The Boy Who Can't See ✔️

By thejokerone

68.2K 1.8K 173

Have you ever read a book about a nerdy boy and a bad girl? Oh, Yes? Well what about a blind nerdy boy and ba... More

P r o l o g u e
C h a r a c t e r s
+ chapter one + ✔️
+ chapter two +
+ chapter three +
+ chapter four +
+ chapter five +
+ chapter six +
+ chapter seven +
+ chapter eight +
+ chapter nine +
+ chapter ten +
+ chapter eleven +
+ chapter twelve +
+ chapter thirteen +
+ chapter fourteen +
+ chapter fifteen +
+ chapter sixteen +
+ chapter seventeen +
+ chapter eighteen +
+ chapter nineteen +
+ chapter twenty +
+ chapter twenty-one +
+ chapter twenty-two +
+ chapter twenty-three +
+ chapter twenty-four +
+ chapter twenty-five +
+ chapter twenty-six +
+ chapter twenty-seven +
+ chapter twenty-eight +
+ chapter twenty-nine +
NEW STORY!!!!!!!
Exciting news

E p i l o g u e

1.2K 12 5
By thejokerone

An extra chapter for all of you dear followers, thanks all of you for reading this story!

             ✨Old Dan here, such a baby :(✨

(Hey guys, it's dan speaking, I wanted to thank you for keeping up with this story and finishing it, I hope you all follow me and Melissa on our journey, love y'all)


I look over at Dan sitting in the comfy chair placed right in the center of our backyard, he had his cane near by on his right side and on the table I can still see the glass filled with the lemonade I prepared for him, telling him I made it with love just for him.

I continue washing the dishes and concentrating on scrubbing all the crumbs and dirt off of them. Living as a married couple is tougher than I thought, Dan despite of his condition still tries to help me with whatever I'm having a hard time with, now that I'm 4 months pregnant It's more demanding and tiring. However, Dan always finds a way to make everything better, he prepares bubble baths to make me feel relaxed and just peaceful, he gives me body massages and doesn't complain of doing them every single day, and whenever I feel too exhausted to continue cleaning he tells me to have a break and let him finish it all. Oh and let's not forget, he always reminds me that he loves me everyday.

As I was lost in my own world I could here laughter, I rapidly closed the tap off and placed the clean dishes on the dish rack, eager to go and see what was going on outside. I walk over to the glass door and open it, I was cleaning my hands on the already wet apron from all the washing when I spotted my 4 year old son Jason, who's full name is Jason Levi Silverstone, running around while he yelled "Daddy!" "Daddy!" and crashed right into his daddy's arms, he really had a strong bond with Dan, but also shared a good relationship with me, I just wonder if he is gonna be a Daddy's boy when he's much older or if he's gonna be a mommy's boy, hmmm we'll just have to wait for the time to come and see.

Not wanting to interrupt the beautiful moment of watching my two boys cuddling with their eyes closed just holding each other in silence, with a smile on my face I turn to open the door to head back inside when I hear "Mommy!" I look back and see them both looking at my direction, with time Dan has gotten better at recognizing voices from a distance and even though he can't really see you, you know that he knows exactly where you are so it's like he's really looking into your eyes.

"Hi sweetie, cómo estás?"
(How are you?)

I have been teaching him some Spanish since I really wanted him to be able to communicate with my family side and wanted to share our culture with my kids.

"Hi momma, bien y vos?"
(good, and you?)
While sending me a toothy grin, showing his cute gums that displayed his white teeth.

"También muy bien cariño, te amo"
(Also really good honey, I love you)

"Yo también"
(Me too)
And then leaned to give me a kiss on the cheek, while I was closing my eyes and hoping not to cry out of happiness.

"Why don't you join the group hug, honey?"

Dan was looking at my direction and I loved it when he didn't wear his glasses, it took out the real beauty in him. He extended his hand and I took it, with our intertwined hands he pulled me down so I was on his lap while our little boy was on Dan's other side, he then pulled Jason and I closer to him and placed a big kiss on each of our temples then whispered, "I love you both", I felt his hand traveling to my already grown baby bump and started rubbing it while saying "I love you too future baby"

I couldn't hold it anymore and gave Dan a kiss, while my hand was on his cheek, it wasn't an intense or hardcore kiss, it was romantic and full of love.

This was how my day went by...

Except, sometimes we go out together for ice cream or to the park since Jason really loved soccer and whenever we took him there his neighborhood friends would invite him to play and they would spend hours playing. However, I didn't mind since I got to spend it with my wonderful husband.


It didn't feel odd to say it anymore, I've grown used to it and I actually love being able to walk around with Dan and our son and being a happy family, It was my favorite part out of all of it.

We were in the uber heading towards our favorite Ice cream shop, it has been our favorite since Dan took me here right after our wedding to spend a relaxing time after a big night, and it definitely helped me experience new fun things with my now- husband.

