Od greaserss

210K 4K 983

❝how many times, dad! i don't do drugs. it's only marijuana. ❞ [gif imagines & regular imagines for every sea... Více

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* welcome *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
gif imagines ⤸
"screw company policy." - steve harrington <3
girls, girls, girls. - robin buckley <3
keg queen. - billy hargrove <3
the russian elevator - scoops troop <3
now can we play d&d? - will byers <3
growing up - will byers [part two] <3
starcourt - max & el <3
dangerous criminal - alexei & hopper & joyce.
different - steve & dustin <3
back again! - steve harrington
the one where he bangs his mum. - scoops troop <3
being the other babysitter would include...
1k <3
missing you - will byers <3
i'm sorry - billy hargrove.
asshole - steve harrington <3
harrington! - robin buckley <3
free of girls - will byers.
scary russians - scoops troop.
sorry - steve harrington.
puberty - dustin henderson <3
butterflies - robin buckley <3
broken promises - billy hargrove.
beggin' baby - scoops troop.
lights! camera! action! - max and el.
happy holidays!
"you're an idiot." - steve harrington.
goodbye - billy hargrove.
boys suck! - steve harrington.
boys suck but maybe you don't - steve harrington [part two]
fuck you - billy hargrove
hey bbs
one-shots ⤸
friends with benefits. - s. harrington

SUMMER FLING - b. hargrove

5.4K 86 20
Od greaserss

TRIGGERS : sexual scenes and or mentions of sex (smut? not really just making out), swearing, drinking, smoking and just lil bit mature so if want to keep your innocence don't continue lol. hope you enjoy the imagine guys.

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IT WAS THE SUMMER OF 1985, big blonde hair was in and straight flat hair was out. not that y/n particularly cared for the trends, but it was hard not to observe the new trends on mtv, or maybe it was just because she just simply liked to observe the people of hawkins.

hawkins pool was a common setting for most of the teen girls or mothers of the population of hawkins, which y/n didn't particularly understand because from she had remembered the summers before they had complained about chlorine ruining their hair. y/n hadn't partaken in the activity much, she had preferred a field to day dream in or starcourt mall cinema to lounge in, or even scoops ahoy where she would annoy steve harrington and help robin with her data on steve's flirting skills.

but when her friends said she simply must go, she complied and put on her bright neon blue bikini and rode down to the pool. she found it hard to say no to them because she hadn't seem them much her first week, she had been grounded for coming back an hour past curfew.

as she rode down the down town area of hawkins she took notice of joyce and hopper in the retail clerk holding hands, she shook her head with a smile and continued her ride. the town was full of secrets and she had known most of them but not told many. it wasn't her place to, and it wasn't their fault she had nothing better to do than observe their real house wives secrets they held close. she pulled up to the pool carelessly throwing her bike towards the rack and quickly stood it up properly. she readjusted her backpack that was filled to the brim with cheap snacks from the local supermarket, a mystery novel, towel and sunscreen. it was heavy but her merry poppins bag of endless things was always useful.

she smiled at the lady behind the counter showing her pool pass and strutted into the pool, her friends waved and she laughed at there excited expressions walking over. she slid her big star wars shirt off and pulled her jean shorts off as well chucking them next to her bag. she stretched and giggled at something her friend had said about something that probably wasn't that funny. she sat on her towel pulling her dirty white sneakers off and slipping her socks off as well. she began to talk to her friend katie, who was gushing over some hot life guard.

"so is that why you always come to the pool now?" she rolled her eyes at her boy obsessed friend.

she shrugged with a smirk, "maybe." y/n scoffed shaking her head whipping her with a towel playfully.

"i've been going to movies by myself just so you could stare at some hot guy? some friend you are." she joked nudging her friend slapping some sunscreen of her arms and legs. she stood up and looked at her other friends who were basking in the sun like lizards in the winter.

"i don't know about you but i'm going for a swim." before she could jump into the heavily chlorinated water she was stopped by katie yanking her arm pulling her back.

"wait he's about to come out, you have to wait for the show!" she whisper shouted. y/n rolled her eyes complying once again and sat on her seat putting sunglasses on her eyes the world now tinted a green shade. she pulled her book out turning to the dog eared page and began to devour the words. she now almost forgot she was even at the pool until she had a harsh smack to her face. she looked at katie about to hit her back until she saw him.

y/n had a busy life, she hadn't been told about any new people in town by her friends. she had just spent her whole senior year with her grandma in kentucky, and finished her last year of high school there not making many friends. she almost punched katie in the face for not telling her about this lifeguard any sooner but she held in her punch and drool, and fully took him in, blonde curly mullet styled to a perfect mess, small red shorts, a gaze worthy body and lips of a greek god. y/n didn't mean to sound hippie or high or even horny but his whole aura screamed sex god.

