The Story of Charlotte Kingto...

By Artistic101

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Charlotte has returned to Hogwarts to begin her final year. A lot has changed since the Battle of Hogwarts, b... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 1

336 8 6
By Artistic101


I'm so excited! I hope you guys like it, because I really worked hard on it! Every Harry Potter character, being, object, etc. belongs to the utterly brilliant J.K. Rowling. Sorry if you notice any repetitive writing or sentence fragments. Let me know if you do, please. The next chapter will be uploaded within the next few days if: I get at least  five to ten votes. If not, I will sadly have to delete the story.:(

Also, if you would, check out the song on the side, it goes with the story.:)

Vote and Comment, Please! I hope you enjoy it!


Chapter 1

I walked hurriedly through the corridor, on my way to Charms. I held the strap of my tan satchel tightly to me. I didn’t want to drop it, or worse, Malfoy come and yank it out of my grasp.

          I’m a Muggle-Born. Ever since first year, Malfoy and his cronies, groupies, whatever you would call them, have picked on me because of my blood status. Also, being a quiet, shy Gryffindor doesn’t make my situation any better. I’m not popular, I’m not the prettiest diamond in the jewelry store, or even the talkative young adult most of the people my age are set out to be. I’m, well, how do I put this…  abnormal, different, or at least that’s the standards I set myself as.

          I only have a few friends. One is Luna Lovegood, a dainty, fantasized, kind, and smart Ravenclaw who is most commonly known as “Loony Lovegood”. It seems I’m just about the only person who doesn’t care if she’s a bit odd. Another person is Ginny Weasley, who is a brave, smart, and an athletic red-head. She’s a Gryffindor, like me, but a year younger, like Luna.

          Who I most often hang out with is Hermione Granger. She’s a Gryffindor, a Muggle-Born, and the same age as me. She almost became Head Girl, but I had one higher mark than she did, in Divination. Before we knew about the wizard world, we lived right across the street from each other, and both of our parents worked together in the same dentistry office. Being her, she has a tight schedule, so now the only time I can talk to her is in the library or in the common room when I go to visit Ginny. I sometimes talk to Harry Potter and Ron Weasley, which are Hermione’s best friends, and Ron is her boyfriend. Harry is Ginny’s boyfriend and Ron is her older brother, so it all kind of works out nice, we can all be around each other.

          Besides all of this, I’m usually in my common room, since I’m Head Girl. Oh, and I forgot to mention, Slytherin Head and Gryffindor Head have to share a common room. I don’t know who’s bright idea that was, but I’m not too fond of it. To make matters worse, the Head Boy of Slytherin is Draco bloody Malfoy. But, oddly enough, he doesn’t talk, or even scowl at me. It’s like no one’s there, which doesn’t bother me a bit.

          After the big battle between the people of Hogwarts and Voldemort and his Death Eaters, Professor McGonagall made changes or adjustments to the security and authority of the school. Now I’m in my seventh year, preparing for my life ahead of me.

          The crowd of students began to thin as I got closer and closer to the Charms classroom. But then, even as tightly I was holding my satchel to my chest, it was yanked out of my arms, everything in it went sprawling all across the corridor floor.

          “Where do you think you’re going Kington?” He spat, kicking the bottle of ink I once had in the pocket of satchel.

          The thick, black ink splattered all over the wall, the tiny blue bottle shattered on the floor into bits and pieces.

          I knew who it was by the sound of his voice. Draco Malfoy stood in front of me next to his crony, Crabbe. Crabbe was chuckling evilly, probably at how helpless I looked.

          “Well, I-I was on my way to Charms, before you two snakes came along.” I hissed, stuttering a little, not daring to look up into Malfoy’s cold, cruel grey eyes.

          I began to pick up my textbooks, parchment, and quills off of the cold, stone floor.  Most thought he would’ve changed after all the he was put through during Voldemort’s dominion. But no, he was still his arrogant, Slytherin self. I had now moved onto the shattered glass of the ink bottle.

          “R-Reparo.” I muttered, stuttering again. These situations upset me deeply. Though, why wouldn’t they? The ink bottle reassembled to the way it was before. I looked up from my satchel, settling everything back to where it was, but Malfoy was already gone.

          “How unusual…” I thought aloud, beginning to walk to Charms. The corridors were already baron. Each time I turned a corner, I readied myself, thinking Malfoy would jump out at any moment to hex me. I was used to this kind of behavior.


          A few minutes later, I entered the classroom. All eyes turned to face me, my cheeks flushed pink. Unfortunately, I had almost every class with Malfoy. I could see him in his seat, but, he wasn’t laughing, chuckling under his breath, or even smirking, which was very peculiar. When my eyes met his, there was a regretful, sorrow-filled look in them.         

          I sat down in the back row, somewhat confused.  What was up with him? I shook my thoughts away, realizing that I was wondering about a person that despised me, and vice versa.

          “At least this was the last class of the day.” I thought as I began copying notes from the chalkboard.

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