Bởi lush_rush

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Josie's career begins to take off winning Project Runway with 20k to start her business; when she and Ricky w... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1: ICE ME OUT
Chapter 2: Ex-change
Chapter 3: Tart
Chapter 4: Clarity
Chapter 5: Fresh Start
Chapter 6: He said, She said
Chapter 7: Bittersweet
Chapter 8: Let me Know
Chapter 9: All Falls Down
Chapter 10: The Fence
Chapter 11: Fashion Week
Chapter 12: Perfectly Imperfect
Chapter 13: Recall
Chapter 14: Newsflash
Chapter 15: Jaded
Chapter 17: Goodtimes?
Chapter 18: Blame Game
Chapter 19: Target on My Chest
Chapter 20: Reset
Chapter 21: Playtime
Chapter 22: Show Me
Chapter 23: Love is___
Chapter 24: School of Hardknocks Pt 1
Chapter 25: School of Hardknocks Pt 2
Chapter 26: Is this what it comes down to?
Chapter 27: Sure Thing
Chapter 28: Troubled Waters
Chapter 30: Contradiction
Chapter 31: Before I wake
Chapter 32: I Been
Chapter 33: The Code
Chapter 34: My Affection
Chapter 35: Take Care
Chapter 36: Nobody But YOU
Chapter 37:Fate
Chapter 38: Sorrows
Chapter 39: Running Out
Chapter 40: L'amour
Chapter 41: Love Jones
Chapter 42: Dangerously in Love
Chapter 43: For However Long
Chapter 44: The Session
Chapter 45: Temporary Highs
Chapter 46: Killin Me Softly
Chapter 47: Paranoid
Chapter 48: Funny How Time Flies
Chapter 49:Forever More
Chapter 50: Unhinged
Chapter 51: The Good Guys
Chapter 52: Karma
Chapter 53: It's Up
Chapter 54: Trouble in Paradise
Chapter 55: Out$ide pt.1
Chapter 56: Out$ide Pt 2.
Chapter 57: I Guess It's F**k Me
Chapter 58: Paranoid
Chapter 59: Wants and Needs
Chapter 60: Other Side of The Game

Chapter 16: Sorry Boys

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Bởi lush_rush

Two weeks later

7:30 am

Johnson, what are you doing here?

"I have to talk to you chief" Ryan barged in his office. "What is up with you and these pop-ups? What is it now? Thomas asked him removing his feet from his desk. "I think we should reopen a case," he said. "Dear GOD" Thomas stood up. "Grant Santana Vs The Caprio Family. I don't believe that Grant killed Bentley Caprio. I don't believe he slaughtered the whole family. I've been investigating for some time now and I have evidence-

"You're breaking protocol and you know it," he said. "Just hear me out okay! Grant and Giovanni Santana are the biggest drug lords in Miami. Two sons per brother, that worked for them, they're young and I'm quite sure charmful. Do you really think a 50-year-old did this all by himself?

"Of course not but there's no evidence of the killings of The Caprio Family just Bentley Caprio and the fingerprints matched," Thomas said

"What if I have evidence of everything else? I have recordings, pictures, everything else that will make sense of all of this" he said.

"Let it go kid"

"Chief that's complete bullshit and you know it. The Santana's are filthy deceitful men and they get to walk around when justice isn't served?

"If I could lock them all up I would but we have bigger fish to fry then to reopen a case that was closed years ago. If you really want to make my life better. You get information on Lucifer King for me?

"And what if it reconnects back to The Santana's? Ryan desperately asked

"Then we have a case," Thomas said

Ryan smiled he had a vendetta against The Santana Family. He hated black high profile drug dealing families. He was determined to do everything in his power to take them down.


I stood in front of Cassidy checking her out. I hired her about a week ago. She was the IT factor, she had looks and body and most of all game. She'd be able to get him talking. "I mean I know I'm sexy but damn can I at least have some clothes on" she chuckled.

