Justice League (Sequel to Eli...

By JustForFunz_

1.6K 29 69

Casper is on the loose. He's been on the loose for about 10 years, and nobody has been able to stop the havo... More

Chapter One~ Powers
Chapter Two~ Moving
Chapter Three~ Collins
Chapter Four~ We'll Find Them
Chapter Five~ Investigation
Chapter Six~ Pregnant Equals Vulnerable
Sorry... (Not Discontinued)
Chapter 7~ A Crumbled Cookie and A Caged Tigress
Chapter Eight~ Angel's Wings
Alright, Bear With Me

Chapter Nine~ Well, That Was Easy

141 5 11
By JustForFunz_

Angel walked up to the three heroes, locking eyes with Goldy.

"Oh, it's you.  Cool."  Angel spoke.

"Wait- How--"

"She just has a knack for knowing who everyone is."  Ryan sighed.  Angel smirked, pointing to their feet.

"He's in the storm shelter that Tina built a while ago.  He's added a magical barrier, but you could honestly just wish it away.  The actual door that he added in place of the metal one is wooden.  Lizzy... Lizzy's with him."

"Got it."

"I'm gonna go check up on Sal, he looked like he was about to pass out when I passed by him."  Angel mumbled.  "He thinks he has all that power, but he's honestly pretty weak.  He's given up everything that he'd live for.  Once he realizes how weak he really is, his mentality and physical state will crumble.  He'll literally turn to dust."  She ran out of the building, sending a wink their way.


"How'd she know all of that?"

"We don't question Angel."

The heroes ran down the stairs to Unicorn's old lab, hiding behind one flight to see that Angel had not lied.  There was a magical barrier surrounding a wooden door.  Screams of pain could be heard through it.

"Sick bastard..."  Ryan grit his teeth.

"Alright, here's the plan guys.  I'll wish away the barrier and keep watch out here.  Goldy, get up close against the wooden gate.  Ryan, you burn down the door, as soon as the happens, Goldy, you need to wish away the ropes holding Lizzy and Tina.  I'll back you up once they're free and punch him in the face.  Really hard.  If what Angel said is true, then a simple punch should be enough to beat him."  They nodded.

UnicornMann hid behind the flight of stairs, wishing away the magical barrier.  Goldy rushed up to the wooden door, standing a foot away from it, sending a hand signal to Ryan.  She had always wanted to hand signal like that.  On the signal, Ryan cast a flame towards the gate.

Once the door had been burnt down, Goldy wished away the flames, Ryan speeding towards Casper to hold him down.

Ryan that wasn't in the plan but good job 👌

Tina gasped in surprise, crying of joy.

"Come on Lizzy, we've got to go!"  Tina carried the injured girl out of the room, running as fast as she could.

Unicorn, on the other hand, punched Casper in the face.

What?  He deserved it.

"Gah!"  He fell to the ground.  "Oh no you don't!  I know your plan!"  Casper rose from the ground, pulling Goldy towards him.  "And don't think I don't know who all of you are.  Say Goldy, what if we tried this again, hm?"  She struggled against his hold, but she wasn't physically strong enough to escape.  "How about this?  You attack me, she dies."

"No!"  Unicorn reached out desperately.

"If one of you dies, then I'll spare her.  What'll it be?"  Casper giggled.

"..."  Ryan and Unicorn stepped forward at the same time.

"Ryan, no.  You're going to be a father."

"And you're her boyfriend."



"Actually, how about you die?"  A girl in orange rushed over, putting Casper into a chokehold, making Goldy fall to the floor.  "You deserve it."  She tightened her grip.

"N..no..."  Casper tried to escape, but he eventually ran out of air, passing out.

"Geez.  Is he dead?  I hope he's dead."  Tina commented.  Then, Casper turned to dust.


"Oh my Lord--"

"It's over!"

The group rejoiced, enjoying a long group hug.


"Goldy, wi--"

"Yes!"  Two years had passed, and now Goldy and UnicornMann were engaged.  Ryan and Tina's child had been born, and was thankfully living a more promising life than its parents.

Everyone had moved back to their old homes, now knowing that they were safe from Casper.


Was he even a threat to begin with?

The End

"Okay Goldy, that was your dream?"  Unicorn laughed.  "All of that buildup for that?  Man that really seems like you."  He kissed his girlfriend on the cheek.

"Man Goldy, you really must be stupid.  Do you actually think I'm weak enough to be kidnapped by Casper?"

"Yes."  Gokdy stated.

"Wha-- Ryan...?"  She asked.

"Mm yup."


"I'm kidding, I'm kid--"




"Goldy, I'm going to give you some advice.  When you grow up, be an artist.  Don't be a superhero, and most definitely do not be an author."

"..."  Goldy deadpanned.  "I didn't write that though."  She looked towards you.  "Funz apologizes for this being short, and they hope you enjoyed!"

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