Jamie (boyxboy)

By bumble_boop

2.3K 55 36

Jaime is a foster kid. Growing up in a foster facility for years, he grew a family of his own and even found... More

- preface -
1 - goodbye
2 - surprise
3 - beginnings
4 - allidiles
5 - different
6 - saturday
7 - guilty pleasures
8 - in my head
10 - screw up
11 - better safe
12 - reunion
13 - high, how are you?
14 - talk about it
15 - warm
16 - date
17 - flight
18 - missing
19 - hot/cold
20 - city boy
21 - replacement
22 - collin
23 - truth
24 - thanks
25- just another day

9 - too good

94 3 0
By bumble_boop

The entire day I feel a pep in my step. It is contagious because it seemed to infect everyone around me. I finally made a friend to sit with at lunch so I don't have to hide in the library anymore.

Riley is in my Stats class and we bonded over how much we hate it. Eventually, they talked to me about their girlfriend and I told them about my boyfriend's recent behavior. I wouldn't consider us friends but hey, I need to talk.

"You should really consider talking to the others about it. They would know if anything is going on." Riley stabs at their broccoli with their fork absentmindedly.

I let out a big sigh, "But what if I am over thinking it? What if it's nothing?"

"You aren't. It sounds like something is going on and even if it is nothing, checking in won't hurt anything."

I stare into their light brown eyes and then their piercings. Riley is right for sure, but how do I do it without being overprotective? I can't just waltz in and ask. I mean, I could but that would be stupid.

Then it clicks. Reunion night is coming up. It's when all the adopted foster kids and their family go to the orphanage and reunite. I could just poke around when I'm there. Then I can also meet the new guy.

"You're a genius. I could kiss you," I say and ignore Riley saying "Please don't."

The rest of the day goes by pretty fast and I couldn't be more excited. I even make it to Hunter's car before him after throwing everything in my locker.

I stare at Hunter in his football jumper and tight skinny jeans. Of course he is wearing black and white checkered Vans. My eyes catch on the earring in his ear. I didn't know he had a piercing.

"Wow, you really are excited aren't you?" Hunter laughs at my excitement but I don't even flinch.

I climb into the dark gray Mitsubishi, my knee bouncing while Hunter turns the key.

"Ok so just so you know, you have to be extremely quiet around certain animals. The polar bears get pretty pissy when people are loud, not that you are normally loud." Hunter turns around in his seat and backs out, turning and then we are on our way.

Suddenly, Lucky Strike by Troye Sivan flows through the speakers and I am pleasantly surprised.

"You listen to Troye?" I look at him looking like a gaping fish.

His ears turn pink but he nods, "I have both albums in my glovebox."

Immediately I turn forward and open the compartment. At least thirty album cases stare back at me. Alanis Morisette, Bush, Troye Sivan, Avril Lavigne, Cage the Elephant, and even the Spice Girls.

"Jesus. We have very similar taste in music," I laugh when I pick up Melodrama.

"Do you mind if I put this in?"

"Sure thing," He smiles.

I hit play and immediately I'm enveloped in Lorde's nostalgic sound.

I did my makeup in somebody else's car.

We order different drinks at the same bars.

I sing along with no shame in knowing all the words. I know I can't sing worth a damn but Hunter fucking can.

My eyes widen and I look at him, "You're voice is so good. Please tell me you're in the music program at school."

Hunter looks at me and shakes his head with a laugh, "No I could never sing half the songs they do. None of it is stuff I want to sing."

A frown graces my features but before I can even say another word we are at the Aquarium. It is huge and reminds me of a mall. The walls are light blue and white with Windows everywhere. A large sign is out front that has Aquatic World printed in big black cursive letters. Everything is nicely pulled together, including the garden that stretches along the path to the door and walls.

"I really hope this isn't another SeaWorld."

"It isn't. We are a rescue aquarium. All of these animals are rescues from the ocean, other aquariums, or sometimes illegal pets. You'd be surprised just how many people try to keep animals that they know nothing about."

I stare at Hunter for the millionth time, taking in his whole being once more. This time I notice the freckles on his sunkissed skin. They seem to form an intricate pattern alongside his cheeks and nose. I feel the urge to touch each one, taking my time and tracing lines on his skin.

Hunter's words snap my eyes away from his face and to the door. We had somehow managed to get there very soon from the car. He holds it open for me and immediately I smell the water.

"We are going to start in the back and then I can show you the big pools," I nod as a response and we enter the lobby.

It is nothing like bland hotel lobbies. There are plants changing from the ceiling, pictures on the walls of animals I haven't met yet, and a huge TV displaying footage of sharks swimming in a large area that simulates an ocean. I grin as I take it all in.

"Hunter we aren't open today. Why are you here, surely you aren't working?" The receptionist stands, wearing a lab coat, gloves and a messy bun.

She looks tired.

"I am just here to visit," He smiles and those god-forsaken dimples appear, "I brought my foster brother along."

Foster brother.

I can't help but cringe at those words for some reason. My phone vibrates in my pocket but I ignore it because Hunter is going through a door.

When I pass the threshold, am met with the sight of large pools spread out over the concrete. The room is huge and reminds be of an auditorium.

Hunter smiles at me, "First you have to meet Bongo."

I follow him to a large stainless steel sink and we both wash our hands. Hunter hands me a pair of rubber gloves and I put them on quickly. They are a little big but I ignore it, following Hunter to the center of the room.

In the water there are all sorts of plants I can't remember the name of. But they are a brilliant shade of green.

Then I see the tiny manatee and I swear to God my face lights up. In front of me is the cutest thing in the entire world, yet all I can do is stare with my jaw dropped.

