Between the Lines

By CBClay

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**I DON'T OWNED THIS STORY** WARNING: This is a G!P Beca Just want to share this one great story I'd found at... More



2.3K 40 9
By CBClay

"Over here!" Chloe yelled with a smile as she saw her new-found friends two weeks ago, arriving at the café. Beca saw her before turning to her friends and pointing at her direction.

"Are you sure they're good people, Chloe?" Aubrey asked as her face scrunched up seeing the other group approach their table.

Chloe beamed at her best friend and nodded "Trust me, they're aca-awesome." Chloe winked at her best friend.

"You know, I have friends back in my home town and they used to lock me in my room whenever they are going to eat out." Flo said, as she leaned back to her seat when Aubrey glared at her. Jessica and Ashley arrived just in time with their drinks.

"Hey girls." Stacie greeted with a wink, causing Aubrey to frown when the wink was directly given to her. Beca nudged the long-legged brunette who uttered a 'what' at her. Not too long before, Fat Amy welcomed herself as she grabbed one of the drinks that Jessica and Ashley had bought for their own group.

They gave Chloe a look who just shrugged and said; "I'll buy another one. it's okay."

Beca wanted to face palm right at that moment noticing how weird her friends seemed to look. Luckily, Emily isn't weird enough to be the most okay in their group.

"Hi, it's so nice to meet you guys! I'm Emily." The younger brunette said as she shakes everybody's hand with a smile.

"My name's Cynthia Rose." The black woman said with an accent. The girls from the table nodded their head as they smiled at her. Then their attention all went to Beca who was staring at Chloe the whole time, wondering how fast she had recovered from last time.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry, where are my manners. I'm Beca." Beca introduced herself when Stacie nudged her, snapping her out of her trance. She tried to flash them a smile in which to Aubrey's eyes was a smirk.

"And this is…" before Beca could continue, Stacie cut her off as she excitedly extended her long arms, pushing Beca behind her, giving her a look that says; 'we're-not-performing-Beca', before beaming at Aubrey in particular.

"I'm Stacie… Stacie Conrad, the hot one." She proudly introduced herself, offering her hand to Aubrey.

Aubrey opened her mouth to respond but Fat Amy beat her to it. "Uh, excuse me bitch. I'm the hot one here." said the Australian blonde before grabbing a donut and shoving it to her mouth. Aubrey's eyebrows furrowed even more at this. They do have a habit of cutting a person who is supposed to talk.

Stacie rolled her eyes at her friend, "She's Fat Amy by the way." Beca chimed back in, pushing Stacie a little backward who is clearly dying to flirt with Aubrey.

"Have a sit, Becs." Chloe said, smiling at them.

After ordering something, they all gathered in one large table. With Stacie mercilessly trying to sweep Aubrey off her feet, Fat Amy's un-ending stories about how she had wrestled crocodiles and dingoes back in her hometown, in which both Jessica and Ashley seemed to enjoy. And lastly, a weird conversation between Cynthia Rose, Emily, Lily and Flo.

Beca wanted nothing but to shrink in her seat. 

"It's weird, we're all getting together so well." Chloe spoke in admiration. Beca gave her a disbelieving look.

"I just smell trouble with those dorks around." Beca mumbled before taking a sip on her drink. Chloe giggled at her expression.

"Yet, you're still with them. So, you smell trouble, too." Chloe pointed out. Beca almost choke on her comment before raising an eyebrow at the redhead.

"They wouldn't leave me alone." Beca deadpanned. Chloe ushered a silent 'oh' before nodding. "Why did you call us, anyways?" Beca asked turning to Chloe to face her.

"Oh, yeah. Here." Chloe snapped before grabbing her bag as she takes the tickets inside it. Beca's face was confused when Chloe handed her the tickets for an acapella concert.

"What is this?" she asked.

Chloe playfully rolled her eyes at Beca. "I figured you'll go to washroom, might as well use that." She sarcastically said.

