to be judged.

GEOFF: And? Have you not seen Judi and Patty? She moved into his apartment as soon as he left to the UK.

JAWN: I wonder if he's ever gonna go back to get all his stuff that he had there?

GEOFF: I don't know, maybe he will if he still talks to that guy we all thought he was dating.

JAWN: Ben?

GEOFF: Yeah.

JAWN: Oh my goodness, how we were bamboozled.

GEOFF: I knowww! I really never expected Patty to start dating Judi in a million years.

JAWN: Yeah, espcially because they hated each other. [laughs]

GEOFF: They did?

JAWN: Yep. Judi hated him because she found out wh- Wait, no.

GEOFF: What?

JAWN: Nothing.

GEOFF: What were you going to say?

JAWN: It's private.


JAWN: It's between her, Patty and Aws. Nevermind, just her and Patty.

GEOFF: Why'd you mention Aws?

JAWN: I was confusing up two situations.

GEOFF: Well what situation would involve Awsten and Patty?

JAWN: One you already know about.

GEOFF: Then why were you mixing them up? Did she know about the thing between them?

JAWN: [nervously] I don't know.

GEOFF: You do know.

JAWN: Geoff...

GEOFF: What?

JAWN: Before the wedding, like maybe a few weeks before, remind me to show you something, okay?

GEOFF: Why then?

JAWN: Just wait until then.


A car pulls up into the driveway.

JAWN: That's probably Otto; I should go help him.


i wanted this chapter to be longer, but I honestly think it's pretty okay to end here. This is one of the longest chapters of the story, and they're probably going to get longer because there's only fourteen chapters left until this is done.

It's bittersweet for me, but this story has also become too much.


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(Extreme trigger warning - self harm, suicidal thoughts/suicide attempts, depression, drug abuse, abuse and violence. Read at your own risk) #4TH IN...
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"แดษดแด‡ แดแดส€แด‡ แด›ษชแดแด‡," "๐‘›๐‘œ," "sษชษดษข ๊œฐแดส€ แดแด‡ ส/ษด," - โ™ซ โ™ช โ˜ฏ๏ธŽ๏ธŽ โ™ช โ™ซ - ๐ˆ๐ง ๐ฐ๐ก๐ข๐œ๐ก ๐š ๐Ÿ๐จ๐ซ๐›๐ข๐๐๐ž๐ง ๐ฅ๐จ๐ฏ๐ž ๐Ÿ๐จ๐ซ๐ฆ๐ฌ ๐›๐ž๐ญ๐ฐ๐ž๐ž๐ง ๏ฟฝ...
1K 44 10
Waterparks are on tour and Geoff and Otto are concerned about their other band member, but Awsten isn't opening up. Trigger warning โš ๏ธ Self harm De...