The Life You Gave Me

By PinkSeokjinmk

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"It's none of your business Jungkook!" "Look i'm sorry, I know it's none of my business but I just can't help... More

First Encounter
Strange Girl
I Got You
What Are You Doing To Me
Your Fault
Stop Caring
Seniors Trip (Part 1)
Seniors Trip (Part 2)
Seniors Trip (Part 3)
From A Dream To A Nightmare
Hold Me Tight
Make The Most Of It
What Really Matters
The Prom
The Life You Gave Me

Real Family

90 4 0
By PinkSeokjinmk

*Jungkook's pov*

It has been over a week since I took Y/n to the dance studio, my mom really likes her and she says she is very dedicated and hardworking, she is already showing a lot of improvement and I can tell that she is much happier, everyday she comes to school with a smile on her face and leaves excited to go to her dance lessons, even the guys have noticed that she is way more cheerful and I have to say her happiness is contagious, I always find myself smiling when i'm around her and what makes it better is that I feel like I played a small part in making her this happy which really warms my heart. We have also started dating, we haven't told the guys yet, but I am pretty sure they have figured it out already and approve. Today is Monday, I was very excited on my way to school, because I did not get to see Y/n during the weekend since she had practice and was pretty tired afterwards, I parked my car and made my way inside the school building to find the guys waiting for me, but no sign of Y/n.

Jin: Hey Jk!

J: What's up bro?

Jk: Hey guys... where's Y/n?

T: She is not here, she's probably late again.

Jk: Oh ok...

Just like that the bell rang and even though I wanted to stay and wait for her I had to go to class, I had math for first period and me and Y/n had the same class, but unfortunately she wasn't here. The teacher came into the classroom and the lesson began, I tried to focus on the lesson but my mind kept drifting off to Y/n "Why is she late?", suddenly the door opened and Y/n emerged from it, a smile formed on my face upon seeing her but it quickly faded as I noticed her expression, she looked worked up and a bit tired.

Y/n: I'm sorry i'm late, may I please come in?

Teach.: Only because it's been a while since the last time you were late.

She made her way to her seat which unfortunately wasn't next to me and took out her book's, I could tell something was bothering her and I began to worry "Did her stepdad come back?", "Wasn't he supposed to be gone for another two weeks?", those thought's began flooding my mind and I started to imagine the worst. Once class was over I immediately grabbed my things and went over to her desk.

Jk: Hey, are you ok?

Y/n: I'm fine...

Jk: Y/n I know when you are lying!

Y/n:  I really don't want to talk about it...

She got up and was about to leave but I grabbed her wrist turning her around to face me.

Jk: Y/n...

Y/n: Jungkook please I really just want to be alone right now...

I could see in her eyes that she didn't want to fight with me, so I respected her decision and slowly let go of her arm "She will probably tell me later...", that's what I thought as I watched her walk out the door, she didn't give me a chance to talk to her for the rest of the school day, she was quite distant and spend most of her time alone only talking to the guys for a couple of minutes between classes, they seemed a bit concerned as well considering she was so happy the past couple of weeks but they just brushed it off saying she went back to her regular self and will come back to them at her own time. I wanted to talk to her after school but I didn't get the chance to do so since she was quick to drive off on her motorcycle, but I knew she had a dance lesson today so I thought I would catch her there.

*time skip*

I made my way to the dance studio to talk to Y/n, she had finished her lesson with my mom and now she had the studio to herself for an hour, I could hear the music playing as I looked through the door to find her doing some exercises on the bar before turning off the music to drink some water, after taking a breath she took off her pointe shoes that I gave her and smiled right before putting away, that made my heart flatter and I just stood there watching her as she turned the music back on and began dancing barefoot, making up the steps along the way, she was so graceful and I couldn't help but stare, she had really improved a lot and her moves were smoother and more precise, she caught a glimpse of me and stopped moving before smiling and motioning me to come in, I immediately did as she told me and walked inside as she proceeded to turn off the music. I walked over to her with slow steps, she seemed happy to see me but I was still concerned about the way she behaved this morning. 

Jk: Hey...

Y/n: Hey...

Jk: Are you ok...?

Y/n: A bit tired, but i'm better now.

Jk: You know what I mean Y/n... 

I took a deep breath before taking a step closer to her and grabbing her hand before speaking.

Jk: Did he perhaps-...

I wasn't able to finish my sentence before she smashed her lips onto mine and reaching one hand up to touch my face, I didn't get to response to the kiss since she pulled away looking into my eyes.

Y/n: No, my stepdad isn't home yet, so you don't have to worry about that.

She took a step back from me before speaking her next sentence.

Y/n: I want you to dance with me.

Jk: What...?

She walked over to the stereo and turned on the music before making her way back to me and putting my hands around her waist while looking into my eyes, then she proceeded to sway to the music, we were moving in complete sync like we were one an I couldn't get my eyes off her.

