
By EveryDayIsAFuneral

565 42 86

A Bill Skarsgård story. He's a popularly known model making millions off of every photo shoot he does, he is... More



45 6 18
By EveryDayIsAFuneral

WARNING: a lot of partying, cussing; tease

Will be continued into next chapter

The next morning, Evelyn woke up in her bed, the red duvet draped over her body, the silk, shirt black nightgown covering it.

She looked around, seeing that the lights were all off but the tv in the living room was on. Um? What time is it?

She picks up her phone, staring at the clock on the front screen. Four in the morning, perfect timing. Her alarm goes off in thirty minutes.

Did Bill leave yet?

Evelyn stands up, walking out of the bedroom and into the open common area, seeing Bill asleep on the couch, his arm draped over his eyes and a blanket covering his own body.

She'll wake him up later.

Right now, she was going to get in the shower. And hopefully, he wouldn't wake up.

Evelyn noticed how attractive he looked, her dark eyes running down his face. For a moment, she spotted his bare shoulders, oh so he undressed? What time did they even go to bed?

It's way too early to be up.

Her eyes flick to the island, seeing wine glasses on the marble, and the tall bottle next to them.

Of course.

Stress reliever for the both of them.

Also, is it bad that she can't stop thinking about the way he touched her? It was so.. pleasurable.

"Evelyn?" Fuck.

She smiles tiredly, "Morning, Skarsgård."

He sits up, the blanket falling off of his torso. Leaning back against the cushions, he squirms uncomfortably.

"Were you watching me sleep?" Bill's lips raise into a very knowing smirk, a glimmer in his eyes.

"I actually was checking out the damage we did. Now, I'm going to get in the shower." He scoffs, it's like.. 4:15 in the morning. Does she always get up this early?

And why is he on the couch?

Why didn't he go back home?

Bill watched her retreat back into the hallway, the bathroom door opening and closing. She was seriously going to leave him out here by himself? Why couldn't he join in with her?

This was a whole bunch of bullshit!

Mm, he could hear the shower turn on. He should peek in, but he wasn't going to perv on Evelyn yet.

Rolling his eyes, he sees his phone screen light up on the table text to him. So he reaches over, unplugging it from the charger she lent to him. Why was Evan texting him so early in the morning? What the fuck does he want?

Evan: Hey, are you up?

Bill: What would happen if I said no?

Evan: Nothing. But I'll be with you all day, Jennifer has a shoot and she wants me to come with.

Bill: Oh great, just what I wanted. To deal with a complete and utter dumbass.

Evan: Fuck you. Don't you want to spend time with your best friend? Hah. C'mon buddy, you know you want to.

Bill chuckles, of course Evan wanted to spend time with him, just like old times. He was always the type to just be there. He was the main magnet to all girls, so Bill never complained.

Even though the ones he attracted were all annoying, prissy, bitches who didn't know if 2 plus 2 equaled fish or four.

Bill: You'll be with Evelyn and I, hope that she won't be a burden.

Evan: What? I like Evelyn! She can put up with your bullshit! Jennifer seems to like her too, so I'm excited.

And there's the excited, hyperactive Evan at 4:30 in the morning for you. Sometimes he texts Bill even earlier, spamming his phone. It was tiring, and down right frustrating but at least he talked to Bill.

Bill: Miss Jameson is an "eh" for me, she gets on my nerves.

Evan: You like her. I can tell. Bill has a crush!

Bill: Fuck off. No I don't.

Evan: Doubt!

Bill: Doubt me again, and we might have a problem. It'd be a shame if you lost your peepee

Evan: You still don't win.

Bill groans, putting the phone down on the couch. He doesn't have a crush, he basically just met the girl, kind of.

He doesn't believe in love at first sight, it was overwhelming and stupid as fuck.

Hell, in every single little romance story fucking uh Jerome falls in love with Nancy. Those are names that fit right? He sure does think so.

Evelyn peeks out of the bathroom, "Billy Boy, care to hand me my clothes? I don't feel like walking."

Bill looks at her, quite irritated, why couldn't she walk in front of the small passage covered in a towel? And why does she trust him that much?

Bill stands up, his black boxers coming into view,
"Where are they?"

