
By LightWolf46

118 6 8

Blip blop bloop, this is random crap that I come up with when I'm bored, its only gonna have a few chapters... More

Boop Bop
Crossover between Marvel and Harry Potter
Olivia Meets Deadpool
Marvel 2

Supernatural 4

2 0 0
By LightWolf46

I run over to Dean worried, after seeing Uncle John beat the crap out of him.

"Dean, hey, hey." I say as I stand in front of him and he lazily looks at me as I get his attention.

"Mia, get away." Dean mumbles.

I look at him, worried. "Hey, its over, let's take care of those wounds before Sammy sees them." I say to him, not even bothering to cover up my worry.

John grunts from the table up front. "Mia, leave 'im alone." John says to me.

Fury burns inside me as I turn around and scowl at John. "No." I say to John and he looks at me, pissed. "I'm gonna care for my cousin, like he was my own little brother, because I don't fucking trust you touching him again." I say to John and Dean puts his hand on my wrist as John gets up.

"Mia, just go, I'll deal with it." Dean says to me.

I scoff. "How? Your barely standing, besides, my Daddy taught me how to fight and encouraged me, your daddy is just a big mean asshole that I could beat the crap out of if I wanted too." I say and John glares at me.

"You don't have any right telling me how to raise my kids." John says to me.

I stare him right in the eye. "What are you gonna do about it?" I ask him.

"Get out!" John orders me.

I cross my arms over my chest. "I'm gonna take Sam and Dean with me then. Dad is gonna be home soon today anyways and he can help me with Deans wounds, that you gave him, for blaming him that he wasn't enough. Dean is a damn good brother, and I'm not gonna sit here and watch you treat him like trash." I say to John and he glares at me.

Sammy comes out of this bathroom and we change the atmosphere quickly. "Mia, what are you doing?" Sammy asks confused since I'm seething in anger.

"You and Dean are coming with me for a while. Your Dad found a job." I say and John scowls at me.

"But-" Sammy tries but I put my hand on his head.

"Don't argue, its a lot safer with me, than with him." I say and Sammy looks up at me worried and Dean does too. "Grab your bags." I say to the boys as John watches, helpless, since he doesn't want to hurt me.

I get Deans bag and my bag and Sammy grabs his bag.

I grab my keys from the table next to John and we glare at each other for a moment as I do and then I usher the boys outside.

"DAMN IT MIA!" I hear John yell from inside the motel room.

The boys glance at me, but I just unlock the car and open the back doors.

"Mia, why is Dad mad at you?" Sam asks me confused.

"Because we pissed each other off." I say as he gets in and I close his door.

I walk around the other side and I throw the bags on the floor and I shut the door as Dean gets into the passenger seat.

Dean looks worried, but I get in the drivers seat.

I start the car and I see John staring out the window. "Ok, hang on to something." I say to the boys and I back out fast and I put the car in drive and turn it a 180, quickly and I get the hell outta dodge.


"Don't talk, its gonna be a while before we get home, and its best you conserve your energy." I say to Dean who nods.

After a few hours, Sam is sleeping in the back and Dean is resting.

I keep an eye on them for a bit before we get to my house and its dark, but Dad's truck is here.

I grab the bags and I pick Sammy up while Dean gets out of the car and I take them inside.

I set Sammy on the couch and Dad comes downstairs.

"Mia, why are you back so late?" He asks me confused.

"John is a bastard and I don't have much patience for him after what he did to Dean. So I brought the boys here and left John behind because fuck him." I say and Dad grabs a jar and I grumble but put a few quarters in, because its the swear jar.

Dad helps me with Deans wounds and then we let the boys sleep while I explain the situation to Dad.

Once I'm done, Dad nods. "You did the right thing. Now go get some sleep yourself, you drove for a while and look like you need it." Dad says to me and I see the fury behind his calm eyes.

I hug him goodnight and Dad holds me tightly.

I then head to the living room and I curl up on the recliner and I pull a blanket over me.

I get comfy and I fall asleep.

