Super Smash Bros Ultimate: Si...

By smashbros2014

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Since there is already a story in Smash Ultimate and that every character has specific conditions and opponen... More

Let's-A Go
Journey to New Donk City
A Quest to Seal the Darkness
Another Planet, Another Bounty
Jurassic Journey
Gourmet Clash
Spaceborne Smash
I Choose You!
Luigi's Nightmares
Home to Onett!
Up Close and Personal
All Original, All 64
No Damsel in Distress
Sarasaland Represent!
The Red One. Every Red One!
Duos for Days

The Great Poison Given Form

135 0 0
By smashbros2014

Dark Samus faces off against protagonist characters while she is teamed up with dark, evil, or corrupted variants of characters from their series, except for the penultimate battle, which is a free-for-all against Samus and Ridley.


Link (Hyrule Castle) [Zelda (Color 6) is your ally]
Chrom and Lucina (Arena Ferox) [Robin (Color 7) is your ally]
Ryu (Suzaku Castle) [Ken (Color 8) is your ally]
Squirtle, Charizard, and Pikachu (Saffron City) [Ivysaur (Color 3) is your ally]
Mario, Peach, and Daisy (Princess Peach's Castle) [Luigi (Color 6) is your ally]
Samus and Ridley (Norfair)
Master Hand and Crazy Hand (Final Destination)

Songs Used:

Hyrule Castle (Outside)
Power-Hungry Fool
M. Bison Stage Type B
Battle! (Team Galactic)
Main Theme - Luigi's Mansion (Brawl)
Vs. Ridley (Brawl)
Master Hand/Crazy Hand

Phazon. A highly radioactive substance known for its extreme mutagenic and energy-producing properties. Dark Samus. The result of the mutation taking the form of the legendary bounty hunter, Samus Aran. Its mission: To spread Phazon energy and corrupt many legendary heroes to serve it. First stop: Hyrule Castle.

Dark Samus snuck into Hyrule Castle where the beloved, Princess Zelda resided in. Guards were approaching the silent, dark menace, but Dark Samus was swatting them aside like they were mere flies. By the time Dark Samus approached Zelda's bedroom, her back as turned as she addressing her makeup in the mirror. Soon, a scream of agony escaped from Zelda's mouth.

As Zelda was slowly but surely being consumed by the great poison, Dark Samus escaped through a 15-story window, kidnapping its first "follower". As she landed, the Champion of Hyrule, Link confronted the being.

Link: Stop right there, you evil menace. If you dare threaten to kidnapped the princess then off with your head you shall be.

Then, Zelda appeared from behind Dark Samus, now having a dark appearance (Similar to Hilda from A Link Between Worlds). She was dead silent and having an angered expression on her face as she was ready to fight Link 2-on-1.

Link: P-Princess... Princess Zelda...? (To Dark Samus) You did to her! How could you, you monster?!

The two evil beings just stared Link down.

Link: I don't I'll be able to live with myself if I ever put a hand on the princess.

Zelda performed her Phantom Slash (fully-charged), but Link was able to dodge the attack.

Link: But that's not her. It's simply her form, but with a corrupted mind. I have to defeat her.

Zelda took the offensive end while Dark Samus backed off and let things play its course. Link threw a Boomerang but Zelda reflected it with Nayru's Love. Zelda then used Din's Fire, but Link was able to dodge it. He then ran up to perform a Dash Attack, but Zelda spotdodged and performed a Down Throw followed by a Neutral Aerial. Dark Samus still continued to observe while having a fully-charged Charge Shot on deck.

Link tried to go for a Down Aerial, but Zelda fended him off with her Up Smash and followed up with Farore's Wind.

Link: How did Zelda get so strong?

When Link landed, he ran toward Zelda again, but this time, he ran up to grab her and performed a Down Throw followed by an Up Tilt then a midair Spin Attack. He then released a Remote Bomb Rune and threw it upward and detonated it on contact, which launched the corrupted princess. Zelda's Farore's Wind made her reappear right before Link's eyes. With that initiative, she used her Forward Smash. As Link was being launched, Zelda aimed Din's Fire to where Link was, but he airdodged the blast. As he was landing, Link fired off an arrow, but Zelda wasn't able to reflect it in time.

