By Doom_Vietnam_Slayer

20.7K 371 491

A group of four different North-American Spec-ops are teleported to Remnant after their deaths. A Private Fir... More

Character bios. (UPDATED... AGAIN)
OP. 4: H.A.L.O.
OP. 7: BEDTIME STORIES (9,77K reads special)


1.7K 28 35
By Doom_Vietnam_Slayer

Bullhead on the way to Beacon Academy...
3rd person POV.

Christian: "Fuck, my butt still hurts..."
-The medic complained as he lifted his leg a little bit, rubbing his ass since it was still bothering him.

David: "The fuck are we here for anyway?"
-The sniper wispered to Alex, lifting up his NVG's so he could have a closer look at him.

Alex: "You wanna get back there? Where all those things attacked us?" -he replied, assuming he wouldn't like that.- "Besides, we didn't have too much of a choice..."

Donovan: "The hell were those things anyway?"
-The tallest one asked to them, not expecting an answer from them. But his question was indeed answered by the lady that ordered them to get in the VTOL.

???: "Grimm." -she replied, entering the bay as she closed the door behind her, which lead to the cockpit. When four confused heads looked back at her, she said it again.- "They're called Grimm. Dark creatures attracted to negative emotions. And for some reason, you were a magnet to them."

A bit of silence filled the room for a couple of seconds, the only audible things were the aircraft's engines filling the room. After that, Alex decided to break the silence, getting up from his seat and facing the lady.

Alex: "Ok, listen here. You've been way too quiet on us. First you force us into this aircraft for no reason, then you don't tell us where are we going and why, and you don't even tell us your name. I think we deserve some answers, specially after the shit we went through."
-He told her as he pointed at her from afar, sounding upset since his patience was slowly running dry. His companions seemed a bit shocked by that reaction, but in the end they felt the same way.

???: "Well, you have some courage to talk to me like that. The name is Glynda Goodwitch, and as for where are you going to, you just have to look outside the window."
-As she replied, sounding just as upset as Alex, she gestured at them with her head to look out the window, which they did.
And the scenery was something unexpected.

They all looked at the place in awe. It seemed like a castle, but there was a lot of people walking around, so maybe was something like a college?

Donovan: "Yo! What the hell is that place!?"
-The Marine asked, impressed by the structure below them. After that, they noticed that the VTOL began to fly lower and lower, getting close to what seemed like a landing pad.

Pilot: "Gentlemen! And lady~ Welcome to Beacon Academy."
-The pilot spoke from the cockpit, answering Donovan's question, as the doors opened before the aircraft landed, allowing them to get out.

David: "Academy?"
-The sniper asked, being interrupted by the lady, now known as Glynda, jumped down the aircraft, gesturing them to get out.

Glynda: "Now, come with me. Someone wishes to speak to you."
-She said as the four operators got out, carrying their weapons, just in case.
Now, the moment they got out, the spotted a lot of people walking around, some in what seemed like the academy's uniform, and some in something like combat gear... But they all seemed like teenagers.

As they followed Glynda, they also got some looks from the teenagers. Their gear seemed strange to them, so did their guns. The operators were still confused by this place and why were they here, and most importantly, who wanted to speak to them?
Meanwhile, Christian was actually having a hard time handling all the looks.

Christian: "God damn it... This is high-school all over again."
-He said as he tried to avoid looking at everyone that went by.

David: "Don't worry dude, we're almost there... I think."
-The Marine replied as he gave him a soft pat on the shoulder. Eventually, after a couple of minutes walking, they found themselves in front of a tower... A really tall one.
They followed Glynda inside, whom got into an elevator, gesturing them to come inside too, which they did.
Unfortunately, it was a pretty cramped space for them, and Alex was not happy about this.

Donovan: "Hey man, you alright?"
-He asked his leader, looking down at him due to their height difference.

Alex: "Nothing, just... Personal space issues." -he replied, looking back at him, noticing he seemed a bit stressed too.- "You don't look good too, are you claustrophobic or something?"

Donovan: "Nah man, I don't give a damn about cramped spaces... It's the height thing, man. I can't take that."
-He responded, filling the room with silence after that, execpt for the elevator music, which Christian was dancing to.

David: "Dude, are you serious?"
-He said as he chuckled a little bit, looking at Christian dancing to that song.

Christian: "What? I love this song." -he replies as he stops dancing to look at him.- "It's a nice freaking song."
-The medic said right before the elevator doors opened again, revealing a huge office.


???: "Ah, Glynda. Good to know you made it back." -another unkown voice spoke, greeting the lady that brought them here. As they got out of the elevator too, he greeted them too.- "And you bring the visitors too. Welcome to Beacon, gentlemen."
-He told them in a calm voice tone as he took a sip from his mug.
They all looked at him with a smile, finally someone with manners here.

Alex: "Greetings, sir. I don't belive I heard your name..."
-He asked, looking at him as he put his rifle aside, letting it hang from the sling on his side.

???: "Oh, but of course, where are my manners? I am Proffesor Ozpin, Headmaster of Beacon Academy. And you are?"
-He asked the operators before he introduced himself, now begining to hear the visitor's names.

Alex: "Staff Sargeant Alexander Darren, pleased to meet you sir. Call me Alex."

David: "Lance Corporal David Othic Clarris. Call me Dave, or David. Whatever you preffer."

