Brokenly Strong

By blackspark270

348 38 16

"Kat" I said closing my eyes, remembering her. Her eyes, nose, lips, hair. "She is beautiful" He chuckled. Oo... More

Chapter 2: The Gang
Chapter 3 : BAD DREAMS
chapter 4: SPY-MARE
CHAPTER 10: Disaster
CHAPTER 11: Glimpses Of Past

Chapter 1: SECRETS

43 4 3
By blackspark270

Neel's POV:

"He ran away...don't worry the bullet scratched my hand...yeah, I am fine... I am coming...yeah" I hang up the phone looking at the time. 9 pm. It was my fault. I should have taken the car. Now I have to walk. I was passing by a park when I heard a small girl's voice "that's my mom". I turned to saw a girl of 5 years maybe was standing with a gorgeous girl. Her back was toward me. Her brown hair were laid down which was flying at some intervals because of wind. "Oh, that's your mom" I heard her angelic voice. "Mommmyyyyy" the girl cried and ran toward a woman at her late twenties. "Oh baby, where were you? I was so scared." The woman cried hugging the girl. "Ma'am she got lost" the angelic voice replied. The woman got on her feet "thank you so much. My name is Angela Davis" the woman stretched her hand. "You can call me Kat, nice meeting you" the girl replied shaking the hand.


"Will you go on a dinner with us, Minnie will love to" Angela said making the small girl which we know as Minnie squeaked with enjoyment. "I'm sorry but I have to go now" Kat replied. "Bye Minnie" "bye" Minnie replied back. The woman and the girl left while Kat watched them leave. When they were out of sight, she turned toward me.

From front she looks more beautiful. She has a unique shade of green eyes looking directly at me. Her soft lips parted in a gasp. She ran toward me saying something but my mind was so busy to consider her words. She pulled me toward a park bench by my wrist and forced me to sit. Her lips were moving rapidly like she was scolding me but my mind was unable to register it. Another wave of wind blew making her hair scatter on her face. Without knowing my hand made its way to her face sliding her hair behind her ear. She froze then looked at me. After some seconds, she snapped her finger in front of me making the spell break.

"Did you hear any words I said?" she asked annoyed but her voice was still musical to my ear. She waved her hand in front of me making me snap out of my thoughts yet again.

"Yes" I wanted to sound like a statement but it came out like a question. She rolled her eyes talking out her phone. "Give me anyone's number who can help you" she demand. "Why?" "Because Mr." She started "I don't think you are in your right mind. You have wounds on your hand and you are lost in your thoughts. I don't think you can go home on your own"

"That's no problem; I can go on my own" "are you sure?" "Yes" "I have dressed your wound but make sure to change the bandage when you go home" she ordered. I nodded. Wow, Mr. Neel Fernandez, the youngest but toughest gangleader talking orders. This sounds foreign to my ears. I looked up. She was gone. Vanished. I tried to search but can't find her. It was like a dream. I looked at my hand; she had bandaged my hand with a blue scarf.

No, that was not a dream.


"So that's how he ran away giving you that wound" my best friend and my most trusted member of my gang Ryan asked. I nodded. "So, how did you ended up with that blue scarf?" he asked talking me off guard. He was helping me dressing my wound.

"Umm...its-"I started but he cut me. "It belongs to someone whose name starts with K" he commented. "How do you know?" I asked, confused. "I know everything. Now tell me who this K is?"

"Kat" I said closing my eyes, remembering her. Her eyes, nose, lips, hair. "She is beautiful"

He chuckled. Oops, did I say that loud. "Actually I was saying that..." I snatched the scarf from his hand "...that..." my eyes fell on the letter written at the side of the scarf " that's how you got to know her initials"

"Yup, spill. I want every detail" he giggled. "You know you are sounding like a little teenage gossip girl" I said walking to my dresser putting my pistol in it. "Don't change the subject Neel" "she was just a random girl who helped me when she saw my cuts. She dressed the wound and bandaged it with that scarf. Happy" I said putting my watch on the dresser, turning toward him. "Very loverboy" he said and ran off my room.

Loverboy huh.


Kat's POV:

(Two days later)

"Come on. How much time will you take" I said no one in particular watching the time at my hand. I was waiting for the bus. "Fuck, I am already running late and now the bus..." I kick a stone on the path. The stone reached the middle of the road. At the same time a black SUV came to a halt just above the stone. I looked at the car. My jaw touched the floor mesmerized by the car's beauty. While I was busy checking the car, the glass of the window rolled down. I can finally able to see the owner of the car. He was wearing black suit and sunglasses. He turned his face toward me talking his sunglass off. Holy shit. It is the same wounded man I helped two days ago.