Zelda then rushed at Link with the determination to defeat him, but Link simply fended off her Dash Attack with a Spin Attack. She rushed at him again, but this time, Link rolled behind her and used a double-hit Forward Smash. Before recovering, she aimed Din's Fire downward, which launched Link. Zelda recovered back onstage, followed by Link.

Link: I've... been weakened...

Link then charged up his Forward Smash (one-hit version) and unleashed a discus-like, energy-based projectile from the Master Sword. Zelda, of course, reflected it. Link expected this motion, however, which is why he jumped over his own projectile and performed a Forward Aerial, which launched Zelda. Link reacted fast and prevented Zelda's recovery with his Down Air, causing a meteor smash. After Zelda's defeat, sadness was being expressed across Link's face. As a result, Link crouched down to say a prayer.

Link: Please forgive me, great ones. I had no other choice. I--Aaaah!!

Link was shot in the back by Dark Samus's Charge Shot, causing his defeat. Dark Samus knew it had to find another follower, so it looked elsewhere.

Dark Samus later stumbled upon Arena Ferox. In the fields, there was a tactician training his magic abilities. Dark Samus found her next target. Dark Samus snuck up behind the tactician, knocking him unconscious and infusing him with Phazon energy. Now, Dark Samus waited.

Later, Prince Chrom and Princess Lucina came to the arena to get some father-daughter bonding time by training.

Chrom: I hope you have improved since our last bout?

Lucina: Of course, Father. I've grown stronger enough, I'll beat you this time.

The two soon discovered Robin's body in the center.

Chrom: What the--

Lucina: Robin!

They rushed to Robin's side.

Lucina: He looks different.

Chrom: Unusually different.

Robin now had black hair and was sporting a white tactician garb. As soon as Robin opened his eyes, the first he saw was Chrom's face (similar to how Robin first regained consciousness at the beginning of Fire Emblem: Awakening).

Chrom: You okay, Robin?

Robin quickly got up and attacked Chrom.

Lucina: (gasps) Robin!! What are you doing?

Robin said nothing and then attacked Lucina.

Lucina: What's gotten into him?
Chrom: I-I don't know, Lucina. Either someone or perhaps, something is controlling him.

Dark Samus then appeared behind Robin.

Chrom: Hey, you there! Speak thy name!
Lucina: Did you do something to Robin?

Dark Samus said nothing but commanded Robin to attack. With that, Robin started charging up his Thunder magic until he unleashed Thoron. Chrom and Lucina barely dodged the attack, landing on their butts.

Chrom: He isn't himself. He seems to be controlled by that alien-looking thing. Don't hold on back on him just because he's our friend. He may look like Robin, but it's not him. We have to attack.

Lucina shed a tear.

Lucina: Okay, Father. I will fight him.

Dark Samus stood on the sidelines and watched as the fight began.

Chrom and Lucina rushed at Robin with their respective dash attacks, but Robin rolled to other side and performed Arcfire. Afterward, both Chrom and Lucina cornered Robin from both sides and performed their respective side specials, but Robin jumped away by performing Elwind, hitting them both.

Chrom: Lucina, take the lead!
Lucina: Right.

Lucina rushed at Robin, but he stopped her in her tracks with Arcthunder. While that was happening, Chrom went for an overhead attack by performing a midair Flare Blade.

Chrom: Take this!

Robin dodged the attack, but used Nosferatu on Chrom.

Chrom: He's draining me.

Lucina saw this and charging up Shield Breaker. This move launched Robin but he was able to recover. Afterward, Lucina rushed at Robin once more performing a Dolphin Slash, which Robin spotdodged, but he then later fell victim to Chrom's Soaring Slash.

Chrom: Come at me!