Christian: "Private First Class Christian Benavidez, sir. Call me Chris."

Donovan: "Sergeant Donavan Donahue is the name. Call me Don, or DD, or D... Ah, whatever."

Ozpin: "Pleased to meet you, gentlemen. Now, I'm afraid you have questions that you want to be answered... But I'll have to kindly ask you to answer some of my questions too. Could you, please?"
-He asked them politely, with a small smile on his face. The operators looked at each other before they agreed. At least this time someone didn't get hit in the butt with a riding crop.

Alex: "Alright, sir. Go on."

Ozpin: "Perfect." -he replied, looking at them.- "Judging by the ranks you mentioned, you seem to be part of some sort of military. Are those patches in your clothes related to it?"
-He asked, looking at the men's jackets, which all had an American flag on their right arm and the emblem of their respective branches on their left arm.

Alex: "I'm part of the First Special Forces Operational Detachment Delta. Also known as Delta Force."

Christian: "I'm from the First Ranger Battalion."

David: "I'm part of the United States Marine Corps Scout Snipers."

Donovan: "And from the First Marine Division."
-The Americans answered as each one of them showed their particular patches. Donovan had the US Marine Corps emblem instead of the 1st Marine Division emblem, since it was his father's jacket and he didn't want to replace the patches.

Ozpin: "I'm afraid I'm not familiar with those units you speak of. But I assume there's where you learned to do this."
-He replied after he pulled out a tablet-looking device, showing a video of the operators fighting the Grimm almost an hour ago.

David: "So that's how you knew we were there..."
-The sniper said, looking at the screen. One of his questions was answered at that point.
They all nodded in response, looking at him.

Ozpin: "You also don't seem to be from here. That flag seems strange, I've never seen it before."
-He said as he looked at Donovan, who had an American flag on his vest, big enough for him to see it clearly. Then he also noticed all the other flags, assuming they were from whatever place that flag was from.

They seemed shocked, but mostly confused. Not knowing about their military branches was passable, but not knowing about their country? Probably the most famous country in the world.
After a copule of seconds, still processing what they had just heard, Christian decided to speak.

Christian: "Well... Sir. If you don't know the American flag, I think we're way further from home than we thought."

Ozpin: "American? I certainly never heard that before. Care to explain?"
-He asked politely before taking another sip from his mug, looking at them with a curious yet stoic smile.

Donovan: "Oh, you're in for an explanation alright..."


After a long talk, Ozpin was finally filled with all the information he wanted about them, along with some extra stuff. The country they were from, the planet they came from, the current war in which they, supposedly, died.
It was certainly interesting to him, since they already seemed way too advanced in weaponry and equipment, even for Atlas standards, which was the first thought that came to his mind when he saw them.

Ozpin: "Well, well. This sure has been an interesting talk. But I have one last question for you." -he said before he got up, grabbing his cane and his mug before walking right past his desk, stopping right in front of the operators.- "Since you seem to be lost, and appear to have no knowledge of this world, I offer you shelter in my academy, under the condition of course that you assit to class. Do you accept?"
-He asked them, waiting for an answer. They talked it for a little bit, all of them seeing it as a good offer.

Alex: "Alright, Ozpin. We accept your offer."
-Alex said, speaking in behalf of the rest of the men in that room.

Ozpin: "Excellent. Now, before you go." -he said as he gave a cellphone-looking device to each one of them.- "These are your scrolls. Each new member of the Academy is given one of these after they enter. You'll be given a dorm room too."

David: "Damn, these look cool as hell!"
-The Marine said as he looked at the device, turning it on and begining to look at some of its functions.

Christian: "Thank you for this, Professor."

Ozpin: "No need to. Oh, one more thing. Each new student is required to pass an initiation test before they're allowed inside the Academy. Meet me tomorrow at 9:00 AM in Beacon Hill for the test. Now, Glynda. Care to escort these men to their dorm room?"
-He said before Glynda nodded, walking back into the elevator. She was then followed by the Americans, not before they said their goodbyes to the Headmaster.
After the doors closed and the elevator went down, Ozpin was finally alone.

'What a pair of interesting individuals.'

He thought before he sat back on his desk.
Back with the operators, they were now being escorted to their dorm room, still recieving some stares from the students along the way. But you couldn't blame them. What were four fully grown men doing in an academy? Specially when they're not teachers?
Well, Christian could get a pass since he was the youngest one, but he still didn't like the looks he recieved.

Glynda: "This is your room."
-She said to the group after she stopped right next to an open door, which lead to, indeed, their room. It seemed quite big, with four beds and a big window in between them. Some desks and books could be found there, and also another open door, which led to the bathroom.
Some wardrobes could be seen too, assuming they were used to put clothes in.

Donovan: "Damn! This mothafucka fly!"
-The tall Marine shouted, admiring the interior, which seemed fancy for an academy. After that, they all went in, again with Christian being the last one. But before he could enter the room...


Christian: "OUCH! WHAT DID I DO NOW!?"


≻─── ⋆✩⋆ ───≺≻─── ⋆✩⋆ ───≺
Oh boi, yeah. Third chapter is done and fourth chapter will be on the way too. I think it'll be way longer than what I have in mind...
Anyways, thank you guys for reading! Have a nice day!


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