"I'm sure you're a class act but I need your friends showing, trust me you'll get him open," Ricky said trying to keep his eyes above her chest. Cassidy smoothed down her dress. "Ya look good," Dreux said. "Thanks, let's get it" she said. "Say no more," he said placing on his sunglasses. Cassidy walked ahead of us Dreux leaned over towards Ricky. "How was the date? He asked

"Date was cool, even though your sis gave me 60k randomly" He laughed. "The fuck? Like racks? He asked

"Yes, it's in my damn office. I don't know what's up with her but she's acting weird" Ricky said. "Great intentions, I don't know maybe she felt like she really owed you," he said. "I guess," Ricky said.

"Chop chop ladies," Cassidy said. Dreux and Ricky laughed. "Where'd you find her? Ricky asked. "You know I always have friends that's gon step," he said.

20 minutes later

"You straight? Ricky asked her. He could tell she was nervous. "Yeah, I'm good," she said lifting up her boobs. "So you're going to go in the restaurant and ask if they're hiring? Then ask to use their bathroom you know, look around but don't go too far, if someone approaches you.. act lost" Dreux said. "Got it," she said. "Break a leg big sexy" Dreux winked. "Uhhh I want my money" she giggled. "We got you," Ricky said. Cassidy crossed the street she nervously opened the door. She walked in the small family-oriented looking spot. "Hi, can I help you? A tall Muslim guy approached her. "Hi, I um was just wondering if you all were hiring? I'm kind of in a financial jam and I'm willing to do whatever" she raised her brow. Muhammed scanned down at her lower body. "I'm not hiring ma'am but I do have some other business ventures that I think you'll make a great asset to" he smiled. "Let's do it then, I'm trying to get this money," she said. She heard a loud thump noise along with yelling. "Uh excuse me" he turned around. Cassidy's eye's widened. She looked around looking for any kind of evidence. Ricky told her if it gets fishy she needs to leave immediately. Shortly Muhammad came back "Sorry my chef is a little clumsy, how about we meet tomorrow noon to figure out how I can use a pretty young woman like yourself," he said. Cassidy fakely blushed "That sounds like a plan. Do you have a bathroom? I have to go" she said. "Straight back to your left," he said. "Thanks" she smiled. "No problem lady" he turned around watching her ass switch in her red leather dress. Cassidy went in the bathroom locking the door. She pulled out her phone putting it on silent. She bent on the floor looking for a crack in the wall or an uneven floor surface for anything stashed. She could see the foot shadows from the bottom of the door. She quickly hopped up flushing the toilet. She grabbed a pad from out her purse taking the wrapper out balling it up and throwing it in the trash. She then washed her hands. She opened the door stepping out to see two guys posted against the wall. Her heart dropped in fear but she knew she had this. "Who sent you? He asked

"Umm, what are you talking about? Cassidy asked. "Sure you aren't lost? The other guy asked she looked down to see a gun in his pocket. "Okay, I don't know what's going on but if you must know. I came here to apply for a job and change my damn pad? Did you want to see it? She scoffed. The two guys looked at each other "You have a nice day sweetie" he said. Cassidy scoffed walking off "I don't know what kind of business this is but I'm good," she said. Muhammad didn't say anything he just smirked watching her leave. Cassidy power-walked down the street. It seemed like she couldn't get to the car fast enough. She flew in the car "They know"

She said out of breath. Ricky and Dreux looked at each other. "He's Muslim but these two Jamaican dudes followed me to the bathroom. He was suspicious from the jump, I tried to look for a stash but I was running out of time" she said

"You did good, we just needed an idea on who they were" Ricky pulled off. Dreux handed her a stack. Cass smiled taking it "Ooooo thankyou, thankyou," she said stuffing it down her chest.


