The Old and the New

By FanWriter29

910 11 10

(I don't own this picture) In this story, the good ol' Fazbear Gang gets turned into babies by their new enem... More

Chapter 1 A cute problem
Chapter 2 Crossing the line
Chapter 4 Embarrassment never ends
Chapter 5 Babysitting with the Toys
Chapter 6 Its'a Him

Chapter 3 A mythical playtime

124 2 0
By FanWriter29

Code: scream means the jumpscare noise from which ever game the animatronic makes. That also means that when I write "the animatronics yelled or yelped or screeched" means they scream like a human would.

Once upon a time, in a village far far away, there lived four villagers, Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy. One day Bonnie went fishing and was coming back with his basket full of fish when he stumbled upon a scroll. Bonnie picked up the scroll and headed back to his village, he showed his friends and read the scroll.

Bonnie: "To earn a reward, you must defeat the golden wizard"
Freddy: Guys! Do you know what this means?! We can afford a real home instead of this village!
Foxy: Aye! We be gettin' outta here!
Chica: Come on guys!
Bonnie: Wait! There's a map on the back, maybe we should follow it
Freddy: ok, we're off!

They followed the map and were stopped by a giant boulder. They looked around and tried to find something useful.

Foxy: Yar, this be it? A giant rock?
Bonnie: Maybe the maps wrong?
Chica: Hey guys, look

Chica pointed to a set of keypads planted inside the boulder.

Freddy: That's weird, it's hand prints?
Chica: maybe we have to put our hands on them?

Chica, Freddy, Bonnie, and Foxy placed their hands on the keypads and they started scanning their hands.

???: Access granted, welcome new four
Freddy: Wait What?

A trapdoor opened beneath their feet, they dropped down and landed in a cave. Freddy looked around and rubbed his head, he got up and walked around, then he saw something in the middle of the cave, it was a set of chairs. The others woke up and saw Freddy sitting in one of the chairs.

Bonnie: Uh Freddy? What are you doing?
Freddy: Sitting? I found these chairs and sat down
Foxy: Yar, looks like we fell down into a cave, mateys
Chica: I am kinda tired from that so let's take a seat
Bonnie: agreed

The all sat down and started to relax when all of sudden the chairs lit up with their colors, light brown for Freddy, purple for Bonnie, yellow for Chica, and red for Foxy. The chairs started moving forward until the were lined up in front of a screen, the screen lit up and a voice was heard from it.

???: welcome new heros, I am G.L.H, guidance for legendary heroes, but you may call me Gilda, I am here to inform you four on your new faith
Foxy: Yar, we be that faith, matey?
Gilda: That faith is defeating the golden wizard and freeing our people, the golden wizard has cursed this kingdom and now it has been turned to stone, please accept this quest and you will be rewarded
Freddy: what's the reward?

Chica elbowed Freddy.

Freddy: ow! What was that for?!
Chica: these people need help and your worried about the reward?
Freddy: a little bit...
Gilda: the reward is 1,000 gold ingots, defeat the golden wizard and his spell will be broken
Bonnie: and how are we supposed to defeat him? We are just humble town's folk
Gilda: That's why I am here, I will choose your roles based on your personality, tell me your names
Freddy: Freddy
Gilda: Freddy... your personality is to be a leader, always looking after your team, controlling, confident, and brave, your role shall be... a warrior

Freddy's chair descended into the ground and the brown light shined brighter, a sword came down from the ceiling and Freddy grabbed it.

Freddy: Sweet!
Bonnie: Bonnie!
Gilda: Bonnie.... a sensitive but strong individual, you like to make your mark, and help out in anyway you can, you shall be... a wizard

Bonnie's chair descended into the floor and the purple light shined brighter, then a wand came down from the ceiling and Bonnie grabbed it.

Bonnie: Awesome!
Chica: Chica
Gilda: Chica... you are accurate, anything you desire, you will make it happen yourself without any help, you shall be... an archer

Chica's chair descended into the floor and the yellow light shined brighter, then a bow and a stack of arrows came down from the ceiling and Chica grabbed them.

Chica: So Cool!
Foxy: Foxy
Gilda: Foxy... you are brave and strong, you are capable of defending yourself no matter how impossible things may seem, you are willing to take risks, and for that you shall be yourself, a pirate

Foxy chair descended into the floor and the red light shined brighter, then his hook was magically sharpened and his eyepatch had fancier stitchings.

Foxy: Yar! That's what I be talking about!

Then bright light shined from the screen and they started to black out.

Gilda: Good luck, heroes...

