My Stupid Senior (Troyler AU)

By SoobinsEuphoria

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Would you know that you and another person are meant to be if he lived in the same room as you? In most cases... More

Chapter 1//Troye
Chapter 2//Troye
Chapter 3//Troye
Chapter 4//Troye
Chapter 5//Troye
Chapter 6//Tyler
Chapter 7//Troye
Chapter 8//Tyler
Chapter 9//Troye
Chapter 10//Troye
Chapter 11//Troye
Chapter 12//Troye
Chapter 13//Troye
Chapter 14//Troye
Chapter 15//Troye
Chapter 16//Troye
Chapter 17//Troye
Chapter 18//Troye
Chapter 19//Troye
Chapter 20//Troye
Chapter 21//Austin
Chapter 22//Tyler
Chapter 23//Troye
Chapter 24//Troye
Chapter 25//Troye
Chapter 26//Troye
Chapter 27//Austin
Chapter 28//Connor
Chapter 29//Troye
Chapter 30//Tyler
Chapter 31//Troye
Chapter 33//Troye
Chapter 34//Troye
Chapter 35//Troye
Chapter 36//Troye
Chapter 37//Tyler
Chapter 38//Troye
Chapter 39//Troye
Chapter 40//Troye
Chapter 41//Tyler
Chapter 42//Connor
Chapter 43//Troye
Chapter 44//Troye
Chapter 45//Tyler
Chapter 46//Troye
Chapter 47//Troye
Chapter 48//Troye
Chapter 49//Tyler
Chapter 50//Troye
Chapter 51//Troye
Chapter 52//Troye
Chapter 53//Troye
Chapter 54//Troye
Chapter 55//Troye
Chapter 56//Tyler
Chapter 57//Troye
Chapter 58//Troye
Chapter 59//Tyler
Chapter 60//Troye

Chapter 32//Tyler

8.7K 430 396
By SoobinsEuphoria



I don't fall asleep right after wishing Troye a Merry Christmas. I stay awake thinking of all the things that happened yesterday. Waking up and hearing Troye's voice had me running out of the room for a cold shower. Eating breakfast singing to him. I burrow further into Troye's chest at the thought of my father's harsh actions. He's asleep now but his arms tighten around me an he feels me move. I remember him singing to me not that long ago.

I am almost positive he heard me say that Troye heard me say that I'll take that dare any day. He doesn't seem to surprised. He ignored the comment. Is he still not sure of himself yet? Is he not sure of how he should be approaching us still. Troye has gotten five thousand times more confident since we started talking back in August. I'm glad that he's becoming more and more comfortable with himself.

It's awhile before I let myself relax completely in the arms of this boy that means everything to me. I let myself relax and before I know it I drift off to the sound of his soft snoring.

"Tilly! Ty! Tyler Oakley! Darren Criss is naked!" I let my eyes fly open as I sit up reaching for my glasses as my eyes sweep Tue room.

"Where?!" I ask looking up at Troye and realizing that he is insanely close to my face. Like five inches. We look at each other for a few minutes before I regain my self control and push him back playfully. "Come on Troye!! I have presents to open!!"

I grab his hand and pull him up. Starting to drag him out of the room only to realize that both of us are missing shirts. I throw one of my shirts at him and he happily pulls it over his head. I follow his example then I grab his hand again. I pull him down to the living room where my mom and aunt are already sitting drinking coffee. I look at the beautiful tree with the presents surrounding the base. I drag Troye to the tree and grab the nearest box. I hand one to Troye and he gives me a funny look.

"Help me open my presents!" Troye nods his head and starts tearing at the paper. It's twenty minutes before we finish, my mother is taking so many pictures. She's trying to capture the Troyler and I know it. I give in not acting any different than normal. When we finish opening presents Troye says he wants to take a shower so I tell him go ahead.

