My Gynecologist

By MegStallion

129K 3.5K 2.9K


Dr. Knowles Effect
Fix Me!
The Morning After
Dinner Date
The Ultimatum

The Appointment

21.6K 451 771
By MegStallion

Knowles Gynecologist Center
Manhattan, New York
Saturday October 6, 2018


I sat in the waiting room of Dr. Knowles' practice, nervously bouncing my leg. It's too late to turn back now. I had nightmares about weird, cruel shit she could do to me. If that story about casting a voodoo spell on that woman to force her to have sex was true then I have every right to be fucking shook right now.

"Onika Maraj." The darkskin woman tending to the front desk called out. I looked at her and she gave me a small smile. "Dr. Knowles is ready to see you." I nodded, forcing a smile onto my face. I stood up and walked to the hallway that was lit up with pink foggy light shades along the wall. I gulped hard, as I felt my legs start shaking and almost turn into jello. I looked behind me, down the long hallway, wondering if I should make a run for it.

"Come on Nicki, don't be a punk. She won't do shit to you." My conscience nagged at me. I took a deep breath and opened the door to the room that had Dr. Knowles written on a golden plaque across it. I made a mental note of how her office was placed in a dead end hallway.

Walking inside the room, the aroma of Vanilla filled my nose and I noticed a modest painting of a pink rose hanging up on the left wall of the room. The blinds were closed, only allowing a limited amount of sun to seep into the room.

I put my purse down on the small bed with stirrups attached to the end of it, near a marble sink. I leaned against the bed, not ready to feel vulnerable in the position the bed would force me into, waiting for Dr. Knowles. I looked around, taking in my surroundings before I heard a smooth, deep, honey voice and the sound of the door knob turning. My stomach went into a knot and I had butterflies.

When she opened the door and took a small step in the room, she was yelling out into the hallway, who I figured was her receptionist, asking her to tell the next patient it would be at least thirty minutes before she could see her.

I noticed the beauty marks on her face and neck that I saw from the pictures on Google. I wonder if she actually looks like her pictures on the internet. When she finally turned her head and stepped fully into the room, I got my answer. I let out a shallow breath, staring at her. She's breathtaking. Those pictures didn't do her justice. She looks even sexier and even more gorgeous in person, which I didn't think would be possible, since her pictures were absolutely gorgeous.

"Hello Onika Maraj, I'm Dr. Knowles, your Gynecologist." She smiled. She closed the door behind her and took the few steps forward towards me and held out her left hand. I stuck out my right hand and shook hers. When she let my hand go, she sat down on a small stool in front of the sink and placed a plastic black clipboard that was in her right hand, down on the marble sink.

"You can take a seat up on the bed." She stated, flipping through papers attached to the clipboard. I nodded and struggled to get up on the bed and sit sideways.

"So, tell me what brings you here today." She looked at me with a smile on her face and crossed her right leg over her left. I eyed her for a moment taking in her beauty and aura.

"U-umm...well, I've been having..." I paused for a moment trying to find the proper words. "Some..issues down there."

Dr. Knowles chuckled and placed her hands at the top of her right knee. "Would you kindly tell me what problems you've been having? And I know it can be uncomfortable telling a complete stranger, but remember, I am a licensed doctor and I'm here to help you. No formalities, tell me everything."

I sighed and nodded my head, closing my eyes for a brief second. "I think something is wrong with my pussy." I blurted out with no hesitation.

"Can you be more specific Ms. Maraj? What would make you think this?"


"Call me Beyoncé, please." She stated before motioning her left hand for me to continue.

"Okay, Beyoncé, well, my period has been off for a few months. I even missed a period, making me think I was pregnant, which I'm not. I don't know. I've been feeling stressed lately, back pains, unbearable cramps when I do get my period and I've been very moody. I feel like I'm going through menopause with the way I've been acting." I admitted, pouring my heart out to her. I studied her face and she was very attentive and looked as if she was in deep in thought, taking in every word I said.

"Okay, I understand your concern, Ms. Maraj-"

"Call me Nicki. No formalities."

She smiled brightly, showing her perfect white, straight teeth.

"You're right. So Nicki, what I'm going to have you do is, strip down. I need you completely naked. There is a gown that is under this sink that you will put on to protect yourself, but when I come back in here in five minutes, I need you up on that bed you're sitting on, with your feet in the stirrups, alright?"