Robin went for a Dash Attack, but Chrom countered. Lucina then continued the combo with Neutral Air, and Chrom finished off with another Soaring Slash. Dark Samus starting charging. Robin soon realized he was surrounded, so he went after Lucina by using Arcfire then following up with a Forward Aerial. Chrom, stunned at the fact he witnessed his son-in-law strike his only daughter, decided to strike Robin in frustration.

Chrom: How dare you?! I know you aren't Robin at the moment, but he wouldn't let anything harm Lucina.

Robin then grabbed Lucina and performed a Back Throw, throwing her to Chrom's side while glaring at Chrom the entire time.

Chrom: You okay, sweetheart?

Lucina: I can handle myself well, Father.

Chrom: Don't say that. You maybe be a strong-willed warrior just like your old man here, but you're still my little girl. I'll take it from here.

Chrom went in for a Dash Attack, while dodging Robin's Arcthunder on the way. As Robin was being launched, Chrom took the initiative to edgeguard by charging up his Flare Blade.

Chrom: No way you're dodging this attack.

Robin recovered and used his ledge attack to knock Chrom off-balance. Then he went in for a Dash Attack, but Chrom countered and launched Robin once more.

Chrom: Predictable.

As Chrom was getting the upper hand on Robin, he tried to go for a Meteor Smash but was then blindsided by Dark Samus's Charge Shot.

Chrom: (While being launched) How... foolish of me...

With Chrom defeated, Robin turned towards Lucina and started charging.

Lucina: (*gasps*, *breathes*)

Dark Samus started charging once more from a safe distance.

Lucina: Robin, listen to me. Fight it! Don't let it control you. It's me, your beloved wife, Lucina. You wouldn't hurt me, would you?

Robin used Thoron but Lucina dodged the blast.

Lucina: I guess I have no other choice to use hand-to-combat to get through to you.

Lucina went and performed Dancing Blade (Low). Robin went for a Down Tilt, but Lucina countered the attack. Robin then came again with a Dash Attack, but suddenly rolled behind Lucina, predicting her counter move. Instead, he performed Nosferatu, healing his wounds while continuously inflicting damage on Lucina for a brief moment.

Lucina: Damn it all.

Robin tried to go for an overhead attack, but Lucina fended herself off with an Up Smash.

Lucina: I'm sorry, Robin...

Lucina followed up with a Back Aerial and landed back onstage while charging her Shield Breaker while Robin was being launched. As Robin landed back onstage, it held up his shield at the last minute and was put into a dazed state from having his shield broken.

Lucina: Please forgive me...

Lucina finished off Robin with a Forward Smash.

Lucina: It didn't have to end this way.

Lucina sat there crying for a moment but was suddenly blindsided by Dark Samus's Charge Shot and was defeated. Dark Samus then left the premises to pursue another follower.

Dark Samus then visited Suzaku Castle. It thought that someone who had hand-to-hand fighting prowess should be a sufficient follower in its quest for world domination. Later on, it encountered the U.S. Martial Art Champion, Ken Masters.

Ken: Alright, let's take a breather.

Ken performed a few more kicks on his punching bag.

Ken: Inzuma Kick! Ha! I gotta get even stronger to keep up with him.

Dark Samus took its moment to strike. It attacked Ken, who slowly be consumed by the Phazon injection.

Ken, having now wearing a black gi and having a darker skin tone (similar to his alter ego, Violent Ken from USFII), joined at Dark Samus's side and waited.
Later on, Ryu, the Tireless Wanderer, came along looking for a match with his best friend.

Ryu: Ken?

Ryu dropped his bag and realized something wasn't right.

Ryu: Something terrible has happened and I fear that Ken's involved.

Then, Ken appeared behind Ryu.

Ryu: Ken! What happened? Has the Satsui no Hado affected you too?

Ken put up his dukes and Ryu was forced to do the same.

Ryu: Hopefully, this will put you in the right state of mind.

Ryu and Ken were about to face off while Dark Samus watched from the sidelines.

