The Prophecy

By Mikealsonlover12

13.2K 192 52

Book 6 "In the beginning I was naive. I didn't know what lurked in the dark, I didn't know that there were th... More

Cast and Trailer
Might hit you with a comeback
Summing some things up.
New Face
Monster Party
I Want What Everyone Wants And What I Want Is You
Whats being missed! Important!!
I Was Told I Have The Petrova Fire
It's all my fault
Crazy bitch
Battle of the Sirelines
Battle of the Sirelines 2
3x16 sum up
Return to Mystic Falls
Return to Mystic Falls 2
Hatred for the Mikaelsons 1
Hatred For The Mikaelsons 2
Another Friend Dies
Cheers to Another friend dying!
The Ancestors
Our downfall
Next book!

Held Captive

525 9 3
By Mikealsonlover12

Waking up to a shirtless Lucien shaking her awake out of shock she punches him in the nose which hurts her fist that she yells in pain. "Yeah I forgot to tell you that you'll feel human so punching a vampire is a no no!" She growls standing up. "You said a few hours why am I not back to before!?" She asks angrily.

"Well every time you accepted your drink from me I put a lot of the powder in it!" He says casually putting on a shirt. He smirks at her. "That reminds me-" he vamps speeds in front of her looking her in the eye. "You'll do as I say for as long as I tell you too... you understand." He says compelling her. Angel tries to fight it but can't. "I understand." She says in monotone.

"How can you compel me your not an original!?" She says. "Natures loop hole on this spell. It renders supernatural creatures into a human like state so your no longer stuck between the supernatural world and the humans your just... human." He says to her buttoning up his shirt. "Now go shower... we have some place to be." He tells her. Without another word she does as she's told.


Angel is now walking out of the bedroom with Lucien. They both step into the living room Lucien has his jacket in hand to find a very displeased Cami sitting in an armchair.

"Oh, don't you look lovely!" He says sarcastically. Cami continues to scowl at him, and he feigns concern.

"Something wrong?" Lucien asks. "Should I make a list? You tortured Detective Kinney, gave him a compulsion lobotomy, made Angel human with some witchy spell and not to mention you're holding me against my will." She says.

"He also compelled me to do everything he says." Angel says annoyed. Cami is shocked and scoffs at Lucien who is using her phone typing a text message, and she gives him a look.

"And using up all of my minutes. I mean, I appreciate your dead witch's hand-me-downs and remembering to feed me, but did you really think I was just going to smile and eat up?" Cami says.

"Well, think of all the poor people who are starving in-" Lucien thinks of an impoverished region to mention, but when he comes up blank, he just shrugs. "Well, somewhere." He says as he walks over to the mirror and puts on his jacket before adjusting his tie. He asks Angel for her opinion on the jacket and she says it's mysterious in a good way.

"We would join you, but I've been called to dine with the Mikaelsons and Angel owes me a little date." Lucien says. Angel rolls her eyes as she sits on the table

"Are they going to serve your head on a platter?" Cami says sarcastically. "I hope so!" Angel says angrily. Lucien smirks at the girls. "Doubtful. Niklaus and I are allies, now that the evil Tristan is in town." Lucien says picking up Cami's phone again and returns to typing a text with it.

"Um, let me ask-- are you more likely to tell Vincent that you're drowning in a tub of bourbon or awash in a sea of chardonnay?" Lucien asks her. "Go to hell." Cami says coldly. Lucien looks g Angel. "Darling will you be a doll and tell me the answer." He asks sweetly Angel scowls at him. "She's a bourbon type of girl.

"See Camille it wasn't that hard." He tells her. "Do you really think you can trick my friends into thinking I'm fine? Someone's gonna notice that I'm gone, and when they do, they'll track me here." She says with a cocky smile.

"Well, not within the next few hours, by which time you'll be free of vervain, and I'll be able to compel you to forget everything. Including all manner of tortures and punishments I might yet employ, should you continue to prove disrespectful." He says.

Cami and Angel glare at Lucien, but before either of them can reply, they hear a knock on the door, which causes Lucien to smirk at the girls.

"That'll be the nanny!" He says walking over to the door and opens it, allowing a large, burly man to walk into the room. Lucien chuckles as he makes his introductions to Cami and Angel.

"This is Anton, a very loyal and very dangerous friend. Tread carefully." He says taking Angels hand she doesn't even try to resist afraid he'll use compulsion.

Lucien turns back to talk to Anton letting go of Angels hand as he lets her walk to the door.