I laid beside my father as he rubbed his hands through my hair. I was taking advantage of the time I had left with him. One minute I think he's going to pull through and it's going to be a miracle the next minute not so much. "What you thinking about baby girl? He asked. I sighed "Mm, thinking about seeing a therapist" I frowned staring at the reruns of Martin. "I don't think that's a bad idea, you need to be prepared for when I go and you've been through a lot. most of it because of your mother and I... you deserve therapy" he said

"Just feeling overwhelmed and embarrassed," I said. "About what? What made you think about going?

I sighed "I gave Ricky 60k the other day-

"60k the hell is wrong with you? He asked raising his voice. I got up "This is why I didn't want to say anything" I scoffed. "That's an awful lot of money to a man you're not with-

"I always told him that I would pay him back when I make it big. He gave me 30 thousand dollars before I moved to New York" I explained.

"I guess; you were keeping your word but I'm sure he didn't accept it," he said. "No, he called me out on saying he thinks I was flexing?

"Were you? He asked. "No, I mean I really wanted to pay him back-

My dad wasn't buying it at all. "Or maybe you wanted to show him how independent you really are now because you needed him at one point," he said. I rolled my eyes "I never needed him... he just helped a lot-

"Okay whatever it may be to you, personally I would've kept my hard-earned money. He knows you're a boss now you don't have to prove a thing" he said

"It's just hard not too; sometimes I still feel like I have too and I have no idea why," I said

"You know why Jo" he said. "He just made me feel like shit in the past and I would always tell myself that I would shit on him when I made it big. and then he's sort of back in my life and he's this changed man and I'm this changed woman and it's so weird, everything is changing. You're sick, Morgan is sick, I'm confused emotionally. I don't know which way to go sometimes I can't even think straight-

"Josie everything is going to work out in your favor. Life is crazy like that... it's already written; you don't have control over a damn thing. All I can say is I'm sorry for what I did to you but at the end of the day, it made you resilient. You've been through the fire several times, the shit you're dealing with now isn't even as intense as it was before. It just feels like that because you're dreams are a reality. You're in a whole new environment but you got this" he said wiping my tears

"I don't want to lose you, dad, things were finally looking up for us" I broke down. He pulled me into a hug. "I don't want to go either kid... let's just enjoy the time we have with one another no more sadness," he said holding me tightly.

"O-okay" my voice cracked as much as I wanted to try to enjoy our time together in the back of mind I can't stomach the thought of losing my father again.


How was your day kid? I asked Kyle rubbing his head. "We learned our colors," he said. We sat at the table while I watched him do his homework. I really wanted a stable environment for Kyle and I. Its just the two of us and I can barely cook, I need a woman around that can just make another house feel like home. "Let me see," I said looking at his homework. "I have to color the shapes with the right color" he explained opening his box of crayons. "Seems like you don't need my help little bro," I said

"This one  says yellow" he showed me the crayon. "Alright, so color that square yellow... color inside the lines" I said. I watched him color and how he focused he was; it was the neatest yellow square for a preschooler let me find out I got an artist on me. "Green," he said. "Yup," I said. My doorbell rang and I got up to answer. "I wanna answer" Kyle got up. "No, do your homework," I said. "Aww" he sat back down continuing to color. I unlocked the door "Took you long enough" I said grabbing our food I ordered. "You know we live in New York right? Kori said. "I suppose," I said. She held her hand out "I'll PayPal you and don't think I didn't catch your small little eyeliner purchase on my card" I said

"Huh? What you talking bout? She asked. "Uh-huh, it's coming out your pay" I smiled. "Wow" she laughed turning around. "Yeah, wow... thanks" I closed the door. I sat the food on the table glancing at his colorful paper. "Good job," I said. My phone began ringing I saw it seeing that it was Craig. I quickly answered "Yo.. wassup pops" I answered.

"Get here first thing in the morning," he said quickly hanging up. I squinted my eyes confused but not surprised its rare that I'll get a call like this from Craig so I knew it was serious. I had to get to Miami first thing in the morning.