Both fighters started the battle with their respective Hadokens. After the clash of both fireballs, the pair clashed Dash Attacks. After that, Ryu performed a Collarbone Breaker, which Ken spotdodged and retaliated with an Inzuma Kick, which Ryu parried.

Ryu: The way Ken's attacking...

Ken performed a Tatsumaki Senpukyaku. Ryu withnessed the incoming Hurricane Kick and charged up his Focus Attack. As Ken was stunned for a brief moment, Ryu went in for a follow up attack.

Ryu: Shoryuken!!

As Ken was launched into the air, he started charging up his Focus Attack. Ken withstood Ryu's Up Smash and stunned Ryu in retaliation. Afterward, he performed a Heavy Shoryuken.

Ryu: Ken maybe flashy at times, but he's attacking with way more aggression than usual. I've come to terms with the fact that he isn't himself, but I at least help him with each blow I inflict.

Ryu tried to charge up his Focus Attack airborne, but he then canceled it in favor of his own Tatsumaki Senpukyaku. Ken then performed a Back Throw.

Ryu: This isn't the Satsui no Hado's power...but maybe something even deadlier.

Ken went for a Dash Attack, but Ryu spotdodged and went for a Forward Throw. Ryu then ran towards Ken, but he stopped him in his tracks with a heavy Hadoken.

Ryu and Ken were now delivering blows to one another up close and personal. Ryu suddenly went for an Up Smash, but Ken parried the attack and knocked Ryu on the ground with a Down Smash. Ken tried to go for an overhead attack, but Ryu rolled backwards and performed his Forward Smash, Joudan Sokutogeri. Ken was launched a good distance. Therefore, Dark Samus started charging.

Ryu: Shakunetsu!

Ken parried the multi-hit, Shakunetsu Hadoken. Ken then ran to deliver a jab combo followed by a multi-hit Tatsumaki Senpukyaku. Ryu went up to perform and few Down Tilt attacks until finishing off with a Shoryuken.

Ryu: I have to finish him off.

Ken landed back onstage with a Tatsumaki Senpukyaku, but Ryu dodged it and launched him again with a Back Air attack.

Ryu: Now!

Ken tried to recover with a flaming Shoryuken, but Ryu prevented the recovery with a Down Air Attack, causing a meteor effect.

Ryu: Sorry, Ken. I must walk this path alone. If I can't help you...

Ryu was then shot in the back by a fully-charged Charge Shot and launched to the point of no return.

As usual, Dark Samus had to scour elsewhere to find another victim. Later on, it came across the world of Kanto into Saffron City. There, it saw a bunch of Pokemon minding their own business and having some fun.

Pikachu: Pika!

Squirtle: Squirtle!

Charizard: (roars)

Dark Samus noticed one particular Pokemon sleeping and wanted to use it for its next prey:  Ivysaur, The Seed Pokemon. Soon after, the other three Pokemon went somewhere else to have fun, leaving Ivysaur to rest. This was Dark Samus's chance to strike and it ultimately struck the sleeping Pokemon. 

Ivysaur: IVY!!

From there, Dark Samus lurked around and waited. 

Later on, Pikachu, Squirtle, and Charizard returned and noticed that something was wrong with Ivysaur.

Pikachu: Pika?

Squirtle: Squir...?

Charizard: Grr...?

Ivysaur, with a deadly stare towards the other Pokemon, attacked them. Now having purple skin and sporting a bright green bub, they all briefly dodged Ivysaur's attack and were now ready to put up their dukes while Dark Samus watched from the sidelines.

This 3-v-1 Pokemon scuffle began with Charizard rushing in with Flare Blitz, but Ivysaur spotdodged the attack and went in for a Forward Aerial. Squirtle then came in with Withdraw, but Ivysaur stopped him in his tracks using Razor Leaf and following up with a Forward Smash. Pikachu then came in the picture almost hitting Ivysaur with his Skull Bash move but came up short and Ivysaur used his Down Throw to Up Air Combo.