Beca smirked at her antics but before she could have a witty comeback, Chloe beats her. "We're performing." Beca's eyes widened in surprise.

"Wow, you sing?" she asked. Chloe smiled at Beca's priceless reaction.

She had never seen someone as surprised as Beca whenever people finds out that she is a co-captain of an acapella group. She felt proud for the first time.

"We sing." Aubrey chimed in. Beca nodded as she turned her eyes back on the tickets, before Stacie grabbed them from her hands and wiggled it in front of their other friends.

"Girls, we're watching these pretty ladies perform!" She announced.

They squealed as they gathered around like bees, looking really amazed by it.

"You should let us watch you guys perform in return." Chloe stated, looking at Beca who looked back at her before smirking,

"Alright guys, no one's going." Beca said loudly, causing Chloe's eyes to widen.

"What! It's not like I haven't seen you perform!" Chloe argued. Beca chuckled at the expected reaction she got. It was adorable.

"I'm kidding. You're really childish. God, you're adorable, like a baby." Beca muttered with a smile. Chloe was taken aback at the comment, she wasn't offended. But it was actually the first time that someone had said something like that to her, without mentioning her sister's name.

 Which was of course, why would Beca mention her twin? She doesn't know her.

Aubrey saw Chloe's expression as she is carefully watching the two in their own little bubble. Stacie smirked and leaned towards the blonde who is busy eyeing her best friend and Beca.

"Don't worry, Beca's smooth as fuck." Stacie whispered sending shivers down Aubrey's spine. Aubrey looked at Stacie, raising an eyebrow.

"My best friend's straight." Aubrey deadpanned. Stacie's smile grew even wider, she nodded as she takes a quick glance between the other two.

"Yeah? Even the straightest ruler could be bent. Also, were you aware that so is spaghetti until it's wet?" Stacie snapped back playfully. It was then Fat Amy joined their little banter.

"Yeah, Shawshank could hook any kind of fishes that she could want." Fat Amy said as she high fived with her friends, grinning widely. Aubrey gave them a weirded look before shaking her head.

But she wouldn't deny the 'tension' between her best friend and that Beca.

No, she couldn't.

Much to Aubrey's resistance, Chloe had insisted to invite Beca and her friends to their bella practice. Beca's going to say no at first but she has little power over her stubborn friends. God, why do they even call her, captain?

As much as Beca wanted to tie her friends down while Chloe and the rest of the Bellas prepare to practice, her power over them wasn't enough. She questioned her authority even more when she –or they, had witnessed Aubrey turn into a control freak.

 Fat Amy's jokes weren't even helping.

"Damn, I was even more interested. I liked the dominance." Stacie commented as they watch the rest of the Bellas comply with Aubrey's commands. But Beca's eyes were pinned on the redhead. Damn, the girl was talented.

And gorgeous.

"Keep it in your pants, shorty." Cynthia Rose whispered at Beca. Beca glared at her before turning back to Chloe who met her eyes and beamed at her. She smiled back, albeit, awkwardly. She wonders where was the other Chloe she had met weeks ago, the Chloe she is seeing after that night is really bubbly and rainbows… and sunshine… and…

It was then it was Emily who elbowed her, "Way to go, cap." Emily teased, snapping Beca back to reality.

"Why are you guys like this." Beca deadpanned as she shrugged off those side comments that her friends were giving.

After a God knows how many hours of their practice, or torture to be exact, Aubrey seemed to look a little contented with their today's agenda when she decided to call it off.

 The bella's exhausted face were hilarious for them.

"At least I wasn't any aca-dictator." Beca mocked, using the word aca as a prefix, causing her friends to giggle. But Aubrey does have a great hearing, so she heard that.

She turned to Beca's direction, glaring at her. "Were you saying something?" Aubrey growled. Beca and the rest all sat up straight as if they were in a military school,

"Nothing… sir." Beca snapped, whispering the last word. Making Stacie and the others giggle even more.

