Kakashi's daughter, is in lov...

By annimefreakxx

163K 4.9K 1.8K

This is a story about a girl who Kakashi found and was supposed to kill. But he felt something about that gir... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 1

36.7K 484 476
By annimefreakxx


NO! STOP!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!!” I screamed, fear etched into my voice.

My back was up against a tree, it was the middle of the night and it was raining hard. My knees  were huddled against my chest and my hands over my ears, trying to block out the screams and cries of the village ninja.

They were trying to kill me and I didn't know why. I know that they hated me and that they thought I was evil. But it wasn't my fault that I couldn't control my power, I was a scared child that didn't know what to do.

There were dark shadow like lines and shapes surrounding me, they were attacking the ninja that were trying to kill me.

MAKE IT STOP!!” I cried but it was as if no one was listening, no one cared. They just wanted me dead.

I was 3, I was so alone, no one cared for me, no one wanted me. I just wanted someone to protect me. To love me.

My mother died giving child birth while my father was killed on a mission before I was even born. I was alone, I had no one.

I heard more people coming closer to me, more screams.

STAY AWAY!!!” I yelled, “DON-” but suddenly, I stopped screaming, I stopped attacking, I stopped everything.

I slowly opened my eyes, and there, was a ninja, not from my village, but there he was, a complete stranger, hugging me.

You don't have to hurt anyone any more,” he whispered.

I was still stunned by what he had just done, I couldn't speak, I could't even move.

This ninja who I have never meet, this ninja who is supposed to kill me, did one thing. The one thing I wanted someone to do to me my whole life. Hug me. Notice me as a normal person.

I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck and before I knew it, I was crying into his chest.

Shhhh it's ok, no ones going to hurt you,” he whispered stroking my hair in a soothing way.

I heard the ninja behind him sigh in relief.

What are we going to do with her now?” one asked.

We were ordered to kill her so-”

No.” he was cut off by the ninja holding me in his arms as he walked over to the others.

What do you mean no? She's a danger to everyone!”

Yeah! What if she tries to kill again!?”

I'll take her with me.” said the one holding me.

Everyone went silent.


No its ok. I will take her back to my village and teach her how to control her powers.”

But Kakashi,” another said, “The Hokag-”

Will be fine with it,” he said interrupting the person who was just talking. “She has a kind heart and will be a great contribute to the ninja's.”

Everyone went silent and with that the man carrying me walked off.


He set me down next to a tree away from the other ninja. He wore a mask that covered most of his face while his ninja headband was pulled down and covering his left eye. His hair was white just like mine.

Hello,” he said, “I'm Kakashi Hatake. What is your name?” He asked.

K...kasumi.” I said still not sure whether to trust this man fully.

Hn? No last name?” he asked.

N-no...I don't think I ever got one.” I answered honestly.

Well,” he said smiling, “How would you like to become Kasumi Hatake?”

My face lit up into a huge smile. I think this is the only time I have ever been this happy!

Y..you mean, t-that I'll get to be y-your daughter?” I asked making sure I wasn't hearing things.

He smiled, “Only if you want too,”

You really mean it? Your not j-joking?” I asked still unsure of what to say.

I mean it, every word,”

Then...yes!” I said with a grin as I jumped up and hugged him.

Wohoo,” he laughed as he hugged me back. 

---end of flashback---

I let a smile form on my face at the memory.

I'm still grateful to Kakashi, I mean he took me in when no one else wanted me, he argued with the Hokage to keep me and train me. And now here I am.

I became a Jōnin at the age of 6 and it's been 6 years since then. I'm now twelve and am known to be one of the strongest ninja's in the village.

I smirked as we got closer and closer to the village. Another mission success! Which means.....dad is buying me dinner! Whoop whoop!

I think Asuma noticed I was smiling a little to much since he smirked aswell before asking me,

“What's so amazing Kasumi?” 

“Since we finished the mission earlier then expected, dad's buying me dinner!” I sang.

He laughed.

“Well that's good for you! Do I get dinner too?” he asked with a hopeful look on his face.

“Nope!” I laughed, “It's just me and dad tonight!”

He pretended to cry but I just laughed as the village came into sight.


