The Tattooed Prince| New Edit...

By GladysVanessa

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When Adalyn Haynes accidentally gets herself involved with Sebastian Cortez, it wasn't a dream come true, rat... More

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By GladysVanessa

After last night altercation, I told Candace and Helen the truth about what was happening between Sebastian and I. They were as speechless as I was when I heard Sebastian's parents say they wanted me to marry him.

The silence dragged on longer than I anticipated so I took it upon myself to speak first, "This has to stay between us. I don't know if I am allowed to even speak about it,"

"Wait, why do you not want to marry Sebastian?" Helen asked me confused. I titled my head to the side looking at her worriedly. She is kidding right?

"I have many reasons for my rejections to the proposal. The main thing is, he still loves Madison,"

"If you agree to marry Sebastian, your mom won't have control over you..."

"...she will become the Royal Counsel's property. Who knows, they can be worse than her mom," Candace added.

I doubt moving from one authority to another was going to make a difference. Sebastian wasn't suppose to be out last night and he made it clear not everyone is prepared to be a Royal. Although I hate he doubts I can be a Princess, I rather not test it out. I am smart enough to know freedom doesn't exist in the palace.

"Seriously, what will you do if you still get forced to marry him? Your only option would be to runaway and you don't know any other place than Spain," Helen bit down on her bottom lip, worried.

I finished packing my things and sighed as I closed my bag. "Sebastian said he is going to figure something out,"

"And all of a sudden you trust the guy?" Candace said surprised. Kind of? Royal's have to keep their word and I have to believe him. Or at least I can continue to lie to myself about trusting him.

"I guess. Look, if it gets to the point where I am going to be force to marry him, I will find a way to not make it happen, even if it means running away,"

My dad promised to get me out of this and he is one of the few people I trust. If he says he is going to help me, he will. In a worst case scenario he'll know where to send me; or Sebastian can send me far away like he offered. I hope it doesn't get to that point though. Besides my controlling mother, I have a good life in Madrid— here is my home.

"Can we talk about how you got into a brawl for Sebastian?" Helen said amusedly. "I didn't think you had it in you to fight,"

I rolled my eyes, "it was you who punched the chick. Who were they anyway? They weren't Prep Haul students,"

"Possibly public school attendees?" Candace shrugged.

"Well let's hope this doesn't get circulating to any staff at school," Helen handed me her phone, playing the video of last night's fight. Fuck. "There is three others going around with different angles. If we get called in the principal's office, we are going to wish we got caught by the police,"

I cringed as I watched myself jump on top of the guy. I did say I was going to regret it. "You don't think we can get expelled right?" My mom would kill me if she found out I sneaked out of the house and got into a fight.

"Let's hope not. My parents need an excuse to send me to boarding school," Helen muttered.


At first the thought of a video circulating around of last night fight didn't occur to me until Helen brought it up. As soon as I got home I texted Sebastian about what was going to happen to us if the school administration gets their hands on the video. He assured me Officer Ron was going to take care of it, however it didn't calm my nerves.

Sebastian name popped up on my phone and I hesitated to answer. Last night we exchanged numbers—just for emergencies, or at least that's what Sebastian quickly said when he suggested we exchange numbers. I didn't expect to be talking to him over the phone this soon and I was freaking out too much to want to talk to him, yet I found myself answering his call.


"Hey, there is no need for you freak out about the video. Officer Ron is speaking to my parents, they will find a way to clear this out," he wanted to sound assuring, however, it didn't ease the knot in my stomach. My mom can get riled up when I disobey her and it has been a very long time since I tested that side of her. Maybe for Sebastian he can throw on some puppy eyes and his parents will forgive him, but my parents don't work that way.

"It is not that simple..." I sighed heavily. "my mom is...unpleasant when her rules get broken."

I didn't expect for Sebastian to understand my situation, but I was genuinely terrified and wanted someone to at least hear me confess it. He sighed, "you are overreacting."