Aubrey's glare seemed to be darker, Chloe smiled at the sight as she walked up to her best friend, patting her in the back. "You okay, Bree?" She asked. Aubrey sighed deeply as she clenched her jaw at Beca who's composing herself.

"Omygod." Aubrey sighed once again.

"They're good, don't worry." Chloe reassured.

"They better be. Or else… we or you, are not going to hang out with them… ever again." Aubrey threatened which isn't taken seriously by Chloe. She knew that Beca and her friends hasn't just gotten into Aubrey's good side yet.

 But she knew they were all going to get along well.

Aubrey took the chance to corner Beca when the tiny brunette said that she would use the restroom. She silently snuck inside and waited for Beca to get out of her cubicle. When she heard a flush, Aubrey straightened up her posture and tried to keep a stoic face. 

But she almost burst out laughing when Beca had almost jump in surprise, she was clearly not expecting to see Aubrey there.

"Fuck." Beca clutched at her chest as she calmed her breathing. Since where has she been here? Beca asked herself. "You creeped me out!" Beca added as she composed herself before stepping forward to the sink to wash her hands.

Aubrey raised an eyebrow at the brunette which didn't go unnoticed by her.

Beca awkwardly turned to the tall blonde. "What?" she muttered. Aubrey eyed her for a second before looking away.

"You better not make my best friend cry." Aubrey stated, nonchalantly. Beca's eyes almost went out of it's sockets.

Quickly, her instincts thought that it was her crazy friends' tactics. Beca was just about to plan her revenge for those crazy bastards when Aubrey spoke again.

"I'm going to keep an eye on you, Beca." Her voice gave Beca goosebumps. Aubrey lied when she told Stacie that Chloe's straight. Though the redhead doesn't really give herself a 'label' or confirms her sexuality, Aubrey thought that she's straight specially when she's in love with Tom….

That dumb prick.

But Aubrey couldn't also deny the fact that when Chloe first talked to her about Beca and 'that' night, she saw how Chloe's eyes sparkle like the way she talks about Tom before realizing that she had fallen for him. Also, Chloe's been open to everything. She had had some flings with girls when they were in high school.

So, her thought about Beca saving Chloe had evolved.

"Dude, I don't know what you were talking about." Beca retorted. Aubrey rolled her eyes at the brunette.

"So, those stares meant nothing then? Those 'usual' hang outs that you two were doing isn't something, then? Specially…" Aubrey trailed off as she leaned towards, making Beca step back a little, Aubrey watches Beca's face flush. "You checking out Chloe's ass when were dancing meant nothing then?" She added.

Beca's eyes couldn't grow any more larger. She choked and wanted to hit herself.

Damn, she was that obvious!

"W-what?" Beca stammered. Aubrey smirked at the embarrassed reaction of the tiny 'badass', this wasn't the reaction she was expecting to see from the other girl. She was hoping for either a sarcastic reply or a tag along response. Though pushing Chloe towards Beca isn't what she's going to do, she needs to keep an eye. Just to make sure that Chloe wouldn't suffer from any pain anymore.

"I'm telling you Beca. Though I don't know what's going on with that little head of yours, I just hope that hurting Chloe isn't one of those thoughts you were having or else…" Aubrey paused as she choked down a whatever that is.

Beca's face scrunched at her, "You are way weirder than those people out there." She stated with a small smirk.

"Whatever. Mark my words Beca, Chloe has had enough of bullshits, so don't add up to that." Aubrey said with a glare before she storms out of the room. Beca stood frozen, dazed from Aubrey's little 'threats'. She let out a loud sigh as she tilted her head slightly before placing a hand over her chest.

Her heart is beating so damn fast, like a horse running from a race. She leaned onto the sink, for a support. Just when she is just calming herself down, the restroom door busted open and Beca could swear that she would die from heart attack if this keeps on happening.