(Imagine this was them)

She looked deep into my eyes and I found myself getting lost in hers, it didn't take long before she got on her tip toes and crashed her lips onto mine, for a moment it felt like the world had stopped and all that mattered was her and this kiss, we stayed like that for a couple minutes moving our lips in sync before she broke the kiss and I immediately began to miss the contact, she didn't even give me a second to breath before wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me into a hug, it didn't take long for me to hug her back, after hugging me for a good while she broke the silence by speaking into my ear.

Y/n: My mother is in town...

I was a bit shocked at her words and quickly pulled away to look at her.

Jk: And...?

Y/n: She want's to see me, or rather my sister does...

Jk: Are you going to go?

I knew how much her sister meant to her and how much she loved her but I wasn't sure about her mother so I had to ask. She looked down and took a deep breath before taking a step back from me.

Y/n: I will... if you come with me...

To be honest I was a bit shocked by her request, but I quickly smiled at her before pulling her into a tight hug while caressing the back of her head.

Jk: Of course I will.

She pulled away from me and gave me the biggest smile I think I have ever seen on her, she then gave me a quick peck on the lips and I could see her tearing up from how happy she was.

Y/n: Thank you!

Jk: No problem.

Y/n: We are going to see them on Friday after school, you are going to love my sister!

I could see the excitement in her eyes, she looked like a little kid and was smiling so much that you would think her cheeks would get sore, I couldn't help but smile as well.

Jk: You look beautiful when you smile!

She immediately blushed at my comment and suddenly became nervous which made me chuckle, she shyly put a strand of hair behind her ear before looking at me again.

Y/n: We should go...

Jk: Yeah of course!

I helped her gather her stuff and we walked out of the dance studio, we reached her motorcycle and she gave me a quick kiss before saying "Thank you" once again and taking off, I walked over to my car and drove home as well thinking about this Friday.

*Y/N pov*

The next few day just flew by and then came Friday, while I was in school all I could think about was my sister, I haven't seen her in four years, she must have grown so much does she even remember me or did my mom just say that to get me to meet her, honestly I didn't even know if I wanted to talk to my mother, she had abandoned me for crying out loud, if she wanted me to forgive her there was no chance, all I wanted was to see my sister, she is the reason I am still breathing, the reason that I can take so much, I just miss her so much and everyday I wonder if she misses me too, well I guess today i'm going to find out. Just like that the school day was over and I walked out of the school looking for Jungkook, he was by his car and he waved at me the second he saw me, I quickly made my way to him and he helped me get in the car.

Jk: How do you feel?

Y/n: Fine.

In all honesty I was terrified, I've never been so nervous in my entire life but as long as Jungkook was with me I felt a lot better, he seemed to notice my nervousness but didn't really ask me any further questions since he knew it would only get me even more worked up. The car ride was pretty silent, Jungkook tried making a couple jokes to ease the tension and even though they were good I was way to nervous to be laughing right now. We reached the address that my mom had sent me, it was a nice house that wasn't too close to the city and looked pretty new. As I was looking at the house I got more nervous, my palms began to sweat as I started playing with my fingers until Jungkook took hold of my hand and gave me reassuring smile.

Jk: I will be right next to you.

I instantly felt better, I gave him a nod and walked out of the car, he quickly got out as well and came to my side before taking hold of my hand again.

Jk: Are you ready?

Y/n: Yeah... I think I am...

I smiled and we walked up to the door, I took a deep breath before letting go of Jungkook's hand and ringing the doorbell. I could hear footsteps coming up to the door and I felt my body heat rising, I had no idea who was going to answer and I prayed that it wouldn't be my mother because I wouldn't know what to say to her, once the door opened I felt a wave of disappointment but also relief wash over me as my mom's husband opened the door with a serious face on, but at least it wasn't my mother.

Man: They are in the patio.

He stepped aside so that me and Jungkook could walk in and he couldn't sound more unimpressed if he tried. Jungkook and I walked past him and made our way to the patio, since like I said before the house wasn't that close to the city there was a  beautiful view of the mountains and I found myself getting lost in it until I heard a high pitched voice screaming out my name.

??: Y/N!

The second I heard the voice I snapped my head to the direction it came from and I felt tears forming in my eyes, I tried to speak out but my voice came out like a whisper.

Y/n: Ruby...?

She was right there in front of me, she had grown up so much and the smile that formed on her face when I looked at her was priceless, she dashed towards me at the speed of light and jumped in my arms hugging me so tight that for a moment I felt like I was going to pass out, but it didn't matter, I tried to hold in my tears but what she said next really got me.

R: Where have you been all this time? I missed you!

At that moment I couldn't hold it anymore, I let all my tears come out as I hugged her even tighter that before with no intention of letting go.

Y/n: I missed you too...

That was all I could say and my voice cracked a little, she noticed and pulled away wiping my tears with her small hands and giving me that beautiful smile once again.

Y/n: You are so grown up! How old are you now, 10?

R: I am 11 now!

My heart sunk at that, to think that she was only 7 when my mother took her away broke me, but I was happy that she still remembered me even if it had been four years, I gave her a smile which she instantly gave me back before turning her attention over to Jungkook who was standing behind me.