I turned around "You making some friends? I asked handing him his sandwich. "Yeah with Danielle, and and Aden" he said. "We wanna go to the zoo" he said. "We can make that happen," I said. I messaged Yasmine while she was at work

Me: Please book me two tickets for a flight tomorrow to Miami. The earliest flight they have possible. Thanks

Yas: No problem!

6:30 am


I cried myself to sleep all night onto the morning knowing damn well I have to be at work at 12 pm to open. I stopped going to yoga consistently and working out. I haven't paid attention to my mental health and it was showing. I kept rethinking about that date weeks ago, although I haven't seen Ricky since it was all coming back to me. Years of feeling abandoned and like I don't belong is having me over here feeling like I have to overcompensate. I desperately needed to talk to someone. I search for a black therapist in New York city looking at the selections. I wiped my eyes feeling myself began to cry again. My phone vibrated to a text from Ricky. Just when I was thinking about him, he texts me. I wiped my eyes reading the message

Ricky: Good morning, our water doesn't work at my apartment and I have to shower for my flight. Can I use your shower ma'am?

I sighed looking around my cluttered room.

Me: Hey, sure

Ricky: Okay be there in 15, you're a lifesaver

Me: No problem lol

I quickly got up picking up the trails of clothes on the floor. Jesus, I felt horrible and it showed through my room. I thew the dirty clothes in the hamper, I ran to my bathroom cleaning off my sink full of makeup. "Damn Ricky, where ya other little friends at? Why you wanna be all up in my bathroom? It's too damn early. I wiped down my sink with Clorox, as well as my shower. I yawned turning off the light once I finished the bathroom. I laid back in my bed drifting back to sleep. 10 minutes later I awakened with two missed calls from Ricky and a knock on the door. I got up walking to the living room to the door. I opened the door "Sorry-

"Long night? he asked.

"I wish," I said. Why did I say that? He stopped so I could lead the way. "Where are ya headed? I asked folding my arms. "Gotta go home and handle some business," he said. "Oh okay, slight work? I asked. He laughed "Who knows," he said. "The bathroom is to the left," I said.

"Thanks, sweetheart," he said walking in closing the door. I yawned running my hands through my head-scratching it. I heard him turn on the shower, I then realized that I didn't give him a towel or washcloth. I got up walking to the closet next to the bathroom door grabbing a towel and washcloth for him. "What if he already has one?

I walked to the door beginning to knock on it but Ricky beat me to it. "I forgot to give you this," I said trying not to look at his rock hard abs or to peek down at his shorts, he was covered but I only imagined. He smirked grabbing the towel "Don't be looking at my goodies" he smiled biting his lip

I laughed "Aint nobody thinking bout you sir," I said. He smiled before closing the door. I got back in the bed getting sad all over again. I kind of just wanted to lay in bed all day. I turned my TV to the news putting the volume on low. I laid back down overthinking the same scenarios over and over again.

15 minutes later

I buckled my pants looking in the mirror. I wondered what we had to meet Craig about but anytime he calls me and tells me to get to Miami I know its urgent. I pulled my shirt down spraying myself with cologne. I placed everything back in my bag. I looked at my watch to see I was pressed for time. I opened her bathroom door stepping out. I saw her knocked out in her bed. "I'm out," I said looking at her sleeping like an angel. I walked over to her "Josie, I'm gone" I said

"Hm," she mumbled. "I'm leaving," I said. She slowly got up "Okay," she said half-sleep. She hugged me as I hugged her back. "Thanks for looking out," I said.

"No problem" she sniffled. She looked so depressed "Yo, you good? I asked. "Yeah, I'm fine just sleepy," she said laying back down. If I wasn't pressed for time, I'd stay longer. "Ight imma see you around" I leaned forward pecking her cheek. "K" she smiled before closing her eyes. It was 6:15 am I know Morgan was still sleeping. I locked her door before leaving. I'll check her tomorrow when I get back.