The next day

"Mia, hey, Mia."

I open one eye tiredly and I see Dad. "Morning." I grunt and I sit up as I rub my eyes.

"Let's make breakfast for the boys." Dad says to me and I nod.

I get up and tie my hair back as we walk to the kitchen.

The two of us make lots of breakfast food and that wakes the boys up.

They come to the kitchen to see me and Dad messing around and I duck from a handful of flour and I poof him with two handfuls of flour.

I laugh amused as his face is just, white.

"What are you doing?" Sammy asks confused.

Me and Dad jump startled and I look at the boys to see confusion. "Breakfast!" We say holding our hands out to where it is.

"One brain cell between two idiots." Sammy remarks as he gets a plate and Dean looks unsure.

"Go on, eat. There's plenty to feed four elephants." Dad says to him and Dean nods and gets some food, but I just grab his plate and pile it on there and then I make him sit in the dining room with Sam. "That works too." Dad says to me and we high five.

I get a plate of food while Dad washes his face off.

I then head to the dinning room and I sit down and eat.

"Are you sure?" Dean asks me while looking at his plate.

"Dean, just eat, your Dad can't stop you, he doesn't even know where me and Dad live." I say to Dean and he nods.

I eat as do the boys and Dad comes in with a ginormous platter of food and sits next to me.

The two of us practically inhale our food and then I go get ready for the day.

I come down stairs after about half an you, tying my hair up into a ponytail.

"Why do girls take so long getting ready?" Sammy asks confused.

"Let's see, make up, shower, conditioning my hair, rinsing out practically invisible conditioner, and uh, choosing something to wear." I say and Dean nods. "Alright, time to enroll you guys in my school." I say to the boys and Dean looks a bit disinterested while Sammy nods.

"I'll drive you three today." Dad says to us and I nod.

I grab my school bag and I throw it over my shoulder and Dad takes us to school.

"I'll be here to pick you up." Dad says to us and I nod.

"Thanks Dad." I say to him and I fist bump him and I get out of the truck and I help Sammy and Dean out, since its a big truck.

I take Sammy and Dean to the principals office.

"Ok, Mia, you've missed half this week of school and I would like to know why." The Principle says to me annoyed.

I point to the boys next to me. "I was brining these boys from Texas." I say to her.

"By yourself?" She asks me, a bit worried.

"Dad was out of town taking convicts to Indiana." I say with a shrug and she nods. "Anyways, could you get these two enrolled? I'm already late for homeroom." I ask her.

She sits in her seat, exasperated with me. "Fine."

I pat the boys on their heads and Sammy looks worried, so I kneel in front of him. "Its only 7 hours of school, you'll be put in elementary, Dean will be in Middle school. I'm in highschool, but we'll get out around the same time. So you don't have to worry about that. And, you'll make friends here, just stay away from the kids with the sticks up their ass." I say to Sammy who hugs me once I finish.

"Damn it, Mia." Dean says to me and I snort amused and I stand up.

I ruffle Deans hair. "Do try to stay out of trouble Dean. Though I won't blame you if you do, a lot of kids here are snotty nosed rich kids." I say to Dean who nods.

I then see I'm 45 minutes late to class and I book it out the door as the principle laughs.

I run down the hallways and to my homeroom room and I slam the door open, startling EVERYONE in this room.

The teacher falls out of his chair and scowls at me as I walk in calmly as if I didn't just run half a mile across the school to get here.

"Wow." Sarah says as I sit next to her.

"Mia Winchester, detention." The teacher says to me and I nod.

"I figured." I say to him.

"What?" He asks me.

"The only reason I'm late is because I brought my cousins up from Texas last night and then I had to take them to the principles office." I say with a shrug. "But I was late, so I'll take the detention." I say to the teacher.

"All the way from Texas?" Sarah asks me shocked.

"My uncle isn't the nicest person and I'm not exactly fond of him after yesterday." I say as I stare at my desk.

"Mia Winchester!" The principle screams over the over com and I laugh.