R: Who is that?

I let go of her and took Jungkook's hand before looking back at my sister.

Y/n: This is Jungkook, he is my boyfriend...

She gave Jungkook a suspicious stare and walked closer to him, I could feel him getting a bit nervous as Ruby motioned him to come closer with her index finger, Jungkook gave me a glance before doing so and now his face was inches away from her.

R: Name.

Jk: Uh... Jungkook...

R: Your full name!

Jk: Jeon Jungkook miss!

R: What are your intentions with my beloved older sister?

Jk: I don't-...

He did not get to finish his sentence before Rube pulled on the collar of his shirt glaring at him, I could see the fear in Jungkook's eyes and in all honesty I was a bit scared myself.

R: If you hurt my sister I am going to find out where you live and come over there to kick your but!

Jungkook got himself out of her grip and stood straight in a soldier position saluting my little sister.


Her serious face was instantly replaced by a big smile and she gave him a tight hug.

R: I knew you looked nice, I am going to bring you some juice!

She began to skip towards the inside of the house and Jungkook turned to look at me with a shocked expression.

Jk: She is literally a mini version of you!

I couldn't hold in my laughter anymore and neither could he, we started laughing like idiots, but it was cut short when I heard a voice calling out to me, a voice I wasn't sure if I ever wanted to hear again.

M: Y/n...

Y/n: Mom...

I turned to look at her with a blank expression on my face trying to hide all of my emotions, I didn't want to show her that I was weak, I wasn't the little naive girl she left behind four years ago, I was stronger and I wanted her to know that she meant nothing to me like I apparently meant nothing to her.

M: You are all grown up now, you've changed so much!

Y/n: You however have stayed the exact same.

The smile on her face instantly faded and it looked like she was filled with regret, but I didn't care, I decided that I wasn't going to forgive her, she did not deserve it, she would never know what I've been through all to keep Ruby safe and I wasn't going to give her the satisfaction of getting what she wanted.

M: Y/n come on, are you not even going to try and talk to me?

Y/n: No, because the last time I did you completely ignored me and ran away.

M: Y/n...

R: I brought the juice!

I turned my attention to Ruby as she came towards me holding a tray with three glasses of juice, her happy expression instantly faded when she noticed my mother and for some reason that made me feel uneasy. Suddenly my mom's husband walked out onto the patio and put his arm around her waist.

Man: Shall we go now honey?

Y/n: Where are you going?

Man: We are going on a date.

Y/n: So you just wanted me to come babysit my sister to go on a date, you didn't even want to see me, you just wanted something from me!

M: Sweetie-...

Y/n: Don't bother, just go on your date!

She didn't get to say anything else before her husband pulled her away and out of the house, I was fuming with anger , if I didn't hate her before, I definitely did now. All I wanted to do was punch something, I was about to scream when I felt someone holding my hand which made me turn my attention to the person, it was Ruby, she looked at me with an apologetic face and started caressing my hand.

R: I hate them too, but being angry wont help.

Y/n: What...?

R: They always leave me alone and they never have time for me, but at least now that we moved back here I can spend time with you so I will no longer be alone.

Upon hearing her words I became even more angry "She took her away and couldn't even spare some time for her?!", one thing was for sure after three years I had to make some adjustments to my plan and Ruby was going to be a part of it. We spent hours playing with Ruby, her and Jungkook totally hit it off and I couldn't help but smile while watching them play together. Ruby and I were sitting on the edge of the patio while waiting for Jungkook to bring us Chinese food, she was telling me about everything she did those four years, how she really liked horse riding and wanted to become a champion one day, she even showed me some pictures of her riding, we got interrupted by Jungkook coming to us with two big bags of food.

Jk: Who is hungry?

R: I AM!

Ruby ran to Jungkook taking one of the bags which made me chuckle, we sat down on the table and began eating our food when Jungkook tapped on Ruby's shoulder getting her attention.

R: It's rude to disturb someone while they are eating.

Jk: Fine then I won't give you your present.

R: No no I want my present!

Jk: Ok then.

Jungkook pulled out a small piece of paper from his pocket and handed it over to Ruby, her face lit up as she saw it, I didn't really get why she was so excited because to me it just looked like a small white piece of paper.

R: Y/n look Jungkook got me a horse sticker!

Jk: Yeah and you can put it anywhere you want, on your notebook, your wall-...

R: No I am only going to use it for something really special because you gave it to me!

I watched as Jungkook began to tear up, and to be honest I was tearing up a little myself, just the fact the the two most important people in my life were hanging out and liked each other made me so happy that for a second I forgot about all the hardships that I've been through, they were my real family. Sadly though the day came to an end and we had to leave, we got inside the car and right before Jungkook turned on the engine I took his hand in mine and looked into his eyes.

Y/n: Thank you for being with me today, I really needed you.

He kissed the back of my hand before giving me that beautiful bunny smile of his that always made my heart melt and said.


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