"I can practically see your bulge," Evelyn rolls her eyes, "the clothes are on my bed."

He mumbles, "I'll fuck you on your bed."

She purses her lips, pointing to the door as he walks in, her eyes wavering down his sculpted back. Mm.


"Well, Bill, I'm not interested."

"Don't it feel good when I touch on it? Wouldn't be nice if all night I was in you?" He asks, handing her the clothes, "Anyways, I'm going to head home, I'll see you at work, I'll probably be there a bit late."

He waves her off, winking one last time, his hooded eyes peeling away from her as she closes the door.

She couldn't fight off the way she felt about him, even though the two absolutely despised each-others attitudes. He was a straight up womanizer, too pretty for his own good.

Evelyn pulls on the tight buttoned up black skirt, twisting it so that it fit correctly. Of course she pulled on her underwear, letting the black lace slide up her legs and under the skirt.

Her bra and low cut purple blouse came next, admiring how she looked in the mirror. Now what time was it?

Also, she hadn't heard the front door slam yet.

Where was Bill?

Evelyn hangs the towel on the black hook, opening the bathroom door to see him with his clothes he had on before the party.

"You're still here?" She asks, and he nods, sliding on the slick leather shoes. He had an hour to change, he wasn't very happy.

"I was just leaving." He doesn't pay any mind, grabbing the bag without looking at her, immediately going out the door and slamming it.


Well, goodbye then.

Evelyn's heels click against the tile of the workplace, heading towards the photo shoot that Evan and Jennifer were currently involved in.

She feels so bad, Laney was in there with them.


That bitch.

Once she reaches the glass doors, her manicured hand grasps the metal handle, swinging the door open as she balances the cup holder in her one hand.

Licking her lips, she enters the room, bright lights flashing before her eyes.

One for Laney, Bill, Evan and Jennifer.

Of course.

"Well, Miss Jameson you finally arrive." Laney speaks up, "I was just leaving anyways, I have to catch my flight. Remember, you work extra long hours today."

The girl grips her coffee, exiting out the doors and leaving the intern to stand there dumbfounded. Oh right, work.

Just so fun.

Evan walks up to her, "Hey shorty, thank you so much for my coffee."

Jennifer thanks Evelyn as well, giving her a tight hug, "Where did you go for this?"

"A small cafe by my apartment, it's decently popular, a middle aged women and teens work there." Evan nods, he might go check out down there later.

Suddenly the place goes quiet, the sound of yelling echoing through the hallway, "So you're telling me, that I have to go to three fucking shoots today!
?! Oh my god!"

Bill barges in, seeing the shocked expressions on everyone's faces. He rolls his eyes, approaching the group of three in front of him. His eyes flick down Evelyn's body, appreciating how her outfit shows her delicious curves.

She was so effortlessly hot, it wasn't even fair.

Bill was adorned with a white button up, the collar folded and the tight dress pants he wore fitting his long legs. The black leather shoes shined, reflecting the light.

He smirked, seeing the look in her dark eyes.

"Thank you for the coffee, love." He winks, noticing the look on Evan's face.

"You two would be so cute." Jennifer peeps, taking a sip of her coffee, smiling to herself at the odd, weirded out looks on their faces.

Evan snorts, "Billy boy has a little crush."

"Fuck you, I have a shoot to go to." Bill grips onto Evelyn's wrist, tugging her towards the dressing rooms, the racks of clothing, and the make-up station.


What the fuck was he doing?

Evan and Jennifer had followed, sitting in the empty seats heavily, watching as the two start to argue. "Bill I'm not helping you-"

"I don't give a fuck."

"I have work to do!"

Bill was aggravated, "I said you will help! I can literally buy you, so you will help!"

Evan snorts, seeing the crazy look in his friends eyes, why does this always happen? Bill would say something about money, and girls would soon leave him.

"Bill you don't have the right, you aren't her boss, she has rights-"

The guy slams his hand down on the desk, "You'll help me now." 

Evelyn gives an apologetic look to Evan and Jennifer, going towards the expensive clothing again and sifting through it, ignoring the conversation the three were having in the background.

No matter how curious she was, she wasn't about to get yelled at again by the 6'4 male.

