Until The Sun Dies

By MaryH250

83.7K 1.7K 363

Imagine... You are sent up into the Maze instead of Teresa. You're scared alone and the only girl. But one bo... More

Pt 1:
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Pt 21:
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Pt 27:
Pt 28:
Pt 29:
Pt 30:
Pt 31:
Pt 33:
Pt 34:
6 Months Later...
What happened?
Until the Sun Dies
Crank Tunnel
Glorious Daylight
A Moment of Wonder
Back in the Maze
Psalm 18:4 Death
An Old Friend
Let Me do the Talking
Be Careful
The Truth Comes Out
The Sun Hasn't Died Yet
Control Your Temper
A Blast From the Past
Anger and Consequences
Do You Trust Me?
Why Does This Feel Like Goodbye?
I'm Coming With You
Stupid Janson
Running Out of Time
Brilliant Ideas
Flares, Buses, and Guards. Oh My!
We're Not Going to Make it
Divide and Conquer
Breathing Like a Crank
Cranky Thoughts
"Page 250"
RUNNING out of time
Memories of Rainbows
The End and the Beginning
What Happened??
Bruises, Broken Bones, and Stab Wounds! Oh My!
Crazy Ride

So Close to Safety

837 18 8
By MaryH250

 Thomas: With a loud bang, then the gun goes off in Thomas's hand. Janson ducks out of the way. Then stands with an evil sneer plastered across his face. "You missed." Thomas laughs painfully, "Did I?" Slowly Janson turns to face the glass wall behind him. Cracks splinter across the surface and maniacal howls erupt from the mouths of Cranks. Janson's face blanches. A Crank crashes through the glass tackling Janson. The Crank is joined by three others, and the four start to rip the Rat-man to shreds.

Minho: WICKED'S building comes into view right as Newt goes silent. Even Brenda and Gally are silent. "Guys, what's going on back there?" Silence for a beat, then Brenda steaks up, "I... I don't know. Newt just passed out. No warning." Minho almost jumps from his seat, "What!?" Minho asks, fear shaking his voice. Gally's voice speaks up next, "Hold up, I think he's just sleeping." "How can you tell?" Minho asks. Gally responds, "His breathing patterns and pulse are normal. He's asleep." Minho sighs in relief. Then Brenda speaks up once more, "Should we wake him?" Minho thinks for a moment. "Give him some more serum. If he wakes up, he wakes up. But I'd rather HIM wake up instead of a Crank.

Thomas: Janson is gone for good, that should be a relief. But all Thomas can feel right now is fear... and pain. Teresa now has to take on most of Thomas's weight as he loses strength with every drop of blood. The two make their way up what seems like never-ending stairs. The building crumbles more and more with each step they take. Fire roars behind them, climbing the stairs at remarkable speeds. Teresa busts through a hatch leading to the roof. But Thomas's strength is gone. He crumples to the ground, coughing up blood. Teresa crouches in front of him as fire creeps on top of the building. Thomas looks up at the girl, and his love for her bubbles inside of him. If she is the last thing he'll ever see, he's ok with that. Teresa looks stunning with the glow of the fire lighting her face. Her tears make her face sparkle with tiny glittering lights. Her eyes glisten with all the sadness and regrets of her past. Her lips tremble with the fear of loss, yet now more than ever he wants to place his lips on hers. To be close to her and never let her go. He takes his chance, leaning in, pulling her close. He kisses her with all the love and passion that had been pent up for so long. It blasts through the barriers sparking between the connection. She returns the kiss with such desperation wanting to keep him close to her. But knowing ultimately she can't. They pull apart, Teresa eyes filled with sorrow and Thomas's eyes mirroring hers. "I'm so sorry Thomas. I didn't want to betray you or lose you. I did what I thought was right." Thomas smiles at her weakly. "I love you, Teresa. I always have. No matter what you did to me, I couldn't stop loving you."

 Newt: A stabbing pain in Newt's arm awakes him from his blissful sleep. Newt's blurred eyes focus, revealing Brenda crouching over injecting the serum. "Bloody hell, could you maybe have waited to do that?" Brenda shrugs, "I didn't mean to wake you." Newt rolls his eyes, "You didn't mean to wake me when you shoved a bloody needle in my arm?" Brenda shrugs again. Newt stands up with the help of Gally and looks out the window. Newt watches as both Thomas and Teresa emerge from a hatch on the burning building. Newt lets out a sigh of relief, Tommy is alive. The berg isn't close enough yet to reach them, but it's closing the gap fast. Newt notices that Tommy looks weak. He can't tell, but he thinks there's blood on the boy's shirt. Newt turns to look at Minho, "Can you make this bloody thing go any faster?" Without averting his eyes from what's in front of him, Minho responds, "Dude, they're kissing. You really want me to interrupt that?" Newt follows Minho's gaze and sure enough, the two of them are kissing like the world is about to end. "Just do it, they can kiss later when they're both in the Safe Haven, ALIVE." Minho obeys, happy that his friend is starting to act normal, even if he looks like a Crank. Minho pulls the berg up as close to the crumbling building as he can. Newt pushes the button that opens the cargo hatch. He watches Brenda and Gally make their way over to the slow-opening door. Newt follows suit, ready help. Minho catches him by the arm. "Where do you think you're going?" Newt gives the boy a hard stare, "I'm going to help." Minho shakes his head, tightening his grip on Newt's arm. "Stay here with me. You need to rest, remember?" Newt rolls his eyes. "Come one Minho, I just got a fresh bout of serum, I'm fine." Minho pulls Newt a little closer, "Yeah, and you also just had an outburst on why we should kill you, and then passed out. I ain't taking any chances, I'm keeping you safe." Newt purses his lips, wanting to argue, but nothing comes to mind. So without another word, he slumps down into the co-pilots chair and grumbles like a little kid who just got put into time-out.

Thomas: As the fire creeps closer and closer to Thomas and Teresa, the wind starts to pick up around them. Thomas looks around in confusion, and to his delight, he spots the berg hovering several feet away from the building. Teresa follows his gaze, and when she sees the aircraft, she moves into immediate action. She pulls Thomas up by the shoulders, she half carries, half drags him to the edge of the building. There, in the open door of the berg stands Gally, Brenda, and Fry, all urging the two to jump to safety.

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