The gang woke up outside the boulder and rubbed their heads, then they stood up and looked at one another, Freddy was dressed in armor and had his sword, Bonnie had a beard, a wizard outfit, and his wand, Chica had a green elf costume and an arrow holder with her bow, Foxy had a captain's hat, some shiny boots, and pirate pants with a belt that had a shiny buckle.

Freddy: Wow, we look great!
Bonnie: We sure do!
Chica: Yeah, we are ready for adventure
Foxy: Onwards, Mateys!!

As they traveled through paths and different areas, they soon discovered that they could level up and learn new attacks, the more enemies they defeated, the more levels they earned. Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy ventured through the woods, on a quest to fight the all mighty golden wizard. They stumbled upon a dragon and prepared for a fight.

Freddy: A dragon?! Ha! That's nothing, it's no match for a level 5 warrior like me!
Bonnie: or me! A level 3 wizard!
Chica: Yeah! Let's get him guys!
Foxy: You sure lass? Ye only be a level 4 archer
Chica: Foxy, if you can do a quadruple hook slice from only being a level 2 pirate then I can totally handle this!
Foxy: Aye! Let's fight!

Freddy ran up to the dragon and sliced its claw, the dragon growled and smacked Freddy into the air, Bonnie casted a fireball spell, hitting the dragon in the face, Chica shot arrows at the dragon, creating a distraction while Foxy stabbed the dragon in the tail. After the dragon was defeated, they continued on the trail while gathering gold and resources. Then they made it to the Golden Tower. They climbed until they reached the top and saw the golden wizard. The golden wizard turned and glared at them, he threw a fireball at them and grinned.

Bonnie: WATCH OUT!

Bonnie put up a force field and protected them from the fireball.

Golden Freddy: Well, Well, Well, looks like you four know more than I thought, heh heh, now I assume your here to break the curse, hm? Well, let's just see how long you last!

The wizard summoned fire wolves and commanded them to attack, the fire wolves ran towards the group, Chica shot ice arrows at the fire wolves, turning them into smoke. Freddy charged and swung his sword at the wizard, the wizard lifted him up with magic and slammed him into the wall, Foxy ran up and managed to cut the wizard's eye, the wizard growled and summoned trolls that grabbed Foxy and started pulling him apart, Bonnie waved his wand and that lifted the trolls in the air, he crushed the wizard with his own trolls and chanted an ice attack spell. The wizard was frozen and Freddy got up to take another swing at him. Freddy swung his sword at the wizard.

Golden Freddy: Reverse spell!
Freddy: Stop!

*Record Scratch sound effect*

Everything stopped and everyone stared at each other. Bonnie's wand was a rattle, Freddy's sword was made of foam, Chica's bow was plastic, and Golden Freddy's wand was a toy hammer.

Golden Freddy: what's the problem?
Freddy: I hit you! You can't use a reverse spell on a sword!
Golden Freddy: Yes I can, if I use a reverse spell then that means you swung and hit yourself!
Freddy: That's not fair, then you're gonna use that trick every time we attack!
Golden Freddy: I am not! I'm more respectful than that!
Freddy: Are not!
Golden Freddy: Are too!
Freddy: Are not!
Golden Freddy: Are too!
Freddy: Liar Lair! Pants on fire!
Golden Freddy: I don't even wear pants!
Chica: Guys, How about this, Freddy you swung your sword and missed, Golden Freddy, you can't use reverse spells, ok?
Freddy: Fine...
Golden Freddy: Ok...

*Dramatic fight music plays*

Freddy swung at the wizard and missed, he collapsed on the floor, Foxy helped him up and Bonnie healed him. Chica shot a barrage of arrows into the air, hitting the wizard and damaging his health.

Foxy: Mateys! How about we use our attacks together!
Bonnie: Great idea Foxy!
Freddy: Ready team? Final attack!
Chica: Charge!

Freddy spun around, slicing into every direction, Bonnie created a tornado with his magic, Chica shot a barrage of poisoned arrows at the wizard, and Foxy did a quadruple hook slice, the golden wizard dropped to the ground and was defeated, the group went home and collected their prize and they all lived happily ever after...

Marionette: Hey guys, we just finished cleaning the kitchen! Aww, you guys were playing a game weren't you?
Chica: Yeah! It was fun!
Mike: Heh, I bet it was fun from all the noise we heard in here, how about a new game, huh?
Bonnie: Like What?
Mike: Like this!

Mike grabbed them and quickly placed them in the baby bouncers, they all squirmed and wiggled as they tried to get out.