"Oh, and, uh, Anton? If you should not hear from me by nightfall, go on and kill her. But, do it quickly. Oh, and for God's sake, don't ask if she has any final words-- you'll be here through the weekend." Lucien says. He then smiles at them before he takes Angels hand and they leave shutting the door behind them. Once there gone, Anton looks over at Cami, who looks both angry and afraid of what he could do to her.

Outside Angel is threatening Lucien. "If she does I'll kill you!" She says. Lucien chuckles. "Don't worry as long as I'm alive she'll be fine.... besides... I plan on sending you back to visit her mid dinner!" He says as his driver opens up the car door for them and closing it once there inside.


Lucien has allowed Angel to go change into something more formal as he waits for her downstairs. Upstairs Angel is looking through her options. "What to wear?! What to wear?!" She says throwing her clothes on her old bed. She kept some clothes here in the compound before leaving to live in her new apartment.

"Angel you have good taste!" Elijah tells her walking over. He's been in the room the entire time waiting for her to choose a dress. She looks at home with puppy dog eyes and he sighs. She can see he's not in the mood. She rolls her eyes. "Fine I'll pick this one then!" Grabbing it and going to the bathroom but Elijah stops her.

"Actually... this one will suit you better." He says holding it up for her to see.

Her eyes widen and then gives Elijah a look. "You never approve of me showing that much skin.... your up to something. Aren't you?" She asks curiously. Elijah nods. "Lucien and Tristan has taken a liking in you... I would tell you to stay away from Tristan because well he's crazy-" he's interrupted by Angel.

"And I'm crazier!" She says. Finishing what he was saying. "Now my brother and I very much would like if you'd- Uh what's the thing you say- oh "pulling an Amelia" on the two." He says casually still holding the dress. She sighs. "So you want me to gather information for my own gain-our gain? And report back to you?" She asks. Elijah nods. "Pretty much." He says.

Angel nods taking the dress he chose for her and throwing the dress she chose onto the bed. "Considering I have Tristan wrapped around my little finger already..... I can pull a few more strings on him... as for Lucien he likes a challenge... so I'll give him one!" She says smirking going into her ripper mindset. As in the ripper mindset she has two one obviously tearing people apart and two manipulating, lying, killing, doing anything you please.

And that's the mindset she goes into. Downstairs Lucien is speaking to Aurora as Tristan stands beside him and Klaus begins Aurora.

"Hello, Aurora. It's been ages. You look-" Klaus, seemingly jealous of this interaction, quickly walks toward Aurora and takes her hand in his own. "You look ravishing." He says. Klaus then kisses her hand, which makes both Lucien and Tristan uncomfortable.

However, before the three of them can start anything, Elijah descends the staircase with Angel on his arm. The three men look at Angel in awe even Aurora thinks she's gorgeous. Elijah begins to speak as they walk slowly down the stairs.

"Welcome to our home! I do wish it was under better circumstances. We all face a common threat-- a prophecy warning that my siblings, Angel, and I would all fall within a year." He says as they make there way to the bottom and stand next to Klaus looking at the three first sireds.

Elijah pauses dramatically. "I fear my sister already has." He says. After a moment of awkward silence, Tristan speaks up.

"Only as a precautionary measure, I assure you." Tristan says. Lucien looks at Tristan in surprise and disapproval, and Elijah, too, does not seem pleased by this information.

"Interesting. You see, I would have called it an entirely unnecessary measure. We need to unite to prevent the prophecy from coming to pass. And, since any alliance is impossible without honesty-"

Elijah and Klaus exchange a quick look before Elijah continues.

"Let us begin this evening's proceedings by formally acknowledging your clandestine alliance." Elijah says gesturing at Tristan and Lucien, who both look stunned and a little afraid by this admission so early in the evening.

However, after a moment, Lucien nervously replies to Elijah's statement.

"Now gentlemen, before-" Elijah quickly and patronizingly cuts Lucien off before he can finish his sentence.

"Shh, shh, shh, shh. Luci, please. Let's not ruin the dinner before it begins." He says. "And, do try to bear in mind, we expect and honest and productive negotiation this evening!" Klaus says. Tristan nods warily. "Mmhmm." Is what he mumbles.

"Shall we begin?" Elijah asks with a smile. Angel groans gaining there attention. "Yes! This human spell thingy makes me hungry. The turkey best be delicious as well as the stuffing!" She says walking over happily to the table as Elijah and Klaus frown at what she says.

Tristan and Lucien both sigh nervously, while Aurora just smiles, visibly amused by the drama of this conversation.