"I'll knock before I come in to warn you. If you need more time just call out to me when I knock."

"I got it Doctor, thank you."

She nodded her head and stood up, swiftly exiting out of the room. I exhaled and jumped down off the bed. Dr. Knowles doesn't seem like the type to do all that shit that the blogs were talking about. I think people are just making up stories, but what if she waits until her patients are vulnerable to pull that lesbian shit on them. I shuddered at the thought. I don't want her to get too close, but I don't know how that will be possible since she is going to be all up in my pussy.

I tried to rid myself of the thoughts in my mind and quickly got undressed. I went under the sink like Dr. Knowles told me and found a thick blue gown to put on. I slipped it on over my head and tied it in the back before getting back up on the bed and putting my feet in the stirrups. So many thoughts were going through my head when I heard a strong, yet light knock. The door opened and Beyoncé cautiously looked in to make sure I was covered up before completely walking in the room.

"You alright?" She asked, closing the door behind her.

"I'm a little nervous." I admitted.

"Please Nicki, don't be. It'll be easy and please trust me when I say I'm a true professional."

I nodded my head and she took a seat on the stool she was sitting on from earlier and pulled it closer to me, so she was in between my legs.

"I'm just going to do a brief checkup to make sure everything is okay. I'll let you know what I'm going to do before I do it and if you're uncomfortable, let me know."

"Okay." I assured her. She reached over the sink and grabbed a box of latex gloves, I now noticed. She pulled the blue gloves on before raising up the blue gown I was wearing. I was embarrassed, I've never had anyone look at my pussy besides my boyfriend, my mother when I was a child and Lo. I now have a complete stranger all up in my purse.

I leaned my head back, resting it on the bed, sighing as I felt her fingers rubbing over my pussy.

"Okay Nicki, I'm going to feel around, in between your lips. I'm doing this to check for any bumps or lumps, alright?"

"Mhm." I said lowly. I just wanted this to be over. I felt her fingers spread my lips apart and I closed my eyes. Please don't get wet, please don't get wet, I thought to myself.

I felt her pointer finger rubbing around inside my lips and brush over my clit. I tucked my bottom lip under my teeth to prevent from moaning. She brushed over my clit once more and I squirmed, grabbing onto the sides of the bed with both hands.

"I'm sorry, I know that area is very sensitive. One more brush over it and I'm done." Dr. Knowles announced before repeating the same swift motion against my sensitive numb. I wanted to moan so bad. I wanted to moan from the pit of my stomach. She barely did anything, but damn, I feel like I need to get myself off. She is damn good with her hands.

"Alright Nicki, now this part is what makes people uncomfortable the most. I'm going to use what is called a speculum, to open up your vagina and look inside. It helps me get easy access to the cervix. All you will feel is a little bit of pressure."

"Okay." I responded.

I saw her reach and grab for something, which I figured was the instrument she was going to use on me, but I couldn't exactly see it, because my legs were in the way. "Okay, I'm putting it in now," she said, and I felt a light pressure as she slipped the speculum inside of me. I gasped feeling a little pressure. "Alright, relax your body and muscles. I'm going to start opening it." She started to crank the speculum open, and the pressure began to increase. It felt a little uncomfortable and I hissed, feeling my opening throb. "Just a little more," she said. It actually started to hurt just a little bit, before she stopped.

Once she had the speculum in place, she took a long little brush and swiped the inside of my vagina with it. It wasn't painful, it only felt like a poke. After she completed the swipe, she removed the speculum.

"You did very good Nicki, most women would've been in tears and tried to fight me." She chuckled lightly. I smiled hearing her say that.

"It was..uncomfortable, but not as bad as I thought." I stated.

"Hmm." She stood up and looked at me with furrow eyebrows. "Is this your first Gynecologist appointment?" She asked, taking off her gloves and putting on new ones.

I nodded. "I know I was supposed to come when I turned twenty-one, but I wasn't sexually active yet and just didn't see the need to."

"Most people think that. I mean, it's not that bad since you weren't sexually active, but it's good to come when you're twenty one, because your body is going through so many changes at that age."

"I know."

"How old are you again?" She questioned, tilting her head slightly to the left.



"What?" I asked.

"Nothing, you just look a lot younger than that. That's a good thing." She laughed.

"Well, thank you Beyoncé." I laughed with her. "I could say the same thing about you."