Jennifer seethes, "She is a very nice girl, and you are ruining her."

"I've done no such thing, I have no idea what you're talking about." Bill shrugs, flicking his eyes to the girl who was pulling out a blazer from the bunch, next comes the pants and the shoes, her arms piled.

Evelyn walks over, swaying her hips, "Put these on jackass."

Evan snorts, a smile igniting his face.


How cute.

Jennifer speaks up again, "We should all go clubbing tonight, dancing sounds fun anyways, just a night to get out, do whatever! After works over, I'll make a groupchat and we can talk!"

Evan throws his arms around her, hugging her tightly before the make-up girl comes over and shoos him away. Ah. Carol. The favorited lesbian.

Everyone liked her.


Bill comes out a few minutes later, an apathetic look on his face, "This is good I guess."

He wasn't wearing a fucking shirt!

"I heard something clubbing." His lips rise into a smirk, now that sounds like a fun idea.

Just the idea of Evelyn grinding against him, his hands on her hips, licking his lips as she wiggles her ass. They dance the night away.

He could pull her back up and suggest some very vulgar things in her ear.

"Well, before that, work needs to be done first, and we all know that." Jennifer says, feeling the puffy make-up brush hit her cheek.

Bill rolls his eyes, "Sex sounds so good right now."

He gives a pointed look at Evelyn, his eyes lighting up with mischief.



One day, he was going to get her to call him daddy.

That was his plan!

"Well, Skarsgård, you aren't going to get some." Evelyn says, taking out her phone and shooting a quick text towards Laney asking what to do.

She wasn't about to deal with Bill again.

It wasn't on her list, not  really. Evelyn wanted to go clubbing, but now she was slowly doubting her decision to, dealing with Bill was like hell.

Of fucking course.

Now of course he was going to force her to go, she expected as much really.

You couldn't expect anything less from Bill, he was, well.. Bill. And to continue onto that, he was very demanding.

8:09 pm

Evelyn circles around her apartment, reading everyone's text messages. The three were on their way, and of course, she was cleaning up in a hurry.

And right about now, a loud knock rang on the door. A very lazy and homeless looking Evelyn, opening the door to see the three clad in expensive attire, except for Jennifer.

Evan speaks first, "I didn't know the dress-code was lazy."

Jennifer scoffs, "You two boys decided to get ready before hand, don't fuck with us on that, now come on E, we need to get ready."

Bill pops his head in, "How long will this take?"

Evelyn smirks, "Maybe like.. an hour or two."

Evan slouches, this was going to take so fucking long! He wasn't about to sit here and wait for two girls to get ready!

Oh but he just had to, might as well watch them to make the time go faster! Bill closes the front door, following the girls back to the room as Evan trails slowly, this legit was going to take forever.

Evelyn pulls out another stool from her closet, a back up if the other one breaks of course.

The make-up palettes were already out, the brushes in the glass container ready to use.

Bill's eyes connected with Evelyn's through the mirror, a small little smirk on his face.

"I got my dick sucked in a closet today." Bill says, shrugging as Eve gags. What the fuck?

"Well that was a fitting reaction." Evan laughs, "But are you serious?"

"No, I don't want any disease infested whore sucking my cock."

Jennifer rolls her eyes, that hasn't stopped him before. She could recall a number of times where some girl was on her knees as he thrusted into her mouth.

With people in the room.

A lot of people.

Just Bill and some random girl.

Evan and Jennifer having to drag him away.

Great times.

Clubbing was a whole different story though. "What are you gonna wear, Jen?"

"This tight, dark blue, short dress. The one that I texted you for the options."

"It was cute, I think I might go for the spaghetti strap, glittery, short, black dress." Evan looks at Bill, the obvious hint of boredom and the nerve to get the fuck out of the house.

Like now.

He frowns once Bill takes out his phone, staring at the messages on the screen. Ew.

Laney: *image attached*

Bill: You look like a fucking rat

Laney: *image attached*

Laney: I look sexy, I know you want me

Bill gives Evan a "tell this bitch to fuck off look" and his lips rise into a sinister smile, gladly.

He takes the phone from his friends hands, snapping a photo of the girls, sending it to Laney right off the bat.

