Torchwood's Daughter

By kmcnicks31

56.7K 1.8K 331

A Doctor who/ Torchwood fan fiction. This story follows a 14 year old orphan, Kelly Ryan, and her experience... More

Readers note
Chapter 1~Kelly
Chapter 2~ Jack
Chapter 3~ Kelly
Chapter 4~ Jack
Chapter 5~ Kelly
Chapter 6~Jack
Chapter 7~ Kelly
Chapter 8~ Jack
Chapter 9~ Kelly
Chapter 10~ Jack
Chapter 11~ Kelly
Chapter 12~ Jack
Chapter 13~ Kelly
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 17(again)

991 40 3
By kmcnicks31

Okay guys I'm so sorry about this chapter not showing up, I was trying to fix it but nothing worked so I decided to just post the chapter again. Hopefully this one will work and you guys can all read(:

Just a reminder this will be in Jack's POV


"Holy..." I start to begin but I'm cut off by Ianto slamming into my shoulder running off down the hall of Kelly's school.

"The room is B-5" Gwen says coming up behind me and I sprint down the hall catching up to Ianto. I hear the faint questions of the principal and Gwen remaining calm answering them. Owens feet slam into the ground behind me and were all running down the hall

"B-5" I say when I reach Ianto's side and we look from side to side at the tops of the doors. I see A-11 and A-13.

"Damnit, where's B?" Ianto says stopping and putting his hands on his head and grabbing at his hair. I sigh and put my hands on my hips as Owen catches up. I glance behind Ianto and see the first door says B-1.

"There!" I say so loud I'm pretty sure Gwen can hear me at the end of the hall. I begin to run down the hall with Ianto and Owen hot on my tail. I skid to a stop when I get to the classroom and I feel my eyes widen.

"Bloody hell." Owen says behind me. The door to the class room is locked but the lock is melted so that it is impossible to get out without breaking the door. Inside there a multiple kids looking like they are about to cry, some already in tears. The teacher looks like she is passed out on the floor, with some of the kids looking over her, but I don't see Kelly in there.

"Everyone back away from the door!!" I yell and then shove into the door with my shoulder first once, twice, then three times slamming it open. A couple of the kids scream, but I recognize one boy standing next to the passed out teacher from the night before.

"Shit. Oh my god. She's not here." I hear Ianto mutter under his breath before he walks over to a group of kids huddled together crying, not making eye contact until he reaches them. Owen, being the medic he is, jogs over to teacher on the ground yelling at the kids to back the hell up.

"YOU!" I say pointing at the boy as I walk over to him. "What's your name.." I say trailing off already having too much on my mind to try and remember.

"Mickey." The boy answers almost in a sigh, "Jack right?"

"Yeah, yeah. What the hell happened here?"

"Well," and just as he was about to explain the bell erupts and children start scrambling out of the classroom like their lives depended on it, and to the the thought it did.

"Shit," I say as all the kids are running out. "No, no. Not you." I say to Mickey grabbing onto the back of sweatshirt hood and run past him. "GWEN! STOP AND CALM THOSE KIDS DOWN." I yell down the hallway and see her trying to gather them all together. I walk back into the classroom with Ianto now talking to Owen and Mickey standing awkwardly away from them. "Go on.." I say looking at Mickey, both Ianto and Owen look up from the teacher who seems to be waking back up slowly.

"I don't know! These guys in suits came in and like tazers Mrs. J and then they hit Kelly across the head and she like passed out or something, and then they grabbed her and melted the door on their way out, and none of us could get out, and everyone way screaming.." He starts going into a frantic rampage

"Hey, hey, it's okay," I say walking over and putting a hand on the kids shoulder. I hear behind me Owen trying to charm the teacher into not freaking out, and Ianto gone helping Gwen with the rest of the kids. My phone starts ringing I guide him over to a chair as I answer. "Tosh, they took her." I answer already knowing who it was. "oh my god, they took her. I knew this was going to happen. I knew it.." My voice starting to waver as I trail off imagining the worst scenarios in my head. I try not to freak out and start crying. I have to be the team leader, keep a strong face, but the possibility of her getting killed, I can't even comprehend.

"Jack, listen to me. We're going to get her back, you hear me. But first we need to worry about all the kids, now what exactly happened?" She asks

"So far I know they came into the classroom, tazered the teacher, and knocked out Kelly when they took her."