While Ivysaur was airborne, Charizard used this opportunity to get under and successfully hit Ivysaur from under him with Fly. Squirtle tried to follow up using Waterfall, but Ivysaur airdodged that attack then received minor damage from Pikachu's Thunder Jolt. Charizard then tried to go for an overhead attack, but Ivysaur fended him off with his Bullet Seed attack. During the duration of bullet seeds, Pikachu performed a Forward Smash. Ivysaur retaliated with a Down Aerial and was then pushed back by Squirtle's Water Gun. 

Ivysaur used Vine Whip to recover back onstage and grabbed Squirtle, performing an Up Throw, and then dodged Pikachu's Forward Aerial by rolling forward, but was soon trapped by Charizard's Flamethrower which was being used repeatedly until the blast finally diminished. Immediately after, Pikachu grabbed and performed a Back Throw. That attack led right into Squirtle's Up Smash followed by a Forward Aerial. When Ivysaur finally landed on the ground, both Pikachu and Charizard surrounded the herbivorous Pokemon until releasing their side specials simultaneously. 

Ivysaur jumped up and watched as both Skull Bash and Flare Blitz clashed into each other. Squirtle then appeared and got downthrown by Ivysaur followed by an Up Smash. During Squirtle's launch duration, the two other pokemon rose up again and both tried going for Forward Airs, but Ivysaur fended them both off a simple Neutral Air. After that, Ivysaur jumped and performed an Up Air on Squirtle, causing in a Star KO.

After Squirtle's defeat, Pikachu used Quick Attack to quickly get behind Ivysaur and perform an Up Throw followed by Thunder. Charizard tried going for an overhead attack but Ivysaur fended him off with Bullet Seed once again. During this, Pikachu used his Down Smash attack which knocked Ivysaur off course and Charizard was able to successfully land a Flare Blitz, launching Ivysaur offstage. Seeing this, Dark Samus started charging. Luckily, Ivysaur was able to recover using Vine Whip. 

As Ivysaur regrouped himself, he used Razor Leaf toward Charizard, but he avoided the projectile by jumping up using Flamethrower. As Charizard trapped Ivysaur for a brief moment, Pikachu kept throwing out Thunder Jolts to excess more damage. When Charizard was finally tired out, Ivysaur strucked an immersive Foward Smash, launching him. Ivysaur tried to go for more followup hits, but Pikachu got in the way. 

Ivysaur quickly fended off Pikachu with a Forward Air and then redirected his attention back to Charizard. Before Charizard could even recover back onstage, Ivysaur used his Down Aerial on him, causing a meteor smash and Charizard's defeat.

The only one left was Pikachu. He performed a Quick Attack behind Ivysaur and followed up with an Up Smash. Instead of using his signature Thunder attack, he jumped up and performed a Back Aerial followed by a Dash Attack. He then shot out of a few Thunder Jolts, but Ivysaur dodged every projectile. As expected, Pikachu ran to perform a Forward Throw followed by a meteor-smashing Down Aerial attack. With Ivysaur's defeat, Pikachu was consumed by sadness having lost of his friends. But, his misery was soon over when Dark Samus landed the final blow to him.

Dark Samus went elsewhere to find another follower to join her on her path of destruction. It went to Princess Peach's Castle where the Mario Bros and their respective princesses were having a picnic on the roof of the castle.

Mario: You really make nice Strawberry Shortcake, Peach.

Luigi: And you make an excellent Apple Pie, Daisy.

Peach and Daisy: Thanks, boys, it's our pleasure!

As Mario and Luigi were stuffing their faces, the princesses just watched in awe as their significant others were having a good time.

Mario: Aren't you guys gonna eat?

Peach: I guess I'll have a slice of Daisy's Apple Pie.

Daisy: I'm already ahead of you on your Strawberry Shortcake, Peach.

Everyone laughed as Daisy cut herself a giant slice and swallowed it whole. After their picnic was over, they all drew straws to see who was cleaning the mess. Unfortunately, Luigi had to short straw and was very disappointed. This was Dark Samus's chance to strike.