She grinned at me and walked closer to me, in between my legs. "Now this part of the exam is extremely awkward. A lot of people close their eyes so they won't see anything, but I'm going to use two fingers." She said raising her left hand up, and showing me her middle and pointer finger. "I'm going to insert them inside you, while pushing on your abdomen to examine your reproductive organs and make sure I don't feel anything out of the ordinary, okay?"

I just looked at her, contemplating if I should stay and finish out this appointment. This is one of the reasons why I held off going to a Gynecologist for so long. It's weird as hell. A complete stranger fingering me to check out my reproductive organs, what the fuck.

"I know it can be weird and uncomfortable, believe me. I've been examined plenty of times, it's not fun, but I'm going to be gentle and it'll take about twenty seconds." She assured me.

I sighed. "Fine, but I can't look."

"I understand. Just get comfortable for me. Relax your hips and try not to clench your vaginal muscles against my fingers, okay?"

I nodded, staying silent and she pushed my gown up and looked down at my exposed pussy. I watched her face carefully as she looked intently.

"I'm about to push my fingers in. You'll feel a little pressure."

I bit my lip and closed my eyes as I anxiously waited for her fingers to go inside me. I was worried about the pressure and how I would feel when she does it.

I felt her hand on my abdomen and the pressure of her pushing down hard on it. I gasped as her fingers slipped inside me. It was the opposite of what I thought I would feel. Instead of pressure and a little pain, I felt nothing but pure bliss and satisfaction. Her fingers are so slim and long, my hole sucked them right up. I don't know if I was really wet or what, but that is the easiest someone has ever entered me with their fingers.

I opened my eyes to look at her and noticed her gently biting the right corner of her bottom lip, concentrating.

"Okay.." She whispered out. "Right there."

I felt her fingers moving around inside me intricately. I wanted to moan out her name so damn bad, but instead I gripped my thighs, squeezing my flesh in my hands.

"Oooo, relax, relax Nicki." She said now looking at my face.

"Should it feel like this?" I huffed out, as she kept moving her fingers around.

"Like what?" She questioned.

"Pleasurable, amazing. I feel like I'm going fucking crazy." I sighed.

"I'm almost done. A few seconds. You're just a little more sensitive and turned on by my touch, that's all. No biggie." She comforted me. "Okay.....I'm finished." She smiled at me as I felt her fingers stop moving around inside me. I stared back at her and she raised her right eyebrow and looked down. "Nicki."


"'re squeezing my arm and hand in between your legs."

I looked down and finally noticed my thighs were clenched together with her arm stuck in between them.

"I'm soooo sorry." I said feeling flushed and embarrassed.

She laughed. "It's okay, it's happened more times to me than not."

I opened my legs and she tried to pull her fingers out, but nothing happened.

"Nicki..." She laughed, trailing off. "I need you to relax your hips for me. You're gripping my fingers and I can't move them." She explained.

"Oh my god! Are you serious? I'm really sorry Dr. Knowles."

"It's fine, stay calm. Just release me."

I sat up straight, widening my legs and arching my back allowing easy access to help her slip her fingers out. She put her right hand on my knee and pulled her fingers out and unintentionally raised up her hand. The glove was covered in my wetness and I felt so embarrassed.

"Well...uh. We know you don't have a problem getting aroused or releasing bodily fluids." She joked. I put my hands over my face, embarrassed that I got turned on by a doctor penetrating me for medical purposes.

"It's okay has happened to me before. Not to that extent, but it has happened." I felt her grab my hands and pull them away from my face. "Don't be embarrassed. Some are more sensitive and become easily aroused than others."

I sighed and she let my hands go and took a step back. "Now that-that part is finished, the last thing I must do is check your breasts and underarms for any lumps.

Great. It never ends. I watched Dr. Knowles put gloves on once again and told me to raise my arms up in the air. She went under my gown and felt on my breasts and underarms.

"Everything looks good Nicki." She said removing her gloves and throwing them away once she was done.

"Thank you Doctor."

"It's my pleasure. Do you have any questions for me?"

"Yes, when will I get my results back?"

"Well, in the Gynecologist world, we won't tell our patients their results unless something was found and we need them to come back and take more tests. If you don't hear from me or my office within a few weeks, then that means everything is great. If not, we'll contact you."

I nodded.

"Any other questions?"

I thought about all the stories I've heard about Dr. Knowles. I lowkey wanted to see for myself what really goes down in this office.

"I have a personal problem..."

"Like?" She asked, staring at me.