As I was watching everything through the window while enjoying the tune playing on the radio, "Best Part" by Daniel Caesar featuring H.E.R, I felt cold fingers trying to make their way up my knee until they rested on my thigh, it sent me shivers that I actually gasped of how unusual this sensation was.

Dan was looking straight on the road but his hand was still on my thigh

"Well hello Mr. Silverstone but do you mind?" I told him playfully while gesturing to his hand resting flatly on my thigh, he just looked at me and said nothing


I laughed, sometimes he's so earnest

"Can't I touch my wife?" He asked me acting all smart with me, "Now, my question for you is, do YOU mind?" He stared at me intently while not making any single move waiting for my answer

"No" I said while folding my arms, then turning back to watching the houses as we go by. However, I couldn't hide the smirk that was forming in my face.


"Mommy!" "Look, look!" "A PUPPY!"

Jason ran away from me to pet the German Shepherd dog who sat in the corner of the chair, it's owner was reading a newspaper and sipping on her coffee when she spotted Jason Levi running towards the animal

Jason arrived so fast that the dog got startled and in a swift movement got on all fours and started growling, Jason got scared and hid behind me, the woman sent us a soft smile and started patting the dog, I guess her trick worked because in a matter of few seconds the dog was lying down while sticking its tongue out

Jason rose from behind me and with a smile asked the lady, "can I pet him?"

She smiled and nodded, gesturing him to go ahead and pet his head

"Be careful baby" I told him

He looked so giddy and ecstatic, I was enjoying him look so happy until Dan came out of nowhere with two ice cream cones on one hand and his cane on the other, I ran over to him and took both ice cream cones which were already melting a little bit from today's heat

"Hey babe, I got you your favorite, Chocolate ice cream and for my little boy a Cotton candy one" Dan said while wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me closer

"Thanks sweetheart, um.. Dan I'm speaking with someone right now, she is..." I stop myself remembering that she never told me her name, she realized it too because she said: "Jasmine" she didn't need to ask anything, already knowing his situation.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Dan"

It was starting to get awkward and the only thing keeping us here was our son who looked like he was in paradise while petting this dog, I decided to break the tension

"Well, it was nice meeting you, I hope I see you and your cute dog around, let's go Jason, see you la-"


I stopped right in my tracks and said, "Yes?"

"We can hang out some other time, here you can have my number and we can text each other sometime to just.. talk you know haha, get to know each other better" she said while handing me a paper with a phone number written on it, "or I can give you my cousin's number in case I don't answer, because sometimes I'm so busy in work that answering my phone becomes a challenge" she said while handing me another paper, I was putting both pieces of papers in the front pockets of my jeans, but asked, "Hey, what's your cousin's name?"



I know I sound delusional thinking that they are so many Nicoles in this world, but the way she said it while looking dead into my eyes, made me think otherwise.

I needed to go


"Okay... Um, see you later Jasmine!"

Taking my son's hand I turned to look at her one last time and saw her staring right back at me, I quickly looked away and headed to the table where Dan was patiently waiting

"Hey, sorry I took so long"

Dan looked up and said, "It's okay, I was busy counting the napkins they put right here"

I was unusually silent, and I'm pretty sure even Dan noticed it because he asked, "Are you okay?"

I laugh and tell him "Yes, of course haha, I'm just thinking"

"Of what?"

I took a few minutes to answer,debating on whether I should tell him what's bothering me or go on with our day and not ruin our family day out

With a fake smile plastered on my face I reply, "Nothing. There's nothing wrong, don't worry. Let's finish our ice cream and go"


I laid here with Dan in our bed, just staring at the ceiling.

I couldn't stop thinking about this weird encounter with this new lady, but I couldn't help wonder if it was right for me to be worried or suspicious or was I overreacting?

My thoughts were interrupted once again by Dan, but I couldn't help blush with his comment

"I love you, Melissa"

He always knew how to make me feel better

"I love you more Dan"

With his hand caressing my back carefully, he asked me once more, "Are you sure you're okay?"

Do I lie

Or not?

"Everything is great babe, don't worry. As long as I have you I'm okay"

He felt satisfied with my answer and gave me a loving kiss, "let's go to sleep" he said while turning to turn off the lamp

Should I feel guilty for lying to him?

It doesn't matter, because as long as I had him and Jason, it was all going to be fine.

The End.

Don't worry, I'm planning on writing a sequel but it will be uploaded probably in a few months or maybe a year, but for now I share with you guys the epilogue I promised to make for you, I hope you liked it.

✨Comment what was your favorite thing about the book:

✨Who was your favorite character?:

✨What did you think of the story?

✨Would you read the sequel?

Thank you guys so much for all the comments, voted and just support on this book. Right now it's at 9.5k views and I'm so happy :)

Thank you guys, love you and I hope you follow Dan and Melissa's journey.

I'm aware this book needs a major editing right now, don't worry I will make sure to edit every chapter whenever I have the time, please understand. Thank you.



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