y/n wasn't a pure angel she had her fair share of one night stands and flings, she had tapped enough kentucky ass to keep her satisfied while she was over there. y/n didn't like dating, relationships or commitment. but hot damn did she want to tap that.

she didn't do anything stupid like the other girls or mothers due to his appearance, she simply grabbed her book once again reading from where she was up to. she grabbed her chip packet and opened it offering some to her friends david and andy who weren't drooling over billy like katie and genevieve were. they accepted, y/n figured that this summer shouldn't be a boy filled one, just fun before she left to college. she didn't need the stress or effort and just figured she shouldn't get involved even if thought she just saw a boy competing for rob lowe's position in her heart. he looked at the group of teenagers noticing a new person tagging along, his eyes grazed over katie and genevieve completely ignoring david and andy and his eyes locked with y/n.

y/n had been laughing at a silly joke she had made to andy who was laughing along himself billy licked his pink lips at the sight, y/n felt a gaze and turned towards her eyes met billy's blue crystal orbs. "you new around here?" he said with a smirk, she knew the game he was playing. and she decided, summer was for fun and thats exactly what she was going to have.

"maybe." she said biting her lip pulling her sunglasses up onto her head, "why do you ask mr. lifeguard?" she looked up towards him through her eyelashes. he could see the trouble seeping through her, the way she looked up at him, the way she stood tall, she was trouble clearly and exactly what he wanted.

"well, i figured if you weren't new how in the hell haven't i met you before."

it all began when those words left his mouth he knew what he was doing and didn't care that he may regret it, but the fun really started at davids brothers party one saturday night. tight clothes, sweaty bodies, intoxicated minds and billy's car.

the party was annual summer event and every teen in town was going, the misfits, the jocks and every other stupid clique you can name joined forces bonding over one thing. growing up. nearly everyone was shitting themselves at the thought except a few who were excited. y/n had drunk half of davids dad's liquor cabinet by the time the first guest had arrived. by the time billy had shown up she was stumbling all over the place with a drunken smile on her face.

she had gone outside the cold night breeze nipping at her legs and arms, billy had barely had anything to drink yet so he really took in what she looked like. a red velvet singlet, a tight black skirt with fishnets underneath, doc martins and her hair was out in messy curls. she looked stunning. a large group of teens surrounded the keg waiting for the next competitor to step up. billy felt a rush of confidence when he saw y/n and stepped up being pulled into a handstand, the crowd began to count and cheer him on.

he reached the number forty-two, and y/n scoffed walking over challenging him. billy stepped back giving her a challenging smirk himself. two jocks lifted her legs he skirt ridding up a bit showing her red underwear, boys cheered and girls giggled. her skinny but strong arms held her up, and she connected the tube to her mouth. she began to down the bitter beer her stomach churning as the world spun. they began to chant louder, "41,42,43,45,46,47,48.49,50!" she tapped her heels together slowly being placed down. she raised her hands in victory and they all whooped and cheered her on.

billy came over leaning on his left leg putting his hand out, "good game?" he offered.

y/n lifted her hand shaking his, he took notice of her scratched up knuckles. "good game." she replied nodding her head in a humble manner.

"what happened to your hand?"

"punched someone." she replied, pulling her hand away and sauntering off into the house to find steve and robin who she had promptly invited. she jogged up the steps nearly eating shit, she danced her way into the middle of the crowd to 'white wedding'. her plans to find steve and robin forgotten for now. she jumped around her shoes slamming onto the floor, she began feeling a bigger thumping in her head, the world twirled around and swirls of blur and colours filled her eyes. she belted the lyrics and soon felt her stomach churn once again. she ran up the stairs trying to get to the bathroom. she opened the door to be met with robin and genevieve with tongues down each others throats. she nearly screamed in delight but all she could get out was. "i'm gonna throw up." they stood up and y/n collapsed to the floor spewing into the toilet bowl.

robin grabbed her hair holding it back, and genevieve rubbed circles on her back comforting her. she soon finished wiping her mouth on a wet cloth genevieve had gotten her. she smiled at them intoxicated still in the smallest. "my lesbian best friends finally made out! yay!" she cheered with a child like smile.

robin laughed sliding onto the floor, "want me to get you a new shirt?" y/n looked down at her puke stained shirt and huffed.

"yes please." her drunk-ness slowly subsiding. robin came back with what looked to be a large t-shirt that steve practically lived in outside of his scoops ahoy uniform.

"is that steves?" she asked furrowed brows.

"yeah he's passed out in davids room and i grabbed it, i couldn't find anything else." y/n nodded pulling her shirt off and sliding steves on. she patted robin on the shoulder as a thank you.

she reached the door before quickly turning around to face the pair, "oh and by the way, the parents room is free down the hall. that way no one can interrupt by puking." she said walking to davids room to find steve. she saw him splurged out on the bed snoring so loud she was sure the windows were shaking. then again the music could just be shaking them. she chucked her singlet onto the floor shutting the door for steve to get some sleep and walked down to find katie sticking her tongue down her ex's throat. she grabbed her arm.