(This is the baby bouncer I'm talking about)

Freddy: Hey! Let us out of these things!
Mike: Nah, you guys need to burn off some more energy anyways!
Foxy: Argh, Ye be pushin' ye limits bilge rat!
Mike: Yeah I know, but look how adorable you all look!

Mike pinched Foxy's cheek, making him growl and mumble under his breath. Mike then took out his cell phone and snapped a picture of all of them in the bouncers. He chuckled and put his phone down on one of the tables.

Marionette: Well I guess since they can't go anywhere right now then we might as well clean up some more
Mike: Ok

As Mari and Mike left, Freddy swung his legs as he dangled above the floor, he growled and started kicking and flailing his arms up and down.

Freddy: *sigh* no luck... Foxy! Can you cut the ropes?
Foxy: Yar, sorry captain, but these here ropes have this ol' captain stuck
Chica: Meaning?
Foxy: I can't cut em' lass
Golden Freddy: Bonnie! You're the tallest one here, can you touch the floor?
Bonnie: Yeah, but only a little
Golden Freddy: Ok, see if you can somehow find a way out of here

Bonnie noticed Mike's phone on the edge of the  table and had an idea.

Bonnie: I can do you one better!

Bonnie stretched out and both his little feet touch the floor, he started moving backwards until the ropes were super tightened. Bonnie then jumped up, propelling himself towards the table and grabbing Mike's phone, the others cheered and praised Bonnie for his stunt.

Foxy: Yar! Matey, that 'twas amazin'
Freddy: Yeah! That was super cool!
Chica: So what do you plan on doing with Mike's phone? Please don't smash it!
Bonnie: I'm not, but I am going to ruin his social life!
Golden Freddy: Now Bonnie, I know all the stuff Mike is doing is wrong, but don't you think that's a little too far?
Bonnie: Yeah I guess you're right... *gasp* but I have something that's equally painful!

Bonnie started texting someone and not even ten seconds later, Mike's phone started ringing.

Freddy: Who is it?

Bonnie showed them who was calling, it was a picture of an elderly woman labeled under "Mommy". The others giggled as they heard Mike coming, Bonnie was bouncing up and down in excitement, he accidentally dropped Mike's phone and Mike picked it up.

Mike: How did this end up on the floor? Whatever. *picks up phone* Hello? Mom?! What no I- I don't- Mom! No don't come down here! Mom- No! Mom!?
Chica: What did you do?
Bonnie: I texted his mom that he had kids
Freddy: Bonnie... that was well played
Bonnie: Thanks!

Mike went to the office so the others couldn't here his conversation, Mari walked in and asked what was going on.

Freddy: Basically, Bonnie is a genius
Marionette: What?
Bonnie: I stole Mike's phone and texted his mom that he had kids
Marionette: Oh... Anyway, it's getting close to six so I'm gonna put you guys down for a nap so Mike can go home and I can work on a solution for you guys
Freddy: Come on, a nap?! Mari, 6:00 am is when we roam and hang out! Besides we don't even need a- *yawn* nap...
Marionette: *giggle* sure, keep telling yourself mister, now come on so I can change you guys into some pajamas

Mari picked them up and carried them into the parts and service room, she set them down on the table and grabbed some PJ's.

(Freddy's PJ's) ⬆️

(Bonnie's PJ's)⬆️

(Chica's PJ's)⬆️

(Foxy's PJ's)⬆️

(Golden Freddy's PJ's)⬆️

Freddy kicked and wiggled, but quickly stopped because of how tired he was so Mari dressed him first, Bonnie was already asleep so Mari dressed him easily, Chica tried to put her's on, but ended up putting it on backwards so Mari helped her, Mari then had trouble getting Foxy's hook in the sleeve, but managed to get him dressed, and finally, Golden Freddy just let Mari dress him. Marionette then took them to pirate's cove and set them down in their cribs, Mari went to the rocking chair in the middle of the cribs and sung them a lullaby.

You are my sunshine~

My only sunshine~

You make me happy~

When skies are gray~

You'll never know, dear~

How much I love you~

Please don't take my sunshine away~

The others were fast asleep, Mari got up and closed the curtains, she went up to Mike and smiled.

Marionette: Day one complete
Mike: Yeah, welp I'm gonna go to bed
Marionette: Mike you should go home, I'll watch over them
Mike: No No, I can sleep in the office, I'll be fine
Marionette: ok...

Marionette went to the back to clean up a little and Mike went to the office to sleep in his rolling chair.

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