"Jesus… fuck." Beca cursed, clutching her chest once again. Chloe's face was surprised but then she covered her mouth to stop herself from laughing. A surprised Beca is adorable.

When she noticed Beca glaring at her, she forced herself even more not to laugh. "I'm sorry." Chloe said as she giggled a little. Beca rolled her eyes at her.

"You guys are going to give me heart attack." Beca remarks.

Chloe walked up to her, "Sorry, okay? I just saw Aubrey follow you all the way here. I just thought…"

Chloe paused as she bit her lower lip while looking at Beca who smirked at her.

"You thought she's gonna kill me here?" Beca finishes her sentence for her. Chloe grinned as she lightly shook her head.

Beca chuckled and Chloe felt weird when her heart fluttered.

"What did she even say?" Chloe asked, curiously. Beca tensed up a little bit at the question. Damn, what is she gonna say? 'Oh, nothing. She just kind of warned me about making you cry which isn't my plan.'

Fuck, scratch that.

"Nothing, she just wanted to give me my heart attack." Beca sarcastically remarks earning a light smack from Chloe. "You." Beca's tone went serious at the contact, sending Chloe in her own surprise, quickly taking her own hands back.

"You really couldn't keep your hands to yourself, can you?" Beca asked, teasing Chloe. The redhead's cheeks almost matched her hair, she thought she had offended Beca.

"Sorry… I was just like this." Chloe sheepishly responded. Beca smirked at her reaction as she shakes her head.

"I'm just messing with you. But that doesn't mean you can keep on touching me." Beca winked at her, making Chloe blush even more.

"You're so adorable." Chloe blurted out. They both stopped for a while, taking a moment to take in the comment that Chloe had just made.

"Aren't you going a little too fast, crybaby?" Beca teased, plastering a mischievous smirk on her face.

Chloe didn't know where to react first. To the 'fast' thing or to the crybaby?

She opened her mouth in mock offence and tried to come up with a comeback but was interrupted when Stacie knocked on the door.

"Hey, Beca. Are you sure you want to do it there?" Stacie joked.

Both girls felt awkward and flushed by the sentence. Beca recovered herself first as she headed to the door, "Fuck you. You're so dirty minded." Beca glared at her best friend. Stacie just shrugged, a wide smile on her face.

"Don't give it to her, yet, Chloe." Stacie winked at the redhead whose cheeks now had matched the color of her hair.

"Cut it, Stace." Beca cut in. She knew it is really awkward for Chloe, especially that it was just weeks ago when the two had met. After that night, she was lucky that Chloe had contacted her to 'thank' her properly for the other night, so they went out for lunch.

Just since then, they started seeing each other. And no, it wasn't a date. Just, you know, hang out.

Besides, Beca is aware that Chloe has been going through some serious problem. She would always catch the girl staring blankly, spacing out. There are days when they would meet and Beca isn't that dumb not to notice Chloe's swollen eyes. She didn't really want to force Chloe to tell her. Beca knew Chloe would open up, when she's ready.

Or maybe… when she had moved on from that jerk.

That is, if they were in a relationship or something like that. As for now, she wanted nothing but to be there for the redhead.

And just wait for whatever entails.

"Nothing's going on, Stace." Beca stated, her tone is a bit more serious. She knew that though her friends were real crazy, they knew where, when, and how to stop.

"Alright, whatever you say." Stacie shrugged as she entered a cubicle.

Beca turned to Chloe who's still in her own trance. She smirked as she watched her, isn't she just too cute? "Are you gonna keep watch here or what?" Beca snaps Chloe out of her daze.

"Is sarcasm the only language you speak?" Chloe snapped back causing Stacie to chuckle on her cubicle. Beca only smirked as she rolled her eyes before stepping out of the restroom, followed by Chloe.