Elijah extends his arm toward the table as Aurora, Tristan, and Lucien, followed shortly afterward by Klaus, walk to take their seats.

Klaus looks over at Elijah, who nods curtly before joining them all at the table.

Lucien sits next to Angel. Klaus is on Angels right at the end of the table across from Angel is Aurora and next to Aurora is Tristan and on the opposite end of Klaus is his brother Elijah.


Lucien just told the Originals that Angel is under his compulsion and explain how it's done. Angel rolls her eyes as Tristan glares at Lucien who's admiring Angel's beauty. Tristan decides to make Lucien mad.

"Angel, did you enjoy our time together?" Tristan says talking about the sex they had two days ago. Angel stops stuffing food in her face as she looks up. Her heart is pounding and she knows everyone can hear it.

She acts normal. "Umm. No need to mention our little walk in the park!" She says trying to stop her erratic heart beat down. Lucien looks at a smirking Tristan and an half pissed Angel eating turkey with her fork. She sits back. "Yeah it was fun! Moving-" Tristan interrupts her. "Don't be ashamed of what we did!" Tristan says.

"What exactly did you do?!" Klaus asks Angel who simply ignores him. "Oh we just made love. She told me she loved me!" Gasps are heard.

Angel just chugs her water down. "Yes I do love you and only you!" She tells him with a smile that convinces him, Aurora, And Lucien. Elijah and Klaus act like they believe it but they know it's an act.

"Anyway... can we move on." She pats Lucien leg and he just glares at his plate. "Can we please talk about the thing a majig! The medallion?!" Angel says. "Oh yes we shall thank you for getting us back on topic Angel!" Klaus says as both brothers look between Tristan and Lucien.

Tristan and Lucien seem alarmed that the Mikaelsons are aware of their plans for the Serratura, but they recover quickly

"I suppose it was my sister who shared that bit of information?" Tristan says looking at Aurora who looks down.

"Don't blame Aurora. You two are hardly conspiratorial geniuses." Klaus says.

Lucien looks at Angel then at Aurora and Klaus and starts up some drama.

"Funny story. It turns out, all along, that the medallion was in the hands of Nik's friend Camille, the bartender-slash-therapist. Had to get her arrested in order to search her goodies, so to speak. And Angel my sweet love." He cuts himself off to grab her hand and give it a squeeze gaining her attention as she looking him in the eye.

"Wasn't Klaus in love with you at some point in time? If so share the details. And be honest!" Lucien nods at her to speak as she tries to fight the compulsion.

"Yes! For a very long time he would always follow me, buy me things, make promises, show up at the right time to save me, save my friends and family for me when I asked! It was weird but it was alright I grew to like being chased by him. He saw a challenge and I gave it to him! Literally!" Her eyes widen by her confession.

She looks around and everyone seems to be in shock besides Elijah, Lucien, And Klaus. Who just puts his hand on his face.

"When one lays eyes on Angel Gilbert they can't take their eyes off of her!" Lucien says. Elijah and Tristan nod in agreement.  "Perhaps your confused between love and attraction. I used you until you gave me what I wanted! I only did those things for I can get what I wanted I never loved you!" Klaus says as he glares into Angel eyes.

Aurora smiles pleased and she sees that Angel is hurt by this. "Don't worry Angel there plenty of fish in the sea! I can help f-" Aurora is interrupted by Angel.

"I'm fine! I'm immune to what you call to pain. Have been since I was a child! I've gotten use to it honestly." She says staring at her plate. Lucien feeling slightly bad grabs her hand.

"Would you like to check on your friend Camille?" He asks. She give him a smiles "Yeah! He has to stay alive by the way! So don't kill him!" She says standing up. "The turkey was delicious as well as the stuffing! Next time cool the turkey a bit longer!" She pushes in her chair avoiding all eyes and walks out going to see and protect Cami.


It's been about 40 minutes since Angel has been with Cami and the vampire Anton. The three of them are watching football! New Orleans vs the Jets! Angel's into it and Anton likes it. Well that's part of the plan between Angel and Cami.

"Drew throw the damn ball!" Angel yells at the TV. Drew brees gets sacked and now it's fourth down. Anton laughs. "You really thought he was going to throw that in time!" He asks her seriously. "Hey the Jets fucking suck! Drew is the Goat!" He scoffs and that's when Camille gets up and starts picking up beer bottles before walking into the kitchen with them.

"Thought I told you to sit still." Anton says to Her becoming serious.