"Tyler I want you to take Troye ice skating then take him to that park you like." Aunty says handing me money that I know is suppose to be my yearly Christmas money. I'm spending it all on Troye this year. Fuck everything else. He's all th a matters to me.

"Okay. Do I get to take the car or?" I trail off and my aunt throws the keys at me. I shove them in the pocket of my sweats and I hold out my arms so my mom and aunt will hug me. They stand up and sandwich hug me.

"Merry Christmas." They say in unison smiling. They let go of me and I hurry upstairs to get dressed. The water is still running in the bathroom when I get to my room. I pick out a cute but functional outfit. It's freaking cold outside but I will rock my layered look. I'm just about done fixing my quiff when Troye walks into the room. Unfortunately he's fully clothed. His hair game is incredibly strong and he looks so cute all bundled up anticipating the cold weather.

"Hi Tilly." he says and I hear him sit on the bed behind me. I don't look back at him desperately trying to finish my quiff. I don't want to be rude so I do respond.

"Heyo, babe." I finally finish my quiff and I turn back to look at him. His eyes flutter up to mine and I stare at that deep miraculous beautiful blue. I walk towards him and start dragging him outside. He doesn't object until we get into the car and I start driving away.

"Where are we going? It's Christmas nothing's open." He looks confused like he thinks I can't possibly have a real idea. I weave our fingers together as I drive towards the ice rink. I give him a look that tells him to be patient.

"There is a few things open today." I say softly loving the feel of his warm skin against my own. I want to know what his lips feel like against mine. He doesn't say anything else but he turns on the radio and starts singing along quietly to the Christmas tunes.

We pull up to the ice rink and Troye's mouth falls open. He lets go of my hand and crosses his arms across his chest. He starts shaking his head and I laugh at him.

"Come on Troye it's free on Christmas!!" I tug at his arm trying to make him smile but he doesn't budge. He won't look at me. He's looking straight ahead. "Please, babe?" his face softens at my little pet name for him.

"If I hurt myself I'm never talking to you ever again." He opens his door and steps out of the car. A huge smile breaks across my face as he stomps towards the entrance. I catch up with him and throw an arm over his shoulder.

"I used to do this every year with Korey. I've got this under control, Troye Da Boy." he lets a small smile creep onto his face as we get to the entrance. I own the door for him and he rolls his eyes at me. We find the right size skates and make our way to the ice.

Troye is very very shaky as he steps out onto the ice. I grab his hand so he won't fall and we slowly begin to skate around the rink. There is quite a few people here and there is Christmas music playing softly in the background.

"I'm learning so much about you. You never told me you could ice skate. What else haven't you told me?" This things are so weird. They don't matter but he wants to know them. He wants to know everything about me like he's in love with me or something.

"I can't actually swim all that well. I was kind of scared when we jumped into the lake. I didn't learn to tie my shoes until I was seven. I played soccer as a kid, not my thing. I've told you about dance. I want to be an entertainer when I graduate." I keep talking to him distracting him from his skating and he doesn't even realize that he's skating fine now. I let go of his hand speeding ahead of him to do a cool move. I land and he applauds me catching up carefully. He wraps his arms around me from behind. I lean back into him for a moment before I get out of his grasp and start skating again.

We skate for probably about two hours before Troye complains about being hungry. I lead him out of the rink and to the car. He doesn't question where we are going he just sits there with a cute smile on his face.

I drive us to a cafe that I know is open every single day of the year. It's run by an old man who's wife past away a few years ago. He likes spending time with people who are alone around the holidays. On Christmas he serves all by himself wanting to make sure his workers have a great holiday.

"This place is cute!" Troye says with a very excited voice. He points to the cafe I've pulled up in front of adorned with all the cute Christmas decorations. We get out of the car and walk to the entrance in home the door open for Troye again. I follow him inside hearing the door chime as it shuts behind us. Mr. Wallace appears from behind the counter and smiles widely when he sees me. Korey and I like coming here when I'm home. Mr. Wallace is a very nice man who always needs some company.