After practice, again, much to Aubrey and Beca's dismay, Chloe and the rest of their friends had magically came up with an idea of having a movie night together. In the Bella's house, of course. Beca is lucky enough that Fat Amy nor Stacie had suggested to invite them over to their place.

If you can call it a 'place'.

"God, why are you guys making me do this." Beca whined as she pulled onto their driveway.

"Come on, you make it sound like this isn't going on your favor." Emily stated, and the rest agreed.

"Yeah, Legacy's right, Beca." Stacie added rolling her eyes.

"Why does everyone seemed to jump up with the conclusion that I like Chloe?" Beca asked in annoyance.

Fat Amy and the others exchange glances, "Well, you're not that good at hiding?" Fat Amy answered. Beca groaned.

"Yeah, she's right, cap. I'd tap ginger too if I haven't got myself a girlfriend." Cynthia Rose said, Beca's head turned to her friend in a snap, raising an eyebrow.

"See?" Stacie pointed out at her reaction, making the others grin at their grumpy friend.

They continued teasing Beca who was just about to lose it when they heard someone knock at their car window.

They all turned and saw Chloe smiling radiantly at them. Fat Amy rolled down the window, "You guys are taking too long." Chloe said.

"Yeah, sorry, ginger. We're just knocking some sense in Shawshank's head." Fat Amy answered with her accent.

Chloe giggled as her eyes went to Beca's stoic face. "You guys gives her a lot of nicknames." She retorted.

Before any of her friends could open their mouth and lessen her badass reputation, Beca opened her car door before muttering a; "Alright, enough of the talk." The rest followed her while Chloe led them to their house.

They all wandered around the house. It was what Beca had expected, it's lively and you could tell from it's interiors and cleanliness that the house was definitely an all girl's house. Unlike their place, it depicts the word 'chaos'.

"Damn, I thought I could just move in here." Cynthia Rose cooed as they look at the picture frames displayed in the house.

"Me too." Stacie agreed. Beca shook her head at her friends.

"Typical college girls." Fat Amy muttered, while Emily is gone… because Flo, Ashley and Jessica dragged her to show her their rooms.

"Can I just ask you to babysit those big babies for me?" Beca sarcastically asked when she turned to Chloe who was busy preparing snacks and drinks.

The redhead just giggled shaking her head, "Why do you hate the idea of movie night so much? You don't like movies, don't you?" Chloe asked.

Beca just shrugged and didn't say anything, which surprised Chloe. She put down the popcorn on the counter, her mouth agape.

"Omygod, you don't watch them at all!" Chloe exclaimed.

Beca shrugged again, "They're boring and… predictable." She snapped back, nonchalantly.

"You totes need to watch one with us." Chloe stated before grabbing the popcorn once again. Beca sighed in defeat as her hand brushed through her hair. And Chloe saw that….

Damn, she looked hot.

"We're starting the movie!" Aubrey shouted from the living room.

The girls all gathered around the living room, finding their own comfortable places as the movie started playing. Aubrey felt annoyed and a bit uncomfortable because of Fat Amy's loud noise she was making as she munched down those snacks and because Stacie sat beside her.

She's persistent.

Beca had lost count how many times she had rolled her eyes and sighed loudly the whole movie. Aubrey would sometimes hush her, Chloe looking at her every once in a while, smiling at her as if she's pleading Beca to bear with it little bit more.

How she and Chloe seemed to be this close keeps on surprising Beca. They just met but the connection she had with her was just… inevitable. It's like it's the gravity's force pulling her towards the redhead.

And hell, she would give in to whatever Chloe would have ask of her.

 And it wasn't really Beca like.

After what took long, the movie had finished and Beca hasn't even understood what happened. Just when she thought she's finally free, Stacie had suggested to watch another one. Beca was sure that Stacie had smiled at her way, deviously.

"Okay, I'm out." Beca said as she stood up from her seat. She heard her friends groaned but no, she's not giving in to them.

"Come on, Beca. Don't be such a killjoy!" Fat Amy whined.