I sat down waiting for my flight. Times like this I wish I was extra and just brought myself a private jet. I looked across and chuckled seeing no other than Erica herself. We looked at each other's way. "Hey friend," she said wobbling over to me. "Wassup," I said. "Ahh I wanted to talk to you" she sat beside me. "About what? And where are you going? Don't you have a baby to deliver? I asked.

"I'm going home to see my parents and I wanted to ask if you would like to Be Zoey's godfather? She asked. Confused was an understatement. We're cool now, we're not even friends more like associates. "Oh wow, umm-

"I know you and Jo aren't together, but I know you two will be though and I want my baby in good hands if something happens to me," she said.

"I'm flattered, that's nice of you but I really don't know about our future. We're friends and I think you should just hold off on that" I said. She rolled her eyes "Fine" she said

"You just using my ass cuz I got money, I used to be every cursing name in the book" I laughed.

"Hell yeah you were, shit you had me fucked up... but it seems like you're in a better space. You seem nicer and I'm fucking with this new and improved Ricky" she said

"This is funny coming from you but I'm still the same Ricky, I'm just more in control of my emotions that's it," I said

"Don't sell yourself short, I see the changes" she said. "I guess your ass isn't so annoying after all" I said. She laughed "Don't get it twisted I'm always gonna be down to egg your car if you ever do my friend wrong again" she said

"But you want me to be your child's godparent? Make it make sense Erica" I shook my head looking at a message on my apple watch.

"Okay, and future families get into it all the time," she said.

"Go somewhere Erica," I said. "You know I'm right," she said. They called for our flight and both of us got up. "What's your seat? She asked.

"A4," I said

"Oh well look at that were buddies" she tapped my shoulder hard. "This was going to be a long flight" I rolled my eyes. It's cool that Erica and I are cordial again but I don't trust her like that. Her loyalty is always going to be towards her friend but I just can't unsee her as messy and then she works for one of the messiest media companies ever. Her little pregnant ass wants to befriend me and shit so she can get some nice gifts at her baby shower. She thinks I was born yesterday man! "Ladies first," I said letting her walk in front.

Miami, FL

Ricky, Dreux, Rudy, and Kasey all stood outside at an abandoned bus station. Curious as to why Craig called them here. "Yo pops, I got a woman to tend too," Dreux said looking at his watch. Craig laughed "Sorry boys but they want to reopen the case," he said. "What case? Rudy asked.

"My suitcase nigga," Dreux said. "Oh shit," Kasey said. Ricky stood there lifeless "One of my good friends that happens to be an officer contacted me today," he said.

"Shit," Ricky said. "Before you all get your panties in a bunch it's not definite its more of a warning," he said.

"Shit, why isn't Cortez here?

"That's the thing, they're going to try to tackle him down first? Since he's still in the business" he said. "We gotta tell him," Ricky said.

"Shit, what the fuck is gonna happen when shit hits the fan? Dreux worried. "Apparently they want to see if we're connected to that Lucifer guy"

"But we're not," Ricky said

"Right and you all have to keep it that way, the moment they see you all associated with him, it's over"

Ricky's phone began ringing he looked down at the screen getting a call from Cortez ex-wife Tiffani. He answered immediately he could hear her crying.

"Ricky they got him and Uncle Giovanni Ricky, I'm so scared-

Everyone looked at him quiet, its like this conversation was jinxed. Ricky was shocked and speechless shocked because he knew deep down that his family should've been in federal prison along time ago.

"What happened? He asked putting her speaker. Ricky received a text from Yasmine as well. "Shit" he mumbled

"He came over and we were talking about making it work the feds raided my home and took him out of here, they raided their club too"

Dreux's phone began to ring as well "It's Ma" he said. Kasey's phone rung as well. Everyone looked at each other clueless.


