ELEMENTS: The Final Battle (T...

By alexabright6

497 48 11

Antonella Anderson and Jamie and Ryan Mackenzie know that their fight is not over. There is still a threat ou... More

Summer to Fall
Welcome Home
A Morning to Forget
The Party
"I wanted to have-"
There's a Difference Between "Love" and 'In Love"
Before and After Lunch
The Past Haunts You
Too Quiet


38 4 1
By alexabright6

"Race ya," Isaac challenged Andy as they began running after lunch.

"Cheater!" Andy called as he sprinted to the woods. But she had no problem catching up to him and passing him.

"I see how it is," he chuckled. Before she could reach the first tree pass the South side he tackled her to the ground.

"No fair," she giggled as he pinned her to the ground. She could've quickly kicked him off her but she hesitated.

He took that chance to lean down and attempt to kiss her; "What?" He asked as she turned her head to the left. "You're single now."

"I'm sorry," she said. "I just need some time."

"How long will that take?" But the question wasn't pushy.

"I don't know," she honestly answered. "Soon. Maybe after I deal with my mom."

"No problem," he stood up and offered a hand to her.

"Thanks," she spoke as she took his hand and was lifted up.

"Come on," he took his shirt off and headed toward the woods.

"Transforming?" She followed him.

"Aren't you?" He started to take his pants off.

"I'm gonna-gonna change over there," she pointed to a large tree.

"Or you could stay for the show," she heard him say.

"I'm good," she called as she went behind the tree.

Andy heard the cracking of bones as she removed her clothes. Then she broke her wrist to trigger the rest of her bones to break. She grunted slightly as she soon turned into a a wolf, with rare full white fur and red eyes that indicated she was an Alpha. She emerged to see a a slightly larger black wolf with white streaks.

Ready? Isaac asked through his mind.

To kick you're ass? Absolutely! He heard the faint laugh of hers as she took off.


"So, what do you think of mom being behind this?" Tom asked Nina.

The two siblings were sparring on the West field with long wooden sticks.

"I hate her," Nina answered as she blocked a hit.

"You had no idea when you were..." he didn't finish but she knew what he was referring to. He was talking about the time she was possessed by the Nogitsune last year. It was a sad and hard time as she helped with the murder of her friends and own cousin. But everyone always told her it wasn't her even though she remembered it all. She sometimes had nightmares of Andy's loud shriek when she saw her cousin taking her last breaths.

"She didn't want me to know that I was working for her," Nina said with disgust. "You didn't know she was alive?"

"I thought she died like you guys," Tom said, getting a hit at her left side.

"I wish she did," she spat.


"Because it would be easier than this."

"Nothing's ever easy on us Argents," he chuckled.

"Or us Anderson's," she knocked him off his feet and rested the stick on his chest.

"Been a pleasure training with you little sis," he moved the stick and stood up.

"You love getting your ass kicked," she laughed, starting to walk toward the training building to put her gear away.

He took the chance of her distraction to wipe his wooden weapon under her feet, causing her to fall backward and said, "What are you talking about?"

"Not fair," she smacked him on the back of his head.

"Ow," He wined.

"What also is not fair is that you and Derek are done with high school while everyone else only had one more year," she complained. "I have two!"

"So does a few in the Moonlit pack," he reminded her as they walked into the building. "And Derek and I are gonna stay until you all graduate."

"Why don't you go to college?"

"I don't think a lot of us will," he sighed. "We got bigger issues and it was never on my mind growing up. I would love to if I'm being honest but..." he thought for a minute. "Growing up with the rogue hunters we were only learned what was necessary and to kill whatever was unnatural when we turned eighteen."

"Have you ever killed any of the supernatural?" She asked curiously. They were now making their way to the Blood-Moon pack dormitory.

They had only know each other for almost a year and hadn't gotten the chance to know each other well since leading they were half-siblings. It was funny how all the children of their mother were half-siblings. But that was the case when they had a crazy mother who only wanted children in the hopes one of them would be the famous 'legacy.'

"Once," she spotted the terror and regret in his eyes as the memory played in his mind. "Um, I was about sixteen and was in the woods with my trainer. He wanted to show me something. It was late at night and a full moon. We came across a werewolf stuck in one of the traps. I didn't know why he wanted me there-I knew they were going to kill it but I never thought that they would ask me to do it.

"I was handed a gun with wolfsbane and was told to shoot it. I remember holding the gun at hit and the faint whimper of the wolf. I hesitated and then was yelled at. That was all it took for me to pull the trigger and it was dead. A girl about my age appeared from the wolf coat. She bled out and I was forced to watch."