"I'll pick you guys up, text me if you still want to go home." Beca ignored their complains but Chloe stood up, grabbing her by the arms. She shot Chloe a questioning look, but the redhead just smiled at her before turning to the others.

"Go on and play another one. I could buy you guys some time while I tour this grumpy one around the house." Chloe said in a soft tone. Emily and the rest all said a 'yes' in unison before Chloe drags Beca out of the living room, catching a glaring Aubrey on the way.

"Work it, shorty!" Cynthia Rose cooed.

Chloe had dragged an unwilling Beca to her room. "This is my room," She said as she opened the door. Beca stepped in and her eyes wandered along. The room definitely has the vibes of Chloe's personality. It represents the redhead's cheeriness.

"Wow." Was all Beca could say. Chloe felt a little more confident with the brunette's reaction. Usually, when she shows someone her room, they would say how much Chloe has gotten her taste from her sister.

And of course, Beca wouldn't be one of them. She hadn't met her yet.

"Really speaks for yourself." Beca added as she looked at the books neatly placed on the mini bookshelf that Chloe has.

"Yeah, I do read a lot." Chloe said as she followed Beca.

Beca then had caught the displayed pictures hanging on Chloe's room. It was a picture of bellas of course, then her eyes landed on the bedside table. She felt her heart sank a little when she saw a picture of Chloe and that guy on a frame, beside it was another picture of Chloe with…

"You have a twin?" Beca asked, surprised.

Chloe was silent for a while, Beca turned around and saw her expression. "Sorry, I didn't mea–" she was cut off by Chloe.

"No, it's okay. You're not a stranger anymore… so, yeah. I have a twin. She's really amazing." Chloe said with admiration in her voice. Her memories with her late twin had come rushing fresh through her mind. Beca noticed how her eyes sparkles and at the same time, a glint of pain is visible.

"Where is she? Haven't seen her, though." Beca asked. Chloe stepped forward, grabbing the picture frame as she looked at it intently.

"She… uh, she died four years ago. In an accident." Chloe's voice was muffled, her icy blue eyes were now glistening with tears. 

Beca was alarmed by this.

"Sorry for asking, Chlo, I didn't mean to…" Beca stammered as she put her arms around Chloe's shoulder, trying to give her a sense of comfort.

Chloe smiled and shook her head lightly. "No, it's okay. You haven't done anything wrong, Becs." She sighed as she used the back of her hand to wipe her tears away. "Sorry, I'm a mess." She added.

It was Beca who shook her head at Chloe and gave her a soft smile.

"No, you're not. There's nothing wrong for being a crybaby." Beca said, in an attempt to lighten up the mood, which she had achieved when Chloe chuckled.

"Uhm, is that why you cried…. That day?" Beca asked, a bit shy for asking.

Chloe smiled painfully upon remembering it. "You don't have to tell me, just curious." Beca added quickly, not wanting to put Chloe in an uncomfortable situation.

But she can't sometimes control her mouth, "Or is it because of your douche boyfriend?" She winced at her own stupidity.

Chloe just smiled at her softly, "He… he's not my boyfriend. He's just my best friend." Chloe answered, pain visible in her tone.

Beca catch up on that, noting to herself that they were not in a relationship. But she could sense that there's bitterness in Chloe's voice.

Also, Chloe's eyes seemed to speak more than friendship about the guy.

And there's no way Beca could, or she would, compete with that.

Beca shook off her thoughts as she smiled at Chloe. "Is this the only place you're touring me at? Cause I could go back and drag those weirdos home." She changed the topic, which Chloe was grateful for.

Because she's not yet ready to tell Beca her story. Not yet.

Chloe had toured Beca around but unfortunately, it wasn't enough to let Stace and the others to finish their second movie. They had no choice but to come with Beca, even though Chloe had offered them to stay the night.

Beca refused of course, how could she stay the night at a place where she felt she was being watched by the great, Aubrey Posen?