I laid in bed along with Morgan as we caught up on Love and Hip-hop. My phone began ringing. I quickly answered Erica knowing that she probably had some tea to tell me. "Hey boo" I answered.

"Heyy, I was just checking on you. I know you been down lately" she said. "Yeah just taking it a day at a time, just keeping myself busy you, know" I said.

"Uh you know Aces night club just got raided right? She asked. "Ahh, okay" Josie said not thinking too much of it. "I drove by on my way to my mom's house" she said

"Wait you're in Miami? She asked. ,"Yes girl did you not connect the dots? She laughed. "Oh shit" Josie stood up., "Oh that's why Ricky came by this morning? Josie said under her breath. "He what? Erica asked

"Girl nothing-

"Uh uh give me the deets," she said. Josie rolled her eyes while looking on the gram she knew it would make The shade room aces is still popular. "He needed to use my shower something about his pipes in his apartment stopped working" I explained

"What happened? Morgan asked. "Go to your room pleas,e" I said. "Fine fine fine" she got out of her bed. "Close my door to,o" I said. She playfully stuck her tongue out closing the door.

"Oh okay, he getting real comfortable sis... issa tra,p" she said. "Ain't nobody thinking bout him, he took his shower and lef,t" I said

"Makes sense because we were on the same flight" Erica. "The same flight" Josie repeated. "Yes, we had a cool little conversation" she said. "You better not have talked about me" I rolled my eyes.

"No I mainly talked to him about my pregnancy," she said. "Wow," I said looking at the post.

@Theshaderoom : Aces night club gets raided by FBI. Police believe drug trafficking has been going on for a while. Whew, chile!

@miathedon Duh! Aces been doing dirt as well Lemonade.

@keishanotpam The whole Miami knows this isn't new lmao

@sexylexy That whole family is sick and conniving but what's new.

I read the comments but became a little overwhelmed. "In all honesty this is crazy, I mean we all know the background of them and it seems like Ricky's cleaned up his image a bit but shit, this may have made it worse," she said

"He told me he's not in the game anymore but he's always gonna be associated with this shit. I mean its his family" I said"

"Damn, uhh I kinda asked him if he wanted to be Zoey's godfather" Erica said guilty. Josie rolled her eyes "Now why would you ask that? What? Why?

"Because I feel like y'all are gonna get back together and he's so great with kids but damn looking at how this shit is unfolding-

"Girl, learn some boundaries. Ricky and I are cool... that's it. Like asking him that didn't even make sense" I rolled my eyes

"I was asking in a playful manner," she said. "So what? I sighed just thinking. "Be honest Jo, have you thought about rekindling something with him? She asked

"No, its impossible, his image is tainted no matter what he does. My image is squeaky clean just thinking about getting with him and his family... it's so much bigger than me. No" I said

"Damn," she said. Josie was definitely worried she sent him a text to see if he was okay.

"Well I'm about to get some rest, I hope I didn't make shit weird," she said. "You're good Erica, I get you were being playful," I said.

"Yeah, I was but I'll hit you tomorrow," she said

"Okay," I said. Josie began feeling anxiety build up in her chest. She was worried for him and worried for her. She debates everyday if Ricky is worth being in her life again even as friends and getting the news made her sit in doubt even more. That on top of the fear of losing her father. Who was going to really be there for her when he leaves? What will she do? Josie's doorbell rung, she got out of bed kind of nervous. Shit, what if it was the FBI  trying to question her like last time.

"Who is it? She asked stepping on the side of the door. Ricky always told her to never look directly in the peep hole.

"It's me" he said. Josie quickly opened the door. Surprised to see him standing there. Frenchie stood there with a bouquet of roses. "Uh, I know your going through alot just thought I-

Josie ran in his arms she was expecting Ricky but she still had a warm and soft spot for Frenchie. She just needed someone to hold her right now at this very moment.


New chapter soon !

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