Quietly I ask, "This is Bongo?"

Hunter chuckles and nods, approving of my silent and gentle behavior.

The manatee moves closer to me and I look at Hunter, "Can I?"

"Yes just be very slow and gentle. Bongo was born a week before when he was supposed to so he is pretty small. He is only a week old."

I reach out and pet the sea cow. It is so peaceful petting the gentle being. The manatee stares at me and seems to enjoy the petting.

"He is so gentle," I whisper, "And cute. He is most definitely the cutest thing ever."

Hunter laughs and I'm not sure if he is laughing at me or his thoughts, "He gets that a lot. Everything here can be classified of the cutest thing ever."

I roll my eyes but smile, knowing it has to be true. After a little while longer we allow Bongo some alone time.

As we walk around the large room, I see all sorts of animals. Eels, a dolphin, manta rays, puffer fish, and a shallow pool with several crabs scurrying around.

Every pool suits the animals needs. The dolphin pool also had three fish swimming around for when the dolphin felt hungry. The crab pool had heated sand to relax on. It is amazing to see that so much time is given into taking care of the beautiful creatures.

Hunter takes me out of another door and we are in a hallway tube. There are sea turtles swimming around us and I can't help but stare.

"So how do you guys take care of them all?" I ask, mesmerized by the way they swim.

Hunter replies and shoves his hands in his pockets, "There are always people here. There is an inside and outside team. The inside obviously takes care of the just rescued animals. They make sure they are medicated, fed, and just doing well. The outside team deals with the animal that cannot be released ever for various reasons."

We turn right at the end of the tunnel and then we are outside. The sun is blazing outside but not badly. There are different exhibits with signs saying information about the animals. However, a dock on the right side of the area catches my eye.

Hunter leads me straight ahead but I know I will see the dock later. We walks past several pools and habitats for animals before we end up at the end of the concrete.

"Penguins?" I nearly sqeal like a little kid.

Hunter doesn't say a word and goes behind it, beckoning me to follow. I do and he opens a gate. We enter the exhibit and my jaw drops. Penguins we addle around on the rocks and swim in the water. I smile widely and look at Hunter who sits on a rock. I didn't see any sign of poop on the sand so I sit.

"Marble," Hunter cooes patting his thighs.

A penguin that is completely white with black spots looks up.

"C'mere, girl," Hunter cooes some more then the penguin is waddling over to him excitedly.

I smile at the small exchange. When I was younger I never really got to see things like this. We barely could afford internally at the foster home, let alone a family trip. I take out my phone and make sure the flash it off to take a picture of the penguins. I know that Jack and Jaycee would love to see them. I would have to figure out a way to take them here sometime.

"She looks a lot different from the other penguins," I observe the small penguin and reach over to pet her.

Thankfully, the penguin just leaned into my touch instead of biting me or being aggressive. I smile at her and then notice she is missing a wing. I pet her but can't help but stare at the nub.

"She got caught up in a boat's propeller," Hunter says softly as he scratches her head softly.

"How did she survive? That had to of been heavy damage dealt to her entire body."

"She barely made it, but she wouldn't give up. We thought she was going to pass away the night we brought her here," He says sadly.

My eyes look at all the other penguins. Some had chips in their beak while other's bodies looked slicked.

"An oil spill...is that why all of them are here?" It dawns on me while I stare at their stuck together down and feathers.

Hunter nods and allows Marble to run back to her family.

"None of them are related according to Dr. Corden. So all of them come from different parts of the island they lived on."

Not related but still family. I smile at the penguins and realize they are practically a foster family. Just like all of us at the foster facility. Different but family.

"So they are staying here forever?" I ask cluelessly, causing Hunter to laugh at me.

"No they will be perfectly healthy in a month. Marble is the only one who needs to stay. Her and her babies of course."

"Babies?" My eyes widen and I smile, "Where are they?" I ask excitedly.

"In the incubator in the Dr's office. We can't see them yet, since Dr. Corden doesn't want them to have a heart attack or be stresses out," Hunter shuts the gate while we walk back around.

I didn't even realize that it is dark outside due to the soft light of the aquarium. The soft blue lights from the pools looked beautiful in the night time. Hunter looked like an angel basking in the soft lighting.

His hair is illuminated by the soft glow around him while his skin shines a little. We walk together in silence for a while just enjoying the environment.

We start to leave when I notice the dock again, so I grab Hunter's sleeve and tug on it.

"What's over there?" I ask and point towards the dock, feeling serene.

Hunter gives me a grin and then starts to walk that way. When we get to the end of the dock, he takes his shoes off and sticks them in the water. The ocean reaches out as far as the eye catches see. I sit beside him and also put my feet in the water.

After a few minutes I hear a splash. My heart races, but I know Hunter wouldn't put me in danger. We stay quiet when suddenly something nudges my foot. I look down, my heart jumping out of my chest.

There is a dolphin nudging my foot before looking at me above water, it lets out a squeal.

"It likes you," He laughs softly.

I reach my arm out and the dolphin nudges my hand so I pet it.

"Are they a part of the aquarium?"

"No they are wild. We just feed them sometimes. They come back her every single day and sometimes the visitors feed them," Hunter glances at me and I finally notice how close we are.

"They are really cute," I say softly, the world and my mind going blank momentarily.

He smiles and nods as an answer. Neither of us looks away and I can feel the pressure building up in my head and heart.

"Jaime," He says softly.


Both of us are still, staring into each other's eyes. I don't know if it's the vibe of the day or us spending time together recently but I lean in and so does he.

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