After we had reported to the Hokage, I made my way back home. I wonder whether dad's even home. He better be! I laughed to myself as I leaped from building to building.

Once I reached my house, I found a window open.

YAY! I thought, he must be home!

I hopped through the window only to find dad packing.

“Hey dad!” I said laughing as I jumped on his back.

“Oh your home already?” he asked not surprised at all as he pulled me off his back and into a hug.

“Haha yep! Which means.....You owe me dinner!” I giggled as I danced off to my room to unpack.

“I guess I do,” he laughed and as I just dumped my bag on my bed, which is my way of unpacking, I came back only to find dad about to leave.

“Sorry kiddo, I got a mission.” He said with what looked like an apologetic smile behind that mask.

My face instantly fell.

“But you said...” I started trailing off.

“Sorry Kasumi. Here take this,” he said handing me some money. “You can buy dinner tonight and get some groceries for the next few days.”

I let out a sigh.

“I really wanted to have dinner with you...” I mumbled.

“Sorry Kasumi. Normally I would but I'm already 2 hours late.”

I face palmed. ALREADY TWO HOURS LATE!? Who does my dad think he is? Keeping people waiting that long!?

“Okay... Fine. But we have to have dinner together soon ok?” I made him promise.

“Of course!” he closed eye smiled. “When I get back,” he promised before kissing my forehead and disappearing into a puff of smoke.

With that, the house went quiet and I let out a sigh.

Great! I thought. Now what do I do? I know! Maybe Kiba will be up for dinner! He's always up for free food! I laughed to myself before heading to his place. 


“Well if it isn't Kasumi! Here to see Kiba I take it?” said Kiba's mom, Tsume.

“Duh!” I laughed. Man I loved Kiba's mom, she was just so easy going and cool!

“Well sorry but he's not here right now, but he'll probably be at the training field!” she grinned.

“Okay sweet, thanks! Oh and by the way, would it be ok if he came home late and has dinner with me? Cause dad just left on a mission. So I'm kinda lonely....” I said pulling a fake sad face.

“Haha that's fine Kasumi!” she laughed.

I grinned before leaping away and yelling,

“Thanks Tsume!”

So he's training huh? I thought. We'll I guess I'll see if he's gotten any stronger since the last time I saw him.



“One more time Akamaru!” I yelled at my partner who was just as worn out as me. “Fang over fang!” I yelled as we attacked and hit our targets perfectly.

Just as we got the last, we both fell to the ground panting.

“Good work!” I grinned and Akamaru barked in agreement.

We just lay there for a moment, panting, trying to catch our breath. I felt the cold breeze brush past my face and I picked up a sent. It's a sent. I'd know it anywhere! And it was getting closer, I smirked as an idea popped into my mind..

“Let's have some fun shall we, Akamaru?”



As I reached the training grounds, I saw Kiba and Akamaru unconscious.

“Kiba! Akamaru!” I yelled and ran full speed over to them.

I dropped down to my knees and began to shake Kiba lightly in an attempt to wake him up.

“Oii! Idiot! Wake up!” I growled slightly before I saw his lips twitch slightly.

Oh you bitch. I thought. He's playing dead. I guess that means I'll have to wake him up the hard way...



Ha! She fell for it! I thought with a smirk. Now she'll have no choice but to give me CPR!

But as I got ready, I suddenly felt a huge sharp jolt of electricity through my body.



I made a few quick hand signs. Lightening style, shock jitsu! I said in my head before sending a huge electric shock through his body.

“AHHH!” he yelled as he felt the shock going through his body, jumping up before he fell back to the ground, with his body steaming.

I couldn't help but crack up laughing!

“You know,” he said sitting up dusting his clothes while he sent me a playful glare. “CPR would have been just fine,”

I giggled. His hood was off now. I prefer it like that. He looks cuter.

“But this was more fun!” I laughed.

Akamaru then jumped into my arms, licked my face and barked in agreement.

“See?” I said to Kiba, “If you gave me a nice greeting then I wouldn't have had to hurt you!”

He sat up and smirked.

“But you know you wana kiss me!” he said before he tried to grab me but I jumped away before I began running.

