Abused Wolf Faunus

By SoccerGKLuke

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Chapter 1
Sembalence explination
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chaper 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Duke's Bio
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Author Note
Chapter 16

Chapter 8

6.8K 55 27
By SoccerGKLuke

In Beacon Academy courtyard (midnight)

Y/N pov

I was walking around Beacon thinking about my dream. My dream was about the day I left my home. I kept walking till I heard...

Yang: Hawkeye!

I turned around and saw Yang running up to me.

Y/N: What do you want?

Yang: How did you know our brother?

I froze I didn't know what to say.

Y/N: Can I t-tell you, when I-I tell the whole t-team?

Yang: Why?

Y/N: I just need to c-clear my head.

Yang: Okay, but you better tell us tomorrow.

Y/N: Okay.

Yang walked past Ozpin as she walked away. Ozpin watched Yang walk around a corner.

Ozpin: Hello Mr. Rose.

Y/N: How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that!

Ozpin: Until you tell them your secret.

Y/N: I want to tell them, but I also don't want to.

Ozpin: If you don't by the end of tomorrow, I will. Understand?

Y/N: Yes professor.

Ozpin: Good. Now go to bed you have classes tomorrow.

Y/N: Okay. Goodnight.

Ozpin: Goodnight.

The next morning

I watched Ruby sneak up to a sleeping Weiss, with a whistle in her hand.


Weiss: Ahh!

She feel off the bed! I started laughing so hard.

Weiss: What are you laughing at?

Y/N: (still laughing) You f-falling off your bed!

Ruby: Good morning, Team RWBY!

Weiss: What was that for?

Ruby completely ignored her.

Ruby: Now that everyone is awake, we can start decorating!

Weiss: What?!

Blake: We also need to unpack.

All her stuff fell out of the bag.

Blake: aaaaand clean.

Ruby: Aalright! Weiss, Blake, Yang, Hawkeye, and their fearless leader Ruby have begun their first mission.

Y/N: Wait! I already cleaned my stuff it's in my bag, so bye!

I was almost out the door until...

Yang: Hold it right there mister! You had something that you wanted to tell us, right?

I turned around and saw that they made their beds into bunk beds and had the whole room, except for my corner, decorated.

Y/N: How did you decorate so fast?!

Yang: That's not important. What's important is, how did you know mine and Ruby's brother?

I looked for an excuse to leave.

Y/N: um... what time does class start?

Weiss looks at the time.

Weiss: You dunces! We have five minutes till class start.

I sighed. Yang looked at me.

Yang: You're telling us later.

I changed into a cheetah and ran to class

Ruby: To class!

Jaune and his team looks out their dorm.

Jaune: Class?

By then everyone was running to class. While we were running across the courtyard Ozpin and Professor Goodwitch was watching us. We got to class with just a couple of minutes left.

Port: Monsters! Deeemmoons.. Prowlers of the night! Yes, the creatures of Grimm go by many names, but I merely refer to them as prey! Ha-ha!

No one laughed or smiled at that.

Port: But you will too once you graduate from this prestigious academy. Vale, as well as the other kingdoms, are safe havens from this treacherous world! This world is full of Grimm that just want to rip you to tiny pieces. That is where we come in Huntsman! Huntresses! People who have sworn to protect those who can't protect themselves! From what? Why, this very world!

Random student: Ayyy-yep!

We all looked at him. When he saw everyone staring at him, he started to sit back down, embarrassed.

Port: That is what you're training to be. But first a story, about a young handsome man..... me!

I started tuning him out. I was trying to think of a way to liven things up. I raised my hand.

Port: Yes, Hawkeye?

Y/N: May I use the r-restroom?

Port: Yes, you can.

I started to walk out. When I was outside, I changed into Ozpin and waited a minute before I walked back in. When I walked in I saw Ruby asleep, Yang and Blake almost asleep, and a very angry Weiss.

Y/N:(looks and sounds like Ozpin) Professor Port.

Port: Ah, Headmaster Ozpin, What are you doing here?

(Ozpin) Y/N: I was just checking to see how class was going.

Port: Everything is going just fine, Headmaster.

(Ozpin) Y/N: Good. Do you mind finishing your class soon? I need to talk to you in my office.

Port: Yes. I will be there in about ten minutes.

(Ozpin) Y/N: Okay, thank you Professor.

I walked out of the room. I changed back to normal, walked back in, and sat down near my team.

Y/N: Is he a-about to go s-see Ozpin?

Ruby: Yes.

Blake: Wait How would you know that, you weren't in here when Ozpin wa-

She figured it out.

Blake: Did you turn into Ozpin?

Y/N: Maybe I d-did, maybe I didn't. W-Who wants to know?

Weiss: We do you Dunce!

Port: (clearing throat)

Weiss: S-sorry.

Port: The moral to all of this? A true Huntsman must be honorable.

I saw Ruby balancing an apple on a book with her pencil.

Port: A true Huntsman must be dependable.

Ruby fell asleep again.

Port: A Huntsman must be strategic, well- educated, and wise!

Ruby was making silly faces.

Port: So who believes that they possess these traits?

Weiss shot her hand up so fast that I couldn't even see it go up.

Weiss: I do, sir!

Port: Well get your stuff and we'll find out.

Weiss came back two minutes later with her weapon, and got ready.

Yang: Gooo, Weiss!

Blake: Fight well.

Ruby: Yeah, represent team RWBY!

Weiss: *aggregated* Ruby, I'm trying to focus!

Weiss got ready again. Professor Port walked up to a cage that had glowing red eyes, with a battle axe in his hand.

Port: Allllright!

He swung his axe at the lock on the cage.

Port: Let the match.... begin!


Sooo....... that's it for now. This is SoccerGKLuke signing off.

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