beethoven | jenlisa


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in which jennie gets mad at the girl who plays piano at 2 am. Mais



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JENNIE CURSED HERSELF for growing such a soft spot for lisa. whatever she did that led the thai into thinking that her midnight piano sessions were okay, the korean surely regretted it now.

the last few days, lisa had stopped doing them—which jennie absolutely treasured. perhaps she should've savored her unbothered sleep a little more because the moment she heard the deafening sound of the thai's piano, it reminded her just how much she didn't miss that damn instrument.

the door slowly creaked open, revealing a grinning lisa, "look who's 3 minutes late to the party," she opened the door some more, "come on in."

"you already know what i want."

lisa titled her head in mock confusion, "it seems that i don't, please enlighten me." her lips splitting into a goofy smile that jennie so badly wanted to rip off.

"let me sleep." the korean's response was reserved, which lisa didn't like. she wanted jennie to be angry—yelling at her even.

"nothing's stopping you from sleeping, princess."

jennie's nostrils flared a little, and instead of firing back at lisa, she stomped her way back to her apartment—making sure to slam the dark oak door with a loud thud.

lisa winced at the sound, leaning all her weight onto her own door. it seems the gods have decided to strike the thai with eternal bad luck as the door slid all the way open, leaving lisa on the floor and her wall with a dent.

the blonde decided to embrace her unfortunate situation as she spread her body across her apartment's carpeted floor. she let out a dramatic sigh, wishing the ground would swallow her up right then and there.

"jennie kim, what are you doing to me?"

after a few seconds of the thai rolling on the floor, she finally stood up. her mind was in knots, she still had no idea why jennie gave her the cold shoulder this morning.

annoy her, jisoo's voice interrupted her yet again. was it the cheap beer she drank back at rosé's or was she on the verge of going completely insane? at this point, it might as well be both.

as if jisoo's soul had possessed her, lisa strutted her way to jennie's door. the thai furiously banged on the poor rectangular piece of wood—and before she knew it, she was reciting romeo's monologue in the infamous balcony scene.

"it is my lady, o, it is my love!" lisa wholeheartedly shouted, clutching onto her chest as if it were about to explode, "o, that she knew she were! she speaks yet she says nothing," the thai dramatically looked up, "what of that?"

still, no response from her next door juliet, so she decides to speak louder, "her eye discourses; i will answer it!" she knocks on the door, "i am too bold, 'tis not to me she speaks!" her head hung low, eyes shut close and eyebrows furrowed, "two of the fairest stars in all the heaven! having some business, do entreat her eyes! to twinkle in their spheres till they return!" she shouted.

"what if her eyes were there, they in her head? the brightness of her cheek would shame those stars as daylight doth a lamp! her eyes in heaven would through the airy region—"

lisa mouthed a silent 'yes' in triumph as she heard the korean's door getting unlocked. the thai combed through her hair and fixed her posture as she waited.

"what the actual fuck do you think you're doing lisa?!" jennie spat, lisa was sure she saw fumes coming out of the latter's ears.

though a bit taken aback by the fuming kitten's tone, the thai kept calm, "she speaks!oh, speak again, bright angel."

"w-what? you—you're unbelievable lisa!" jennie flailed her arms, "tell me, in what god forsaken reality is reciting shakespeare outside of someone's door at 2 in the fucking morning socially acceptable?!"

"so if i did it at another time, you'd let it slide?"

jennie looked at the ground, shaking her head, "she's crazy . . . borderline insane . . ." she mumbled to herself.

"crazy for you."

the korean looked up, her sleepless eyes meeting with the latter's dilated ones. either the thai had powered through a pound of cocaine or annoying her had somehow given lisa the same effects as drugs. (or maybe it was love, neither were quite sure.)

"that's it," jennie pulled back her door only for her to abruptly slam it close—well, that is until lisa decided to use her foot as a doorstop.

"eek," the thai squirmed, instantly regretting what she did. her left foot was throbbing but the pain hasn't fully registered in her mind yet.

realizing what happened, the korean quickly opened the door again with wide eyes, "oh my god lisa!" she stared at the thai's slippered foot horrified at how red it was, "a-are you okay?"

lisa gave a thumbs up, "i'm fine," but the singular tear that rolled down her cheek said otherwise, "—no i'm not, please let me in."

jennie threw lisa's arm over her shoulder as she helped the thai limp her way to sit on the couch. she rushed to the fridge and handed her a bag of frozen peas, "i don't have ice."

"it's okay," lisa hissed as she tried to move her foot.

"it's incredible how persistently stupid you are."

"gee, thanks a lot jennie."

chuckling, the korean sat next to the distressed blonde, "what made you think stopping a door with your foot was a good idea?"