“Ahhh!!” I screamed while he chased me. “Sorry Kiba! I don't wana kiss!” I said laughing. 

But to be honest. I really do wana kiss Kiba. Actually I've wanted to for so long now.

Ever since we meet, I always felt like there was something there... something more then friendship but he only ever joked about it, so I never really pushed it any further.



Kasumi has no idea how much I want to kiss her. I know that we've been best friends for ages and I wouldn't want to ruin that. I thought as I ran after her, but I know, that once she lets me kiss her, she'll feel the same way.



After Kiba had given up chasing me, he was on the ground and could barely move. He's probably still tired from his training, I thought as I made my over and sat next to him.

“A bit tired there?” I said laughing.

“Just a tad,” he said with his that cute grin of his. 

“So you wana grab a bite to eat?” I asked him considering it was basically dark now.

“Sure!” he grinned. “But I thought Kakashi-sensei was taking you out cause your back from you're mission early...”

“Yeah but he just got given a mission so he gave me some money to go out and I don't wana be a loner so I thought I'd take you,” I said flashing him a smile.

“So I'm just your plan B am I?” he said pretending to cry.

“Haha yeah!" I laughed with a grin. "So are you in or out?” 

“I'm in,” he smirked, “But since I'm all out chakra, I guess you'll have to carry me!”

I just laughed.

“It's a bit shameful isn't it?” I asked “I mean me a girl carrying a boy?!” I said with a laugh cause Kiba's always sexist to me, so I use it against him when I can. “And besides, if I piggy back you, it'll probz look like your giving me anal!” I said before I cracked up laughing.

I saw his face go red.

“Haha! Kiba no need to blush! I'm only joking!” I giggled as I pulled him up, put his arm around my shoulder and mine around his waist as we began to make our way to some restaurant.


Once we arrived, Kiba walked inside without my help! Psh. Just as we arrive huh? I thought to myself.

We sat at a table for 2 and ordered our food.

We just talked the whole time. It was just casual but I always flirted with him a bit. I couldn't help myself! I love flirting! It's just so fun!

He's been training just like everyone else for Chūnin exams. It was kinda annoying actually. Everyone and their friken Chūnin exam training! 

“So we can't hang tomorrow?” I said a little disappointed.

“Yeah sorry Kasumi. Mom's gona kill me if I don't train...”

I sighed.

“Hey we can hang maybe later on?” he said trying to cheer me up.

“Can we please? I'm gona get so bored! Since the Hokage is giving me time off missions for a while so I could spend some more time with my friends and they're all training!”

I sighed and Kiba gave me an apologetic smile.

“Come on let's go,” he said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me away.

“Hey! Wait! I'm still hungry!” I said trying to reach back for my food.

“I wana show you something!” he laughed and continued to pull me away.

“Noooo!! My fooood!!”


“Kiba!” I moaned. “Where are you taking me?”

He just chuckled.

“You'll see soon.”

“Ugh this is so annoying! I hate blind folds...” I muttered under my breath.

So Kiba was taking me somewhere up hill in the middle of the night. To anyone passing it would seem like he's gona rape me!


“Shut up Kasumi! We're here,” he said with a annoyed tone to his voice, but with that, he took of my blindfold and I found we were on top of the Hokage faces.

“And why are we here?” I asked a little confused.

“Cause. I wanted to do this and I didn't want you to make a scene.” he said awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.

“Do wha-” I was cut off by Kiba pressing his lips to mine.

At first, my eyes widened in shock. But his lips were so warm, and soft, everything just seemed so.... right! I couldn't help but kiss him back.

When we pulled away for breath I saw he had a light blush on his face and I'm pretty sure I did too.

“You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that,” he breathed.

I giggled.

“You don't know how long I've waited for you to do that,”

He smirked before bringing his lips back to mine. This time with a bit more force. I couldn't help but wrap my arms around his neck and he wrapped his round my waist so we deepened the kiss.


So there you have it! The first chapter done!

Do you like it? I know it might seem a bit to easy going right now but there will be more action soon enough!

Oh and I've pre-written a few chapters! So if you like it and you comment asking for more, I'll post the next chapter straight away! XD Other wise they'll come like every 3 days or so lol

So don't forget to..




Please? x

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