"Tom," Nina took his hand. "I'm so sorry."

"Don't be," he smiled down at her. "That was what I was trained to do. But that was the beginning of how I started to not believe in them."

"Well," she smiled. "I'm happy we were able to fully pull you away. I like having a brother."

"I'm glad you found me and sent me here," he said. "Even though I was suppose to drive our sister crazy."

"You kinda did," They laughed. "What do you think mom has in store?"

Nina sighed; "I have no idea."


Malia and Mack were walking around campus, trying to enjoy their last day of summer together when Lydia found her way next to them.

"Hey, guys," she greeted as she fell into step with them.

"What's up Lyds?" Mack kindly asked.

"Nothing much," she shrugged. "You guys?"

"Just trying to have some alone time," Mal mumbled, and since Mack had supernatural hearing he only heard it. He nudged her side.

"Huh?" Lydia asked, not catching what the other girl said.

"Nothing," Mack answered for his girlfriend.

They saw Principal Martin walking toward them.

"Mal, what did you do?" Mack teased.

"Nothing," she said defensively. "I swear."

"Hey Mom," Lydia greeted her mother with a peck to the cheek.

"Hello sweetheart," she smiled softly to her. The tall, slender woman with a long bob looked to Mack and Mal. "Mister Mackenzie, Miss Hale."

"Everything alright?" Lydia asked.

"Yes, I was on my way to your dorm actually."

"That's weird," Mal said. "You usually have someone else get us to come to you."

"Well, I needed to get out of that office of mine," she said exasperated.

Lydia noticed the fatigue in her mother's complexion and felt bad for the stress she was under. A lot has happened these pass two years, and it was only getting worse.

"Deliver this to both the Moonlit and Blood-Moon packs," She began. "All of you need to catch up on grades because of the many absences I've let slip due to...circumstances. Mostly, the all of you need a gym credit. I was able to have Coach Jameson let you put together something."

"What do you mean?" Mack asked, confused.

"I know that Antonella and Nerina has dancing lessons when they were younger and that's why they will put together a small little dance for all the girls."

"The boys?"

"They'll do the same," she answered Amal's question. "To make it interesting it can be a competition if you all want, but you will all get have that credit you need to graduate."


"I want some popcorn," Anthony demanded to Jay as she ate out of a bowl in the Moonlit dorm.

"No, bitch," she hovered over the bowl so he couldn't reach for any.

"She's too possessive of food," Nina chuckled from next to them.

"You can say that again," Kira agreed. "You guys ready for school tomorrow?"

"No," the other three said at once.

"I don't think I have all my credits to graduate," Jay acknowledged, making Nina shake her head disapprovingly.

"It's your fault making me miss over a month of school."

"Wasn't it longer?" Kira asked.

"I don't know," Jay shrugged. "I was kinda crazy."

"We can help with that," Lydia said as she, Mack, and Mal entered the kitchen.

"Bitch!" Jay said to Mal as she quickly grabbed a handful of popcorn.

"Jerk," Mack shot back. His twin smiling at him for remembering her favorite joke Dean and Sam has in Supernatural.


"We have to put on a dance for Coach Jameson?" Mason asked, making sure he heard it correct.

"Kind of," Corey explained to his boyfriend. "Sounds like we gotta put a little thing together."

"This is stupid," Theo said annoyed. "Hardly any of us know how to dance."

"Come on," Lydia was trying to cheer everyone up. "It could be fun. Kira back me up."

"Um..." was the only thing that slipped out of the other girl's lips.

"Yeah," Scott took it upon himself. "It could be. Andy and Nina can help us out."

"Wait," Nina said. "I don't think my sister and I agreed to that."

"I'm fine with it," Andy sighed. "As long as it helps me graduate."

"There's a thought, Nina." Jay teased the younger girl, expressing that Nina slacks off on school.

"Shut up," Nina snapped.

"Sh, sh, sh," Stiles refrained Jay from making a comment to Nina.

"We can make it interesting," Isaac suggested.

"What are you getting at?" Parrish asked the tall boy.

"After we do the thing for Coach, we can perform our own thing for each other. Boys and girls-or however you wanna do it. Whichever team performs better can have the other team do something they want," Isaac rested his eyes on a certain Alpha female.

"That'd be fun," Theo agreed.

"Like what?" Jackson wanted it more in depth.

"Maybe the other team has to run across campus streaking?" Tom offered.

"I don't think we'd get far before campus security tackles us to the ground," Cora said to her boyfriend like he was an idiot.

"What about in their underwear?" Aiden added.