Cami pretends to be drunk and wobbles on her feet as she walks to dispose of the bottles. Angel smirks a bit but goes straight face. "No. You told me to drink, so I drank, and now I'm cleaning up." She says.

"How much do you know about Klaus Mikaelson? Because the chances of Lucien coming back are, um... kind of slim." She slurs.

Anton, suspicious of her, follows her into the kitchen and stares at her menacingly. Angel gets up and follows behind him.

"You better hope you're wrong, or you might not make it through the night." He says unamused. "Then I'll simply protect her!" Angel says cockily. He scoffs. "The spell is still in affect your still weak!" He says to her. Angel rolls her eyes as he looks back to Cami.

Cami continues pretending that she's drunk and slurs her words as she cheerfully rambles to him.

"Oh, I don't think you want to hurt me. See, Klaus is the most ruthless vampire in all of history, and guess what? He kind of likes me, so maybe you should be the one worrying about whether or not you make it through the night." She slurs. Angel grabs a beer bottle from beside her as she see Anton walk towards Cami angrily.

"You're a bad drunk." He says. Then Angel bashes one of the beer bottles against the back of Antons head, causing Anton to groan in pain. He yells in pain.

Angel takes advantage of Anton's distraction as he leans against the table. She sees his ring and uses the broken beer bottle to cut off his finger also taking another finger that doesn't has the daylight ring. Angel giggles hysterically as she holds up his fingers and takes the ring.

"Did you need these?" She says holding up the fingers in his face.

He screams in pain as blood gushes out and the sun starts to burn him.

"Ooh! I'm gonna kill you." He says. Cami runs behind Angel as Anton runs in a corner. "Not while the sun's still out." Cami says now besides Angel. "Who looks weak now you little bitch!" Angel says dropping Anton fingers as her and Cami run to the door.

They runout in the hallway, and they make a beeline for the elevator Angel pushes the button to summon it to the top floor with her free hand as she holds onto Anton's daylight ring in the other.

Waiting for the elevator only makes them more nervous, Camille anxiously paces around for a few moments. Now Cami pushes the button. Just then, the elevator arrives, Cami and Angel are about to rush through the opening doors when they suddenly stop in their tracks at the sight of who is already inside.

Angel immediately gets in front of Cami. It's Aurora, who smiles fakely at the two.

"It's nice seeing you again Angel... and You must be Cami." Aurora says to the two.

Cami's eyes widen in fear as Aurora continues to stare at them threateningly, stepping backward.


Klaus and Lucien are at the penthouse and Anton just broke the news that Angel had cut off his fingers with a beer bottle and took his ring and Cami. Klaus angry smashes things all over Lucien's penthouse as Lucien tries to figure out where Angel might have went.

Klaus roars at Anton. "Where are they?!" He yells angry. In pain Anton answers. "I told you. Angel took my daylight ring as well as the girl and ran."  Klaus is so enraged by this answer that he drives the stake into Anton's chest without another word.

Klaus groans as he stakes him. He stands tall as Anton's skin desiccates and turns gray as he dies from the stake to his heart. Once he's dead, Klaus turns to Lucien with a murderous glint in his eyes.

"This is your fault." Klaus says. "Well, to be fair, if my girl wasn't so hell bent on saving Cami they would still be here! So technically it's Angel's fault." Lucien says nervously.

Klaus growls under his breath and stalks toward Lucien, who anxiously backs far away from him and attempts to talk him down.

"Ah, ah. Now, you may hate me for involving your pretty friend and former pretty friend, but I needed your full attention. You certainly don't listen to me, despite my nonstop efforts to keep you alive." He speaks as he picks up a small box with a fleur-de-lis statue on the lid and opens it up to reveal the Serratura is inside. He hands the open box out to Klaus as a peace offering, but Klaus just stares at him suspiciously.

"If that really is the weapon that can lock me away for eternity, why hand it over?" He asks. "Proof of my loyalty. Yes. I sided with Tristan, but it's quite clear his devotion to Aurora outweighs even the value he places on his own life. Take it. It's yours." He says.

Klaus hesitates for a moment before reaching out and taking the bronze medallion from the box.


Outside of the penthouse Aurora has just placed Cami's unconscious body in the trunk she has a vampire bite in her neck. She closes the trunk and makes her way to the driver side and looks over at an unconscious Angel with puncture wounds on her right wrist for fun and on both sides of her neck because she struggled.

Little did Aurora know that Angel is healing again for the first time in two days but it's happening very slowly the spell is gonna wear off quicker than she thinks and then she'll be in for a fight for her life.


Hope you enjoyed :)

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