Daisy: Meet us downstairs when you're done, sweetie.

She kissed Luigi on the cheek but Luigi kept lowkey about it.

Luigi: Yeah, yeah...

When Mario, Peach, and Daisy left, Luigi started to clean up and was suddenly attacked from behind.

A while has passed and the others started to get worried.

Daisy: Ugh, what's taking him so long? There wasn't even that much food.

Peach: It has been a while. Maybe something happened to Luigi when we were gone?

Mario: I'll go check on him.

As Mario went to check on Luigi, there was an uncomfortable silence.

Mario: Luigi? Luigi? LUIGI??

Luigi then appeared in front of his brother with a cold death stare and was now sporting a purple hat and shirt and navy blue overalls. Mario knew Luigi was not himself and called for backup.

Mario: Girls, get up here.

Peach and Daisy came up.

Peach: (Gasps) Luigi!

Daisy: Uh, he kinda looks like Waluigi... or maybe it's just my imagination.


Mario: He's not himself. Something has happened to him. We need to take him out quickly before it's too late.

Daisy: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. We not gonna kill him! Are you CRAZY? THAT'S YOUR BROTHER, MARIO!

Mario: We just gonna take him out temporarily and figure out what's wrong with him.

Peach: By combat.

Mario: Exactly.

The battle began with Mario going for a Forward Aerial, but Luigi rolled and performed a Forward Smash. Luigi then started spamming fireballs but the princesses used their respective Toads to block the attack. Mario went for a Dash Attack, but Luigi dodged and used Green Missile. 

Mario: How about this...

Mario threw a few Fireballs. During this, the princesses cornered Luigi from both sides. Luigi could have easily avoided the fireballs but was caught in a recession of Peach and Daisy's slaps and the fireballs were just collateral damage. Afterward, both princesses performed an Up Smash, launching Luigi skyward.

Daisy: Go, Mario!

Mario tried to go for a Super Jump Punch, but Luigi airdodged. As Luigi landed, he cornered again by the princesses.

Peach: Nowhere to run, Luigi.

Daisy: Now, Peach!

Peach performed Peach Bomber while Daisy performed Daisy Bomber, but Luigi fended them both off with Luigi Cyclone. After this notion, Mario successfully landed a heavy blow with his Forward Air. Luigi then regrouped himself by throwing fireballs at his brother, but Mario was reflecting them back at him with his cape. Luigi then went for a Dash Attack, but Peach stopped him in his tracks and performed a Down Throw and Daisy followed up with Daisy Parasol. 

Daisy: That's more like it!

Peach passed Mario a Vegetable and he threw it upward at Luigi. Then, Daisy hit Luigi with her Side Smash (Golf Club) and Peach followed up an Up Smash. 

Peach: These team combos are really paying off.

Luigi regrouped himself once more and ran up to grab Mario with his Poltergust, performing a Down Throw followed by a few Up Tilts, an Up Smash, then finishing off with an Up Aerial. The princesses cornered Luigi again. This time, both princesses performed their respective side specials simultaneously, but Luigi spotdodged both attacks and both princesses ending up swapping sides. With this instinct, the two princesses pulled out their respective Toads in fend off Luigi, but he knew off this and waited a bit for them to put their Toads away. Afterward, Luigi performed a Down Smash on both of them and started targeting Peach after that.

Mario: Get away from her!

Luigi performed his Standard Attack on Peach followed by a Dash Attack. Daisy intervened by throwing a Vegetable and Mario intervened by throwing a few Fireballs. The interference went smoothly but Luigi was still able to inflict a Star KO on Peach using his Super Jump Punch. To help Luigi out a bit, Dark Samus started charging. 

Mario: He's not Luigi anymore. The real Luigi would never hurt Peach.

Daisy: I hope you're right, Mario because I know the real Luigi's still in here somewhere.

Daisy ran up to Luigi and delivered a Forward Smash (Frying Pan). 