"My cousins are Winchesters too." I should add.

"There's more of you?" Jason asks shocked.

"Oh please, they're boys, 6 and 10." I say to Jason.

"Thats a 6 year difference between you and the oldest." Sarah says to me surprised.

"My Dad was born years first, and got married first and then had me. And then six years later, along came Dean, 4 years later its Sammy." I say and my two friends nod surprised.

"You three get detention." The teacher says to us.

"Ok." We say nodding.

Once homeroom ends, we head to math, and I ace the pop quiz and then its geography and I ace that test, and so on with everything until Lunch.

I put my books into my locker and I sit down at lunch with a tray of mush.

"You gonna eat that?" Sarah asks disgusted.

"Probably." I say and Jason sits next to me with an identical tray of mush.

"Ew." Jason says looking at the mush.

I try eating it, but its not edible, so I throw it away. "Goddamn that's disgusting." I say and I down my milk carton while Jason throws his food away too.

After classes end, the three of us sit in detention and I play the harmonica like I'm in jail while Jason stomps his foot and Sarah sings a tune.

"You three." The principle says walking in to hear us.

We stop immediately as I hide my harmonica.

"Your free to go." She says to us after a moment. "And Mia, don't forget to pick up your cousins from the middle and elementary school."

I get off my chair and nod. "I'm not an idiot, besides, Sammy would never let me live it down." I say to her as my two best friends follow me to pick Dean up first.

Dean sees me as I walk over to him and I put my arms on his head as some bullies look at me and my bffs.

"I don't think you want to mess with Dean. He's my cousin, and I can kick butt harder than your mama on her monthly." I say to the bullies and they back away from us.

"Get off me!" Dean protests.

I look down at him in amusement and I back away with my arms in the air. "Fine, fine." I say to him and he crosses his arms over his chest, pouting.

Sarah leans on my shoulder. "He's just a little punk." Sarah says to me.

"Tell me, Mia, is every Winchester like you?" Jason asks me.

I sigh and nod. "Every one of us is a reckless, trouble making, punk, except, Sammy." I say and Dean looks confused. "I reckon we have a good, 10 minutes before Sammy gets out of school for the day." I say as I look at the time on my flip phone.

We hear a scoff and me and my bffs recognize that scoff.

Me and Sarah back around in a full 180 while Jason walks up to my other side.

We see Jessica the head cheerleader and her cheerleading buddies.

Dean walks around the three of us to see her. "Mia, whose she?" Dean asks me.

I sigh. "The head cheerleader of the highschool, also known as the stuck up snobby rich kid of the century." I say to Dean who nods.

"Daw, the cutie is all scratched up." The head cheerleader says bending down in front of Dean.

I just look at her annoyed. "Back away from him." I say to her.

"What's the troublemaker winchester gonna do?" She mocks as she stands up.

I sigh. "Well, for one, I'm better than you at every academic, I'm faster than you in track, I'm stronger than all the boys on the wrestling team, and, I learned it all from my Dad, I'm better at Home Ec than you, ap biology, and, oh right, your most failing grade, what was it again?" I ponder and she backs away slowly. "Ap English? I can destroy you in classes if I felt like it, because trust me, Winchesters may be crazy obsessive, but we do our research first." I say to her with a smile. "Oh, and also, I know you and your friends drink underage during football games, under the bleachers, you in particular have had sex in the teachers lounge with a teacher about 7 times to make sure your grades are the best, you've got cocaine in your backpack and you have heroine needles in your desk. I'm pretty sure that can get you locked up to fix your addiction and set you straight. And all I have to do, is call my Dad." I say to her and she backs away slowly while I stare her in the eye while my friends just stare at me shocked.

"You'll regret knowing that." Jessica says to me and she leaves in a huff.

"Probably." I say with a nod.

"Wow." Sarah says to me surprised.

"Your scary. What do you have on my dad?" Dean asks me.

"A lot that could get him locked up for a long time kid." I say and we head to Sammy's school and I see him waiting outside.

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