"Tyler! Merry Christmas!" he calls as we approach the counter. His eyes flick to Troye and he raises an eyebrow at me and I nod. He will know that I'm lying but he'll understand what's going on.

"Merry Christmas!" I look over to Troye then back to Mr. Wallace. "This is my best friend, Troye Mellet. He goes to JMA with me. He's my roommate."

"Hello." Troye says sticking out his hand so he can shake hands with Mr. Wallace. Once we finish introduction Mr. Wallace tells us to sit down then disappears. I lead Troye to my normal table and he cocks his head like he's confused. "He didn't even ask for an order."

"He knows what I want. He's going to get you what he always recommends to first time customers. It's good don't worry." Troye smiles at me then bites his lip looking into his lap. I'm just about to ask him what he's thinking about when Mr. Wallace sets our food in front of us.

"Thank you." Troye and I say simultaneously then start giggling. Mr. Wallace walks away leaving us be and Troye looks down at his over sized cinnamon roll and chai tea. We dig in talking only occasionally as we eat. When we finish I pull out my wallet knowing with out seeing a bill how much our bill is. I leave a generous tip then I pull Troye back to the car.

"One more place then we can go back home." taking him to my favorite park. I'm going to take him to a certain part of that park and it's going to be magical. I form a plan in my mind and this is definitely going to be great.

We reach my favorite park and as soon as we get out I run over to grab his hand. I start walking towards the beautiful arch that will be covered in Christmas lights and I start singing to him. I sing one of my favorite songs All I want for Christmas is you by Mariah Carey.

"I don't want a lot for Christmas

There is just one thing I need

I don't care about the presents

Underneath the Christmas tree

I just want you for my own

More than you could ever know

Make my wish come true

All I want for Christmas

Is you, you yeah

I don't want a lot for Christmas

There is just one thing I need

And I don't care about the presents

Underneath the Christmas tree

I don't need to hang my stocking

There upon the fireplace

Santa Claus won't make me happy

With a toy on Christmas Day

I just want you for my own

More than you could ever know

Make my wish come true

All I want for Christmas is you

You baby

Oh, I won't ask for much this Christmas

I won't even wish for snow

And I'm just gonna keep on waiting

Underneath the mistletoe

I won't make a list and send it

To the North Pole for Saint Nick

I won't even stay awake to

Hear those magic reindeer click

'Cause I just want you here tonight

Holding on to me so tight

What more can I do?

Baby all I want for Christmas is you,

You Baby

Oh, all the lights are shining

So brightly everywhere

And the sound of children's

Laughter fills the air

And everyone is singing

I hear those sleigh bells ringing

Santa, won't you bring me the one I really need?

Won't you please bring my baby to me?

Oh, I don't want a lot for Christmas

This is all I'm asking for

I just want to see my baby

Standing right outside my door

Oh, I just want you for my own

More than you could ever know

Make my wish come true

Baby all I want for Christmas is

You, You baby

All I want for Christmas is you, baby

All I want for Christmas is you, baby

All I want for Christmas is you, baby

All I want for Christmas is you, baby."

The song is exactly the perfect length. We step under the arch as the last words of the song fall out of my mouth. He pulls me close to him with a huge smile on his face. He has his hands on either side of my face and his face is really close to mine. He looks up at the lights and my eyes follow his. I point at something and he looks where I'm pointing.

"Mistletoe." I whisper looking back into eyes he considers something for about two minutes. He just states into my eyes before he suddenly leans forward and attaches his lips to mine.



Hey guys what's up its Amanda and this was probably one of my favorite chapters so far tbh. This chapter makes me really happy. FINALLY THE TROYLER KISS. How about that cuteness? Anyway if you liked any part of this chapter please:


We are so insanely close to 100K reads on this story!! Please share it with our family. I love you guys so so so much and I will see you all very soon.

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