Protége Moi

By BBoyPhoenix

407 0 0

A story of a first love and everything in between. The story of Brian Molko of Placebo and Asher Lily Warner... More

Long Time, No See
My Sweet Prince
Taste In Men

Nancy Boy

99 0 0
By BBoyPhoenix

Today's the first festival day and the band and I have already arrived and are now waiting for soundcheck. Bigger bands always go first and dad's headlining this year, so we had to be here early. As the crew is setting up everything on the main stage I went to walk around the grounds before they let all the fans inside. I began wondering what time Ville would get there and if we would hang out or if he'd be too busy for that... probably not. Just as my thought processed I bumped into someone causing me to fall to the ground instantly. As soon as I hit the ground I heard the most distinctive voice say
"Oh my god I'm so sorry! Here let me help you up"
As I looked up at the person I already knew as the front man of Placebo, Brian Molko. I let him help me up and brushed myself off.
"Hey, don't worry about it. It was my fault" I said shyly
"Well I wasn't really paying attention so..."
"Actually neither was I"
And with that we both started laughing.
"What's your name?"
"Asher, but just call me Ash"
"It's really nice to meet you Ash. I'm Brian."
"Yeah, I know. I'm a big fan" I replied with a smile
"Oh great!" He replied with a slight blush
"So who are you here with?" He continued
"My dad, Marilyn." I replied with a point towards the stage
"Wait wait wait!- You're Marilyn's daughter?"
"Yeah" I replied laughing slightly, "surprise you?"
"Yeah actually. How old are you?"
"I'm 19"
"Oh... so you're legal. And I'm not going to get in trouble for talking with you... perfect" he said with a cute smile
He noticed my drink was on the ground from when we bumped into each other and said "oh shit, I ruined your drink... I'm sorry about that.. hey, when I'm done with soundcheck how about I take you out for breakfast... my treat... since I seem to have ruined yours" he said as he pointed to the lousy cup of hotel coffee
"If you don't mind then that'd be lovely"
"Awesome, I think your dads done. Maybe we should go back to the stage"
As I turned to look at the stage my dad was waving me over.
"Yeah I think your right"
As we walked back to the stage we exchanged numbers and chatted a bit, getting to know each other a little bit.
"Are you gonna stay to watch soundcheck? Y'know with you being a fan...??"
"If my dad doesn't mind then yes"
"Great" he said as he turned and walked onto the stage from the backstage area.

I met up with my dad as he walked out from the other side of the stage.
"Hey sweetheart" he said as he gave me a warm embrace.
"Hey dad"
"Who was that you were walking with?"
"Does it matter?" I quickly responded knowing my dad wouldn't appreciate me talking with a boy from another band. He always said he never wanted me with a guy like him, and that includes boys in bands.
"Of course it matters, I'm supposed to take care of you"
"Hey can we go watch Placebo's soundcheck?"
We went down to the grassy area right in front of the stage and sat on the grass. As we did so Brian noticed us and waved at me. I waved back, and my dad took notice.
"Was it him that you were walking with?"
"Ash I don't kn-"
"You always say that"
"Okay that's true, but this time I mean it. I don't think it's a good idea that you hang out with him."
"Why not?"
"Because I know for a fact you like him. And he likes to drink and do drugs, and have sex with lots of women and men...."
"Dad stop!" I yelled as I laughed
"Andhethinksyourecute" he replied so quickly that I didn't catch it
"I said, and he thinks you're cute"
"What do you mean?"
"You know how my wallpaper is us?"
"Well I was at a 'social gathering'-"
"A party-"
"Okay yes a party. And he saw the picture of us and pointed at you and asked who you were cause he thought you were cute"
"He didn't seem to know me when we met..??"
"Maybe he forgot, but that won't change his thoughts"
"Yeah, well he's taking me out for breakfast after soundcheck cause he spilled my coffee so..."
"What?!" As he said that Brian began walking over to us
"Hey Ash! And... Marilyn" he said nervously
"Hey Brian, heard you were taking her out for breakfast"
"Well you see, I spilled her coffee so I said I'd make it up to her"
My dad glanced over to me and I mouthed the word 'please'
"Fine, but let me talk to you first" he said pointing at Brian
"Oh okay.." Brian said quietly
My dad pulled Brian over to the stage area and began speaking with him words that I couldn't make out. After a few minutes they walked back over and Brian said, "Let's go"

As we left we talked about what there was to eat and decided on a small diner near by. Once inside and seated I immediately asked him what my dad said to him
"Oh not much.."
"Oh please, he ranted to me during your soundcheck. What did he say?"
He sighed and began "Well he just asked me if I liked you, and then some other stuff"
"Okay wait, just go through the conversation"
He sighed again "okay so, he asked why I was 'really' taking you out to eat, and I said because I fucked up your breakfast. Then he asked me if I liked you and had any intentions with you. And I said, well I said I didn't really know you yet, and that I'd like to..." he reply shyly while blushing avoiding any eye contact with me
"Hey, Brian"
"I'd like to get to know you too"
"Yes. Absolutely."
"I'm so glad. I know we've just officially met, but I really like you Ash"
"I really like you too Brian"
"I don't think your dads going to like that. He doesn't really seem to like me too much right now"
"Don't worry, we'll fix that with time" I said with a wink

Our food cane and we ate and walked back to the venue hand in hand where my dad was anxiously waiting for us. As soon as Brian saw my dad he dropped my hand and went over to him.

"Hey Marilyn, would you be okay with me talking to your daughter?"
"The simple answer, is no" my dad replied with a big smile
I saw all the hope in Brian's face wash away as he turned to look at me
"Oh okay... sorry for asking"
As he walked back in my direction I whispered "I'll talk to him" to which he replied with a simple and small "Okay" he gave me a hug and left saying that we'd talk later.

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