I wish I was overreacting but the memory of her slapping me across my face and yelling profanities is engraved in my brain. That night, I learned to never disobey my mom, and up until now I have been an easy child for her.

"I promise the video will never make it to the administrative staff," his voice became soft again, causing me to surrender to his words once more. I still haven't figured out why I trust him, when he isn't even someone I am around with much.

"Okay," I responded, pushing aside the nerves within me. If she had seen the video I'd be dead by now.

"If anything, call me. I have to go," he said goodbye and ended the call. I wondered if he was scared as much as I was. Did Sebastian ever learned his actions caused ripples all around him? Or was Officer Ron the one to cover up Sebastian's mistakes? This situation seemed like a walk through the park, not a hint of worried was in his voice.

I am being foolish though, Sebastian could get into hundreds of fights outside the school, and never get expelled. Even if he says everyone around is suppose to treat him like a commoner, no one ever does. Maybe the most he will get is a slap on a wrist, but, I will get expelled.

Although, my best chance was to stay quiet and trust Sebastian to get us out of this dilema, I decided to take things in my own hands. It wasn't going to be the best decision because the consequences were going to be bad, however I rather have my dad hear it from me then my mom.

I knocked on the door to his study before entering. He was sitting behind his desk, with his glasses below his eyes as he stared at the computer. Once he realized it was me, he turned his gaze at my direction.

"Sorry to bother you but I have to talk to you about something," I said, taking a seat. I had to rip off the band-aid and tell him the truth.

"Alright, what is going on, sweetie," his eyebrows furrowed. He was going to be disappointed in me for lying; he always made it clear it was best to be honest with him. He trust me enough to let me have a taste of freedom and I ruined that.

"I lied to you..." I took in a deep breath. "I went out with the girls to a party at Realm, where Sebastian and I got into altercation with public school students. Videos are circulating around the students and I want you to know Sebastian is taking care of the problem. However, if the administration gets a hold of the video and they decide to expel me due to my behavior, I want you to hear the truth from me."


I cut him off, "I messed up. I took advantage of your trust and if you decide never to let me out, I deserve it," my eyes watered.

He rolled his eyes, "well, you did mess up for not being honest. If you wanted to go out to Realm with you friends and Sebastian, you could have asked." He leaned back on his chair and sighed. "You are a teenager and you deserve to have your freedom. I would have understood. Now, if you get expelled your mother is going to lose her mind.  At the end the altercation would have happened, but at least you'd give me time to figure out something,"

"Wait, you would help me lie to mom about this?" I asked in shocked. Normally, he takes her side and only interferes when she's escalating things. I never expected him to be understanding and want to help me escape the storm brewing with my mom.

"Well, not lie. If there's a video going around you fighting, I can't lie about that. I can try to calm her down if it does turn sour, between you and I lets hope it doesn't."

"She is a scary woman," I whispered. It makes me sad admitting how afraid my mom makes me; she wasn't always this scary. I remember a time she was kind and loving, nothing I ever did made her mad. She would take me to museums and the parks; on the weekend we would watch cartoons.

Her whole demeanor changed over night, she went from being the kind lovable mother, to a ticking time bomb. I assume dad stays out of town so he doesn't have to deal with her too much. Even when he is in town they don't spend time together. Makes me wonder if he even loves her anymore.

"She means well, Adalyn. She has trouble showing it,"

"Yeah," maybe. Or she hates me and is finding any reason to get rid of me.

"I will call Officer Ron and see what they are planning on doing, okay?" He gave me a small smile.

I nodded, "okay, thanks dad,"

"Next time, don't lie to me." He raised a brow. Believe me, I am not planning to.

As I stepped outside of the office, my face turned to right and a stinging sensation went all over the left side of my face.

Like I said, I was going to regret getting involved with Sebastian.


I want you guys to get a better view on how Adalyn's mother plays a huge role on why Adalyn is Adalyn.

Chapter Song: Older by Sasha Sloan

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