My Stripper Husband (Zarry)✔

By FlowerInZarryHeaven

125K 6.6K 14.8K

[COMPLETED]. In a blink of an eye, Harry the stripper has become future Mr. Malik. [Love, Hate, Family Busine... More



3.9K 223 756
By FlowerInZarryHeaven

[Never seen this pic before]


Yikes man!

That's what I actually wanted to tell Liam when I felt him kissing my neck, make that my sweaty neck from how nervous I was and from me getting angry at Harry.

I mean my neck is a very intimate place for me. It doesn't feel right letting anyone kissing it but Harry; it just makes me feel uncomfortable.

I smiled an awkward smile towards him, not wanting to hurt his feelings by pushing him away. I know he won't do more than that, he initiated things in the past but he's not someone to help another cheat.

"I'm a bit surprised of Harry to be honest," he said, breaking our embrace.

I frowned in confusion and he continued "I mean how strong and brave he is." He uttered.

My smile grew when he said that, even my heart still beats sadly at him not trusting to talk with me sitting there. But proud nonetheless.

"I mean," Liam let out, "Usually people who got sexually assaulted; especially raped, don't even agree to meet us or to say one word."

The door was opened and Harry walked out, making both of us look at him questionably, he didn't meet my eyes when he mumbled,

"Just going to the bathroom."

I looked at his back as he walked away, feeling my heart sinking. That was not a good sign.

"One minute, Liam." I excused myself and I followed Harry.

As I expected, the sound of crying was echoing in the bathroom. And I recognised his voice.

I bit down my lip; how ignorant I was thinking about myself and how he didn't want to talk in front of me, and I totally forgot that he was telling how he got raped for the first time ever. And to complete strangers.

I knocked softly on the door of the stall that the sound was coming from, and I heard a gasp.

"Harry," I said softly, "It's me honey, can you open up?"

"Please I need to be alone, Zayn."   

"I promise you I won't say anything, just let me in."

A moment filled with small gasps went, then he cracked the door open for me.

His eyes were puffy and red as he pushed his hair nervously off his face, and wiped his runny nose with the sleeve of his suit.

I moved my hand slowly to wipe his tears, give him a chance to push my hand away if he wanted to. Thank Lord he didn't.

"Harry, it's okay baby. Everything will be better from now on."

It seemed like I didn't say the right thing 'cause he started to cry again.

"Harry, I'm sorry-"

"Hold me." He whispered. "Just hold me." He said again, gasping, throwing his hands on my shoulders. Asking me to cuddle him like a little kid.

I pulled him close to me, and wrapped my arms around his trembling body as he cried harder in my chest, tightening his fists around me, one grabbing my shoulder and the other down my sleeve.

"Cry it out, my angel."

And we stood like that, with my hand tracing his locks softly, until I felt him relaxing against my chest. 


Four Days Later:

"How do you feel, Harry?" Liam asked Harry while we were standing in front of the courtroom. He was going to see that fucker Holland for the first time after what happened.

"I'm alright." Harry let out a nervous breath.

"Good, I just want you to stay calm and relaxed, leave everything to me, okay?"

Harry nodded and I tightened my hand around his fingers as he smiled up at me.


"So you're Holland's girlfriend?" Liam asked the woman who I have never seen before. Blonde and with the darkest eyebrows, so fake blonde I guess.

"Yes." she nodded her head.

"And you're pregnant right now and said you're having his child?"

"Yes, Holland and I are expecting a baby, and he was so happy about it." She beamed.

"Do you believe he's a heterosexual then?"

"He is yeah, I mean he is a relationship with me." She laughed a fake laugh, and I was about to throw up in my mouth.

"Alright," Liam nodded, about to burn her I could feel it, "But people from the company he worked for, said he always flirts with men, how's that heterosexual?"

"Umm.. Holland appreciated the people around him and really like to compliment them, doesn't mean he's flirting."

"And how do you know that when you don't work in the company!?"

"Objection!" One of Holland's lawyers shouted.

"What do you think regarding the accusations towards Holland?" Liam asked again.

"He is the nicest man you will ever see. He won't do that."

"Alright, well, I don't think anyone see that but you. That's everything for you Ms. Martin." Liam said.


"Joe, you stated that Holland was your boyfriend." Liam asked.

"Unfortunately." Joe said, making most of the court laugh.

"Why is that?"

"Well, he's a liar, and a rapist." Joe's face held a 'duh' expression.

"What do you say about Holland having a girlfriend?"

"Look, I don't like to call women liars, so I can only say, I didn't know about that."

"What was your relationship with Holland exactly?"


"Have you been on dates? Have you had sex with him?"

"Many times, he even told me he loved me and now I'm discovering he used to go fuc- have sex I mean with other men and women and he knocked up a chick. Wow." Joe sighed.

"Do you believe he raped Harry?"

"Yeah. The sperm test won't lie anyway. So yeah." Joe let out.


"Niall, you're the one who told the cops about your suspicion of Holland raping Harry, tell us what happened, please."