"Want a lift?" he asked. I closed my mouth and looked at my both side to check if he really talking to me. The girls at my right side, one was checking him while other was giving me glares which made obvious that he is talking to me. But still to get conformation I asked "me?" pointing the finger at me. "Yes, you Kat" he said in a duh tone. Wh-wait a minute, how come he knows my name? I went toward his window side and asked "how do you know my name?"

"Where do you want me to drop you?" he asked completely douching my question. "I am not going anywhere with you" I said folding my hand in front of me. He must be a creep. What does he think of himself? "Hey, why? I can drop you" he said

"I am not going anywhere with a stranger in this beautiful, gorgeous SUV. Sorry" "you liked my car. By the way I am Neel. Now we are not strangers" "do you really think knowing names can overcome the barrier of strangers" as a cue the bus arrived. "my ride has arrived. Bye" with that said I ran toward the bus. While getting up I gave him a smile and waved at him.


Neel's POV:

(Three days later)

"Isn't he supposed to meet his other members?" Alex asked.

"Don't know. Let's check" Jake said.

"No, you all stay here. I am going." I said and left the car. I and some of my gang members were watching a gang member, Trent, of some other gang who was supposed to meet another member but instead he went in a shopping mall. I started to follow him.

He first went to the clothes section. He was looking at them or acting to look at them. His forehead was full of water drops. From time to time he looked at his side to check no one is following him. He then went to the grocery section. He turned around again to check if anyone is following him. I immediately hide behind a rack. I turned my head to see Kat.

She had cabbage in her hand but was busy peeking at someone. I went toward her to see who she is watching. My eyes immediately fell on Trent. He was shuffling with vegetables looking nervous. I know he will take time in it as he took time in clothes section too. I put my hand on Kat's shoulder. She jumped dropping the cabbage and turned toward me with her hand in front of her like she is in a boxing match. I pulled my hand in surrender "sorry, didn't mean to scare you." "Umm hey..." she said nervously "... Mr. Wounded man, what are you doing here?" she get to her compose in next part.


Kat's POV:

"SO, I got the right information that Trent will come here" I whispered to myself looking at Trent as he made his way to the grocery section. I knew he will come here to collect a slip from a lady. Trent is a type of errand boy for 'Blood Shed Gang'. He doesn't know much information about the gang but can be used as a pawn against them. I hid behind a rack full of cabbages. I absentmindedly picked one while watching Trent. He looked around watching for the girl. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped losing my grip on cabbage turning around in defending position to get face to face with Neel, the wounded man.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you" he said in surrender. "Umm hey" I started nervously. I have to send him away. I can't let Trent go away from my eyes. "Mr. Wounded man, what are you doing here?"

"I was..." his eyes roamed toward Trent's direction. "...oh shit, I have to go" he said and left.

Strange but good. I again got my eyes on Trent. He was talking to the lady. She handed him a slip as expected. I know what is coming next. He is going to meet some of his gang member handing them the slip. I followed him out. I went to the parking lot and slip inside the back of his car when he was busy searching or doing something. I kept the back door slight open so make sure one, air. Two, to flee in emergency. Three, to get to see the road. From the crack of the door I noticed a black van following us. Who are they? The gang members? But aren't they going to meet him to take the slip from him? or are they enemies? If they are enemies, I will save Trent. He is just a messenger. The original members are whom he is going to deliver the slip and the box of drugs.

The car came to a halt. I heard the back door opened. Must be he took the box of drugs from back seat. Then he closed the door. I waited to see everything is fine. Soon the 8 seater black car stopped at a distance. No one came out for some minutes. Then 4 boys, all in black suit came out of the car, guns at hand. I cant figure out the faces from the distance but I got a feeling that I know one of them. They passed by the car in the direction Trent went. After counting 20, I came out of the car. The experience of sitting in the car's back storage area was horrible. I stretched while looking around. I was in middle of a silent place surrounded by trees but it was not a forest. I turned to see a building which was partly constructed. I made my way near it. I hid myself at the entrance of the building and peeked inside. I saw the leader of the black suit gang was talking to the leader of the navy blue suit gang. I noticed that in the building 4 guys were in black suit (most probably the same buy who were in black car) and 3 guys in blue suit in which Trent was included standing behind other two blue suit guys. Both the leaders were engaged in heated conversation. I made my way inside talking the opportunity hiding behind the obstacles like drums, boxes, heap of sand, cartoons etc lying here and there in between. I was maybe at 12 feet distance hiding behind a barrel when both the leaders pulled up their guns pointing toward each other followed by their gang members. Shit!

"So you came with arms" the blue leader chuckled.

"Why? Got frightened?" the black leader back fired. He had a deep voice which I have heard somewhere. I looked at him and gasped. The black leader was none other than that wounded man, Neel. I ran my eyes at other people if I knew any of them I only found one person Mandy Hasden, for which I was following Trent. He was in blue team.