Daisy: Guess I'm gonna have to knock some sense into him.

Daisy pulled out an angry vegetable threw at Luigi, making him trip. When Luigi stood up, he unleashed a fully-charged Green Missile, but Daisy countered the attack with her Toad and Luigi was launched very far. 

Mario: Good going, Daisy!

Luigi was able to recover using Green Missile, Luigi Cyclone, and then a Super Jump Punch.

Mario: I've got this.

Mario and Luigi were clashing Fireballs with each other for a brief moment. Luigi then suddenly broke threw using Luigi Cyclone. He then used his Poltergust to perform a back throw on Mario and following up with an Up Smash. As Luigi was going to follow up with some aerial combos, Daisy interfered with a Daisy Blossom attack towards Luigi's blind side. 

Daisy: Fight me, Luigi!

As Mario landed, Luigi performed a Down Smash, launching him to prevent any interference as he went after Daisy. 

Daisy: Taste these vegetables!

Luigi dodged all of Daisy's vegetables and landed a Dash Attack. As Daisy was being launched, she tried to recover using Daisy Blossom, but Luigi fended her off a Forward Aerial. However, Daisy was left at the edge and Luigi walked up slowly.

Daisy: Luigi... look at me. It's me! Your wonderful and amazing princess, Daisy. 

Luigi just blankly stared at her and performed a Meteor Smash on her via a Down Taunt. After Daisy's defeat, Luigi was caught blindsided by Mario's Dash Attack.

Mario: How could you?! The Luigi I know would never hurt his beloved! 

Luigi threw some Fireballs, but Mario reflected all of them. Afterward, Mario launched him offstage and reflected Luigi's Green Missile recovery so he fly in the other direction, following Luigi's defeat.

Mario: I didn't want to do this, but you've left me with no choice, brother.

Mario was then shot in the back by Dark Samus. 

Dark Samus was tired of its followers being too weak to not take out every opponent possible, so it gave up on this quest and decided it was time to take out the two major threats to Dark Samus's opposition. From there, Dark Samus went to Norfair.

When Dark Samus arrived, The expert bounty, Samus Aran and the Space Pirate Leader, Ridley were already engaged in battle. Dark Samus watched for a moment and then started charging. As Samus and Ridley were about to clash once again, Dark Samus's blast intercepted, and luckily, both adversaries dodged the blast and stopped their fight to look at Dark Samus.

No words were said to accommodate what just happened. The three beings ran towards each other and the free-for-all battle began.

Ridley first performed Wing Blitz, hitting both Samus and her dark counterpart. As they both got up from the ground and regrouped themselves, Samus started running towards Ridley but was pulled back by Dark Samus's grapple beam and Dark Samus performed a Back Throw on her. Afterward, shot a Missile (Heavy) in Ridley's direction. Ridley dodged the projectile and performed Space Pirate Rush on Dark Samus, which dragged it across the floor. During this, Samus intercepted by using her Screw Attack on both of her enemies. 

Ridley then used Plasma Breath, burning both Samuses. He then tried to use Space Pirate Rush on Samus, but she dodged and went after Dark Samus. They kept firing missiles to one another until Ridley came in again with a Down Aerial, hitting both Samuses and then followed up with Wing Blitz on Dark Samus, launching the doppelganger. While airborne, Samus started charging. During the charge, Ridley performed Skewer, critically striking Samus through her chest. Noticing this, Dark Samus decided to let her good counterpart and the space dragon to duke it out with each other.

Afterward, Samus rolled onto the other side of Ridley, but she was being too predictable. Ridley read her roll and inputted a Forward Smash on the opposing side where Samus now was. Samus was launched very far, especially after that critically devastating blow she got from Ridley's tail. But luckily, she was still able to recover via her Grapple Beam. As she regrouped herself back onstage, she tried going for a Dash Attack, but Ridley blocked it and performed a Back Throw. Then, Samus performed a Down Aerial which bounced Ridley in the air. With this notion, Dark Samus started charging. Then, Ridley ran towards Samus out of extreme anger and tried to perform another Space Pirate Rush attack, but Samus spotdodged the attack and watched as Ridley accidentally threw himself offstage. He tried to recover with his Wing Blitz and ultimately failed and fell to his death into a pool of lava. 