"It was the first day for Harry working with us as a model. Our boss Zayn left the company for a while, leaving Harry to train with Joe. And then Holland came and wanted to train Harry himself."

"Do you know why did he want that?"

"He said he wanted Joe to go relax, which sounded pretty odd since Holland said he just came from France, I thought like.. wasn't he tired?"  

"Continue please."

"Then I heard Harry like arguing with Holland. His voice was  a bit loud, I was then busy with other models, but anyway I went to ask what's wrong, Harry told me Holland was asking him to strip to his underwear but Harry refused."

"What did you say when Harry told you that?"

"I told him we usually tell models to do that, but to be honest we rarely do that when we are training them, besides they must agree to do that and give us consent."

"And Harry didn't give consent?"

"No. He did not." Niall continued, "I noticed then Harry going to the bathroom and Holland going after him, and some time later, Holland came back and he was screaming that he found Harry unconscious in the bathroom."

"What did you do then?" Liam asked and I felt Harry's tension beside me. I moved one of his hands to my lap and covered it with mine, moving my thump gently over his knuckles.

"I hurried along with Cameron; he works in the company as well, and we found Harry on the floor of one of the bathroom stalls."

"Do you remember which stall?"

"It was the last one; the furthest from the door."

"So you think Holland chose that stall so no one can hear him raping Harry?"

"Objection!" Holland's lawyer shouted.

"Withdrawn." Liam said, "Is there anything else you'd like to add, Mr. Horan?"

"Yes. When we found Harry in the bathroom, his clothes were very wrinkly and looked like he wore them in a hurry. I think Holland dressed him when he saw he fainted before calling us. Holland is a very bad guy."

"Thank you Mr. Horan. That's all." 


A week later:

"All rise, the honourable judge Michael Kenny presiding."

Today was the day we were all waiting for, my heart beat harder in my chest. I looked at Harry for a second. He was visibly shaking.

I couldn't believe what Holland had said, but I was glad they questioned him before Harry, because then, Harry was able to point out all the loser's lies.

When Harry got down that day, I comforted him, telling him how proud I was. I really was.

But today our fate will be decided. We want the justice we know we deserve. Hopefully the system will be in our side for once.

The judge got inside and tell everyone to sit, then he asked the guard to bring the jury.

One moment passed and I was about to go crazy. Waiting for them to say the final decision, after the judge asked them to.

"We the jury, in the case of Harry Styles vs Holland Malik, find Holland Malik guilty."

"Yes!" I screamed so loud that I literally forgot where I was. And I looked at Harry, and I saw a tear slipping from his eye.



Holland ended up getting a 5 years sentence. Which was hardly enough for what he had done.

Our boys were back to work one week after. Zayn was right on that. Getting Harry's mind off things was a good decision; not only for Harry's peace of mind but his too.

"Now we gonna start over," Joe said, moving around in his bright neon jacket, while Harry stood in front of him. "First step, walk straight to me."

Harry was about to do what Joe said, when Zayn walked by them to one of the offices; his phone pressed to his ears.

Harry's eyes followed Zayn's figure, looking more delicious than ever in that Lavender suit he was wearing.

"Failed first step." Harry breathed.

"Harry! Move!" Joe's voice took him away from his fantasies. And he flipped him off before he started walking.


"Are you sure about that, Louis?" Zayn was more than happy to hear what his friend just told him.

"Of course I am." He let out a laugh that made Zayn's smile widened.

"That's great."

"Do you wanna go out tonight, maybe bring Harry as well?" Louis wondered.

"Yeah, I think he'd love to."


"I hate our language." Shawn laughed.  They were in Louis' strip club, Shawn sitting in Louis' lap, while Harry was placing himself against Zayn's chest.

"What's making you say that, Bello?" Louis asked, laughing at the random question as well as Shawn's laugh.

"I mean if I invited you to my cottage in the forest, that's so romantic and cozy but if invited you to my cabin in the woods, you're going to die."

They all laughed.

"Yeah, imagine If I said, 'Forgive me Father for I have sinned." Harry said and we laughed as he continued,

"That would be the same as 'Sorry Daddy, I have been naughty'." Harry laughed and Zayn felt himself blushing as Harry's body vibrated against him.

"This is the last time we hang out with you guys." Zayn uttered after he took a gulp of his beer.

Harry turned around to face Zayn, pressing his lips to Zayn's, testing the beer as he pushed his tongue inside his mouth.

"Are you sure about that?" Harry smirked, making Zayn curse under his breath as Louis and Shawn laughed.


A/N: I'm sorry how hurried the events were but next chapter will be way better. (Shhh I know this one suck) 

T. H. E   E. P. I. L. O. G. U. E.

I didn't want to write Holland or Harry's confessions. Because I'm really not feeling like it.

I may edit that later and put them though. I would let you know if I did.

Most of the jokes are tumblr jokes not mine haha. I just wanted this story to have one more fun chapter.

Hope u like it. This chapter is dedicated to my lovely friend Elijah_weiss it's her birthday today so please help me wish her the happiest birthday. U pretty baby. 💛💛💛

I had to :)

Love y'all. 💛

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