"Blood Shed is not afraid of anything especially not from fire arrows" the blue leader mocked. Blood Shed gang and Fire Arrows are the two different rivalry gang in this state. The state, Roliaden, is run by gangs. Here police are for show. They don't do anything. Nobody knows which people are in gang and who are not. Here people avoid getting in any mess. They are just leading their life peacefully. So if there any murder happens nobody give a shit. It is common in here.

"Blood Shed, Shed their blood" the blue leader threw the order. A panic came to the room. Everybody hid behind the obstacle they find. From time to time they were firing at each other. I remained quiet where I was glad that I was at so much distance from them. I didn't dare to peek at them. I just sat at my place patiently. I just hope no one kill Mandy Hasden. He is my prey. I want the pleasure of killing him. "You are outnumbered Blood Shed, surrender" I heard Neel. I peeked a little to see Trent was on the way to flee. A gun shot was heard which threw Trent just in front of me where I was hidden. He looked at me and smirked. Bastard!

He pulled me toward him and set the gun at side of my forehead. "Come out all son of bitch and see who I got" he said securing me between his one arm and the gun. All the members from both gangs came out of their hiding place. I ran my eyes at all their face and notice that Neel has a surprised expression on his face while other people have a confused expression. He muttered something to the guy next to him. It seemed that realisation hit that person to whom Neel muttered something. Mandy who was in blue team had a pale face like he saw a ghost. Is he recognised me? I was not surprised by his expression, instead I smirked. His doubt about my identity changed into conformation. He muttered something under his breath must be something like isn't she supposed to be dead or is she really here? Something like that. I smirked again enjoying his difficulty.

"Well done Trent" the blue leader praised. "Now I want all of you to place your guns down otherwise her head will be blown off". The black team looked at Neel for his orders. He nodded and about to put the gun down...

"No" I shouted which stopped them putting the gun down.

"Oh princess, let them put the guns down. They were saving you" the blue leader said like he was talking to a baby. "No need, I can save myself" I back through. "Really, how?" he asked. I smirked "like this" I said throwing my elbow behind my head which hit Trent's nose. He immediately lose his grip on me. I took that as a cue and snatched the gun from Trent and threw him toward his leader.

"How's that?" I asked pointing the gun at the blue team one by one. "Ow bitch..." Mandy started talking small steps toward me"... I thought you were dead..." everyone's attention was on me and Mandy. I took that moment to look at Neel for three seconds then shifted my eyes toward Mandy with a tilting head signalling him to take the opportunity. He nodded. " me, I was the most saddest person at that time" Mandy said coming closer. A loud thud was heard behind Mandy. He turned and saw Neel was standing behind him with a smirk while the blue leader was on the ground holding his nose which was painted in blood. The next scene went so fast that in next second the black team was beating the blue team. Seeing the situation in under control, the guy with whom Neel was talking came near me. I raised the gun at him. "Oh come on Kat. Neel's friend is my friend. By the way, I am Ryan." He introduced himself stretching his hand for a handshake. I lowered the gun but didn't shake hand. "Who told you I am Neel's friend? How do you know my name? Hell, how can I believe you are not my enemy?" I asked looking behind him to see the scene.

Trent was lying on the floor like a dead man but from time to time he looked up. He sucks at acting even if he was asked to act dead. The two black boys were busy tying the blue leader and Neel was fighting alone with Mandy. In the fighting Mandy's gun fell to the ground. Neel held up his gun on him.

No, it is not happening. No one can kill him beside me. He is my prey.

I raised my gun again. "Whoa, cool down. I am not your..." I shoot the bullet at Mandy's head. He fell on the ground "...enemy" Ryan completed, turning to see whom I shot. Neel looked at me completely pissed like he wanted some questions from him. The guys tying the leader frozed at their place. They looked between me and Neel while the leader was smiling like I did a great job. Trent was still on the floor but shock and fear was pasted on his face. "Get him and that piece of shit too to our car" Neel ordered referring to Trent and the blue leader still glaring at me. Then he started walking toward the exit. I thought he will just passed by me but he grabbed my wrist and dragged me with him through the exit toward his car. I saw Ryan smirked at us. I ignored it and let Neel dragged me to wherever he wants. I was just enjoying the satisfaction by killing one of the people who had some part in destroying my life.

_ * _ * _

Hey guys, this is the first chapter. I know it was not that good but just have patience. It was just the introduction. It will get better from middle of the second chapter. I want you people to not give up on this book. Just have patience it will become better.

For the mean time you can check my other book, 'what's up!?! Bad boy'



Stay tuned for next chapter.

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