Bill: they will forever be more beautiful, even Evan, he is a god of his own. You, sweetheart, look like a fucking whore who just got murdered in an alleyway.

Laney: fuck you

Bill: Rather not.

Bill snatched his phone back, seeing the messages and laughing, Evan was not a god.

Evelyn stands up, her make-up ready as she moves towards her closet, pulling out the dress and undergarments thrown with it.

Bill sighs, "I should report your boss."

Evelyn raises her eyebrows in confusion, "Why though?"

"She sent me nudes of herself." Evelyn couldn't help but feel a spark of jealously course through her body, just to think that Laney was sending nudes to Bill pissed her the fuck of.

This wasn't about to happen, Evelyn wasn't going to allow it. Laney can think that she can steal Bill away but-

"Evelyn? Go get dressed.. you look like you might explode."

She waltz's out of the room and into the bathroom, shutting the door. With the decency she had left, the new undergarments and dress are pulled on, and the other clothes are thrown in the basket.

Giving a bit of volume to her hair, she sighs, this wasn't going to go well, and she knows it.

She walks out, seeing Bill standing in the hallway, his eyes flicking down her body as he coughs awkwardly. He leans down, whispering in her ear, "you look beautiful, my darling, I could take you right here, against the wall."

She purses her lips, seeing the mischievous lookin his eyes.


Well uh.

"Y'all ready to go?" Jennifer and Evan come out, looking completely fabulous as they smile, linking arms and walking towards the door.

Bill tries to grab Evelyn's, but she yanks it away to grab her clutch, shoving her phone in it and snatching her keys from the table. All the lights are off by the time she leads Bill out the door with her, closing it and locking it.

She sighs, looking at Bill, "I'm not dancing with you."

"We'll definitely see about that."

As the four enter the dimly lighted, neon blasting out of the led bulbs, club, they immediately find a table, sitting in the circular booth.

Evan throws his arm loosely around Jennifer's shoulders, pulling her closer to him without hesitation. He mumbles a few words in her ear as she looks down, nodding slightly at his words.

Bill looks at Evelyn, "How about we get a drink, or maybe dance?"

She licks her lips, "Dancing is completely fine." They wave off the already making-out couple as they step onto the dance floor, his hands on her hips, gripping tightly.

He sighs once they start swaying their hips to the music, a loud echoing sound from the speakers almost startling them.

As much as the music and the people around them were draining, but they don't really care.

As they were dancing, Evelyn couldn't help it, the feeling of him being this close was overwhelming. She was quite literally bleeding love as she started to grind against him, letting off steam.

Bill moans quietly, letting the music overcome them as they continue to dance. "Evelyn, stop."

She doesn't listen, biting her bottom lip as she stays against him.

After awhile, she finally lets up, seeing the dark look on his face, clenched jaw. "Let's go get some drinks." Evelyn grabs into Bill's wrist, tugging him towards the bar.

The bartender greeted them, he was shorter than Bill, black hair, brown eyes, a very good facial structure, and a smirk on his lips.

"What can I get you, beautiful?" Bill interrupts her before she could answer.

"She'll get a sex on the beach, and I'll have vodka on the rocks." The bartender purses his lips, noticing then protectiveness and possessiveness the guy had over the girl, smart guy, wouldn't want some rando getting into his girls pants.

After all, it wasn't like most people cared now.

Anyone can cheat.

They receive their drinks and mosey into an empty booth, noticing that Evan and Jennifer were on the dance floor, drunkenly dancing.

Bill's phone dings, and he opens the message, irritated.

Laney: *image attached* sorry, baby, I look fucking hot

Bill: I'm going to show this conversation to the CEO

Laney: Ah. You see, about that-

Bill: Fuck off bitch.

Evelyn scans the messages, seeing the nude photo of her boss on there. He sits his phone down, noticing the look on her face.

"Evelyn, what's wrong?"

"Do y'all exchange dudes? I mean it's cool and all but-"

"No. She sends me them and expects me to send a dick photo back, like hell no, I'm not up for that. She looks like a fucking rat."


He groans, "what?"

"I'm tired."

He gives her a look, "I'm gonna sex you up."

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