"That may work," Scott said.


"I can't believe we're actually doing this," Kira said as she zipped up her jean jacket.

"Come on," Lydia then squealed, "This is gonna be fun!"

"I'm glad they let me be apart of your group," Anthony told the girls as he helped Cora with her makeup. "You guys are more fun."

"Of course we are," Braeden agreed.

"You're makeup looks pretty," Andy told Braeden, admiring Anthony's handy work.

"Thanks," the other girl smiled.

Andy couldn't help but feel happy that the other gurl was finally cozying up to her. It brought a little light in the darkness that she was feeling.

"That's weird," Mal said, touching her stomach. "What am I feeling?"

"That would be butterflies," Nina giggled. "You get them when you're excited."


"Nice feeling, right?" Jay mocked. The other girl elbowed her softly.

"The boys have something coming for them," Anthony said.

"We're totally gonna kill this," Lydia mused.


"Those guys are so gonna lose," Aiden told his group.

"Wouldn't give your hopes up just yet," Scott warned. "They probably have as good a plan as we."

"Yeah, but we'll win." Jackson said matter of fact.

"What if we don't win?" Liam asked.

"It's not rocket science, okay?" Stiles scoffed and all the boys looked at him. "We got this."

"This is gonna be a wreck," Tom said.


"Okay, I gave you all the credit," Coach Jameson informed the Moonlit and Blood-Moon pack. "I'll leave you to it.

Once Coach Jameson left the gymnasium, the two packs made their way to the center.

"Okay," Scott began. "My group will go first and the rest of you can sit on the bleachers."

"Sounds good," Kira muttered with a grin. "Good luck," she kissed her boyfriend's cheek.

The boys took their places. A nice classical song began to play, but then what happened next to the others by surprise. The song Umbrella played by Rihanna began.

"Oh, no!" Lydia bursted into laughter.

"Oh my god!" Cora laughed uncontrollably.

As the words played, the boys danced stupidly. They made weird movements that made the girls laugh even harder.

"That was great!" Jay laughed after the group was done.

"Our turn!" Anthony stood up right after.

The group took their positions in the center of the gym. French music began to play as they made small movements.

Then as they all faced the boys, they stripped from all of their jackets and large pants. The music turned a little sexier, and with it their movements.

Andy turned to face Jay as they circled around one another. They gave off a little 'we got this in the bag' statement through their eyes.

Andy purposely made her way toward Isaac but didn't touch him. She stood right in front of him, turning her back to him. She teasingly lifted her arms up and swayed her hips as the black crop top and leggings that showed off her lean, toned muscles. The movement also giving her curves more definition.

Jay bent down in front of Stiles, over her leg. Coming up with a flip of her hair. She wore a red lacy tube top with very thin straps to make sure it didn't slip off with a pair of black jean shorts. She sensed his nervousness from her closeness and took advantage of that as she 'accidentally' ran her fingers along his neck.

Anthony winked at Jackson when he noticed the boy staring at him as he danced. What Andy and Jay were doing technically wasn't the choreography they rehearsed. He practically said in his own mind, 'Screw it.' And did a drop. Jackson's mouth almost fell to the ground but covered it up before anyone could notice... except Anthony.

Nina was surprised her sister was getting into it rather than feeling awkward exposing herself a little more than she normally liked. She noticed her older sister was just having fun and went along with it. She wore thigh high boots with ripped black jeggings and was able to move around nicely. She also went to her boyfriend and began dancing near him. Derek's stern face didn't twitch until she Lydia 'accidentally' pushed her on top of Derek. The younger girl sent daggers to Lydia but smirked when she sensed Derek go rigid from their contact.

Mack, Tom, and Scott practically had the same expression as they stared mesmerized by their girlfriends. It just wasn't something common Malia, Cora, and Kira would to willingly. Maybe all of the girls wouldn't do this-Lydia maybe- but those three were an utter shock.

"That was..." Jordan started for his group as the other group finished.

"Hot," Aiden finished.

"We totally won," Lydia smiled brightly.

"We better have," Braeden murmured, refusing to think she would run around the school in her underwear.

"Wait," Liam said. "We never agreed on a judge."

"I think it's safe to say we all did a good job," Andy said.

"So what does that mean?" Tom asked. "If we all won?" 


All the members of the two packs ran out of the gymnasium in nothing but their underwear. Students and staff stared at them as they ran passed them.

They all laughed as they ran in the speed of their human pack members, which meant Scott and Jay dragged Stiles as he gasped for air.

This was a day they would never forget. And the one of the last happy days they faved before hell broke loose.

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