"you seriously want to go there tonight katie?" she asked with a caring tone, katie looked annoyed and rolled her eyes.

"yeah i do y/n, go bother someone else and quit being such a clingy loser." katie was mean when she was drinking, she would always apologise the next day and say she was drunk and that she didn't mean it. but sometimes y/n thought she was just mean and the alcohol just didn't give her the filter to hide it. y/n rolled her eyes.

"whatever katie, go fuck him, but don't come crying to me when he dumps your sorry ass again." she said huffing off to the outside.

she let a tear roll down her pink tinted cheeks and sat on the porch steps. the time was reaching four in the morning and y/n looked down at her grubby docs with scratches and old worn laces sighing. she soon felt a presence next to her and looked to her left to be met with billy once again. he offered a small smile with y/n returned, billy had a cigarette in his hand he look at y/n leaning it forward as a offering. she took the stick and put it in her mouth, she breathed in a big puff, blowing it out towards billy who breathed it in himself.

"whats up l/n?"

"katie." she shrugged handing over the cigarette, looking up towards the stars. it wasn't the first time she had done this and quite frankly y/n was getting sick and tired of it. the nights intoxicated fun coming to a end, and she began to question the people in hawkins.

billy didn't know exactly how to comfort the girl, so he just handed the cigarette off to her again. after billy's keg chug which was hours ago he hadn't touched a drink, something was off about tonight. he didn't take up mrs. wheelers request for private swim lessons, instead came to the party which he knew y/n would be attending. and he felt a sense of relief with his decision. billy had so many questions for the h/c girl next to him, but felt best to keep his mouth shut.

"so you and harrington huh?" he asked nodded at her shirt, billy had seen steve in it all the time and figure she must of hooked up with him.

y/n furrowed her brows in confusion, looking down at her shirt. she chuckled shaking her head. "no, i got vomit on mine. he's asleep upstairs so i took because he didn't need it." she took a big drag and looked at the blue camaro sitting in the drive way and a idea popped into her head.

"you got a car billy?" she turned her head to him, and actually looked at him for the first time in their conversation. her eyes were slightly red and e/c orbs danced across in face, with a smirk on her lips.

"yeah, that one." he pointed at the car y/n had just been thinking about joyriding in.

"how much have ya drank tonight?"

"not enough, i can drive."

she grabbed his wrist pulling him up and getting in his car. he didn't fight it and simply got in the drivers side and speed off towards the highest hill in hawkins. they speed up the hill and he parked, the small town could be seen from the car and y/n laughed kicking her feet onto the dashboard.

after a comfortable silence y/n sat up straight and turned to billy, "you got a girlfriend billy?"


"'cause i don't want some crazy bitch trying to kill me for what i'm about to do next."

"i don't." he said confused, he turned on his side to face her. y/n unbuckled her belt and got out of the car, going to the backseat. billy looked at her confused once again.

"what you never done this before, get in the back." she smirked.

he entered the back seat and she grabbed his t-shirt pulling him in for a kiss. she kissed his lips and he feverishly kissed her back his hands crawling up the back of her shirt, making her feel tingles and fire where his fingers grazed. he pulled the shirt off of her chucking it to the front of the car and slowly crawled on top of her, her legs spread apart clinging around his hips and his boner slowly getting harder. his lips dove back onto hers and she let out a hiss when his hips rubbed on hers. she kissed down his neck and chest as his hips kept moving, explicit noises escaped billy's mouth and y/n smirked into his chest.

he grabbed her cheeks kissing her once more their tongues battling for dominance, and said "i don't do relationships, this ain't going to mean much to me y/n." y/n's smirk stayed in contact.

"its just some summer fling, billy. i'm just looking for some fun trust me." she said breathlessly, and began to tug at his belt.

they both lied that night.

it was a late saturday morning when y/n stepped out of billy's car and walked into to davids. "see you around hargrove." he nodded and speed off down the quite neighbourhood. she stomped up the steps and walked into the house to see everyone cleaning up the mess from the night before. katie looked at her with apologetic eyes.

"i'm sorry about last night y/n."

"its whatever katie." she huffed off to the lounge room leaving katie to be stranded in her guilt.

what she saw on the couch made her laugh, robin was on the floor with a genevieve next to her cuddling and on the couch was steve with his hair in a messy flop of curls and in her singlet which didn't cover much of him i might add. he looked stupid and she couldn't help but laugh.

"hey shirt thief." she cackled at him, he rolled his eyes and they sat down and watched cartoons until noon. it was a fun start to her summer, she was awaiting what would happen with her summer fling. she didn't keep her hopes up though, even if she really wanted to.

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this was probably really shit but eh, i enjoyed writing it. thanks for 900 views

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