After Beca and her friends had left, Aubrey and Chloe stayed up to clean the mess. Chloe was busy putting the trash in a garbage bag while Aubrey's in charge of cleaning the floors. She would often look at Chloe who was focused on her task.

When she could not stop her thoughts anymore, she heaves a deep sigh getting Chloe's attention.

"What's wrong?" Chloe asked, worriedly. Aubrey huffed and contemplated her words for a while,

"You're not telling me something, Chloe." She stated sounding a bit hurt. Chloe's eyes widened, she walked towards her best friend, putting the garbage bag down.

"Tell you what?" Chloe retorted. Aubrey crossed her arms as she looked at Chloe.

"Well, I haven't seen Tom around. You think I haven't noticed?" Aubrey watched the quick change in Chloe's expression, she saw how her eyes had quickly turned into hurt.

Aubrey hadn't gotten a response from her which made her worry even more. "You've been ignoring him for too long now, I bet he's already sure that something's wrong." Aubrey stated. Chloe met her gaze as her shoulders slumped and let out a loud sigh.

"I don't know 'Bree. I can't face him now." Chloe answered with a faint voice. Aubrey nodded before putting her hands on Chloe's shoulders.

"But you will eventually have to, you can't ignore him forever. He's your best friend, after all."

Chloe stopped for a while, best friend.

"Look, I know he's been hurting you. But he's also unaware of that, he might be a big jerk for always comparing you to Clarisse, but you haven't told him how you felt each time he does." Aubrey reminded her. Chloe smiled faintly before turning back to her task.

"I'll think about it and talk to him soon. Thank you." She said turning her back against the blonde who kept an eye on her. Chloe knew Aubrey's right, she would eventually have to face him soon. And yeah, she can't also put the blame on him.

He didn't know.

Aubrey knew she couldn't let Chloe go to sleep with that heavy feeling again. She sighed as she went back to her task, too.

"Yeah, clear things up before jumping onto things with Beca." Aubrey stated, nonchalantly. Chloe shifted on her foot in an instant, wide eyed. Aubrey could not help the playful smile on her lips from showing.

"W…what are you saying!" Chloe blabbered. Aubrey raised an eyebrow at her best friend.

"Come on, Chloe. We can all see it." Aubrey's voice sounded as if she's tired of them being in denial. She knew Chloe still has a thing for Tom but… after seeing her actually interact with Beca… she knew it could be something else.

"Yeah, we've seen it, too." Lily came out of nowhere, startling the two best friends. Aubrey turned back to Chloe, "See?" she whispered.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Beca's… just being nice to me." Chloe argued, causing Aubrey to growl as she rolled her eyes once again.

"Yeah, sure. You could say that." Aubrey muttered before leaving Chloe alone in the living room, dumbfounded.

It's not like Chloe's being weirded by whatever it is that Aubrey is trying to implement. She just didn't want to assume; besides, she's still hurting. She's broken, she could not even have the courage to step out of her sister's shadows. So why would Beca even like her?

How dare she misinterpret Beca's gestures? Not to mention that they had just met.

Plus, Chloe doesn't think she could ever move on from Tom. That just seems impossible for her.

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"๐“๐ซ๐ฎ๐ญ๐ก, ๐๐š๐ซ๐ž, ๐ฌ๐ฉ๐ข๐ง ๐›๐จ๐ญ๐ญ๐ฅ๐ž๐ฌ ๐˜๐จ๐ฎ ๐ค๐ง๐จ๐ฐ ๐ก๐จ๐ฐ ๐ญ๐จ ๐›๐š๐ฅ๐ฅ, ๐ˆ ๐ค๐ง๐จ๐ฐ ๐€๐ซ๐ข๐ฌ๐ญ๐จ๐ญ๐ฅ๐ž" ๐ˆ๐ ๐–๐‡๐ˆ๐‚๐‡ Caitlin Clark fa...