After Ridley's defeat, Samus was then suddenly blindsided by Dark Samus's Charge Shot, which launched her far. Unfortunately, Samus used her Grapple Beam to recover and the fight continued. 

Samus and Dark Samus both rushed at each other again but this time, Dark Samus quickly rolled behind her good counterpart and performed a Forward Smash followed by a Dash Attack. When Samus landed back onstage, she used her Grapple Beam to perform a Down Throw and then follow up with a Screw Attack. As Dark Samus was landing back onstage, Samus threw out a Bomb. Afterward, they both clashed Grapple Beams, but Samus suddenly shot Missile followed by a fully-charged Charge Shot. It launched Dark Samus far, but she was still able to recover. When it landed back onstage, Dark Samus launched a Missile (Light), while Samus launched her own Missile (Heavy).

During the clash of missiles, Dark Samus ran up and rolled behind her good counterpart and performed a Down Throw followed by a Screw Attack. After, it jumped up and launched her fully-charged Charge Shot. Samus was able to recover using its Grapple Beam.

Samus performed a Down Tilt followed by an Up Aerial then a Neutral Aerial, finishing off with a pinpointed Up Smash. As Dark Samus was being launched upward, Samus went airborne to attempt an aerial combo but instead, Dark Samus used its Down Air to meteor smash Samus on the stage. The attack launched Samus so high in the air, that Dark Samus was able to follow up with a Screw Attack, defeating her good counterpart.

From there, Dark Samus seeked to spread Phazon to even greater enemies that it can use as allies for world domination. She went to the Final Destination to fight Master Hand and Crazy Hand.

Dark Samus began attacking each hand one at a time. Master Hand went for a Big Swipe, while Crazy Hand went for his Big Swipe. Master Hand then performed a Fake-out Slap which launched Dark Samus far, but it was still able to recover. Crazy Hand performed Finger Bomb but Dark Samus dodged the attack. Dark Samus tried to go for a Forward Aerial but Master Hand countered with Finger Drill. When Dark Samus regrouped itself, it put up quite a good amount of hits it can get and started charging. Afterward, Master Hand grabbed it and performed Squeeze.

Dark Samus delivered a fully-charged Charge Shot to Master Hand, knocking him out. While in a daze-like state, Dark Samus started charging up again. It then delivered a Missile (Heavy), a Forward Smash, a Down Smash, a Neutral Air, and then ending off with the fully-charged Charge Shot.

Master Hand: I'm not finished yet!

Master Hand performed Ring Toss but Dark Samus airdodged it the first time, but not on its way back. While in the momentum from being launched, Dark Samus performed a Down Aerial to a Forward Aerial before landing. Master Hand then threw out an Ink Blob and Dark Samus was covered all over. Frustrated, Samus finished off Master Hand with a Dash Attack, defeating him.

Master Hand: Noooo!!!

Afterward, Dark Samus then faced off against Crazy Hand. Crazy Hand initiated with a Big Swipe. Dark Samus then performed a Forward Aerial followed by a brief Screw Attack.

Crazy Hand: Those puny moves won't work on me!

Dark Samus tried a Back Aerial.

Crazy Hand: Take this!

Crazy Hand performed Finger Bomb, but Dark Samus dodged all of them. It then threw out a Missile (Light) at Crazy Hand. Crazy Hand then performed a succession of different attacks such as his Finger Drill, Frozen Rope, and Shovel Claw. Dark Samus was severely injured and launched but was able to recover using its Grapple Beam. Dark Samus then delivered the final blow with its Final Smash, Phazon Laser, knocking him out.

With the hands defeated, no else remained in Dark Samus's way and Phazon was spread across the Earth.

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