"I'll try and see if I can get security camera and find the licence plate number on a car and track it, but for right now get all the kids and the teacher and give them the amnesia pill."

"Yes ma'am" I say hanging up. i walk out into the hallway and tell Gwen and Ianto to bring the kids into the classroom. They all sit back into their seats, two seats are missing.

I ask the teacher if anyone was absent and she reply's, just one. I assume the other desk was was Kelly's and have the teacher sit down in one. "You have any plastic cups?" I ask and she looks at me confused but points to the cabinet in the far left corner. Already knowing what I'm doing Owen exits the classroom and going out to the truck. Gwen follows him and Ianto comes to help me fill up the cups. In silence we fill them up and place one on each of the desks, both thinking too much to comprehend a conversation. Some kids have started up quiet conversations, and some asking what we are doing, but most keep their heads down still in shock from the afternoon's events. Gwen and Owen return a few minutes later and I stand at the front of the classroom as they put a pill on everyone's desk.

"Okay everyone," I start never having to give this many amnesia pills to this many people at the same time "Now, the pill being placed in front of you it's very important you take it. Those men today might come back and be looking for witnesses and with these they will never recognize you from today.." I start to say and more than half the class take the pill immediately. "It is required by the police.." Three more take it. "And if you do not take it you will be put into custody and charged a fine," and finally the whole class has taken the pill. Gwen whispers in my ear that there is a bus still waiting outside. "You may all go home now," I announce putting on the fakest smile I ever have faked, and all the kids run out. "You pay that man extra to do double time, and take every kid directly to their house" I say to Gwen and she runs out and follows the kids. "Come on, let's go back to the hub and figure this out." I say and Owen walks first with Ianto following.

"Jack.." Ianto says turning around to face me just as we are about to exit the room. "What if.." He pauses for a second looking down "Kelly.." He trys to continue but looks down so far I can no longer see his face. He takes a deep breath and looks back up staright into my eyes "What is something happens to her, I don't think.... I don't know if I can deal with that." His voice starting to quiver and I put and hand on his shoulder and bring him into a hug.

"It'll be fine. She'll be fine. I know she will. She's tough, ever since day one, she can handle herself," I say as Ianto brings his head down to my shoulder and wraps his arms around my torso. We stay like that for a minute before I say "We better get going, no time to loose," and we walk down the hallway side by side, both hands in our pockets.


Back at the hub, Tosh is still attempting to track the hulamori's car with Owen and Ianto, Gwen, and I are in the tourist office looking through all the files of the hulamori to find any clue of where they may have taken her when a lady enters the office with Kelly right behind her.

"Oh my god!" I say running over to give her a hug "Your alright oh thank god." She seems to hesitate before she wraps her arms around me. Kelly had been the one to get me so comfortable to hugging which is why the hesitation is a little weird. She lets go first and Ianto comes over and hugs her too, again she hesitates for a second before hugging then letting go seconds after. He inspects her face, arms, and wrists but finds not even a scratch or bruise to her.

"I found this girl wondering around the street completely lost, and no clue where to go, she told me drop her off here, which I thought was a little strange, but now I obviously see why." The lady who walked in first now says. I also find that strange because Kelly would have told some complete stranger to bring her to Ianto's apartment, and then walked here if we weren't there. Maybe she knew we would be here anyway.

"Thank you so much for bringing her back" Gwen manages to say something, and guides the lady back out to her car.

"Kelly what the hell happened?" We were so worried why didn't you call one of us!" I said rasing my voice probably more than I should have

"I don't know, I just woke up in some basement and found my way out before anyone saw me. I saw the lady on the street and asked her where I was and I was way to far to walk so I asked her for a ride. My head hurts, I think I need to just lie down." She says trying not to make eye contact looking around the room as if she had never been in there before.

"Alright, how about we go into the hub and you do that?" I ask and she automatically looks at me and smiles.

"Yeah, sounds great," and as Gwen comes back in we go back into the hub.


Hey guys sooooo sorry for the long wait for this... I know it's all a bit confusing but in the next chapter it will all be explained as we switch back to Kelly's POV

I would say some excuse about school work, and being so busy, but honestly I forgot all about this story, I am so sorry, but I am back now!

Thanks to every single one of you who vote, comment, and who have read this story and liked it, and even to those who have read it and not liked it!

Please give more comments because I love it sooo much when you guys let me know what you want and don't want from the story!!

Love you all!!<3 and I will try and update really soon, Thank yoooouuuuuuu!!

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