"I can't seem to....have an orgasm."

"Oh really? Have you tried it on your own or are you unable to get one from your partner?" She questioned leaning her head to the left.

"I can't seem to get one on my own, or with my partner. I've never had one, so I figured I was just different and didn't have a g-spot."

She chuckled. "Everyone has a G-spot Nicki, even men. I can tell you, you do have one, you just have to find it."

"I can't, that's the problem. It must be too deep. Can you help me?" I asked.

"By doing what?" She stated.

"What you've done to all your other patients that said you gave them orgasms."

She laughed, rolling her eyes and leaning her head back. "That's what this is about? I'm telling you now, I have never assaulted, casted voodoo or a spell on anyone or even gave them an orgasm. They gave themselves orgasms, I just helped them find the spot."

"I didn't believe that bullshit anyway, I just need your help in trying to find it. Maybe that's why I'm so moody. I'm sexually deprived." I said dramatically.

Beyoncé smiled and shook her head. "All I'm doing is helping you find it."


She put a glove on her left hand and grabbed a tongue depressor.

"What are you doing with that?" I questioned.

"Helping you find your spot. Relax, it won't hurt."

I took a deep breath and sat back against the bed.

"Legs open, wide please." Dr. Knowles said.

I followed her directions and put my feet back in the stirrups. She looked at me as she slipped the popsicle stick into my hole and I lowly moaned. She's right. It doesn't hurt, it feels damn good.

" feel anything?" She asked, moving it around.

"I feel you moving it, but nothing too pleasurable."

"Alright, I'm going to go to the left."

I nodded and she put her right hand on my knee, to keep my legs steady. She moved it deep to the left and I arched my back a little.

"You feel something?" She asked.

I nodded my head, vigorously. "Yes, it's so close. Around that area."

She squinted her eyes as she kept moving to the left. She pressed the stick down and I let out a scream.

"Oh, fuck!" I yelled slamming my fists against the bed.

"There's one." She smiled. "Let's see if there's another."

"No, please keep it there." I pleaded, looking at her.

"Maybe I should give you a minute?" She questioned.

I shook my head. "Stay right here, and keep doing that." I demanded.

"Ms. Maraj, this is very unethical on my part."

"I promise I won't tell. Just please help me get this orgasm, please." I begged.

She sighed and looked like she was thinking. "You get a minute, that's it. I shouldn't even be doing this."

"I know, but thank you, thank you. It wouldn't be the same if I did it myself. Do whatever you did."

She looked at me, locking eyes as she moved the stick around my spot. She watched me as I spazzed and had no control of my limbs and movements. A stranger, my Gynecologist, watching me reach my peak and come undone.

My eyes watered as she tapped the depressor, quickly and roughly on my g-spot, causing me to fucking lose it. I moaned and screamed, arching my back as the pressured built up in the pit of my stomach and I felt an intense wave of pleasure wash over me. I felt as if it was an out of body experience, something I never experienced before and couldn't even describe, but I knew that was my first orgasm. She gave me my first orgasm. My fucking Gynecologist.

I rested against the bed, breathing heavily and shaking as my body tried to recuperate. I heard Dr. Knowles' glove pop and I looked at her to see her throwing the glove away and washing her hands.

"So Nicki, we'll be in contact if something is wrong. Other than that, you're free to go."

I squinted my eyes at her. She didn't even get the least bit turned on? She's dismissing me after what just happened and is acting like she didn't do a thing? I know she's just my doctor and I do have a man, but damn. I would say I'm an attractive woman, I can't believe she didn't even attempt to do something or come onto me. After what she did and the way I'm feeling, I wouldn't have not a single problem with it.

"That's it?" I asked.

"Yes." She smiled at me. "Thank you for coming. If you would like to schedule another appointment, talk to my receptionist. It was nice meeting you." She gave me a warm smile before grabbing her clipboard and exiting out the room.

I sat there for a moment; weak, shocked and confused as to what just took place. Them bitches were definitely lying on Dr. Knowles.

I slowly got off the bed and weakly put my clothes back on. The question is, what will happen from here after she gave me an orgasm, no one else has been able to give me. I hope she doesn't have me strung out and addicted, because I honestly don't know how I'm going to move past this like nothing happened. I want an orgasm again and again and again. And if she is the only person who can give me an orgasm, then so fucking be it.

I might have to get to know Dr. Knowles more than I thought.

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