"this wouldn't have happened if you didn't ignore me this morning."

jennie stayed quiet and lisa wondered why. she would've urged the korean to reply but her foot—for lack of a better term—hurt a fuck ton.

still not uttering a single word, jennie slowly inched her hand until hers was above the blonde's, hoping it would somehow lessen the pain, and it did. lisa felt a lot better. it was otherworldly how the simple things jennie would do made lisa feel like a field of honey covered daffodils, or vanilla scented lilacs—whichever sounds more dreamy.

lisa's smile faltered when she remembered the reason she was in this situation in the first place. jennie ignored her, and she couldn't help but think that the korean would've continued to do it if she hadn't severely injured her foot.

sighing, lisa asked, "why?"

jennie stared at the side of the thai's face, "why what?"

"why were you avoiding me?"

the korean surprisingly chuckled, lisa looked at her in confusion, "you know," she started, "i was supposed to keep my distance away from you for a little while," lisa frowned, "i didn't know you'd feel this way after just a day."

the thai shifted, lifting her foot on the couch and involuntarily making jennie's hand let go of hers, "so you were doing it on purpose?" her eyes saddened.

"i–," jennie stopped, "yeah, i guess. but—"


the brunette stayed quiet and thought for a while, why was she trying to avoid lisa? was it because she didn't like her? didn't want to be around her?

"honestly, i don't know." jennie truthfully said, "i'm as confused as you are." she let out a dry chuckle.

lisa sighed, "please don't do it again."

"i can't promise you that."

"i guess i'll just have to break my foot again."

a light shove and a soft giggle was what lisa got from the korean. warm, the air felt warm again. was this what people meant by butter melting? the tension was gone and all that was left was lisa thinking about how she can hear jennie's laugh again.

"i'm not paying for any medical bills. if you lose your ability to stand that's on you."

lisa pouted, "not fair. it's 2019, we're supposed to pay half and half on dates."

"a trip to the hospital is not a date."

"you're just close-minded."

jennie scoffed, "okay, lisa, please open my mind then."

the thai shook her head, "it is what it is, a magician doesn't reveal her secrets."

"you're full of shit." jennie laughed.

"give me a break, i'm on the verge of losing all feeling in my foot." she held the frozen bag of peas on her foot tighter, "i don't respond well to pain."

jennie frowned, she felt like she was at fault, but that feeling quickly got brushed off when she remembered how angry she was about lisa interrupting her sleep. perhaps she did deserve an injured foot.

jennie decides not to reply and stands up instead. she disappears into her room leaving lisa confused and a little worried. was jennie just going to abandon a helpless lisa on the couch? the question was short-lived as the korean got back just as fast as she left.

she held a roll of tape and extended her hand to lisa, "here."

"what's that?"


lisa rolled her eyes, "i know what tape is jennie, what's it for?"

"tape the peas to your foot." the korean sternly said.

the weird sentence made the blonde laugh, "never thought i'd hear someone say that to me so seriously."

it seems jennie found it funny too by the faint smile that decorated her lips. she unrolled the tape and the infamous screech sound made the two cringe.

lisa smirked, "bondage, huh?"

the korean chuckled, "shut up," she sat down, "raise your foot." and lisa did as she was told.

"is it too tight?" jennie asked when she finished ungracefully taping the frozen bag to lisa's foot.

"no, it's okay," she wiggled her foot and couldn't help but find it funny, "this is the sketchiest diy foot cast i've ever seen."

the korean got offended at first but after leaning back and staring at it for a little longer, it does look a bit rough. she snorted and shrugged, "it does the job," she looked into lisa's eyes and claimed that it was the prettiest pool of dark brown. jennie harshly rubbed her own eyes in fear of getting too lost in the thai's that seemed to have specks of moon dust in them.

in the back of jennie's mind, she knew exactly why she wanted to avoid lisa.

lisa had asked what was wrong and jennie blamed it on her lack of sleep. she even convinced herself that she was hallucinating because there was no way lisa looked 10 times prettier than normal at 2 in the morning. sleep, she needed to sleep.

jennie decided to turn on the tv to serve as some background noise, which she quickly realized was not a good idea. sleep deprivation made the korean extremely irritable, so she turned it off—not forgetting to mumble a few vulgar words whilst doing so. lisa made fun of this and that was the start of their 20 minute long argument.

about what, you ask? well, absolutely nothing. they were bickering about utter nonsense, lisa had yawned and jennie snapped at her for 'opening her mouth too big'.

they only stopped when lisa realized how red jennie's eyes had gotten, the thai immediately suggested that they both go to sleep. as an unwritten rule, jennie helped lisa go back to her place.

it was when the korean was a second away from closing her bedroom door that lisa shouted after her, "do you need the peas back?"

jennie merely smiled to herself, "goodnight, lisa."

and in sync with the thud of the door, lisa's heart fluttered. she dreamily sighed and although jennie wasn't ever going to hear it, she still uttered a quiet 'goodnight' back.

the night was fun but now the two lovebirds have to worry about how they'll be able to fix their broken sleeping schedules in time for the new semester.


hello, it's been a month.
how's everyone doing?

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